Tetan Health Dictionary

Tetan: From 1 Different Sources


An infective disease due to the toxins of Clostridium tetani... tetanus


A condition characterised by SPASM of muscle, usually caused by a fall in blood CALCIUM levels. This results in hyperexcitability of muscles which may go into spasm at the slightest stimulus. This is well demonstrated in two of the classical signs of the disease: Chvostek’s sign, in which the muscles of the face contract when the cheek is tapped over the facial nerve as it emerges on the cheek; and Erb’s sign, in which muscles go into spasm in response to an electrical stimulus which normally causes only a contraction of the muscle. Tetany occurs in newborn babies, especially if they are premature, and in infants; as a result of RICKETS, excessive vomiting, or certain forms of NEPHRITIS. It may also be due to lack of the active principle of the PARATHYROID glands. Overbreathing may also cause it. Treatment consists of the administration of calcium salts, and in severe cases this is done by giving calcium gluconate intravenously or intramuscularly. High doses of vitamin D are also required.... tetany


Violent spasms, muscle contraction (“lock-jaw”) caused by a spore -forming, Gram positive bacillus penetrating the body though a puncture wound, and usually leading to death. The organism occurs in water and mayoccur after envenomation (eg in stingray spine puncture wounds), as well as the more commonly-known soil contamination (eg in war wounds). It may be prevented by vaccination with tetanus toxoid.... tetanus/tetany


n. a toxin produced by tetanus bacilli in an infected wound, causing the local destruction of tissues.... tetanolysin


n. a toxin produced by tetanus bacilli in an infected wound. The toxin diffuses along nerves, causing paralysis, and may reach the spinal cord and brain, when it causes violent muscular spasms and the condition of lockjaw.... tetanospasmin

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