Tea for depression Health Dictionary

Tea For Depression: From 1 Different Sources

Depression is a mental disorder. Patients suffering from this medical condition have a general low mood, they lack self-esteem and may also feel guilty, hopeless and worthless. There are some obvious symptoms displayed by people suffering from depression, such as: agitation, mental disturbance causing hallucinations and morbid thoughts and loss of sexual appetite. One of the main causes of this mental disorder is genetic history. There are also several external issues leading to depression: tormented childhood, relationship difficulties, loss of someone dear, money or  health problems. Anti-depressant medications are usually prescribed to patients suffering from depression. Studies showed that people between the age of 20 and 30 but also those from 30 to 40 years could suffer from depression, if there are right circumstances to cause this disease. Women are more likely to get depressed than men. They also attempt to commit suicide more often than the other sex. How Tea for Depression works Tea for depression usually calms down the person affected. Efficient Teas for Depression Ginseng tea and Gentian tea are said to be efficient as teas for depression. General benefits attributed to Ginseng tea are the following: it has cancer-preventive effects and may reduce the risk of several types of cancer, it controls blood-sugar levels and it has the ability to increase resistance to the effects of stress, by improving the circulation and mental functioning. To prepare Ginseng tea, add 2 tablespoons of the dried plant in a cup of boiling water. Steep it for 5-6 minutes, strain it and you may enjoy this beverage. Gentian plant has a long healing history, especially in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is used to treat anorexia and sluggish digestion. The Gentian tea is successful as a tea for depression, as it improves the circulation of blood to all parts of the body. To prepare Gentian tea, simmer one teaspoon of shredded Gentian root in two cups of water for 20 minutes. Allow it to cool to room temperature and then strain it. It is recommended that Gentian Tea should be drunk 15 to 30 minutes before eating. The tea is bitter and may be sweetened by adding sugar or honey. Tea for Depression: Side effects Rarely, teas for depression may cause diarrhea or vomiting. If these side effects occur, ask for your doctor’s advice. Teas for depression are good to be purchased, especially by patients suffering from this modern medical condition. A cup of the abovementioned beverage may keep away the traditional anti-depressant pills.
Health Source: Beneficial Teas
Author: Health Dictionary


Depression is a word that is regularly misused. Most people experience days or weeks when they feel low and fed up (feelings that may recur), but generally they get over it without needing to seek medical help. This is not clinical depression, best de?ned as a collection of psychological symptoms including sadness; unhappy thoughts characterised by worry, poor self-image, self-blame, guilt and low self-con?dence; downbeat views on the future; and a feeling of hopelessness. Su?erers may consider suicide, and in severe depression may soon develop HALLUCINATIONS and DELUSIONS.

Doctors make the diagnosis of depression when they believe a patient to be ill with the latter condition, which may affect physical health and in some instances be life-threatening. This form of depression is common, with up to 15 per cent of the population suffering from it at any one time, while about 20 per cent of adults have ‘medical’ depression at some time during their lives – such that it is one of the most commonly presenting disorders in general practice. Women seem more liable to develop depression than men, with one in six of the former and one in nine of the latter seeking medical help.

Manic depression is a serious form of the disorder that recurs throughout life and is manifested by bouts of abnormal elation – the manic stage. Both the manic and depressive phases are commonly accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations and a loss of sense of reality. This combination is sometimes termed a manic-depressive psychosis or bipolar affective disorder because of the illness’s division into two parts. Another psychiatric description is the catch-all term ‘affective disorder’.

Symptoms These vary with the illness’s severity. Anxiety and variable moods are the main symptoms in mild depression. The sufferer may cry without any reason or be unresponsive to relatives and friends. In its more severe form, depression presents with a loss of appetite, sleeping problems, lack of interest in and enjoyment of social activities, tiredness for no obvious reason, an indi?erence to sexual activity and a lack of concentration. The individual’s physical and mental activities slow down and he or she may contemplate suicide. Symptoms may vary during the 24 hours, being less troublesome during the latter part of the day and worse at night. Some people get depressed during the winter months, probably a consequence of the long hours of darkness: this disorder – SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER SYNDROME, or SADS – is thought to be more common in populations living in areas with long winters and limited daylight. Untreated, a person with depressive symptoms may steadily worsen, even withdrawing to bed for much of the time, and allowing his or her personal appearance, hygiene and environment to deteriorate. Children and adolescents may also suffer from depression and the disorder is not always recognised.

