(Egyptian) One who is superior Theoriss, Theorisse, Theorisa, Theorys, Theoryss, Theoyrsse, Theorysa
adj. positive, desirable, or morally admirable. The question of what is to be judged good is at the heart of medical ethics and ethics in general. Some theorists believe that one’s intentions or will may or may not be good (see deontology), while others argue that only the consequences of actions may or may not be good (*consequentialism). Physicians have an explicit duty to do good for their patients (see beneficence). See also right.... good
n. (in psychology) the process of representing an object or an idea by something else. Typically an abstract idea is represented by a simpler and more tangible image. Psychoanalytic theorists hold that conscious ideas frequently act as symbols for unconscious thoughts and that this is particularly evident in dreaming, in *free association, and in the formation of psychological symptoms. According to this theory, a symptom might be a symbolic representation of an unconscious idea. —symbolic adj.... symbolism