Tema Health Dictionary

Tema: From 1 Different Sources

(Hebrew) One who is righteous; palm tree

Temah, Temma, Temmah

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A benzodiazepine anxiolytic (see BENZODIAZEPINES; ANXIOLYTICS) derived from diazepam. To be used with care for short-term treatment of insomnia, generally associated with di?culty in falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakening or early-morning awakening. Temazepam is a relatively quick-acting hypnotic of short duration, so – although there is little hangover the next morning compared with other hypnotics – there may still be some drowsiness and e?ect on skilled tasks such as driving. It should be avoided in elderly people who are at risk of becoming ataxic and so liable to falling and injuring themselves. Temazepam is often abused by drug addicts.... temazepam

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