Toxins Health Dictionary

Toxins: From 1 Different Sources

Poisons produced by BACTERIA. (See also IMMUNITY; IMMUNOLOGY; MICROBIOLOGY.) Toxins are usually soluble, easily destroyed by heat, sometimes of the nature of crystalline substances, and sometimes ALBUMINS. When injected into animals in carefully graduated doses, they bring about the formation of substances called antitoxins which neutralise the action of the toxin. These antitoxins are generally produced in excessive amount, and the SERUM of the animal when withdrawn can be used for conferring antitoxic powers upon other animals or human beings to neutralise the disease in question. The best known of these antitoxins are those of DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS. Toxins are also found in many plants and in snake venom.

Some toxins are not set free by bacteria, but remain in the substance of the latter. They are known as endotoxins and are not capable of producing antitoxins.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


The condition of general poisoning caused by the entrance of soluble bacterial toxins into the blood... toxaemia


A substance, usually a protein, that induces the formation of defending antibodies. Example: bacterial toxins, Juniper pollen (in allergies). Auto-immune disorders can occur when antibodies are formed against normal proteins created within the body.... antigen


A preparation of dead particulate or weakened bacteria or viruses prepared for injection into the body so that antibodies are formed to prevent disease (eg polio). Detoxi fied but genetically potent toxins (called toxoids) can also be used (e.g. tetanus and diphtheria)... vaccine

Blood Poisoning

A common name for septicaemia with toxaemia, a life-threatening illness caused by multiplication of bacteria and formation of toxins in the bloodstream. Septicaemia may be a complication of an infection in an organ or tissue. In some infective conditions, septic shock may be caused by toxins released by bacteria. Treatment is with antibiotic drugs and intensive therapy for shock. (See also bacteraemia.)... blood poisoning


A procedure used to ?lter o? waste products from the blood and remove surplus ?uid from the body in someone who has kidney failure (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF). The scienti?c process involves separating crystalloid and COLLOID substances from a solution by interposing a semi-permeable membrane between the solution and pure water. The crystalloid substances pass through the membrane into the water until a state of equilibrium, so far as the crystalloid substances are concerned, is established between the two sides of the membrane. The colloid substances do not pass through the membrane.

Dialysis is available as either haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Haemodialysis Blood is removed from the circulation either through an arti?cial arteriovenous ?stula (junction) or a temporary or permanent internal catheter in the jugular vein (see CATHETERS). It then passes through an arti?cial kidney (‘dialyser’) to remove toxins (e.g. potassium and urea) by di?usion and excess salt and water by ultra?ltration from the blood into dialysis ?uid prepared in a ‘proportionator’ (often referred to as a ‘kidney machine’). Dialysers vary in design and performance but all work on the principle of a semi-permeable membrane separating blood from dialysis ?uid. Haemodialysis is undertaken two to three times a week for 4–6 hours a session.

Peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneal lining (see PERITONEUM) as a semi-permeable membrane. Approximately 2 litres of sterile ?uid is run into the peritoneum through the permanent indwelling catheter; the ?uid is left for 3–4 hours; and the cycle is repeated 3–4 times per day. Most patients undertake continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), although a few use a machine overnight (continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis, CCPD) which allows greater clearance of toxins.

Disadvantages of haemodialysis include cardiovascular instability, HYPERTENSION, bone disease, ANAEMIA and development of periarticular AMYLOIDOSIS. Disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis include peritonitis, poor drainage of ?uid, and gradual loss of overall e?ciency as endogenous renal function declines. Haemodialysis is usually done in outpatient dialysis clinics by skilled nurses, but some patients can carry out the procedure at home. Both haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis carry a relatively high morbidity and the ideal treatment for patients with end-stage renal failure is successful renal TRANSPLANTATION.... dialysis

Toxic Shock Syndrome

First described in 1978, this disorder is characterised by high fever, diarrhoea, SHOCK and a rash. It is frequently associated with the use of tampons (see TAMPON), but has occasionally been reported in men. The syndrome may also be linked to the use of contraceptives such as the diaphragm, cap and sponge (see under CONTRACEPTION), and skin wounds or infections may also be a cause. The disease is due to a staphylococcal toxin (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS; TOXINS). Treatment consists of supportive measures to combat shock and eradication of the staphylococcus by ANTIBIOTICS. The design of tampons has been improved. Recurrence of the disorder has been reported and women who have had an episode should stop using tampons and vaginal contraceptives.... toxic shock syndrome

Food Poisoning

A term used for any gastrointestinal illness of sudden onset that is suspected of being caused by eating contaminated food. Most cases of food poisoning are due to contamination of food by bacteria or viruses.

The bacteria commonly responsible for food poisoning belong to the groups

SALMONELLA, CAMPYLOBACTER, and E. COLI, certain strains of which are able to multiply rapidly in the intestines to cause widespread inflammation. Food poisoning may also be caused by LISTERIA (see listeriosis). Botulism is an uncommon, life-threatening form of food poisoning caused by a bacterial toxin.

The viruses that most commonly cause food poisoning are astravirus, rotavirus, and Norwalk virus (which affects shellfish). This can occur when raw or partly cooked foods have been in contact with water contaminated by human excrement. Non-infective causes include poisonous mushrooms and toadstools (see mushroom poisoning), fresh fruit and vegetables contaminated with high doses of insecticide, and chemical poisoning from foods such as fruit juice stored in containers made partly from zinc.

The onset of symptoms depends on the cause of poisoning. Symptoms usually develop within 30 minutes in cases of chemical poisoning, between 1 and 12 hours in cases of bacterial toxins, and between 12 and 48 hours with most bacterial and viral infections. Symptoms usually include nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach pain, and, in severe cases, shock and collapse. Botulism affects the nervous system, causing visual disturbances, difficulty with speech, paralysis, and vomiting.

The diagnosis of bacterial food poisoning can usually be confirmed from examination of a sample of faeces. Chemical poisoning can often be diagnosed from a description of what the person has eaten, and from analysis of a sample of the suspect food.

Mild cases can be treated at home. Lost fluids should be replaced by intake of plenty of clear fluids (see rehydration therapy). In severe cases, hospital treatment may be necessary. Except for botulism, and some cases of mushroom poisoning, most food poisoning is not serious, and recovery generally occurs within 3 days. However, some strains ofE. COLI can seriously damage red blood cells and cause kidney failure. (See also cholera; dysentery; typhoid fever.)... food poisoning


Inflammation of the stomach and intestines, usually causing sudden upsets that last for 2 or 3 days. Dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, food poisoning, and travellers’ diarrhoea are all forms of gastroenteritis. The illness may be caused by any of a variety of bacteria, bacterial toxins, viruses, and other organisms in food or water.

Appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhoea are the usual symptoms. Symptom onset and severity depends on the cause; symptoms may be mild or so severe that dehydration, shock, and collapse occur. Mild cases usually require rest and rehydration therapy only. For severe illness, treatment in hospital may be necessary, with fluids given by intravenous infusion. Antibiotic drugs may be given for some bacterial infections, but others need no specific treatment.... gastroenteritis


The process of inducing immunity as a preventive measure against infectious diseases. Immunization may be active or passive. In the passive form,antibodies are injected into the blood to provide immediate but short-lived protection against specific bacteria, viruses, or toxins. Active immunization, also called vaccination, primes the body to make its own antibodies and confers longer-lasting immunity.

Routine childhood immunization programmes exist for diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (see DPT vaccination), haemophilus influenza (Hib), measles, mumps, and rubella (see MMR vaccination), meningitis C, and poliomyelitis. Additional immunizations before foreign travel may also be necessary (see travel immunization).

Most immunizations are given by injection, and usually have no after effects. However, some vaccines cause pain and swelling at the injection site and may produce a slight fever or flu-like symptoms. Some may produce a mild form of the disease. Very rarely, severe reactions occur due, for example, to an allergy to 1 of the vaccine’s components. Not all vaccines provide complete protection. Cholera and typhoid fever vaccinations, in particular, give only partial protection.

People with immunodeficiency disorders, widespread cancer, those taking corticosteroid drugs, or those who have previously had a severe reaction to a vaccine should not be immunized. Some vaccines should not be given to young children or during pregnancy.... immunization


A potentially life-threatening condition in which there is rapid multiplication of bacteria and in which bacterial toxins are present in the blood. (See also bacteraemia.)

Septicaemia usually arises through escape of bacteria from a focus of infection, such as an abscess, and is more likely to occur in people with an immunodeficiency disorder, cancer, or diabetes mellitus; in those who take immunosuppressant drugs; and in drug addicts who inject.

Symptoms include a fever, chills, rapid breathing, headache, and clouding of consciousness. The sufferer may go into life-threatening septic shock.

Glucose and/or saline are given by intravenous infusion, and antibiotics by injection or infusion.

Surgery may be necessary to remove the original infection.

If treatment is given before septic shock develops, the outlook is good.... septicaemia


A localised collection of pus. A minute abscess is known as a PUSTULE; a di?used production of pus is known as CELLULITIS or ERYSIPELAS. An abscess may be acute or chronic. An acute abscess is one which develops rapidly within the course of a few days or hours. It is characterised by a de?nite set of symptoms.

Causes The direct cause is various BACTERIA. Sometimes the presence of foreign bodies, such as bullets or splinters, may produce an abscess, but these foreign bodies may remain buried in the tissues without causing any trouble provided that they are not contaminated by bacteria or other micro-organisms.

The micro-organisms most frequently found are staphylococci (see STAPHYLOCOCCUS), and, next to these, streptococci (see STREPTOCOCCUS) – though the latter cause more virulent abscesses. Other abscess-forming organisms are Pseudomonas pyocyanea and Escherichia coli, which live always in the bowels and under certain conditions wander into the surrounding tissues, producing abscesses.

The presence of micro-organisms is not suf?cient in itself to produce suppuration (see IMMUNITY; INFECTION); streptococci can often be found on the skin and in the skin glands of perfectly healthy individuals. Whether they will produce abscesses or not depends upon the virulence of the organism and the individual’s natural resistance.

When bacteria have gained access – for example, to a wound – they rapidly multiply, produce toxins, and cause local dilatation of the blood vessels, slowing of the bloodstream, and exudation of blood corpuscles and ?uid. The LEUCOCYTES, or white corpuscles of the blood, collect around the invaded area and destroy the bacteria either by consuming them (see PHAGOCYTOSIS) or by forming a toxin that kills them. If the body’s local defence mechanisms fail to do this, the abscess will spread and may in severe cases cause generalised infection or SEPTICAEMIA.

Symptoms The classic symptoms of in?ammation are redness, warmth, swelling, pain and fever. The neighbouring lymph nodes may be swollen and tender in an attempt to stop the bacteria spreading to other parts of the body. Infection also causes an increase in the number of leucocytes in the blood (see LEUCOCYTOSIS). Immediately the abscess is opened, or bursts, the pain disappears, the temperature falls rapidly to normal, and healing proceeds. If, however, the abscess discharges into an internal cavity such as the bowel or bladder, it may heal slowly or become chronic, resulting in the patient’s ill-health.

Treatment Most local infections of the skin respond to ANTIBIOTICS. If pus forms, the abscess should be surgically opened and drained.

Abscesses can occur in any tissue in the body, but the principles of treatment are broadly the same: use of an antibiotic and, where appropriate, surgery.... abscess

Aesculus Hippocastanum


Family: Hippocastanaceae; Sapinda- ceae.

Habitat: Endemic to the mountains of Balkan Peninsula and western Asia. Introduced into India; occasionally grown as an ornamental tree.

English: Horse Chestnut tree.

Unani: Baloot. (Quercus incana and Q. infectoria have also been equated with Baloot in National Formulary in Unani Medicine.)

Folk: Pu.

Action: Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, astringent (used for rheumatism, venous congestion, haemorrhoids), febrifuge. Leaf— used in whooping cough.

Key application: In chronic venous insufficiency, varicosis, nocturnal systremma (cramps in the calves) and swelling of the legs. (Non- invasive treatment measures should also be followed.) (German Commission E, ESCOP, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

Horse Chestnut contains triterpe- noid saponins (especially aescin, a complex mixture composed of acylat- ed glycosides of protoaesigenin and barringtogenol-C, including hippo- caesculin), coumarins and flavonoids. Aescin has been shown to eliminate oedema and reduce exudation. It antagonizes the effect of bradykinin, although it is not a direct bradykinin antagonist. It causes an increase in plasma levels of ACTH, corticosterone and glucose in rats. Hippocaescu- lin and barringtogenol-C-21-angelate show antitumour activity in vitro.