Causes A real depressive illness rarely has a single obvious cause, although sometimes the death of a close relative, loss of employment or a broken personal relationship may trigger a bout. Depression probably has a genetic background; for instance, manic depression seems to run in some families. Viral infections sometimes cause depression, and hormonal disorders – for example, HYPOTHYROIDISM or postnatal hormonal disturbances (postnatal depression) – will cause it. Di?cult family or social relations can contribute to the development of the disorder. Depression is believed to occur because of chemical changes in the transmission of signals in the nervous system, with a reduction in the neurochemicals that facilitate the passage of messages throughout the system.

Treatment This depends on the type and severity of the depression. These are three main forms. PSYCHOTHERAPY either on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group: this is valuable for those whose depression is the result of lifestyle or personality problems. Various types of psychotherapy are available. DRUG TREATMENT is the most common method and is particularly helpful for those with physical symptoms. ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS are divided into three main groups: TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS (amitriptyline, imipramine and dothiepin are examples); MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS (MAOIS) (phenelzine, isocarboxazid and tranylcypromine are examples); and SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITORS (SSRIS) (?uoxetine – well known as Prozac®, ?uvoxamine and paroxetine are examples). For manic depression, lithium carbonate is the main preventive drug and it is also used for persistent depression that fails to respond to other treatments. Long-term lithium treatment reduces the likelihood of relapse in about 80 per cent of manic depressives, but the margin between control and toxic side-effects is narrow, so the drug must be carefully supervised. Indeed, all drug treatment for depression needs regular monitoring as the substances have powerful chemical properties with consequential side-effects in some people. Furthermore, the nature of the illness means that some sufferers forget or do not want to take the medication. ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) If drug treatments fail, severely depressed patients may be considered for ECT. This treatment has been used for many years but is now only rarely recommended. Given under general anaesthetic, in appropriate circumstances, ECT is safe and e?ective and may even be life-saving, though temporary impairment of memory may occur. Because the treatment was often misused in the past, it still carries a reputation that worries patients and relatives; hence careful assessment and counselling are essential before use is recommended.

Some patients with depression – particularly those with manic depression or who are a danger to themselves or to the public, or who are suicidal – may need admission to hospital, or in severe cases to a secure unit, in order to initiate treatment. But as far as possible patients are treated in the community (see MENTAL ILLNESS).... depression

Manic Depression

Manic depression, or CYCLOTHYMIA, is a form of MENTAL ILLNESS characterised by alternate attacks of mania and depression.... manic depression

Postnatal Depression

Depression in a woman after childbirth. The cause is probably a combination of sudden hormonal changes and psychological and environmental factors. The depression ranges from an extremely common and mild, shortlived episode (“baby blues”) to a rare, severe depressive psychosis.

Most mothers first get the “blues” 4–5 days after childbirth and may feel miserable, irritable, and tearful. The cause is hormonal changes, perhaps coupled with a sense of anticlimax or an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the baby. With reassurance and support, the depression usually passes in 2–3 days. In about 10–15 per cent of women, the depression lasts for weeks and causes a constant feeling of tiredness, difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite, and restlessness. The condition usually clears up of its own accord or is treated with antidepressant drugs.

Depressive psychosis usually starts 2–3 weeks after childbirth, causing severe mental confusion, feelings of worthlessness, threats of suicide or harm to the baby, and sometimes delusions.

Hospital admission, ideally with the baby, and antidepressant drugs are often needed.... postnatal depression

Puerperal Depression

Also called postnatal DEPRESSION, this is the state of depression that may affect women soon after they have given birth. The condition often occurs suddenly a day or so after the birth. Many women suffer from it and usually they can be managed with sympathetic support. If, however, the depression – sometimes called ‘maternal blues’ – persists for ten days or more, mild ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS are usually e?ective. If not, psychiatric advice is recommended. (See PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)... puerperal depression

Postpartum Depression

See postnatal depression.... postpartum depression

Depression – Post-natal

Extreme anguish after birth of a child. Mental illness: “sinking into gloom”. Baby blues. Bursting into tears; every small problem seems magnified; agoraphobic tendency. Etiology. Some mothers have a genetic predisposition to the condition. Death of a close relative, stressful pregnancy, redundancy, moving house, or sheer physical and mental exhaustion.

Treatment. Conventional medicine advises strong anti-depressants. Alternatives, until “hormones settle down”: Agnus Castus, Helonias, Milk Thistle. Raspberry leaf tea (tablets/capsules/liquid extracts/tinctures). Special attention to the thyroid gland.


Supplements. Vitamins: B group, E. Minerals: Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc. Tyrosine. Supportives: Astute GP, helpful health visitor, thoughtful husband. ... depression – post-natal

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