A feeling of mental and physical strain associated with anxiety. Muscle tension may cause headaches and stiffness in muscles. Persistent tension is related to generalized anxiety disorder.
(See also stress.)
(transvaginal tape, TVT) a surgical sling procedure for treating stress incontinence in women that uses a tape made of polypropylene mesh. The tape is inserted under the mid-urethra (rather than the bladder neck, as in a *pubovaginal sling), passing through the retropubic space on either side, and is fixed to the abdominal wall just internal to the pubic symphysis. The transobturator tape (TOT) procedure is similar, but in this technique a tunnel is created out to the *obturator foramen on either side, lessening the risk of vascular and bladder injuries. Tape procedures have lower morbidity rates than *colposuspension and have gradually replaced the latter as the surgical procedure of choice for treating female stress incontinence, but there may be complications associated with nonabsorbable mesh.... tension-free vaginal tape