The hydroxycoumarin aesculin leads to increased bleeding time. (Roasting seems to destroy the toxins.) A few fruits can cause severe toxic symptoms. (Francis Brinker.) In some countries, an intravenous mixture containing aescin is used after surgery. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... aesculus hippocastanum


Antibodies are substances in the blood which destroy or neutralise various toxins or ‘bodies’

(e.g. bacteria), known generally as antigens (see ANTIGEN). The antibodies are formed, usually, as a result of the introduction into the body of the antigens to which they are antagonistic, as in all infectious diseases (see ALLERGY; IMMUNITY).... antibodies


Any one of various preparations that contain ANTIBODIES which combine and neutralise the effects of a particular toxin (see TOXINS) released into the bloodstream by BACTERIA. Examples are the toxins produced by DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS. Antitoxins are produced from the blood of humans or animals that have been exposed to a particular toxin – whether by INFECTION or by INOCULATION – and thus have produced antibodies against it. They are usually given by intramuscular injection.... antitoxin


A therapeutic substance used to counteract the toxic action(s) of a speci?c animal toxin (see TOXINS) or venom. They are normally sterilised, proteinaceous globulins (see GLOBULIN) extracted from the SERUM of animals, usually horses, immunised against the speci?c toxin/ venom. Most are given by intravenous or intramuscular injection and are most e?ective when given shortly after the bite or sting has occurred. Some antivenoms may be e?ective against the venoms of several closely related animal species.... antivenom


Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Moderate Protein: Moderate Fat: Low to moderate Saturated fat: Low to high Cholesterol: Low to high Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Moderate to high Sodium: Moderate to high Major vitamin contribution: B vitamins Major mineral contribution: Calcium, iron, potassium

About the Nutrients in This Food All commercially made yeast breads are approximately equal in nutri- tional value. Enriched white bread contains virtually the same amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates as whole wheat bread, although it may contain only half the dietary fiber (see flour). Bread is a high-carbohydrate food with lots of starch. The exact amount of fiber, fat, and cholesterol in the loaf varies with the recipe. Bread’s proteins, from grain, are low in the essential amino acid lysine. The most important carbohydrate in bread is starch; all breads contain some sugar. Depending on the recipe, the fats may be highly saturated (butter or hydrogenated vegetable fats) or primarily unsaturated (vegetable fat). All bread is a good source of B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin), and in 1998, the Food and Drug Administration ordered food manufactur- ers to add folates—which protect against birth defects of the spinal cord and against heart disease—to flour, rice, and other grain products. One year later, data from the Framingham Heart Study, which has followed heart health among residents of a Boston suburb for nearly half a cen- tury, showed a dramatic increase in blood levels of folic acid. Before the fortification of foods, 22 percent of the study participants had a folic acid deficiency; after, the number fell to 2 percent. Bread is a moderately good source of calcium, magnesium, and phos- phorus. (Breads made with milk contain more calcium than breads made without milk.) Although bread is made from grains and grains contain phytic acid, a natural antinutrient that binds calcium ions into insoluble, indigestible compounds, the phytic acid is inactivated by enzyme action during leavening. Bread does not bind calcium. All commercially made breads are moderately high in sodium; some contain more sugar than others. Grains are not usually considered a good source of iodine, but commer- cially made breads often pick up iodine from the iodophors and iodates used to clean the plants and machines in which they are made. Homemade breads share the basic nutritional characteristics of commercially made breads, but you can vary the recipe to suit your own taste, lowering the salt, sugar, or fat and raising the fiber content, as you prefer.

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food As sandwiches, with cheese, milk, eggs, meat, fish, or poultry. These foods supply the essen- tial amino acid lysine to “complete” the proteins in grains. With beans or peas. The proteins in grains are deficient in the essential amino acids lysine and isoleucine and rich in the essential amino acids tryptophan, methionine, and cystine. The proteins in legumes (beans and peas) are exactly the opposite.

Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food Gluten-free diet (excludes breads made with wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat and barley flour) Lactose-free diet Low-fiber diet (excludes coarse whole-grain breads) Low-sodium diet

Buying This Food Look for: Fresh bread. Check the date on closed packages of commercial bread.

Storing This Food Store bread at room temperature, in a tightly closed plastic bag (the best protection) or in a breadbox. How long bread stays fresh depends to a great extent on how much fat it contains. Bread made with some butter or other fat will keep for about three days at room tempera- ture. Bread made without fat (Italian bread, French bread) will dry out in just a few hours; for longer storage, wrap it in foil, put it inside a plastic bag, and freeze it. When you are ready to serve the French or Italian bread, you can remove it from the plastic bag and put the foil- wrapped loaf directly into the oven. Throw away moldy bread. The molds that grow on bread may produce carcinogenic toxins. Do not store fresh bread in the refrigerator; bread stales most quickly at temperatures just above freezing. The one exception: In warm, humid weather, refrigerating bread slows the growth of molds.

When You Are Ready to Serve This Food Use a serrated knife to cut bread easily.

What Happens When You Cook This Food Toasting is a chemical process that caramelizes sugars and amino acids (proteins) on the surface of the bread, turning the bread a golden brown. This chemical reaction, known both as the browning reaction and the Maillard reaction (after the French chemist who first identified it), alters the structure of the surface sugars, starches, and amino acids. The sugars become indigestible food fiber; the amino acids break into smaller fragments that are no longer nutritionally useful. Thus toast has more fiber and less protein than plain bread. How- ever, the role of heat-generated fibers in the human diet is poorly understood. Some experts consider them inert and harmless; others believe they may be hazardous.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food Freezing. Frozen bread releases moisture that collects inside the paper, foil, or plastic bag in which it is wrapped. If you unwrap the bread before defrosting it, the moisture will be lost and the bread will be dry. Always defrost bread in its wrappings so that it can reabsorb the moisture that keeps it tasting fresh. Drying. Since molds require moisture, the less moisture a food contains, the less likely it is support mold growth. That is why bread crumbs and Melba toast, which are relatively mois- ture-free, keep better than fresh bread. Both can be ground fine and used as a toasty-flavored thickener in place of flour or cornstarch.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits A lower risk of some kinds of cancer. In 1998, scientists at Wayne State University in Detroit conducted a meta-analysis of data from more than 30 well-designed animal studies mea- suring the anti-cancer effects of wheat bran, the part of grain with highest amount of the insoluble dietary fibers cellulose and lignin. They found a 32 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer among animals fed wheat bran; now they plan to conduct a similar meta- analysis of human studies. Breads made with whole grain wheat are a good source of wheat bran. NOTE : The amount of fiber per serving listed on a food package label shows the total amount of fiber (insoluble and soluble). Early in 1999, however, new data from the long-running Nurses Health Study at Brigham Women’s Hospital/Harvard University School of Public Health showed that women who ate a high-fiber diet had a risk of colon cancer similar to that of women who ate a low fiber diet. Because this study contradicts literally hundreds of others conducted over the past 30 years, researchers are awaiting confirming evidence before changing dietary recommendations. Calming effect. Mood is affected by naturally occurring chemicals called neurotransmitters that facilitate transmission of impulses between brain cells. The amino acid tryptophan amino acid is the most important constituent of serotonin, a “calming” neurotransmitter. Foods such as bread, which are high in complex carbohydrates, help move tryptophan into your brain, increasing the availability of serotonin.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Allergic reactions and/or gastric distress. Bread contains several ingredients that may trigger allergic reactions, aggravate digestive problems, or upset a specific diet, among them gluten (prohibited on gluten-free diets); milk (prohibited on a lactose- and galactose-free diet or for people who are sensitive to milk proteins); sugar (prohibited on a sucrose-free diet); salt (controlled on a sodium-restricted diet); and fats (restricted or prohibited on a controlled-fat, low-cholesterol diet).... bread

Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots

1. Beta carotene: Carrots are a rich source of this powerful antioxidant, which, among other vital uses, can be converted into vitamin A in the body to help maintain healthy skin. 2. Digestion: Carrots increase saliva and supply essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that aid in digestion. Eating carrots regularly may help prevent gastric ulcers and other digestive disorders. 3. Alkaline elements: Carrots are rich in alkaline elements, which purify and revitalize the blood while balancing the acid/alkaline ratio of the body. 4. Potassium: Carrots are a good source of potassium, which can help maintain healthy sodium levels in the body, thereby helping to reduce elevated blood pressure levels. 5. Dental Health: Carrots kill harmful germs in the mouth and help prevent tooth decay. 6. Wounds: Raw or grated carrots can be used to help heal wounds, cuts and inflammation. 7. Phytonutrients: Among the many beneficial phytochemicals that carrots contain is a phytonutrient called falcarinol, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and help promote overall colon health. 8. Carotenoids: Carrots are rich in carotenoids, which our bodies can use to help regulate blood sugar. 9. Fiber: Carrots are high in soluble fiber, which may reduce cholesterol by binding the LDL form (the kind we don’t want) and increasing the HDL form (the kind our body needs) to help reduce blood clots and prevent heart disease. 10. Eyes, hair, nails and more! The nutrients in carrots can improve the health of your eyes, skin, hair, nails and more through helping to detoxify your system and build new cells! 11. Improves vision There’s some truth in the old wisdom that carrots are good for your eyes. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat large amounts of beta-carotene had a 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little. 12. Helps prevent cancer Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating rats. 13. Slows down aging The high level of beta-carotene in carrots acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells. 14. Promotes healthier skin Vitamin A and antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone. 15. Helps prevent infection Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts—shredded raw or boiled and mashed. 16. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside) Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask. 17. Prevents heart disease Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein. The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids. 18. Cleanses the body Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fiber present in carrots helps clean out the colon and hasten waste movement. 19. Protects teeth and gums It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage. 20. Prevents stroke From all the above benefits it’s no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate five or more carrots a week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.... amazing health benefits of carrots

Defective Blood Formation

This is the main cause of anaemia in infections. The micro-organism responsible for the infection has a deleterious e?ect upon the blood-forming organs, just as it does upon other parts of the body.

Toxins. In conditions such as chronic glomerulonephritis (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF) and URAEMIA there is a severe anaemia due to the e?ect of the disease upon blood formation.

Drugs. Certain drugs, such as aspirin and the non-steroidal anti-in?ammatory drugs, may cause occult gastrointestinal bleeding.... defective blood formation


Also called detoxi?cation, this is a process whereby toxic agents are removed from the body and toxic effects neutralised. (See POISONS and TOXINS.)... detoxication


Tiny organisms related to coral reefs that are responsible for a number of toxins including saxitoxin (paralytic shellfish poisoning) and ciguatoxin (tropical fish poisoning), and also causing red tides or “reef spawn” in tropical waters.... dinoflagellates


A type of toxin (see TOXINS) that causes in?ammation of the intestinal lining and results in vomiting and diarrhoea (see FOOD POISONING).... enterotoxin


See also Bread, Corn, Oats, Pasta, Potatoes, R ice, Soybeans, Wheat cereals.

Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): High Protein: Moderate Fat: Low Saturated fat: Low Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Low to high Sodium: Low (except self-rising flour) Major vitamin contribution: B vitamins Major mineral contribution: Iron

About the Nutrients in This Food Flour is the primary source of the carbohydrates (starch and fiber) in bread, pasta, and baked goods. All wheat and rye flours also provide some of the food fibers, including pectins, gums, and cellulose. Flour also contains significant amounts of protein but, like other plant foods, its proteins are “incomplete” because they are deficient in the essential amino acid lysine. The fat in the wheat germ is primarily polyunsaturated; flour contains no cholesterol. Flour is a good source of iron and the B vitamins. Iodine and iodophors used to clean the equipment in grain-processing plants may add iodine to the flour. In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration ordered food manufac- turers to add folates—which protect against birth defects of the spinal cord and against heart disease—to flour, rice, and other grain products. One year later, data from the Framingham Heart Study, which has fol- lowed heart health among residents of a Boston suburb for nearly half a century, showed a dramatic increase in blood levels of folic acid. Before the fortification of foods, 22 percent of the study participants had a folic acid deficiency; after, the number fell to 2 percent. Whole grain flour, like other grain products, contains phytic acid, an antinutrient that binds calcium, iron, and zinc ions into insoluble com- pounds your body cannot absorb. This has no practical effect so long as your diet includes foods that provide these minerals. Whole wheat flours. Whole wheat flours use every part of the kernel: the fiber-rich bran with its B vitamins, the starch- and protein-rich endosperm with its iron and B vitamins, and the oily germ with its vitamin E.* Because they contain bran, whole-grain flours have much more fiber than refined white flours. However, some studies suggest that the size of the fiber particles may have some bearing on their ability to absorb moisture and “bulk up” stool and that the fiber particles found in fine-ground whole wheat flours may be too small to have a bulking effect. Finely ground whole wheat flour is called whole wheat cake flour; coarsely ground whole wheat flour is called graham flour. Cracked wheat is a whole wheat flour that has been cut rather than ground; it has all the nutrients of whole wheat flour, but its processing makes it less likely to yield its starch in cooking. When dried and parboiled, cracked wheat is known as bulgur, a grain used primarily as a cereal, although it can be mixed with other flours and baked. Gluten flour is a low-starch, high-protein product made by drying and grinding hard- wheat flour from which the starch has been removed. Refined (“white”) flours. Refined flours are paler than whole wheat flours because they do not contain the brown bran and germ. They have less fiber and fat and smaller amounts of vitamins and minerals than whole wheat flours, but enriched refined flours are fortified with B vitamins and iron. Refined flour has no phytic acid. Some refined flours are bleached with chlorine dioxide to destroy the xanthophylls (carotenoid pigments) that give white flours a natural cream color. Unlike carotene, the carotenoid pigment that is converted to vitamin A in the body, xanthophylls have no vita- min A activity; bleaching does not lower the vitamin A levels in the flour, but it does destroy vitamin E. There are several kinds of white flours. All-purpose white flour is a mixture of hard and soft wheats, high in protein and rich in gluten.t Cake flour is a finely milled soft-wheat flour; it has less protein than all-purpose flour. Self-rising flour is flour to which baking powder has been added and is very high in sodium. Instant flour is all-purpose flour that has been ground extra-fine so that it will combine quickly with water. Semolina is a pale high-protein, low- gluten flour made from durum wheat and used to make pasta. Rye flours. Rye flour has less gluten than wheat flour and is less elastic, which is why it makes a denser bread.:j Like whole wheat flour, dark rye flour (the flour used for pumpernickel bread) contains the bran and the germ of the rye grain; light rye flour (the flour used for ordinary rye bread) The bran is t he kernel’s hard, brown outer cover, an ext raordinarily rich source of cellulose and lignin. The endosperm is t he kernel’s pale interior, where t he vitamins abound. The germ, a small part icle in t he interior, is t he part of t he kernel t hat sprouts. Hard wheat has less starch and more protein t han soft wheat. It makes a heavier, denser dough. Gluten is t he st icky substance formed when k neading t he dough relaxes t he long-chain molecules in t he proteins gliadin and glutenin so t hat some of t heir intermolecular bonds (bonds bet ween atoms in t he same molecule) break and new int ramolecular bonds (bonds bet ween atoms on different mol- ecules) are formed. Triticale flour is milled from triticale grain, a rye/wheat hybrid. It has more protein and less gluten than all-purpose wheat flour.

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food With beans or a “complete” protein food (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese) to provide the essential amino acid lysine, in which wheat and rye flours are deficient.

Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food Low-calcium diet (whole grain and self-rising flours) Low-fiber diet (whole wheat flours) Low-gluten diet (all wheat and rye flour) Sucrose-free diet

Buying This Food Look for: Tightly sealed bags or boxes. Flours in torn packages or in open bins are exposed to air and to insect contamination. Avoid: Stained packages—the liquid that stained the package may have seeped through into the flour.

