Habitat: Western Andhra Pradesh and Central India.
English: Leathery Murdah.Folk: Tani (Andhra Pradesh)Action: Bark—cardiac stimulant.
Habitat: Western Andhra Pradesh and Central India.
English: Leathery Murdah.Folk: Tani (Andhra Pradesh)Action: Bark—cardiac stimulant.
Habitat: Throughout the greater part of India, also grown as an avenue tree.
English: Arjun Terminalia.Ayurvedic: Arjuna, Dhananjaya, Kaakubha, Kakubha, Aartagala, Indravriksha, Paartha, Virataru, Viravriksha.Unani: ArjunSiddha: Marudam.Action: Bark—used as a cardiopro- tective and cardiotonic in angina and poor coronary circulation; as a diuretic in cirrhosis of liver and for symptomatic relief in hypertension; externally in skin diseases, herpes and leukoderma. Powdered bark is prescribed with milk in fractures and contusions with excessive ec- chymosis, also in urinary discharges and strangury. Fruit—deobstruent.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the powder of the stembark in emaciation, chest diseases, cardiac disorders, lipid imbalances and polyuria.The bark extract contains acids (ar- junolic acid, terminic acid), glyco- sides (arjunetin, arjunosides I-IV), and strong antioxidants—flavones, tannins, oligomeric proanthocyani- dins.The bark extract (500 mg every 8 h) given to (58 male) patients with stable angina with provocable ischemia on treadmill exercise, led to improvement in clinical and treadmill exercise parameters as compared to placebo therapy.These benefits were similar to those observed with isosorbide mononitrate (40 mg/day). (Indian Heart J. 2002, 54(4), 441.)Arjunolic acid exhibited significant cardiac protection in isoproterenol- induced myocardial necrosis in rats.T (Mol Cell Biochem, 2001, 224 (1-2), 135-42.) A study demonstrated that the alcoholic extract of Terminalia arjuna bark augmented endogenous antioxi- dant compounds of the rat heart and prevented from isoproterenol-induced myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury. (Life Sci. 2003, 73 (21), 27272739.) Cardiac lipid peroxidation in male Wistar rats was reduced by 38.8% ± 2.6% at a dose of 90 mg/kg, in a study based on aqueous freeze-dried extract ofthebark. (PhytotherRes. 2001,15(6), 510-23.)Oral administration of bark powder (400 mg/kg body weight) for 10 days produced significant increase in circulating histamine, a little increase in 5-HT, catecholamines and HDL cholesterol, and decrease in total lipid, triglycerides and total cholesterol in normal rats.Casuarinin, a hydrolyzable tannin, isolated from the bark, exhibited antiherpes virus activity by inhibiting viral attachment and penetration. 50% ethanolic extract of the bark exhibited significant increase in the tensile of the incision wounds.Dosage: Stembark—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. II.)... terminalia arjunaHabitat: Throughout deciduous forests of India.
English: Belleric Myrobalan, Bastard Myrobalan.Ayurvedic: Bibhitaka, Vibhitaka, Bibhitaki, Bibhita, Baibhita, Aksha, Akshaka, Kaamaghna, Kalidru Kali, Karshaphala.Unani: Balelaa, Baheraa.Siddha/Tamil: Thaanrikkaai, Thandri.Action: Fruit—purgative when half ripe, astringent when ripe; antipyretic; used in prescriptions for diarrhoea, dyspepsia, biliousness; cough, bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia and allergic eruptions.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the drug in powder form in emesis and worm infestation, in addition to other therapeutic applications.The fruits contain beta-sitosterol, gallic and ellagic acids, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose, chebulagic acid and a cardiac glycoside, bellaricanin.The fruits produce hepato-protec- tive effect in CCl4-induced liver injury in mice. Alcoholic extract of the fruit exerted a negative chrono-and inotrop- ic and hypotensive effect of varying magnitude in a dose dependent fashion on isolated rat and frog atria and rabbit heart.The fruit contains all components of Chebulic myrobalan (T. chebula) except corilagin and chebulic acid.The fleshy fruit pulp contains 21.4% tannin, both condensed and hydrolys- able types.The flower showed spermicidal activity.Dosage: Fruit—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... terminalia belliricaHabitat: Andamans.
English: White Chuglam, Silvergrey Wood.Action: Bark—cardiac stimulant. It contains tannins and is used as an adulterant to cutch.... terminalia bialata
Habitat: Foothills of Himalayas from Nepal eastwards to Assam.
Folk: Haritaki (Bengal); Monalu (Assam), Suravaari Harad (Gujarat).Action: Bark—diuretic, cardiotonic. Fruits—used as those of T. chebula.
The tannin in the fruit is reported to be between 30-40% of the dry weight.... terminalia citrinaFamily: Combretaceae.
Habitat: Cultivated throughout hotter parts of India, also in the Andamans.
English: Indian Almond, Tropical Almond.Siddha/Tamil: Natuvadom.Folk: Jangali Baadaam, Desi Baadaam.Action: Bark—astringent, an- tidysenteric, mild diuretic. Leaf— antiseptic, anti-inflammatory. Oil from kernel—substitute for almond oil; contains oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids. Fresh kernels resemble almonds; contain fat 52.02, protein 25.42, sugars as glucose 5.98%. Leaf—sudorific; applied to rheumatic joints. Ointment made from juice—used in scabies and other cutaneous affections.
