One of a pair of oval tissue masses at the back of the throat on either side. The tonsils are made up of lymphoid tissue and form part of the lymphatic system. Along with the adenoids, at the base of the tongue, the tonsils protect against upper respiratory tract infections. The tonsils gradually enlarge
from birth until the age of 7, after which time they shrink substantially.
Tonsillitis is a common childhood infection.
Two almond-shaped glands (see GLAND) situated one on each side of the narrow FAUCES where the mouth joins the throat. Each has a structure resembling that of a lymphatic gland, and consists of an elevation of the mucous membrane presenting 12–15 openings, which lead into pits or lacunae. The mucous covering is formed by the ordinary mucous membrane of the mouth, which also lines the pits; and the main substance of the gland is composed of loose connective tissue containing lymph corpuscles in its meshes, and packed here and there into denser nodules or follicles. The tonsils play an important role in the protective mechanism of the body against infection.... tonsils
Surgical removal of the tonsils, which is now performed only if a child suffers frequent, recurrent attacks of severe tonsillitis. The operation is also carried out to treat quinsy (an abscess around the tonsil).... tonsillectomy