Storing This Food Store all flours in air- and moistureproof canisters. Whole wheat flours, which contain the germ and bran of the wheat and are higher in fat than white flours, may become rancid if exposed to air; they should be used within a week after you open the package. If you plan to hold the flour for longer than that, store it in the freezer, tightly wrapped to protect it against air and moisture. You do not have to thaw the flour when you are ready to use it; just measure it out and add it directly to the other ingredients. Put a bay leaf in the flour canister to help protect against insect infections. Bay leaves are natural insect repellents.

What Happens When You Cook This Food Protein reactions. The wheat kernel contains several proteins, including gliadin and glute- nin. When you mix flour with water, gliadin and glutenin clump together in a sticky mass. Kneading the dough relaxes the long gliadin and glutenin molecules, breaking internal bonds between individual atoms in each gliadin and glutenin molecule and allowing the molecules to unfold and form new bonds between atoms in different molecules. The result is a network structure made of a new gliadin-glutenin compound called gluten. Gluten is very elastic. The gluten network can stretch to accommodate the gas (carbon dioxide) formed when you add yeast to bread dough or heat a cake batter made with baking powder or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), trapping the gas and making the bread dough or cake batter rise. When you bake the dough or batter, the gluten network hardens and the bread or cake assumes its finished shape. Starch reactions. Starch consists of molecules of the complex carbohydrates amylose and amylopectin packed into a starch granule. When you heat flour in liquid, the starch gran- ules absorb water molecules, swell, and soften. When the temperature of the liquid reaches approximately 140°F the amylose and amylopectin molecules inside the granules relax and unfold, breaking some of their internal bonds (bonds between atoms on the same molecule) and forming new bonds between atoms on different molecules. The result is a network that traps and holds water molecules. The starch granules then swell, thickening the liquid. If you continue to heat the liquid (or stir it too vigorously), the network will begin to break down, the liquid will leak out of the starch granules, and the sauce will separate.* Combination reaction. Coating food with flour takes advantage of the starch reaction (absorbing liquids) and the protein reaction (baking a hard, crisp protein crust).

Medical Uses and/or Benefits A lower risk of some kinds of cancer. In 1998, scientists at Wayne State University in Detroit conducted a meta-analysis of data from more than 30 well-designed animal studies mea- suring the anti-cancer effects of wheat bran, the part of grain with highest amount of the insoluble dietary fibers cellulose and lignin. They found a 32 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer among animals fed wheat bran; now they plan to conduct a similar meta- analysis of human studies. Whole wheat flours are a good source of wheat bran. NOTE : The amount of fiber per serving listed on a food package label shows the total amount of fiber (insoluble and soluble). Early in 1999, however, new data from the long-running Nurses Health Study at Brigham Women’s Hospital/Harvard University School of Public Health showed that women who ate a high-fiber diet had a risk of colon cancer similar to that of women who ate a low-fiber diet. * A mylose is a long, unbranched, spiral molecule; amylopect in is a short, compact, branched molecule. A mylose has more room for forming bonds to water. Wheat flours, which have a higher rat io of amy- lose to amylopect in, are superior t hickeners. Because this study contradicts literally hundreds of others conducted over the past 30 years, researchers are awaiting confirming evidence before changing dietary recommendations.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Allergic reactions. According to the Merck Manual, wheat is one of the foods most commonly implicated as a cause of allergic upset stomach, hives, and angioedema (swollen lips and eyes). For more information, see under wheat cer ea ls. Gluten intolerance (celiac disease). Celiac disease is an intestinal allergic disorder that makes it impossible to digest gluten and gliadin (proteins found in wheat and some other grains). Corn flour, potato flour, rice flour, and soy flour are all gluten- and gliadin-free. Ergot poisoning. Rye and some kinds of wheat will support ergot, a parasitic fungus related to lysergic acid (LSD). Because commercial flours are routinely checked for ergot contamina- tion, there has not been a major outbreak of ergot poisoning from bread since a 1951 incident in France. Since baking does not destroy ergot toxins, the safest course is to avoid moldy flour altogether.... flour

Sea Urchins

Creatures with needle-sharp spines that are present on rocks or reefs. They cause simple, but painful puncture wounds with spines frequently breaking off in the wounds which leads to infection. Some species also produce toxins that may cause severe localised pain or other systemic symptoms.... sea urchins


An infective disease due to the toxins of Clostridium tetani... tetanus

Andrographis Tea: A Drop Of Health

Andrographis Tea is well known for its bitter taste, as well as for its healthy benefits. It has proven to be an adjuvant in treating severe illness such as hepatitis, due to its high content of antioxidants. Andrographis Tea description Andrographis is originating from Asia, being used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. The plant is easy to grow: its propagation is by seeds, planted during spring and summer. Andrographis grows both in full sun or shade, developing vigorously in moist conditions. The herb has been proved to treat infectious diseases. This fact was discovered during the global flu epidemic of 1919, known as one of the most destructive infectious to outbreak in history, which killed millions worldwide, in many countries. Andrographis Tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the andrographis plant. It is widely known for its bitter taste as well as for its adjuvant properties against flu, depression, digestion complaints, but not only. Andrographis Tea brewing To brew Andrographis tea:
  • place 1 teaspoon of dried andrographis in a tea infuser (10 grams of fresh leaves)
  • place the infuser in a tea cup
  • cover it with 1 cup of boiling water
  • steep the tea for 10 minutes
  • drink it slowly
The resulting tea has an extreme bitter taste. Another possibility of enjoying the benefits of Andrographis tea is to intake capsules containing the plant. Andrographis Tea benefits Andrographis Tea has many proven benefits, such as:
  • Treating gastrointestinal complains
  • Treating throat infections
  • Dispelling toxins
  • Increasing biliary flow
  • Treating coughs, headaches, edema
  • Treating pain conditions, inflammation
  • Treating arthritis, rheumatism
  • Treating constipation
  • Treating pneumonia, tuberculosis, leprosy, hepatitis, herpes, diabetes, bronchitis
Andrographis Tea side effects It has been showed that Andrographis Tea should not be used by pregnant and nursing women or by children. It has been also noticed that large doses of Andrographis Tea may lead to infertility. Andrographis Tea is a healthy beverage which has the ability to strengthen the immune system, stop cancer cells from multiplying, and also render a good physical state. It can be consumed as tea or medicinal pills.... andrographis tea: a drop of health

Artichoke Leaf Tea

Artichoke leaf tea is one of oldest natural remedies valued by Egyptians. Nowadays, it is largely used to treat ailments like constipation, indigestion or liver disorders, but not only. Artichoke leaf tea description Artichoke is a perennial thistle plant originating from the Mediterranean areas of Southern Europe and North Africa. It has arching leaves which are deeply lobed. Artichoke usually blossoms from the end of spring up to the middle of summer. It is said to be one of the world’s oldest vegetables. People normally intake the fleshy portion of the artichoke leaves, its green base and its core. Artichoke leaf tea is the beverage resulting from brewing the leaves of the abovementioned plant. It is a caffeine-free substitute for those who want to avoid consuming coffee. Artichoke Leaf Tea brewing To prepare Artichoke leaf tea, consumers need a teapot, a strainer and a heatproof cup or mug:
  • Heat water in a teapot to about 208 degrees F (or bring the water to a boil)
  • Remove from heat for a minute or two
  • Pour water into your cup or mug
  • Immerse the tea bag (in case of loose-leaf tea, use a tea strainer)
  • Let it steep for four to five minutes (If you steep the tea longer, the flavor will be stronger, but the tea might taste bitter)
  • Remove the tea from the mug and serve it
  • Add milk and/or sugar to taste
Artichoke Leaf Tea benefits Studies have shown that Artichoke leaf tea is successfully used to:
  • lower bad cholesterol levels
  • lower the risks of cardiovascular diseases
  • promote good digestion by helping relieve constipation, heartburn, diarrhea and bloating
  • support the functions of the liver fighting against cirrhosis and other ailments of the liver
  • help lower blood sugar levels
  • help lower the risks for diabetes
  • help in the treatment of problems affecting the kidney
  • strengthen the immune system
  • eliminate toxins
  • clean the skin
Artichoke Leaf Tea side effects Artichoke leaf tea is not recommended for patients with gallstones. Pregnant and nursing women, as well as small children, should not intake it until further research is conducted. Artichoke leaf tea is a beverage with no caffeine content, used to help in treating a large array of diseases. Except its healthy properties, it can be a good alternative for an afternoon or evening tea.... artichoke leaf tea


A toxin (see TOXINS) which has been rendered non-toxic by certain chemicals, or by heat, or by being partly neutralised by antitoxin. The best-known example is DIPHTHERIA toxoid. (See also IMMUNITY.)... toxoid


Substances, usually harmful, that when entering the body stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. Invaders may be polio virus, typhoid bacillus, or chain-like streptococcal bacteria – the usual pus-forming type found in infected wounds, or toxins they release into the blood stream. ... antigens


3-day fast. To eliminate accumulated wastes; to mobilise body energies for internal cleansing. To lose weight or excess fluids, strengthen the immune system, free nervous energy blocks and to eliminate toxins. ... fasting

Barley Tea May Fight Cancer

Barley tea is widely consumed due to its medicinal properties. It fights effectively against several types of cancer, due to its high content of antioxidants. Barley Tea description Barley is a self-pollinating annual plant, member of the grass family. It grows to a height of 1 to 4 feet, being able to withstand various growing conditions. It is found in grasslands, woodlands, disturbed habitats, roadsides and orchards. The grass of barley is acknowledged to be a source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and it also has a high content of antioxidants. In traditional Chinese medicine, Barley grass has been prescribed to fight diseases of the spleen or poor digestion. It has also been effectively used to treat depression or emotional imbalance. Barley tea is the resulting beverage from brewing the abovementioned plant. This is a very common and appreciated drink in many parts of Asia including Japan, China, Malaysia and Singapore. Barley tea is popular in Japanese and Korean cuisine: the barley grass is often roasted and then stewed in hot water. It is also intaken as a caffeine-free coffee substitute in American cuisine. It is traditionally used for detoxification, to improve digestion and for urinary tract infections. Barley Tea brewing Barley tea is available in loose grains, tea bags or already prepared tea drinks. It is usually made by briefly simmering roasted barley grains. The resulting beverage has a toasty taste, with slight bitter undertones. Barley tea is best consumed hot, though some report that room temperature and even cold barley water is still effective. Barley Tea benefits Studies conducted so far showed that Barley tea is effective in treating:
  • certain forms of cancer
  • digestion
  • prostate
  • sleep disorder
Barley tea is believed to help relieving early symptoms of colds, acting as a daily nutritional supplement and successfully cleansing the body of toxins. This tea may help improve blood sugar levels and also reduce bad cholesterol levels. Barley Tea side effects Barley tea is not recommended for nursing and pregnant women because it may stop lactation. Barley tea is a healthy alternative to caffeine drinks and people choose it daily to replace the first mentioned beverage.... barley tea may fight cancer

Black Dragon Pearl Tea

Black Dragon Pearl tea is a type of black tea that provides a full range of benefits to consumers of all ages, worldwide. It distinguishes itself through its chocolate taste and therapeutical benefits. Black Dragon Pearl Tea description Black Dragon Pearl tea, originating from the Chinese province Yunnan, is a type of unsteady black tea, well-known in the area. Each tea pearl contains thirty hand-picked leaves and buds which are immediately rolled to prevent leaves from drying. A morning or afternoon cup of Black Dragon Pearl tea together served with fruits may be a pleasant way to relax oneself. How to prepare Black Dragon Pearl Tea Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be infused up to three times and still keeps its malty flavor. In case of steeping too long, like any black tea, it can get bitter. When brewed, it has a reddish-brown color, whose aroma makes it identifiable for the senses and, when drunk it has a very delicate and chocolaty taste. Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be served with or without sugar (or honey) and milk. It contains a relatively low caffeine level. When preparing Black Dragon Pearl tea:
  • Use 1 teaspoon of tea for 8 ounces of water ( 2ounces of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons)
  • Heat water until it is almost boiling (195 degrees).
  • Pour over the pearls.
  • Steep them for 3 or 4 minutes.
Black Dragon Pearl Tea benefits Studies revealed the important qualities of Black Dragon Pearl tea. Like any type of black tea, this luxurious beverage contains antioxidants - proven adjuvants in treating cancer and stopping tumors growth. This type of tea has been associated to lowering the risk of stomach, colon and breast cancer, although the connection is not fully scientifically proven. Researchers claim that a compound in Black Dragon Pearl tea caused colorectal cancer cells to disappear, whereas normal cells were not affected by it. Black Dragon Pearl tea is also recommended in dealing with:
  • poor arterial functioning that can cause heart attacks and strokes
  • inflammation
  • viruses
  • cholesterol reduction
  • teeth decay
  • blood toxins removing
  • aging effects
Black Dragon Pearl Tea side effects In case of intaking more than 3 cups of tea per day, headaches and dizziness can sometimes appear. Rarely, symptoms of upset stomach may follow Black Dragon Pearl tea consumption. A diet based on Black Dragon Pearl tea plays an important part in one’s life because it renders the sufficient quantity of antioxidants needed by human body to fight against a large array of diseases.... black dragon pearl tea

Fungus Poisoning

Even the harmless mushroom may produce allergy from its alkaloid muscarine. Every year there are hundreds of deaths. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea, followed by jaundice.

Treatment. Abundant herb teas, singly or in combination: Agrimony, Balm, Raspberry leaves. Charcoal tablets bind the toxins. Holy (or Blessed) Thistle tea is traditional. For practitioner use Belladonna has a reputation. Hospitalisation may be necessary for wash-out. ... fungus poisoning

Hair Analysis

Hair is believed to be a “time capsule” of a person’s metabolic activity. Believed to be a useful means of acquiring information regarding the concentration of mineral nutrients and toxins. Alone, it does not provide sufficient evidence for purposes of diagnosis, but helpful in building a picture of the nutritional state of the patient. ... hair analysis

Liver – Acute Yellow Atrophy

Necrosis. Fatal disease in which the substance of the liver is destroyed. Incidence is rare since the public has been alerted to the dangers of certain chemical toxins, fumes from synthetic glues, solvents, and poisonous fungi.