The husk and endocarp contain tannins and pentosans. The heartwood and stembark contain beta-sitosterol and its palmitate. The heartwood, in addition, contain terminolic acid and triterpenic methyl esters.... terminalia catappaHabitat: Abundant in Northern India. Also occurs in the forests of Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, especially in Konkan.
English: Chebulic Myrobalan, Black Myrobalan.Ayurvedic: Haritaki, Kaayasthaa, Pathyaa, Shreyasi, Shivaa. (Jivanti, Puutanaa, Vijayaa, Abhayaa, Rohini, Chetaki, Amritaa—according to some scholars, these represent seven varieties of Haritaki; now used as synonyms.)Unani: Harad, Halelaa siyaah, Halelaa zard, Halelaa Kaabuli (varieties).Siddha/Tamil: Kadukkai.Action: Gentle purgative, astringent (unripe fruits are more purgative, ripe ones are more astringent; sennoside A and anthraquinone glycoside is laxative, tannins are astringent), stomachic, antibilious, alterative. Used in prescriptions for treating flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery, cyst, digestive disorders, vomiting, enlarged liver and spleen, cough and bronchial asthma, and for metabolic harmony. Bark—diuretic.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, along with other therapeutic applications, indicated the use of powder of mature fruits in intermittent fevers, chronic fevers, anaemia and polyuria.The fruits of T. chebula are used in combination with Emblica officinalis and T. bellirica (under the name Triphalaa) in the treatment of liver and kidney dysfunctions. The main purgative ingredient of Triphalaa is T. chebula (the purgative principle is in the pericarp of the fruit).Shikimic, gallic, triacontanoic and palmitic acids, beta-sitosterol, daucos- terol, triethyl ester of chebulic acid and ethyl ester of gallic acid; a new ellag- itannin, terchebulin, along with puni- calagin and teaflavin A have been isolated from the fruits. A new triterpene, chebupentol, and arjungenin, termi- noic acid and arjunolic acid were also isolated from the fruit.Antioxidant constituents of the plant, phloroglucinol and pyrogallol have been isolated along with ferulic, vanillic, p-coumaric and caffeic acids. Ether extract showed higher antioxidant activity than BHA and BHT, Acid esters present in phenolic fraction of extract, were found most effective.Dosage: Pericarp of mature fruit— 3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... terminalia chebulaHabitat: Eastern Himalayas, from North Bengal eastwards to Assam, Khasi Hills and Arunachal Pradesh.
English: Hollock.Ayurvedic: Kakubha (also a synonym of Arjuna tree).Action: Bark—cardiac stimulant, mild diuretic.
The bark gave beta-sitosterol, and about 18% tannins. Ellagic, gallic, che- bulinic and chebulagic acids—main constituents of ellagitannins, and leu- co-cyanidin, an important precursor to flavonoid tannins, have been isolated.... terminalia myriocarpaHabitat: Forests of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats up to 1,200 m.
English: Flowering Murdah.Folk: Kinjal (Maharashtra); Neemeeri, Nimiri (Andhra Pradesh); Pekadukkai (Tamil Nadu); Pilamuruthu, Pillamurda (Kerala). Kindal (trade).Action: Bark—diuretic, cardiotonic. Juice of the bark, mixed with purified butter and rock-salt, is applied in parotitis.
The heartwood gave 3,3'-O-di- methylellagic acid and 3,4,3'-O-tri- methylflavellagic acid. A triterpene carboxylic acid, beta-sitosterol, a gly- coside 3,3'-di-O-methylellagic acid- 4-monoglucoside and O-pentamethyl flavellagic acid have been isolated.The bark contains 14% tannins, also beta-sitosterol.... terminalia paniculataHabitat: Common in the forests, especially in the humid regions of India, including the sub-Himalayan tracts of North-West provinces, Nepal and Sikkim; also southwards throughout the Peninsula.
English: Laurel (trade). (The Wealth of India.)Ayurvedic: Asana (Asana is equated with Bridelia montana Willd.) Bijaka (also equated with Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.) (Asana and Bijaka are considered as synonyms in Indian medicine.) Jaranadrum, a substitute of Ashwakarna, and Kaushik are also doubtful synonyms.Siddha/Tamil: Karramarda.Folk: Sarj, Saaj. Sain (Dehra Dun).Action: Bark—astringent, antidiar- rhoeal, styptic, antileucorrheal. Used for haemorrhagic diseases, skin diseases, erysipelas, leuco- derma. The bark contain 18.7% tannin.
Beta-sitosterol, arjunic and arjuno- lic acids, arjunetin, betulinic and el- lagic acids have been isolated from the bark.Hydrolysis of gum gave oligo-sac- charides, disaccharides and monosac- charides. Leaves and fruits gave beta- sitosterol.Laurel is native to Mediterranean region and is equated with Laurus nobilis Linn. (Lauraceae.) The leaves and essential oil are stomachic, cholagogue, stimulant and diaphoretic. The oil has been used against dandruff, also as an external application for rheumatism.... terminalia tomentosa