Tetra: From 1 Different Sources
combining form denoting four.
The most common form of cyanotic congenital heart disease. The tetralogy consists of stenosis of the pulmonary valve (see PULMONARY STENOSIS); a defect in the septum separating the two ventricles (see VENTRICLE); the AORTA over-riding both ventricles; marked HYPERTROPHY of the right ventricle. Surgery is required to remedy the defects.... tetralogy of fallot
PARALYSIS of the body’s four limbs, also called quadriplegia.... tetraplegia
(CCl) A colourless, poisonous, volatile chemical with a characteristic odour that is present in some home dry-cleaning fluids and industrial solvents. It can cause dizziness, confusion, and liver and kidney damage if it is inhaled or swallowed.... carbon tetrachloride
See tetralogy of Fallot.... fallot’s tetralogy
A drug used to test the functioning of the adrenal glands. Tetracosactide is a chemical analogue of the natural hormone corticotrophin (ACTH). stimulates the cortices of the adrenal glands to secrete hormones such as cortisol. To diagnose a disorder of the adrenal glands, a tetracosactide injection is given and the blood cortisol level measured. Failure of the level to rise indicates an abnormality.... tetracosactide
See TETRALOGY OF FALLOT.... fallot’s tetralogy
A drug used mainly to control disorders of movement in HUNTINGTON’S CHOREA and similar disorders. It probably acts by reducing DOPAMINE at the NERVE endings, thus slowing neural transmissions.... tetrabenazine
the combination of major acne, *pilonidal sinus, chronic scalp *folliculitis, and *hidradenitis suppurativa.... follicular occlusion tetrad
(amethocaine) n. a potent local anaesthetic applied to the skin before intravenous injections or the insertion of a cannula. It is also applied as eye drops before eye operations.... tetracaine
n. (in genetics) 1. the four cells resulting from meiosis after the second telophase. 2. the four chromatids of a pair of homologous chromosomes (see bivalent) in the first stage of meiosis.... tetrad
n. a congenital abnormality in which there are only four digits on a hand or foot.... tetradactyly
n. see cannabis.... tetrahydrocannabinol
n. see thyroxine.... tetraiodothyronine