Symptoms: jaundice, delirium and convulsions.

As it is the work of the liver to neutralise incoming poisons it may suffer unfair wear and tear, alcohol and caffeine being common offenders.

Treatment for relief of symptoms only: same as for abscess of the liver.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute yellow atrophy

Centaury Tea - Diabetes Treatment

Centaury Tea has been known for centuries as a great medicinal remedy. It is said that Centaury plant is a very powerful diaphoretic, digestive, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, homeopathic, poultice, stomachic, tonic and liver stimulator. Centaury is a plant from the gentian family which grows mainly in regions like Europe, Northern Africa and Eastern Australia. Also known as centaurium erythraea, this plant can easily be recognized by its triangular pale green leaves, pink flowers and yellowish anthers bloom. The fruit has the shape of a small oval capsule and it can only be harvested in the fall. Centaury Tea Properties Centaury has a bitter taste, which makes it a great ingredient for vermouth. Centaury Tea, however, is used by the alternative medicine for its great curative properties. The active constituents of Centaury Tea are: secoiridoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, triterpenes, xanthone derivatives and triterpenes, which can only be released in the presence of hot water or other heating sources. Xanthone derivatives are also used by the alcohol producers in order to obtain a variety of liquors (especially the bitter ones). Centaury Tea Benefits Aside from its use as a vermouth ingredient, Centaury Tea has other health benefits, being prescribed by practitioners around the world since ancient times. Centaury Tea may be helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Blood poisoning, by eliminating the toxins and increasing the blood flow. - A number of digestive ailments, such as constipation and gastritis. - Anemia, by nourishing the nervous system and increasing the coronary system function. - Diabetes and liver failure, by reconstructing the liver cells and lowering your blood sugar. - Kidney failure, by treating nephritis and other ailments of the urinary system. - Centaury Tea may also be used to induce appetite when taken before meals. How to make Centaury Tea Infusion Preparing Centaury Tea infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of freshly-picked or dried Centaury herbs for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 10 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain the decoction and drink it hot or cold. However, don’t drink more than 2 or 3 cups per day in order to avoid other health complications. Centaury Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Centaury Tea has no effects for adults. However, high dosages may lad to a number of ailments, such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. If you’ve been taking Centaury Tea for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual reactions, talk to your doctor as soon as possible! Centaury Tea Contraindications Don’t take Centaury Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from severe diseases that require blood thinners and anti-coagulants ingestion should avoid taking Centaury Tea at all costs! The same advice if you’re preparing for a major surgery (Centaury Tea may interfere with the anesthetic). In order to gather more information, talk to an herbalist or to your doctor. Once he gives you the green light, add Centaury Tea to your shopping cart and enjoy the wonderful benefits of this tea responsibly!... centaury tea - diabetes treatment

Corn Silk Tea Remedy

Have you ever thought that if you remove the corn silk from corn combs, you can use it as a remedy? While many people may not be familiar with this type of tea, in fact corn silk tea was used for a long time even by Native Americans as a remedy for heart problems, malaria or urinary tract infections. More about Corn silk tea Corn silk is in fact the thin, hair-like strands that cover the corn cob. These silky yellowish strands which form the stigma collect pollen to fertilize the corn, and they’re also used to make a healing tea. In corn silk there can be found many important components like flavonoids, allantoin, mucilage, saponins, vitamins C and K and potassium. Corn silk may also be combined with other herbs to increase its healing powers and range of medicinal uses. It’s also available in prepackaged teabags, or in a dried supplement form. Powdered corn silk is a common ingredient in face powders, due to its soothing qualities. Corn silk tea has a slightly sweet taste. If you decide to collect it in order to make a tea, make sure that the plants were not sprayed with pesticides. Brew corn silk tea In order to make a tasty healthy corn silk tea it is usually recommended to use fresh corn silk. If you don’t have it at your hand, the dried one works just fine. To prepare the infusion, use 2 teaspoons of fresh corn silk or 2.5 g of dried one and pour 1 cup of boiled water over it. Let it seep for 10 - 15 minutes and it is ready to serve. Corn silk tea benefits Corn silk tea has many health benefits for adults and for children. The most important benefit of this tea is for disorders in the urinary system : infections, cystitis, as well as bladder infections or gonorrhea. If you want your children to stop wetting their beds give them corn silk tea. Corn silk tea is also diuretic, demulcent, has anti-inflammatory properties and it fights kidney stones. Corn silk tea may help detoxify and flush out accumulated toxins in the body. Corn silk tea contains vitamin K, which has been shown to improve the body’s blood clotting process. Corn silk tea has also been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve arthritis pains, and help in the treatment of jaundice and prostate disorders. When applied topically, corn silk tea can help heal wounds and skin ulcers. Corn silk tea side effects In most cases, corn silk tea is suitable for daily consumption without special warnings. However, in rare cases, in you are allergic to corn, you may develop a skin rash. Corn silk tea can also decrease the level of potassium in your blood. So you should avoid it if you already have low potassium levels, problems with blood pressure, or diabetes. It is not recommended for children, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Corn silk tea is safe to be included in your diet, but in order to enjoy its benefits, do not exceed 3 cups a day.... corn silk tea remedy


Nutritional Profile Energy value (calories per serving): Low Protein: Low Fat: Low Saturated fat: Low Cholesterol: None Carbohydrates: High Fiber: Low Sodium: Moderate Major vitamin contribution: Vitamin C Major mineral contribution: Iron, potassium

About the Nutrients in This Food Cranberries are nearly 90 percent water. The rest is sugars and dietary fiber, including insoluble cellulose in the skin and soluble gums and pectins in the flesh. Pectin dissolves as the fruit ripens; the older and riper the cran- berries, the less pectin they contain. Cranberries also have a bit of protein and a trace of fat, plus moderate amounts of vitamin C. One-half cup cranberries has 1.6 g dietary fiber and 6.5 mg vitamin C (9 percent of the R DA for a woman, 7 percent of the R DA for a man). One-half cup cranberry sauce has 1.5 g dietary fiber and 3 mg vitamin C (4 percent of the R DA for a woman, 3 percent of the R DA for a man).

The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food Relish made of fresh, uncooked berries (to preserve the vitamin C, which is destroyed by heat) plus oranges.

Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food Low-fiber diet

Buying This Food Look for: Firm, round, plump, bright red berries that feel cool and dry to the touch. Avoid: Shriveled, damp, or moldy cranberries. Moldy cranberries may be contaminated with fusarium molds, which produce toxins that can irritate skin and damage tissues by inhibiting the synthesis of DNA and protein.

Storing This Food Store packaged cranberries, unwashed, in the refrigerator, or freeze unwashed berries in sealed plastic bags for up to one year.

Preparing This Food Wash the berries under running water, drain them, and pick them over carefully to remove shriveled, damaged, or moldy berries. R inse frozen berries. It is not necessary to thaw before cooking.

What Happens When You Cook This Food First, the heat will make the water inside the cranberry swell, so that if you cook it long enough the berry will burst. Next, the anthocyanin pigments that make cranberries red will dissolve and make the cooking water red. Anthocyanins stay bright red in acid solutions and turn bluish if the liquid is basic (alkaline). Cooking cranberries in lemon juice and sugar preserves the color as well as brightens the taste. Finally, the heat of cooking will destroy some of the vitamin C in cranberries. Cranberry sauce has about one-third the vitamin C of an equal amount of fresh cranberries.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits Urinary antiseptic. Cranberr y juice is a long-honored folk remedy for urinar y infections. In 1985, researchers at Youngstown (Ohio) State University found a “special factor” in cran- berries that appeared to keep disease-causing bacteria from adhering to the surface of cells in the bladder and urinar y tract. In 1999, scientists at study at Rutgers University (in New Jersey) identified specific tannins in cranberries as the effective agents. In 2004, research- ers at Beth Israel Medical Center (New York) published a review of 19 recent studies of cranberries. The report, in the journal American Family Physician, suggested that a regimen of eight ounces of unsweetened cranberr y juice or one 300 – 400 mg cranberr y extract tablet twice a day for up to 12 months safely reduced the risk of urinar y tract infections. In 2008, a similar review by scientists at the University of Stirling (Scotland) of 10 studies showed similar results.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food Increased risk of kidney stones. Long-term use of cranberry products may increase the risk of stone formation among patients known to form oxalate stones (stones composed of calcium and/or other minerals).

Food/Drug Interactions Anticoagulants Anticoagulants (blood thinners) are drugs used to prevent blood clots. They are most commonly prescribed for patients with atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat that allows blood to pool in the heart and possibly clot before being pumped out into the body. In 2006 researchers at the College of Pharmacy and the Antithrombosis Center at the Univer- sity of Illinois (Chicago) reported that consuming cranberry juice while using the anticoagu- lant warafin (Coumadin) might cause fluctuations in blood levels of the anticoagulant, thus reducing the drug’s ability to prevent blood clots.... cranberries

Croton Tiglium


Family: Euphorbiaceae.

Habitat: Native to South-East Asia. Now cultivated in Assam, Bengal and South India.

English: Purging Croton.

Ayurvedic: Jayapaala, Dravanti, Dantibija, Tintidiphala.

Unani: Habb-us-Salaateen, Jamaal- gotaa, Hubb-ul-Malook.

Siddha/Tamil: Nervaalam.

Action: Cathartic, rubefacient, irritant. Used in ascites, anasarca, dropsy and enlargement of abdominal viscera.

The seed oil is purgative. It produces severe symptoms of toxicity when taken internally or applied externally to the skin.

Croton oil showed tumour-promoting activity on mouse skin. The skin irritant and tumour promoting diterpene esters of the tigliane type (phorbol esters) and toxins have been isolated from the seeds. (In China, where the herb is employed for the treatment of gastro-intestinal disturbances, the highest incidence of naso- pharyngeal cancer has been reported.) 1 ml oil is usually fatal. Phorbols (terpenoids) from nonvolatile oil are toxic. Crotin, a toxic albuminous substance, is not extracted in the oil. The plant caused haematuria and swelling of lymph glands in animals.

Dosage: Seed—6-12 mg powder. (API Vol. IV.)... croton tiglium

Calculus, Dental

A hard, crust-like deposit (also known as tartar) found on the crowns and roots of the teeth. Calculus forms when mineral salts in saliva are deposited in existing plaque. Supragingival calculus is a yellowish or white deposit that forms above the gum margin, on the crowns of teeth near the openings of salivary gland ducts. Subgingival calculus forms below the gum margin and is brown or black. Toxins in calculus cause gum inflammation (see gingivitis), which may progress to destruction of the supporting tissues (see periodontitis). Calculus is removed by professional scaling. Attention to oral hygiene reduces recurrence.... calculus, dental


Any of a group of rodshaped bacteria.

Clostridia are found in soil and in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals.

They produce powerful toxins and are responsible for potentially life-threatening diseases such as botulism, tetanus, and gangrene.... clostridium

Diospyros Kaki

Linn. f.

Habitat: Native to China; now grown in Himachal Pradesh, Kumaon, the Nilgiris and West Bengal for edible fruits.

English: Japanese Persimmon.

Ayurvedic: Tinduka (var.).

Action: Hypotensive, hepatopro- tective, antidote to poisons and bacterial toxins. Calyx and peduncle of fruit—used in the treatment of cough and dyspnoea. Roasted seeds—used as a substitute for coffee.

The fruit, in addition to sugars, glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, citric acid, contains (% of fresh weight) 0.20-1.41 tannins, 0.21-10.07 total pectins, 0.67 pentosans and 0.16-0.25 polyphenols. The fruit also contains 2.4 mg/100 g carotenoids; carotene expressed as vitamin A 2200-2600 IU. The carote- noids identified in the pulp include cryptoxanthine, zeaxanthin, antherax- anthin, lycopene and beta-carotene. (Many carotenoids originally present in the fruit decompose during ripening.

The fruit pulp is an antidote to bacterial toxins and is used in the preparation of a vaccine for pertussis.

Condensed tannins from the fruits effectively inhibited 2-nitrofluorene mutagen.

The immature leaves contain a ster- oidal saponin, lignin and phenolic compounds. Eugenol and dihydroac- tinidiolide are reported from fresh leaves.

The leaves are reported to exhibit hepatoprotective activity. Leaves also contain hypotensive principles. Astra- galin and isoquercitrin have been isolated from leaves.... diospyros kaki


Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Rarely seen in the UK since the introduction of inoculation in 1940, it is still an important cause of disease in many parts of the world. The infection is caused by the Corynebacterium diphtheriae and is spread by water droplets. It usually presents with a sore throat, and there is a slightly raised membrane on the tonsils surrounded by an in?ammatory zone. There may be some swelling of the neck and lymph nodes, though the patient’s temperature is seldom much raised. Occasionally the disease occurs in the eye or genital tract, or it may complicate lesions of the skin. More serious consequences follow the absorption of TOXINS which damage the heart muscle and the nervous system.

Treatment Provided that the patient is not allergic to horse serum, an injection of the antitoxin is given immediately. A one-week course of penicillin is started (or erythromycin if the patient is allergic to penicillin). Diphtheria may cause temporary muscle weakness or paralysis, which should resolve without special treatment; if the respiratory muscles are involved, however, arti?cial respiration may be necessary.

