Sometimes described as thrombocytopenia, this is an autoimmune disorder in which blood PLATELETS are destroyed. This disturbs the blood’s coagulative properties (see COAGULATION) and spontaneous bleeding (PURPURA) occurs into the skin. The disease may be acute in children but most recover without treatment. Adults may develop a more serious, chronic variety which requires treatment with CORTICOSTEROIDS and sometimes SPLENECTOMY. Should the disease persist despite these treatments, intravenous immunoglobulin or immunosuppressive drugs (see IMMUNOSUPPRESSION) are worth trying. Should the bleeding be or become life-threatening, concentrates of platelets should be administered.... idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (itp)
(ITP) an *autoimmune disease in which platelets are destroyed, leading to spontaneous bruising (see purpura). Acute ITP is a relatively mild disease of children, who usually recover without treatment. A chronic form of the disease, typically affecting adults, is more serious, requiring treatment with corticosteroids or, if there is no response, with splenectomy. If both fail, immunosuppressant drugs may be effective. Platelet concentrates are used for life-threatening bleeding.... idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
(TTP) a rare disorder of coagulation caused by deficiency or inhibition of *ADAMTS13, a protein that is responsible for breaking down von Willebrand factor (see von Willebrand’s disease). This results in haemolytic *anaemia, *thrombocytopenia, and fluctuating neurological abnormalities. It is treated by *plasmapheresis.... thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura