Tonometry Health Dictionary

Tonometry: From 1 Different Sources

The procedure for measuring the pressure of the fluid within the eye, usually performed by an ophthalmologist during an eye examination (see eye, examination of). Tonometry is useful in diagnosing glaucoma.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


A group of disorders of the eye characterised by the intraocular pressure being so high as to damage the nerve ?bres in the retina and the optic nerve (see EYE) as it leaves the eye en route to the brain. The affected person suffers limitation of the ?eld of vision and on examination the optic disc can be seen to be cupped. The clinical signs depend on the rate and extent of rise in pressure.

Individuals most at risk have a family history of GLAUCOMA (especially among siblings), are myopic (short-sighted), or have diabetic or thyroid eye disease. People with a strong family history of the disease should have regular eye checks, including tonometry, from the age of 35 years.

Glaucoma is usually classi?ed as being either open-angle glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma.

Open-angle glaucoma is a chronic, slowly progressive, usually bilateral disorder. It occurs in one in 200 of people over 40 and accounts for 20 per cent of those registered blind in Great Britain. Symptoms are virtually non-existent until well into the disease, when the patient may experience visual problems. It is not painful. The characteristic ?ndings are that the intraocular pressure is raised (normal pressure is up to 21 mm Hg) causing cupping of the optic disc and a glaucomatous visual-?eld loss. The angle between the iris and the cornea remains open. Treatment is aimed at decreasing the intraocular pressure initially by drops, tablets and intravenous drug administration. Surgery may be required later. A trabeculectomy is an operation to create a channel through which ?uid can drain from the eye in a controlled fashion in order to bring the pressure down.

Narrow-angle glaucoma affects one in 1,000 people over 40 years of age and is more common in women. Symptoms may start with coloured haloes around street lights at night. These may then be followed by rapid onset of severe pain in and around the eye accompanied by a rapid fall in vision. One eye is usually affected ?rst; this alerts the surgeon so that action can be taken to prevent a similar attack in the other eye. Treatment must be started as an emergency with a topical beta blocker (see BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS) in eye drops with other drugs such as ADRENALINE or pilocarpine added as necessary. Dorzolamide, a topical anhydrase inhibitor, can also be used. ACETAZOLAMIDE, also an anhydrase inhibitor, can be given by mouth. In an emergency before surgery, MANNITOL can be given through an intravenous infusion; this is followed by surgery to prevent recurrence. Acute narrow-angle glaucoma occurs because the peripheral iris is pushed against the back of the cornea. This closes o? the angle between iris and cornea through which aqueous humour drains out of the eye. Since the aqueous humour cannot drain away, it builds up inside the eye causing a rapid increase in pressure.

Various types of LASER treatment – trabeculoplasty (‘burning’ the trabecular network); iridotomy (cutting holes to relieve pressure); and ciliary-body ablation by ‘burning’ – are sometimes used in preference to surgery.... glaucoma

Eye, Examination Of

An inspection of the structures of the eyes, either as part of a vision test or to make a diagnosis when an eye disorder is suspected.

An eye examination usually begins with inspection of the external appearance of the eyes, lids, and surrounding skin. A check of eye movements is usually performed and the examiner looks for squint. A check of the visual acuity in each eye using a Snellen chart follows. Refraction testing (using lenses of different strengths) may be performed to determine what glasses or contact lenses, if any, may be needed. A test of the visual fields may be performed, especially in suspected cases of glaucoma or neurological conditions. Colour vision may be checked because loss of colour perception is an indication of certain disorders of the retina or optic nerve. To check for abrasions or ulcers, the conjunctiva and cornea may be stained with fluorescein. Applanation tonometry is an essential test for glaucoma.

The ophthalmoscope is an instrument used to examine the inside of the eye, particularly the retina. The slit-lamp microscope, with its illumination and lens magnification, allows examination of the conjunctiva, cornea, front chamber of the eye, iris, and lens. For a full view of the lens and the structures behind it, the pupil must be widely dilated with eye-drops.... eye, examination of


n. a method of flattening the cornea that is used to determine the intraocular pressure in applanation tonometry (see tonometer).... applanation

Ocular Hypertension

(OHT) a constantly raised intraocular pressure (greater than 21 mmHg by Goldmann applanation *tonometry) registered on two or more occasions in one or both eyes with the absence of evidence of optic nerve damage or visual field defect. Intraocular pressure increases slowly with age and OHT can increase the risk of developing glaucoma. It is treated with eye drops and surgery if indicated.... ocular hypertension


(ophthalmotonometer) n. 1. a small instrument for measuring the pressure inside the eye. There are several types. The applanation tonometer measures the force required to flatten a known area of the cornea after a drop of local anaesthetic has made the cornea numb. A greater force is required when the pressure inside the eye is increased, and vice versa. The Goldmann applanation tonometer flattens a corneal area of 3 mm2. See also pneumotonometer. 2. an instrument for measuring pressure in some other part of the body.

—tonometry n.... tonometer

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