All infants should be immunised against diphtheria; for details see table under IMMUNISATION.... diphtheria

Irradiation Of Food

The treatment of food with ionizing radiation to kill bacteria, moulds, insects, and other parasites. It improves the keeping qualities of food and is a means of controlling some types of food poisoning. It does not destroy bacterial toxins, however, and may destroy vitamins. Irradiation does not render food radioactive.... irradiation of food


An aluminium compound used as an ingredient in some antidiarrhoeal drugs. Kaolin is taken orally and increases the bulk of faeces. It is also believed to adsorb bacteria, viruses, and toxins in the intestine, transporting them through the digestive tract for excretion in the faeces.... kaolin

Lavage, Gastric

Washing out the stomach with water, usually to remove toxins.... lavage, gastric


A form of alternative medicine based on the principle that disease is a result of the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the body, and that symptoms reflect the attempts of the body to rid itself of these substances. Practitioners of naturopathy believe that health is maintained by avoiding anything artificial or unnatural in the diet or in the environment.... naturopathy

Discover More About Horsetail Tea

Horsetail tea is made from the horsetail herb also named Equisetum arvense. Horsetail was used by ancient Romans and Greeks in medicine as an herbal remedy to stop bleeding, heal wounds and treat tuberculosis or kidney problems. This plant is actually a non-flowering weed that is found in some parts of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. How to brew Horsetail Tea To brew a cup of horsetail tea, place 1-2 teaspoons of dried horsetail in a cup of boiled water. Then cover it and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. When the time is up, strain thehorsetail tea into another cup and, depending on your taste preferences, sweeten it with some honey or sugar. Horsetail Tea benefits Horsetail tea has a lot of health benefits due to its high silica content that may help straighten bones, hair and nails, relieve bloating and fight fungal infections.  Also, horsetail tea:
  • It is most commonly used as a diuretic since washes away the toxins, having a cleansing effect to the kidneys.
  • Strengthens your lungs thanks to its main component - silica acid helps strengthen the walls of the air sacs in the lungs.
  • Promotes healthy hair. You can add 4 oz. of cooled horsetail tea into your shampoo or you can use the tea as a hair rinse.
  • Reduces swellings and gets rid of water retention.
  • Treats urinary infections.
  • Helps healing and treating burns and wounds thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Horsetail Tea side effects Even though this tea has a lot of benefits, over consumption may lead to certain side effects. Try not to drink more than 2 cups of horsetail tea a day.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised not to drink horsetail tea.
  • If you have kidney stones, try to stay away from this tea.
  • You can experience nausea, muscle weakness, fever or certain skin problems if you drink too much horsetail tea.
  • Before you start drinking horsetail tea, make sure you don’t have theamine deficiency or weak heart. In case you do, do not drink this tea.
Horsetail tea makes an excellent choice of drink since it has a lot of medical properties and therefore many benefits. Avoid over consumption and enjoy a healthy cup of tea!... discover more about horsetail tea

Drink Sassafras Tea!

Drinking sassafras tea has both its pros and cons. The health benefits tempt you to give it a try. However, you should be aware of its side effects, as well. Find out more about both the health benefits and the side effects of sassafras tea. About Sassafras Tea Sassafras tea is made from the roots or leaves of the sassafras tree. This tree can be found in eastern North America and eastern Asia. The tree’s height varies between 9m and 18m. It has a thick trunk, with many thin branches and a smooth, orange-brown bark. The leaves have three distinct patterns (unlobed, bilobed, trilobed); they have smooth margins and can be 7-20cm long. The trees have small, yellow flowers with five petals, and a blue-black, egg-shaped fruit. The leaves are often used to season dishes. Also, rootbeer got its name from the oil extracted from sassafras tree root. How to make Sassafras Tea Both sassafras tree root and leaves can be used to make a cup of sassafras tea. Add a handful of either root or leaves to a pot of boiling water. Cover and let it steep for about 20 minutes. Once the steeping time is done, strain to clear the liquid. Sassafras Tea Benefits Sassafras tea gets many active constituents from either the root or the leaves of the sassafras tree. Some of them include safrole, tannins, mucilage, asarone, and alpha-pinene. This leads to the tea having many health benefits. Sassafras tea works both as a blood thinner and as a blood purifier. Drinking it also promotes the process of extracting toxins from your body. Drinking sassafras tea can help if you’ve got a cold or the flu. Also, it can be used in the treatment for bronchitis and gonorrhea. With sassafras tea, you can also treat liver and kidney problems, urinary tract problems, arthritis and rheumatism. Drinking it will also help reduce menstrual cramps. Sassafras Tea Side Effects Among its active constituents, sassafras tea contains saffron, which is considered to trigger liver cancer. More researches are being done, though until it is known for sure, its trade has been restricted. This is why it is recommended that you not drink sassafras tea for a long period of time. The amount of tea you drink matters, as well. Don’t drink more than 3-4 cups of sassafras tea a day. If you drink too much, you might get hallucinations, heart palpitations, headaches, or you might feel nauseous. Pregnant and breastfeeding women shouldn’t drink sassafras tea, either. It can affect the baby, and even lead to miscarriages during pregnancy. Sassafras tea has both health benefits and side effects. Before you start consuming it, it’s considered best to talk to your doctor and balance the pros and cons, based on your health. If you’re safe to drink it, then enjoy your cup of sassafras tea!... drink sassafras tea!

Necrotizing Fasciitis

A rare, serious infection of tissues beneath the skin by a type of streptococcal bacterium.

Necrotizing fasciitis is most likely to occur as a complication following surgery.

The initial symptoms are inflammation and blistering of the skin.

The infection spreads very rapidly, and the bacteria release enzymes and toxins that can cause extensive destruction of deeper tissues and damage internal organs.

Urgent treatment with antibiotic drugs and removal of all infected tissue are essential.

The infection is life-threatening.... necrotizing fasciitis

Strep Throat

A streptococcal infection of the throat. It is most common in children. The bacteria are spread in droplets coughed or breathed into the air.

In some people, the bacteria cause no symptoms, but others suffer a sore throat, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In some cases, the bacterial toxins produce a rash (see scarlet fever).

Treatment is usually with a penicillin drug. Untreated, strep throat may lead to glomerulonephritis or rheumatic fever.... strep throat


A form of immunization in which killed or weakened microorganisms, or inactivated bacterial toxins, are introduced into the body, usually by injection, to sensitize the immune system (see vaccine). If disease-causing organisms or toxins of the same type later enter the body, the sensitized immune system rapidly produces antibodies that destroy them.... vaccination

Discover Quassia Tea

If you want to try something new, drink quassia tea - an herbal tea from South America. Even if its taste is bitter, you won’t regret giving it a try thanks to its many health benefits. Read to find out more about quassia tea! About Quassia Tea Quassia tea is made from the bark of the quassia tree, which can be found in the tropical parts of South America. Quassia is a deciduous tree which can grow up to 30m in height. Its bark is grey, and it has branches full of leaves. The flowers of the tree are yellow, while the fruits are black and pea-shaped. Constituents of Quassia Tea Quassia tea has plenty of health benefits. These can be found in the tea thanks to the active constituents which are transferred from the bark of the tree. Some of the important active constituents are: various quassinoids and alkaloids, beta-sitostenone, beta-sitosterol, calcium tartrate, gallic acid, mallic acid, potassium acetate, and simalikalactone D and E (SkE). How to prepare Quassia Tea If you’re using quassia bark to make a cup of quassia tea, add two teaspoons to a mug full of freshly-boiled water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Stream and sweeten if you wish. If you use teabags, follow the instructions on the box (steeping time should be around 5-7 minutes). You can drink cold quessia tea, too. For this, just soak a handful of tree bark in a mug of cool water. Let it steep for about eight hours before you remove the bark pieces. Quessia Tea Benefits Quessia tea has plenty of health benefits, thanks to its active constituents. They should encourage you to drink this tea, despite its bitter taste. Quessia tea promotes a proper digestion. It also helps expel parasites and lice, clean the blood, and eliminate toxins and bacteria; it is recommended if you’ve got a fever. It is used in the treatment for various diseases: malaria, diarrhea, dysentery and gastric ulcers, for example. Quessia tea is also recommended if you’ve got a tumor. You can drink quessia tea when you feel nervous or stressed. This tea will help you relax, as it will sedate the nerves. It is also useful if you’ve got a bad appetite, or even if you’re suffering from anorexia. Quessia Tea Side Effects You shouldn’t drink quessia tea if you’re pregnant or breast feeding. It can affect the baby in both cases, as well as lead to cell damage and nausea. It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of quessia tea a day. If you drink too much, you might get a few side effects. These include: irritation of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, headaches. Long-term consumption of quessia tea might lead to vision changes or even blindness. As quessia tea can irritate the digestive tract, it’s best that you don’t drink it if you’re suffering from digestive tract diseases, such as stomach, intestinal ulcers, or Crohn’s disease. It might worsen your condition. Quessia tea can be consumed every day with no worries. It has important health benefits which should convince you to drink it, despite its bitter taste.... discover quassia tea

Elderberry Tea - A Natural Flu Fighter

Elderberry tea is commonly known as a remedy for flu or cold. This miraculous shrub has many other benefits for your health and can be used in many forms even for wines or sweets. About Elderberry tea Originally native to Europe and Western Africa, elderberry is a bush with white flowers and clusters of berries that are purplish to black in color. The best type of elderberry is considered to be the sambucus nigra, because it is truly the only safe type. Other types can be poisonous (especially stems and leaves) so be careful when you pick it yourself or when you buy it from stores. The elderberry flowers and fruits are usually used to prepare teas, wine, jams, pies and syrups and are sometimes used as flavoring for soft drinks. The elderberry plant is also sometimes used as an ornamental plant. Elderberry tea is rich in vitamin C and has high levels of flavonoids, anthocyanin, sambucin, sambunigrin and potassium nitrate, along with sugars. Only dried white flowers are used to prepare the tea which has a delicate tasty flavor. How to prepare Elderberry tea For a delicious cup of Elderberry tea, take 3 teaspoons of dried flowers and combine them with a cup of boiling water. Let them steep for approximately 10 minutes. Cool, strain and enjoy it afterwards. The same procedure must be followed if you use teabags, but use only 1. Drink it up to three times a day to treat flu or other respiratory conditions. If you add honey, its benefits will be doubled. Benefits of Elderberry tea Elderberry tea has lots of benefits especially when it comes to flu or fever. It helps relieving respiratory conditions caused by a buildup of mucus or phlegm, such as colds, bronchitis, and asthma problems. It clears the system out, lowers fever and eases flu symptoms. Elderberry tea also acts as an antioxidant protecting the body against aging free radicals thanks to the flavonoids contained. It has also a detoxifying effect helping the liver and kidneys to process and remove toxins from the body. Elderberry tea may help in the treatment of various types of allergies. Elderberry tea may be helpful in the quick recovery of patients with eruptive diseases caused by viruses like measles and chicken pox. It is also recommended in the treatment of arthritic and rheumatic pain. Side effects of Elderberry tea Although Elderberry tea is considered generally safe, it can occasionally generate  some side effects like gastrointestinal upset. Please keep in mind that it is always a good idea to ask your physician’s opinion before taking this tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. As you can see, Elderberry tea has many benefits for your health and as long as you have chosen the right type and you do not exceed 3 cups a day you can drink it with no worries.... elderberry tea - a natural flu fighter

Acute Tubular Necrosis

(ATN) a condition caused by acute renal injury from either ischaemia or toxins and associated with tubular damage that is usually reversible. The earliest feature is *isosthenuria, which may occur while there is still a high urine flow rate. This is followed by a reduction in *glomerular filtration rate. *Oliguria is common and dialysis often needed for survival. If the cause of the initial damage can be removed, recovery of renal function within six weeks can be expected in most cases.... acute tubular necrosis


n. any substance used in conjunction with another to enhance its activity. Aluminium salts are used as adjuvants in the preparation of vaccines from the toxins of diphtheria and tetanus: by keeping the toxins in precipitated form, the salts increase the efficacy of the toxins as antigens.... adjuvant

Discover Saw Palmetto Tea!

If you’re a fan of herbal teas, you have to try saw palmetto tea! It’s special, as it is made from the berries of a small palm. Read more about its health benefits and side effects! About Saw Palmetto Tea Saw palmetto tea is made from the fruit saw palmetto, also known by its scientific name, Serenoa repens. It is the sole species which remains classified in the genus Serenoa. It is a small palm, native to the southeastern part of the United States. Its height varies between 2 and 4m. Its leaves are 1-2m long and have a bare petiole, with a rounded fan of about 20 leaflets at the end; the petiole has fine, sharp teeth or spines. The flowers are small, yellowish-white and produced in dense panicles, and the fruit is a large, reddish-black berry. How to prepare Saw Palmetto Tea A cup of saw palmetto tea can be prepared with either the plant’s berries, or normal teabags. In case you’re using saw palmetto berries, add a teaspoon of the fruits to a cup of freshly boiled water. Let it steep for about 5 minutes, before you strain to remove the berries. Sweeten it, if necessary, with honey or fruit juice. If you’ve got saw palmetto tea bags, follow the instructions on the tea box. Saw Palmetto Tea Constituents Saw palmetto tea gets many active constituents from its main ingredient: saw palmetto berries. The constituents of the berries include a high concentration of fatty acids and phytosterols, as well as beta-sitosterol, capric acid, ferulic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid. Saw Palmetto Tea Benefits Saw palmetto tea is known for its important role in treating urinary tract infections. Drinking this tea helps to gently stimulate urination; thanks to this, the infectious microorganisms are “flushed out” along with the urine. Drinking saw palmetto tea helps remove toxins and waste products which can affect and reduce the functions of the kidneys, liver, and bladder. It also helps with the digestive system; it is drunk to treat diarrhea, acid reflux, gas, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome. Saw palmetto tea also helps calm coughs and treats various forms of chest congestion. It is useful if you’ve got a headache. It can be used to treat benign prostate enlargement and prostatitis, as well. Saw Palmetto Tea Side Effects You shouldn’t drink saw palmetto tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It can act like a hormone, which might lead to problems. Drinking saw palmetto tea before a surgery is also bad. It might slow down the blood clotting process, which might lead to extra bleeding both during and after the surgery. It is recommended that you stop drinking this tea two weeks before you’ve got a surgery scheduled. Although rare, the possibility of getting an allergic reaction to saw palmetto tea still exists. Symptoms include rashes, itchiness, difficulty in breathing, and swelling of the mouth, tongue or nose. Also, be careful with the amount of saw palmetto tea you drink. The recommended amount is 3-4 cups a day. If you drink too much, you might get some of the following symptoms: dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. Saw palmetto tea can easily be used as a daily hot beverage. You’re bound to enjoy both the taste and its many health benefits.... discover saw palmetto tea!

