Linn. f.
Family: Verbenaceae.
Habitat: A tree occurring in Western Peninsula, Central India and Bihar.
English: Teak tree.
Ayurvedic: Shaaka, Bhuumisaha, Dwaaradaaru, Varadaaru, Kharach- hada, Saagawaan, Saagauna.
Siddha/Tamil: Thekku.
Action: Flower—used in bronchitis, biliousness and urinary discharges. Flower and seed—diuretic.
Wood—expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibilious, anthelmintic. Used for inflammatory swellings.Bark—astringent. Used in bronchitis. Root—used for anuria and retention of urine. Nut oil—used in the treatment of scabies and other skin diseases; also for promoting hair growth.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the heartwood in lipid disorders, also for treating threatened abortion.The wood is rich in anthraquinones, naphthalene compounds and triter- penic and hemi-terpenic compounds.The Leaves contain tectoleafqui- none. The bark contains 7.14% tannin. The seed oil contains linoleic acid (about 53%), along with lauric, myris- tic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic and arachidic acids. The kernels yield 44.5% of a fatty oil.
Dosage: Heartwood—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. III.)
R. Br.
Synonym: P. morindaefolia R. Br. ex Wt.
Family: Nyctaginaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated in gardens in Chennai and other places near the sea on both east and west coasts.
English: Lettuce tree.
Siddha/Tamil: Chandi keerai, Leechai kottai keerai, Nachu Kottai keerai.
Action: Fresh leaf—diuretic, used in inflammations (of elephantoid nature in legs and other parts). Root—purgative.
The plant gave octacosanol, beta- sitosterol, alpha-spinasterol, beta-si- tosterol-b eta-D-glucopyranoside, dul- citol and quercetin.Karkata, Karkataakhya, Kuli- rashringaaya, Kuliravishaanikaa, Vakraa, Vishaani. Ajashringi (also equated with Gymnema sylvestre).
Unani: Kaakraasingi, Kakar.
Siddha/Tamil: Karkatagasingi.
Action: Gall—astringent, expectorant, antiasthmatic, antidysenteric, styptic.
Key application: In cough, bronchitis and dyspnoea. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.)The tetracyclic triterpenes, pistaci- gerrimones A, B and C have been isolated from the galls produced on the leaves.Alpha-pinene 21.8, beta-pinene 16.2, alpha-phellandrene 15.5 and delta-carene 11% are major constituents of the essential oil extracted from galls. The oil is reported to exhibit CNS- depressant, antispasmodic, carminative and antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antiamoebic, anthelmintic activities.
Dosage: Gall—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... pisonia grandis