A wide ?ap of DURA MATER forming a partition between the cerebrum and cerebellum (see BRAIN) and supporting the former.
n. a curved infolded sheet of *dura mater that dips inwards from the skull and separates the cerebellum below from the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres above.
(dura mater, pachymeninx) n. the thickest and outermost of the three *meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It consists of two closely adherent layers, the outer of which is identical with the periosteum of the skull. The inner dura extends downwards between the cerebral hemispheres to form the falx cerebri and forwards between the cerebrum and cerebellum to form the tentorium. A thin film of fluid (not cerebrospinal fluid) separates the inner dura from the arachnoid.... dura