Grapefruit Peel Tea

Grapefruit Peel Tea is known for many years due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. As the name suggests, grapefruit peel tea is made from the peel of the grapefruit, the white portion under the rind, which is very rich in antioxidants that help strengthen your immune system. It also contains pectin and fiber, substances that help lower the bad cholesterol levels in the body. How To Make Grapefruit Peel Tea You can make Grapefruit Peel Tea by mincing the white rind of the fruit and placing it in about 8 cups of boiled water. Let the mix boil for about 2 minutes and after that, let it steep for 15 minutes. Keep in mind that grapefruit peel tea has a bitter taste and you might consider sweeten it with honey or sugar. Grapefruit Peel Tea Benefits
  • Helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Clears the respiratory tract.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol.
  • Provides relaxation.
  • Helps fight allergies.
  • Strong allied in the treatment of some digestive and bladder problems.
Grapefruit Peel Tea Side Effects
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid drinking Grapefruit Peel Tea.
  • Grapefruit peel tea may interact with the effects of some medications, so make sure you always consult your doctor before drinking grapefruit peel tea.
  • Try not to drink excessive amounts of Grapefruit Peel Tea if you have breast cancer or a higher than usual risk of developing breast cancer.
All in all, Grapefruit Peel Tea can be a healthy start for your day, giving you the energy that you need due to its many vitamins. Just keep in mind its side effects and try to avoid as much as you can experiencing them!... grapefruit peel tea


n. a genus of fungi that contains several species of poisonous toadstools, including A. phalloides (death cap), A. pantherina (panther cap), and A. muscaria (fly agaric). They produce toxins that cause abdominal pain, violent vomiting, and continuous diarrhoea. In the absence of treatment death occurs in approximately 50% of cases, due to severe liver damage.... amanita


n. poisoning from the bite of a spider. Toxins from the less venomous species of spider cause only local pain, redness, and swelling. Toxins from more venomous species, such as the black widow (Lactrodectus mactans), cause muscular pains, convulsions, nausea, and paralysis.... arachnidism


n. a rare and potentially life-threatening form of *food poisoning due to ingestion of foods contaminated with toxins produced by the bacterium *Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin selectively targets motor nerve fibres of the central nervous system, causing flaccid paralysis. As the disease progresses, involvement of the muscles of respiration leads to respiratory failure and death. The bacterium thrives in improperly preserved foods, typically canned raw meats. The toxins are unstable to heat and are invariably destroyed during cooking.... botulism

Enjoy A Cup Of Rose Petal Tea

It you want to drink a special type of herbal tea, try the rose petal tea. It is aromatic, with a pleasant taste, and you’re bound to enjoy it. It also has important health benefits. Find out more about rose petal tea! About Rose Petal Tea Rose petal tea is made from the petals of a flower most adored by many women: the rose. This woody perennial plant has over 100 species which grow in Asia, Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Roses grow as a group of erect shrubs, acting like climbing plants. Its stems often have small, sharp thorns. The leaves are oval-shaped with sharply-toothed edges, and they’re about 10cm long. The fruit is called rosehip; it is ripe from late summer to autumn, and it is edible. The flowers usually have 5 petals with two distinct lobes; they are usually pink, white, red, or yellow. You can make tea both from the rose petals and from the rose’s fruit, the rosehip. How to prepare Rose Petal Tea When making rose petal tea, first make sure that the petals you use are free of pesticides. Roses from gardens and flower shops are usually treated with pesticides, and shouldn’t be used to make rose petal tea. To enjoy rose petal tea, add about two handfuls of properly washed and dry rose petals to a pot with water for three cups of tea. Leave the pot over medium heat for 5 minutes, or until the petals have lost their original color, becoming darker. Stream to remove the petals and sweeten, if necessary, with honey or fruit juice. Rose Petal Tea Components Rose petal tea gets many active components from the rose petals: cyclic monoterpene alcohols, geraniol, citronellol and nerol are just a few important ones. It also includes long-chain hydrocarbons (nonadecane, heneicosane). These active components lead to the many health benefits rose petal tea has. Rose Petal Tea Benefits Rose petal tea helps strengthen your immunity, and can be part of the treatment for colds. It is useful if you’ve got a fever, a runny nose, a sore throat, or bronchial congestion. Also, it helps clean your body of toxins. Drinking rose petal tea can help during menstrual periods, if you’ve got a heavy menstrual flow. It can also reduce menstrual cramps, and helps regulate your period. Rose petal tea is often used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. It can also help you fight against depression, fatigue and insomnia. Rose petal tea also acts as a digestive aid, as it protects the gastrointestinal tract. It is often used to treat constipation, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and dysentery; the tea also nourishes the gastric mucosa. You can drink rose petal tea to treat urinary tract infections, as well. Rose Petal Tea Side Effects No important side effects of rose petal tea have been noted. Still, it is considered best not to drink more than 5 cups of tea a day. If you drink too much, you might get some of these symptoms: headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Spoil yourself with a delicious cup of rose petal tea! Not only will you enjoy its taste, but its health benefits, as well.... enjoy a cup of rose petal tea

Honeysuckle Tea

Honeysuckle tea has been known in Chinese medicine as being an efficient herb for eliminating heat and accumulated toxins from the body. The honeysuckle is a climbing plant that grows in the Northern Hemisphere. It can reach up to 12 feet in length and can be recognized by its oval-shaped leaves and by its tubular shaped, yellow or white flowers. The constituents of honeysuckle are tannins, inositol, luteolin and volatile oils which are active in the flowers just before the bud opens. How To Make Honeysuckle Tea To brew Honeysuckle Tea, you need to place 1 cup of honeysuckle flowers in 1 quart of boiling water. Let the tea steep for about 10-15 minutes and enjoy! You can drink 3 cups of honeysuckle tea per day. Honeysuckle Tea Benefits
  • Helps fight bladder infections.
  • Alleviates sores and swellings of the eyes, breast and throat.
  • Honeysuckle Tea alleviates fever.
  • It is said that it inhibits the bacteria that causes salmonella, strep and tuberculosis.
  • Treats nausea and vomiting caused by hepatitis C.
  • Stops the pain caused by headaches.
Honeysuckle Tea Side Effects
  • People who suffer from chronic diarrhea caused by treatment from chronic diseases should avoid drinking Honeysuckle Tea.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not drink Honeysuckle Tea.
  • Honeysuckle Tea may increase the risk of extra bleeding during and after a surgery. Make sure you stop consuming honeysuckle tea at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Honeysuckle Tea is a great herbal tea, that has many benefits for your health. Just make sure you don’t drink more than 3 cups per day in order to avoid its side effects.... honeysuckle tea


(chemical and biological warfare) the use of poisonous gases and other chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and toxins during war.... cbw

Gas Gangrene

death and decay of wound tissue infected by the soil bacterium *Clostridium perfringens. Toxins produced by the bacterium cause putrefactive decay of connective tissue with the generation of gas. Treatment is usually by surgery.... gas gangrene


n. a compound formed by replacing the hydroxyl (–OH) group of a sugar by another group. (If the sugar is glucose the compound is known as a glucoside.) Glycosides found in plants include some pharmacologically important products, such as the cardiac glycoside *digoxin, derived from the foxglove (Digitalis). Other plant glycosides are natural food toxins, present in cassava, almonds, and other plant products, and may yield hydrogen cyanide if the plant is not prepared properly before eating.... glycoside


n. a form of renal replacement therapy that removes toxins by a combination of diffusion (as in conventional *haemodialysis) and convection (as in *haemofiltration), and is more efficient than either in the process.... haemodiafiltration


In?ammation of the LIVER which damages liver cells and may ultimately kill them. Acute injury of the liver is usually followed by complete recovery, but prolonged in?ammation after injury may result in FIBROSIS and CIRRHOSIS. Excluding trauma, hepatitis has several causes:

Viral infections by any of hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E viruses and also CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV), EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS, and HERPES SIMPLEX.

Autoimmune disorders such as autoimmune chronic hepatitis, toxins, alcohol and certain drugs – ISONIAZID, RIFAMPICIN, HALOTHANE and CHLORPROMAZINE.


Acute viral hepatitis causes damage throughout the liver and in severe infections may destroy whole lobules (see below).

Chronic hepatitis is typi?ed by an invasion of the portal tract by white blood cells (mild hepatitis). If these mononuclear in?ammatory cells invade the body (parenchyma) of the liver tissue, ?brosis and then chronic disease or cirrhosis can develop. Cirrhosis may develop at any age and commonly results in prolonged ill health. It is an important cause of premature death, with excessive alcohol consumption commonly the triggering factor. Sometimes, cirrhosis may be asymptomatic, but common symptoms are weakness, tiredness, poor appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and production of abnormal amounts of wind. Initially, the liver may enlarge, but later it becomes hard and shrunken, though rarely causing pain. Skin pigmentation may occur along with jaundice, the result of failure to excrete the liver product BILIRUBIN. Routine liver-function tests on blood are used to help diagnose the disease and to monitor its progress. Spider telangiectasia (caused by damage to blood vessels – see TELANGIECTASIS) usually develop, and these are a signi?cant pointer to liver disease. ENDOCRINE changes occur, especially in men, who lose their typical hair distribution and suffer from atrophy of their testicles. Bruising and nosebleeds occur increasingly as the cirrhosis worsens, and portal hypertension (high pressure of venous blood circulation through the liver) develops due to abnormal vascular resistance. ASCITES and HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY are indications of advanced cirrhosis.

Treatment of cirrhosis is to tackle the underlying cause, to maintain the patient’s nutrition (advising him or her to avoid alcohol), and to treat any complications. The disorder can also be treated by liver transplantation; indeed, 75 per cent of liver transplants are done for cirrhosis. The overall prognosis of cirrhosis, however, is not good, especially as many patients attend for medical care late in the course of the disease. Overall, only 25 per cent of patients live for ?ve years after diagnosis, though patients who have a liver transplant and survive for a year (80 per cent do) have a good prognosis.

Autoimmune hepatitis is a type that most commonly occurs in women between 20 and 40 years of age. The cause is unknown and it has been suggested that the disease has several immunological subtypes. Symptoms are similar to other viral hepatitis infections, with painful joints and AMENORRHOEA as additional symptoms. Jaundice and signs of chronic liver disease usually occur. Treatment with CORTICOSTEROIDS is life-saving in autoimmune hepatitis, and maintenance treatment may be needed for two years or more. Remissions and exacerbations are typical, and most patients eventually develop cirrhosis, with 50 per cent of victims dying of liver failure if not treated. This ?gure falls to 10 per cent in treated patients.

Viral hepatitis The ?ve hepatic viruses (A to E) all cause acute primary liver disease, though each belongs to a separate group of viruses.

•Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is an ENTEROVIRUS

which is very infectious, spreading by faecal contamination from patients suffering from (or incubating) the infection; victims excrete viruses into the faeces for around ?ve weeks during incubation and development of the disease. Overcrowding and poor sanitation help to spread hepatitis A, which fortunately usually causes only mild disease.

Hepatitis B (HBV) is caused by a hepadna virus, and humans are the only reservoir of infection, with blood the main agent for transferring it. Transfusions of infected blood or blood products, and injections using contaminated needles (common among habitual drug abusers), are common modes of transfer. Tattooing and ACUPUNCTURE may spread hepatitis B unless high standards of sterilisation are maintained. Sexual intercourse, particularly between male homosexuals, is a signi?cant infection route.

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a ?avivirus whose source of infection is usually via blood contacts. E?ective screening of blood donors and heat treatment of blood factors should prevent the spread of this infection, which becomes chronic in about 75 per cent of those infected, lasting for life. Although most carriers do not suffer an acute illness, they must practise life-long preventive measures.

Hepatitis D (HDV) cannot survive independently, needing HBV to replicate, so its sources and methods of spread are similar to the B virus. HDV can infect people at the same time as HBV, but it is capable of superinfecting those who are already chronic carriers of the B virus. Acute and chronic infection of HDV can occur, depending on individual circumstances, and parenteral drug abuse spreads the infection. The disease occurs worldwide, being endemic in Africa, South America and the Mediterranean littoral.

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is excreted in the stools, spreading via the faeco-oral route. It causes large epidemics of water-borne hepatitis and ?ourishes wherever there is poor sanitation. It resembles acute HAV infection and the patient usually recovers. HEV does not cause chronic infection. The clinical characteristics of the ?ve hepatic

viruses are broadly similar. The initial symptoms last for up to two weeks (comprising temperature, headache and malaise), and JAUNDICE then develops, with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea common manifestations. Upper abdominal pain and a tender enlarged liver margin, accompanied by enlarged cervical lymph glands, are usual.

As well as blood tests to assess liver function, there are speci?c virological tests to identify the ?ve infective agents, and these are important contributions to diagnosis. However, there is no speci?c treatment of any of these infections. The more seriously ill patients may require hospital care, mainly to enable doctors to spot at an early stage those developing acute liver failure. If vomiting is a problem, intravenous ?uid and glucose can be given. Therapeutic drugs – especially sedatives and hypnotics – should be avoided, and alcohol must not be taken during the acute phase. Interferon is the only licensed drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, but this is used with care.

Otherwise-?t patients under 40 with acute viral hepatitis have a mortality rate of around

0.5 per cent; for those over 60, this ?gure is around 3 per cent. Up to 95 per cent of adults with acute HBV infection recover fully but the rest may develop life-long chronic hepatitis, particularly those who are immunode?cient (see IMMUNODEFICIENCY).

Infection is best prevented by good living conditions. HVA and HVB can be prevented by active immunisation with vaccines. There is no vaccine available for viruses C, D and E, although HDV is e?ectively prevented by immunisation against HBV. At-risk groups who should be vaccinated against HBV include:

Parenteral drug abusers.

Close contacts of infected individuals such as regular sexual partners and infants of infected mothers.

Men who have sex with men.

Patients undergoing regular haemodialysis.

