A parasitic tapeworm that infects several animals including humans (see TAENIASIS).
A genus of cestodes (tapeworms), which include Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm), T. solium (pork tapeworm) and T. asiatica (Asian pork tapeworm). All have human final (definitive) hosts.
n. (pl. taeniae) a flat ribbon-like anatomical structure. The taeniae coli are the longitudinal ribbon-like muscles of the colon.
n. a genus of large tapeworms, some of which are parasites of the human intestine. The 4–10 m long beef tapeworm, T. saginata, is the commonest tapeworm parasite of humans. Its larval stage (see cysticercus) develops within the muscles of cattle and other ruminants, and people become infected on eating raw or undercooked beef. T. solium, the pork tapeworm, is 2–7 m long. Its larval stage may develop not only in pigs but also in humans, in whom it may cause serious disease (see cysticercosis). See also taeniasis.