Selected health professionals, including laboratory sta? dealing with blood samples and products.... hepatitis


Immunoglobulin E is a type of antibody produced by IgE plasma cells. These are specialized B-cell lymphocytes that make free-floating antibodies for what is termed humoral resistance. IgE is peculiar for several reasons. It is not made to be specific against only one antigen like other gamma globulins, but instead can bind with a number of dangerous proteins. Further, IgE travels to mast cells, sticks to their surfaces, and when antigens get stuck to the IgE, the mast cells secrete inflammatory compounds like histamine. Since IgE is a generalist, coded for a number of potential toxins, not just a single substance, it can decide that Juniper pollen and cat dander are antigens...and you have an allergy. Elevated production of IgE is often inherited, which is why allergies run in a family-and why, once you have an allergy, the mast cells and IgE can decide that, for the duration, a whole bunch of other stuff causes hypersensitivity reactions, stuff that wouldn’t normally bother you without an ongoing allergy.... ige


The body’s defence against foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. Immunity also protects against drugs, toxins and cancer cells. It is partly non-speci?c – that is, it does not depend on previous exposure to the foreign substance. For example, micro-organisms are engulfed and inactivated by polymorphonuclear LEUCOCYTES as a ?rst line of defence before speci?c immunity has developed.

Acquired immunity depends upon the immune system recognising a substance as foreign the ?rst time it is encountered, storing this information so that it can mount a reaction the next time the substance enters the body. This is the usual outcome of natural infection or prophylactic IMMUNISATION. What happens is that memory of the initiating ANTIGEN persists in selected lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE). Further challenge with the same antigen stimulates an accelerated, more vigorous secondary response by both T- and B-lymphocytes (see below). Priming the immune system in this manner forms the physiological basis for immunisation programmes.

Foreign substances which can provoke an immune response are termed ‘antigens’. They are usually proteins but smaller molecules such as drugs and chemicals can also induce an immune response. Proteins are taken up and processed by specialised cells called ‘antigenpresenting cells’, strategically sited where microbial infection may enter the body. The complex protein molecules are broken down into short amino-acid chains (peptides – see PEPTIDE) and transported to the cell surface where they are presented by structures called HLA antigens (see HLA SYSTEM).

Foreign peptides presented by human leucocyte antigen (HLA) molecules are recognised by cells called T-lymphocytes. These originate in the bone marrow and migrate to the THYMUS GLAND where they are educated to distinguish between foreign peptides, which elicit a primary immune response, and self-antigens (that is, constituents of the person themselves) which do not. Non-responsiveness to self-antigens is termed ‘tolerance’ (see AUTOIMMUNITY). Each population or clone of T-cells is uniquely responsive to a single peptide sequence because it expresses a surface molecule (‘receptor’) which ?ts only that peptide. The responsive T-cell clone induces a speci?c response in other T-and B-lymphocyte populations. For example, CYTOTOXIC T-cells penetrate infected tissues and kill cells which express peptides derived from invading micro-organisms, thereby helping to eliminate the infection.

B-lymphocytes secrete ANTIBODIES which are collectively termed IMMUNOGLOBULINS (Ig)

– see also GAMMA-GLOBULIN. Each B-cell population (clone) secretes antibody uniquely speci?c for antigens encountered in the blood, extracellular space, and the LUMEN of organs such as the respiratory passages and gastrointestinal tract.

Antibodies belong to di?erent Ig classes; IgM antibodies are synthesised initially, followed by smaller and therefore more penetrative IgG molecules. IgA antibodies are adapted to cross the surfaces of mucosal tissues so that they can adhere to organisms in the gut, upper and lower respiratory passages, thereby preventing their attachment to the mucosal surface. IgE antibodies also contribute to mucosal defence but are implicated in many allergic reactions (see ALLERGY).

Antibodies are composed of constant portions, which distinguish antibodies of di?erent class; and variable portions, which confer unique antigen-binding properties on the product of each B-cell clone. In order to match the vast range of antigens that the immune system has to combat, the variable portions are synthesised under the instructions of a large number of encoding GENES whose products are assembled to make the ?nal antibody. The antibody produced by a single B-cell clone is called a monoclonal antibody; these are now synthesised and used for diagnostic tests and in treating certain diseases.

Populations of lymphocytes with di?erent functions, and other cells engaged in immune responses, carry distinctive protein markers. By convention these are classi?ed and enumerated by their ‘CD’ markers, using monoclonal antibodies speci?c for each marker.

Immune responses are in?uenced by cytokines which function as HORMONES acting over a short range to accelerate the activation and proliferation of other cell populations contributing to the immune response. Speci?c immune responses collaborate with nonspeci?c defence mechanisms. These include the COMPLEMENT SYSTEM, a protein-cascade reaction designed to eliminate antigens neutralised by antibodies and to recruit cell populations which kill micro-organisms.... immunity


adj. growing towards or having an affinity for neural tissue. The term may be applied to viruses, chemicals, or toxins.... neurotropic


n. any living thing that lives in (see endoparasite) or on (see ectoparasite) another living organism (see host). The parasite, which may spend all or only part of its existence with the host, obtains food and/or shelter from the host and contributes nothing to its welfare. Some parasites cause irritation and interfere with bodily functions; others destroy host tissues and release toxins into the body, thus injuring health and causing disease. Human parasites include fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and worms. See also commensal; symbiosis. —parasitic adj.... parasite


n. any poisonous substance (toxin) produced by a plant, such as any of the toxins produced by fungi of the genus *Amanita.... phytotoxin


n. blood poisoning by toxins of saprophytic bacteria (bacteria living on dead or decaying matter). Compare pyaemia; septicaemia; toxaemia.... sapraemia

Ipomoea Pes-caprae

(Linn.) Sweet.

Synonym: I. biloba Forsk.

Family: Convolvulaceae.

Habitat: Near sea, especially on the West Coast.

English: Goat's Foot Creeper.

Ayurvedic: Chhagalaantri, Mar- yaada-valli.

Siddha/Tamil: Adambu, Attukkal, Musattalai.

Action: Astringent, stomachic, laxative, antidiarrhoeal, antiemetic, analgesic. Leaf—diuretic, anti- inflammatory. Used in colic, prolapsus ani; externally in rheumatism. Essential oil of leaves— antagonistic to histamine. Leaf extract is used for different types of inflammations including injuries caused by poisonous jelly-fish.

Clinical trials have proved that an extract (IPA) inhibited the action of jelly-fish toxins. Its topical application inhibited carrageenan-induced paw and ear oedema induced by arachi- donic acid or ethyl phenylpropionate in rats. The crude extract of leaves also show inhibitory effect on prostaglan- din synthesis in vitro.

Crude extract (IPA) of the leaves has also been shown to antagonize smooth muscle contraction induced by several agonists via non-specific mechanism. Antispasmodic isoprenoids, beta-damascenone and E-phytol have been isolated from the extract. The an- tispasmodic activity was found to be in the same range as that of papaverine.

The alcoholic extract of leaves showed insulinogenic and hypogly- caemic activities in rats, comparable to the hypoglycaemic drug chlor- propamide.

The leaves and seeds contain indole alkaloid. Plant also contains a steroid, an amide, pentatriacontane, triacon- tane, volatile oil and behenic, melissic, butyric and myristic acids.... ipomoea pes-caprae

Linden Tea

Linden Tea has been used in medicine as a natural remedy for various health problems. Linden plant grows mainly in Europe and North America, linden tree having large deep roots and smooth reddish twigs. Linden tea is known for its diuretic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic and sedative properties. The constituents of linden are mucilages, tannins, volatile oils and antioxidants flavonoids. How To Make Linden Tea To brew Linden Tea, you have to infuse a handful of linden flowers and leaves into 250 ml of water. Let the tea steep for about 5-10 minutes and then, using a strainer, pour it into your cup. Be careful! Linden Tea should not be consumed for long periods since over-consumption may lead to heart damage. Also, if you are taking drugs or different supplements, drink Linden Tea 2 hours before taking them so that it cannot interfere with their action. Linden Tea Benefits
  • The most common use of Linden Tea is to treat anxiety since the herb has a relaxing effect on the body.
  • Helps clear up any problems with the digestive system, combating also diarrhea.
  • Alleviates fever, colds and cough.
  • Relieves sore throat.
  • Lessens the effects of excessive flatulence.
  • Helps you to sweat out the toxins from your body.
  • Is a strong helper in fighting different infections.
Linden Tea Side Effects Linden Tea doesn’t have many side effects. But there a few thing that you should keep in mind when drinking linden tea:
  • First of all, avoid over-consumption. Drinking too much linden tea can be harmful rather than helpful.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not drink linden tea.
  • Frequent use of linden tea has been linked with heart problems, so if you are experiencing heart diseases make sure you always consult your doctor before taking any herbal teas or supplements.
In conclusion, Linden Tea is a healthy tea with a lot of benefits for your body. In order not to experience its (very few) side effects, avoid drinking too much linden tea!... linden tea

Lobelia Tea

Lobelia tea is known for many years as being very effective for respiratory and viral disorders. Lobelia, also known as Indian Tobacco, is a flowering plant that can grow up to two feet tall. Its leaves have a yellow or light green color, violet spiky flowers and oval-shaped fruits. The constituents of lobelia are alkaloids, resins, lipids and gums, constituents that help relax the muscles and reduce a person’s craving for nicotine. How To Make Lobelia Tea Lobelia tea can be made by infusing ½ teaspoon of dried lobelia leaves in boiling water. Let the mix steep for about 10-15 minutes and when the time is up, pout the tea into your cup using a strainer to catch the leaves. Tea drinkers suggest that you should combine lobelia tea with another herbal tea to really enhance the flavor. But this depends on what you prefer. Lobelia Tea Benefits
  • Lobelia Tea has been used for many years to beak the smoking habit and it is often used in many smoking cessation programs.
  • Provides relaxation, easing tension and panic.
  • Treats asthma and bronchitis. It is said that Native Americans used to smoke lobelia to treat these conditions.
  • Clears toxins from your body, lobelia tea being able to induce vomiting.
  • Have anti-spasmodic, diuretic and sedative properties.
Lobelia Tea Side Effects
  • People who experience certain health conditions such as heart, liver or kidney disease, high blood pressure, seizure disorders, paralysis, shortness of breath should not drink Lobelia Tea.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not drink Lobelia Tea.
  • Lobelia Tea may interfere with the effects of certain medications, such as psychiatric medications or nicotine substitutes, so do not drink lobelia tea before consulting your doctor!
Lobelia Tea is a healty herbal tea, having a lot of benefits for your body. Try not to drink more than 3-4 cups per day of Lobelia Tea and make sure you won’t experience any of the side effects listed above!... lobelia tea

Scarlet Fever

a highly infectious disease caused by a strain of *Streptococcus bacteria that produces toxins. Symptoms begin 2–4 days after exposure and include fever, tonsillitis, and a characteristic widespread scarlet rash. The tongue is also affected; initially covered by a thick white material, it then becomes bright red (the ‘strawberry tongue’). Treatment with antibiotics shortens the course of the disease and reduces the risk of secondary complications, which include kidney and ear inflammation. Medical name: scarlatina. Compare German measles.... scarlet fever

Lycopersicon Esculentum


Synonym: Solanum lycopersicum Linn.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in many parts of India.

English: Tomato, Love Apple.

Unani: Tamaatar.

Action: Mild aperient, blood purifier, cholagogue, digestive. Used in homoeopathy for treating rheumatic conditions, colds, chills, digestive disorders, diabetes, obesity, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia.

Tomato is a powerful deobstruent. It promotes flow of bile; mildly laxative, especially when taken raw. Tomato stimulates torpid liver and kidneys and helps to wash away toxins. Tomato is recommended for diabetics. It is a major dietary source of carotenoid lycopene.

Tomato juice inhibits carcinogenic N-nitrosocompound formation chiefly in the stomach. Most of the inhibition of formation of N-nitrosomorpholine by phenolic fraction of tomato juice was due to chlorogenic acids. The ascorbate fraction of the juice also contains compounds that inhibit ni- trosation.

Consumption of tomato juice can significantly increase serum lycopene levels. (Decreased serum lycopene concentrations are associated with an increase risk of prostate cancer.) (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

The alcoholic extract of tomato possesses CNS depressant and analgesic properties.... lycopersicon esculentum

Olive Leaf Tea

If you want to drink a special type of tea, try Olive Leaf Tea! It has an aromatic flavor, similar to green tea, but a bit sweeter, which makes for a pleasant cup of tea. Also, it has many benefits which help you stay healthy. Read to find out more! About Olive Leaf Tea Olive leaf tea is made from the leaves of the olive tree. We can find these trees on the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean Basin (including areas from Europe, Asia and Africa), as well as in northern Iran and northern Iraq. The leaves of the olive tree have a silvery green color. They are oblong, measuring 4-10cm long and 1-3 cm wide. The olive leaves are well-known for their many health benefits. Also, olive leaf extract is used for various soaps and skin creams. How to make Olive Leaf Tea Olive leaf teacan be bought either in loose leaf form or in tea bag form. In both cases, it is quite easy to prepare a cup of olive leaf tea. A teaspoon of olive leaves, or a teabag, is enough for one cup of olive leaf tea. Pour boiling water in the cup and let it steep for about 15 minutes. Once the steeping time is done, either remove the teabag or strain to remove the olive leaves. Also, if you’ve got olive trees around, you can make your own olive leaf tea. First, pick the healthy-looking leaves from the tree. Wash the leaves carefully; then, dry them in the oven, at a temperature below 65°C or 150°F. You can air-dry the leaves, too, but don’t leave them in direct sunlight, as that might reduce their health benefits. Once the leaves are dry, crush the leaves by hand, remove the stalks and store the dried herbs in paper packets. For a cup of olive leaf tea, just follow the simple steps mentioned above. Components of Olive Leaf Tea Olive leaves have many components which are good for our body. Seeing as the leaves are the main ingredient for the tea, the components are also transferred to the olive leaf tea.Some of the important ones include various antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Olive leaves, as well as olive leaf tea, also have Vitamin C. Olive leaf tea doesn’t contain caffeine, so you don’t have to worry about getting any side effects caused by caffeine. Olive Leaf Tea Benefits Considering its many components, it’s not a lie when we say that a cup of olive leaf tea brings you many health benefits. First of all, olive leaf tea helps lower both LDL “bad” cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also increases the blood flow by relaxing the arteries. Because of this, olive leaf tea is considered an important heart tonic. Olive leaf tea can also help you if you’ve got diabetes, as it lowers the blood sugar levels. Drinking olive leaf tea during winter can help you strengthen your immune system, and also fight against colds and the flu. It helps you relax, and it can count as an energy booster if you drink a lot of olive leaf tea. Olive leaf tea may also help you prevent the appearance of cancer or tumors. Plus, it is used in the treatment for viral infections, such as the Epstein-Barr disease, herpes, shingles, and malaria. It is also useful in healing inflammations of the bladder, as well as alienating arthritic pain and swelling. Olive Leaf Tea side effects If you know you’ve got a low blood pressure, don’t drink too much olive leaf tea. It will lower your blood pressure even more, and that might make you feel dizzy. In this case, be careful with the amount of olive leaf tea you drink. Some people might experience Herxheimers reaction when drinking olive leaf tea. Herxheimers reaction is an immune response to the release of toxins from pathogens which have been destroyed. It is a normal and good reaction, as that means the olive leaf tea is doing you good. The symptoms include    headaches, muscle and joint pain, fever, nausea, sore throat, and vaginal irritation. Reduce the amount of tea you drink, and also drink a large quantity of water daily to help the body eliminate the toxins. With this, the symptoms should disappear after a few days. Be careful if you’re taking any other medication. Olive leaf tea might interfere with the usual actions of the medication you’re taking. Before including olive leaf tea in your daily diet, make sure you talk to your doctor. If you’re pregnant or breast feeding, it is best to avoid drinking olive leaf tea. While it is not sure how harmful it can be in this case, it is best not to take a risk, in case it might cause miscarriages or affect the baby. Also, don›t drink more than six cups of olive leaf tea a day. It will lead to more side effects rather than to help you stay healthy. If you drink too much tea, the symptoms you might get are the following: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Make sure to reduce the amount of olive leaf tea you drink, if you get any of these. Not only does olive leaf tea have a pleasant taste, but one cup brings many health benefits with it. As long as you make sure you won’t get any side effects from consumption of olive leaf tea, you can easily include it in your daily diet. You definitely won’t regret it!... olive leaf tea


n. the putrefactive destruction of tissues by disease-causing bacteria or their toxins. Postpartum (or puerperal) sepsis, characterized by *puerperal pyrexia and other signs of serious infection (septic *shock), occurs within six weeks of childbirth. Postpartum sepsis caused by group A ?–haemolytic streptococci is an important cause of maternal death in the UK.... sepsis


The study of all aspects of micro-organisms (microbes) – that is, organisms which individually are generally too small to be visible other than by microscopy. The term is applicable to viruses (see VIRUS), BACTERIA, and microscopic forms of fungi, algae, and PROTOZOA.

Among the smallest and simplest microorganisms are the viruses. First described as ?lterable agents, and ranging in size from 20–30 nm to 300 nm, they may be directly visualised only by electron microscopy. They consist of a core of deoxyribonucleic or ribonucleic acid (DNA or RNA) within a protective protein coat, or capsid, whose subunits confer a geometric symmetry. Thus viruses are usually cubical (icosahedral) or helical; the larger viruses (pox-, herpes-, myxo-viruses) may also have an outer envelope. Their minimal structure dictates that viruses are all obligate parasites, relying on living cells to provide essential components for their replication. Apart from animal and plant cells, viruses may infect and replicate in bacteria (bacteriophages) or fungi (mycophages), which are damaged in the process.

Bacteria are larger (0·01–5,000 µm) and more complex. They have a subcellular organisation which generally includes DNA and RNA, a cell membrane, organelles such as ribosomes, and a complex and chemically variable cell envelope – but, unlike EUKARYOTES, no nucleus. Rickettsiae, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas, once thought of as viruses because of their small size and absence of a cell wall (mycoplasma) or major wall component (chlamydia), are now acknowledged as bacteria; rickettsiae and chlamydia are intracellular parasites of medical importance. Bacteria may also possess additional surface structures, such as capsules and organs of locomotion (?agella) and attachment (?mbriae and stalks). Individual bacterial cells may be spheres (cocci); straight (bacilli), curved (vibrio), or ?exuous (spirilla) rods; or oval cells (coccobacilli). On examination by light microscopy, bacteria may be visible in characteristic con?gurations (as pairs of cocci [diplococci], or chains [streptococci], or clusters); actinomycete bacteria grow as ?laments with externally produced spores. Bacteria grow essentially by increasing in cell size and dividing by ?ssion, a process which in ideal laboratory conditions some bacteria may achieve about once every 20 minutes. Under natural conditions, growth is usually much slower.

Eukaryotic micro-organisms comprise fungi, algae, and protozoa. These organisms are larger, and they have in common a well-developed internal compartmentation into subcellular organelles; they also have a nucleus. Algae additionally have chloroplasts, which contain photosynthetic pigments; fungi lack chloroplasts; and protozoa lack both a cell wall and chloroplasts but may have a contractile vacuole to regulate water uptake and, in some, structures for capturing and ingesting food. Fungi grow either as discrete cells (yeasts), multiplying by budding, ?ssion, or conjugation, or as thin ?laments (hyphae) which bear spores, although some may show both morphological forms during their life-cycle. Algae and protozoa generally grow as individual cells or colonies of individuals and multiply by ?ssion.

Micro-organisms of medical importance include representatives of the ?ve major microbial groups that obtain their essential nutrients at the expense of their hosts. Many bacteria and most fungi, however, are saprophytes (see SAPROPHYTE), being major contributors to the natural cycling of carbon in the environment and to biodeterioration; others are of ecological and economic importance because of the diseases they cause in agricultural or horticultural crops or because of their bene?cial relationships with higher organisms. Additionally, they may be of industrial or biotechnological importance. Fungal diseases of humans tend to be most important in tropical environments and in immuno-compromised subjects.

Pathogenic (that is, disease-causing) microorganisms have special characteristics, or virulence factors, that enable them to colonise their hosts and overcome or evade physical, biochemical, and immunological host defences. For example, the presence of capsules, as in the bacteria that cause anthrax (Bacillus anthracis), one form of pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae), scarlet fever (S. pyogenes), bacterial meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus in?uenzae) is directly related to the ability to cause disease because of their antiphagocytic properties. Fimbriae are related to virulence, enabling tissue attachment – for example, in gonorrhoea (N. gonorrhoeae) and cholera (Vibrio cholerae). Many bacteria excrete extracellular virulence factors; these include enzymes and other agents that impair the host’s physiological and immunological functions. Some bacteria produce powerful toxins (excreted exotoxins or endogenous endotoxins), which may cause local tissue destruction and allow colonisation by the pathogen or whose speci?c action may explain the disease mechanism. In Staphylococcus aureus, exfoliative toxin produces the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, TSS toxin-1 toxic-shock syndrome, and enterotoxin food poisoning. The pertussis exotoxin of Bordetella pertussis, the cause of whooping cough, blocks immunological defences and mediates attachment to tracheal cells, and the exotoxin produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes local damage resulting in a pronounced exudate in the trachea.

Viruses cause disease by cellular destruction arising from their intracellular parasitic existence. Attachment to particular cells is often mediated by speci?c viral surface proteins; mechanisms for evading immunological defences include latency, change in viral antigenic structure, or incapacitation of the immune system – for example, destruction of CD 4 lymphocytes by the human immunode?ciency virus.... microbiology


n. puffer-fish toxin, one of the most powerful known nerve toxins with a mortality of about 50%. There is no known antidote.... tetrodotoxin


(toxi-, toxo-, toxic(o)-) combining form denoting 1. poisonous; toxic. 2. toxins or poisoning.... tox


n. a poison produced by a living organism, especially by a bacterium (see endotoxin; exotoxin). In the body toxins act as *antigens, and special *antibodies (antitoxins) are formed to neutralize their effects.... toxin


A method of sterilising milk (see also MILK – Preparation of milk). In many parts of the world, pasteurisation has done away with milk-borne infections, of which the most serious is bovine TUBERCULOSIS, affecting the glands, bones and joints of children. Other infections conveyed by milk are SCARLET FEVER, DIPHTHERIA, ENTERIC FEVER (typhoid and paratyphoid), undulant fever (BRUCELLOSIS), and food poisoning (e.g. from CAMPYLOBACTER, or the toxins of the STAPHYLOCOCCUS).

High-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurisation consists of heating the milk at a temperature not less than 71·7 °C (161 °F) for at least 15 seconds, followed by immediate cooling to a temperature of not more than 10 °C (50 °F).

Low-temperature pasteurisation, or ‘holder’ process, consists in maintaining the milk for at least half an hour at a temperature between 63 and 65 °C (145–150 °F), followed by immediate cooling to a temperature of not more that 10 °C (50 °F). This has the e?ect of considerably reducing the number of bacteria contained in the milk, and of preventing the diseases conveyed by milk as referred to above.... pasteurisation

Pu’erh Tea Pros And Cons

Pu’erh tea is a type of post-fermented tea produced in China. Read this article to find out more about its many health benefits! About Pu’erh Tea Pu’erh tea is a post-fermented tea produced in the Chinese province Yunnan. Post-fermented teas are different from other types of tea in the sense that, after the leaves are dried and rolled, they undergo a microbial fermentation process. The pu’erh teais available as loose leaves or as tea brick (tea leaves packed in molds and pressed into block form). There are also two categories of pu’erh tea: the raw type and the ripe type. Raw pu’erh tea can count as a type of green tea. Ripened or aged pu’erh tea is often mistakenly called a type of black tea, though it isn’t. How to prepare Pu’erh Tea Pu’erh tea can be bought and prepared in loose leaf form, in tea bag form, or in compacted cake form. If you’re using leaves, add a teaspoon to a cup of freshly boiled water and let it steep for about 20 seconds before you pour off the water; this process id called rinsing, in order to prepare the leaves for the tea. Next, pour freshly boiled water again, let it steep for 30 seconds or one minute. This will give the tea a mild, but pleasant flavor. If you want a stronger flavor, you can let it steep up to 50 minutes, until it turns as dark as coffee. Pu’erh leaves can be resteeped several times (4-8 times). Just add about 20 more seconds to each steeping process. The same applies to pu’erh tea in compacted cake form. To get the leaves, either flake off pieces of the cake, or steam the entire cake until it becomes soft. Pu’erh Tea Benefits Pu’erh tea had important health benefits related to blood circulation. It can help lower blood cholesterol levels. It also boosts the flow of blood and enhances your blood circulation. Drinking pu’erh tea can help prevent cancer, as it helps prevent the formation and growth of cancer cells. It also promotes a proper, healthy digestion, and is good for your spleen. You don’t have to worry even if you’re on a diet; drinking pu’erh tea will help you lose weight, as it breaks down and reduces the fat in your body. As pu’erh tea contains caffeine, drinking it helps keep you alert and focused. It also helps with removing toxins from your body, and it can prove to be useful if you’re dealing with various aches and pains. Pu’erh tea can also help you if you’ve got a hangover, especially if you get a headache. Also, it can act as a substitute for coffee, and can have a relaxing effect on you. Pu’erh Tea Side Effects Because of its caffeine content, pu’erh tea shouldn’t be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it can affect the baby. Also, you shouldn’t drink pu’erh tea if you’ve got anxiety, bleeding disorders, heart problems, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, high blood pressure or osteoporosis. It can affect your condition in all of these cases. Pu’erh tea can also interact with medications. A few examples include amphetamines, cimetidine, ephedrine, adenosine, or medications for depression, asthma and slow blood clotting. The list includes more, so if you’re under medication, make sure you check with your doctor first, to see if it’s safe to drink pu’erh tea.   Pu’erh tea has important health benefits, though the same goes for side effects, as well. Make sure it’s safe to drink pu’erh tea, and then you can enjoy a cup of tea without having to worry about its side effects.... pu’erh tea pros and cons


A poison is any substance which, if absorbed by, introduced into or applied to a living organism, may cause illness or death. The term ‘toxin’ is often used to refer to a poison of biological origin. Toxins are therefore a subgroup of poisons, but often little distinction is made between the terms. The study of the effects of poisons is toxicology and the effects of toxins, toxinology.

The concept of the dose-response is important for understanding the risk of exposure to a particular substance. This is embodied in a statement by Paracelsus (c.1493–1541): ‘All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose di?erentiates a poison and a remedy.’

Poisoning may occur in a variety of ways: deliberate – SUICIDE, substance abuse or murder; accidental – including accidental overdose of medicines; occupational; and environmental

– including exposure during ?re.

Ingestion is the most common route of exposure, but poisoning may also occur through inhalation, absorption through the skin, by injection and through bites and stings of venomous animals. Poisoning may be described as acute, where a single exposure produces clinical effects with a relatively rapid onset; or chronic, where prolonged or repeated exposures may produce clinical effects which may be insidious in onset, cumulative and in some cases permanent.

Diagnosis of poisoning is usually by circumstantial evidence or elimination of other causes of the clinical condition of the patient. Some substances (e.g. opioids) produce a characteristic clinical picture in overdose that can help with diagnosis. In some patients laboratory analysis of body ?uids or the substance taken may be useful to determine or con?rm the o?ending agent. Routine assays are not necessary. For a very small number of poisons, such as paracetamol, aspirin, iron and lead, the management of the patient may depend on measuring the amount of poison in the bloodstream.

Accurate statistics on the incidence of poisoning in the UK are lacking. Mortality ?gures are more reliable than morbidity statistics; annually, well over 100,000 cases of poisoning are admitted to hospital. The annual number of deaths from poisoning is relatively small – about 300 – and in most cases patients die before reaching hospital. Currently, CARBON MONOXIDE (CO) is by far the most common cause of death due to poisoning. The most common agents involved in intentional or accidental poisoning are drugs, particularly ANALGESICS, ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS and SEDATIVES. Alcohol is also commonly taken by adults, usually in combination with drugs. Children frequently swallow household cleaners, white spirit, plant material – such as belladonna (deadly nightshade) and certain mushrooms; for example, death cap and ?y agaric – aftershave and perfume as well as drugs. If possible, the suspect container, drug or plant should be taken with the victim to the hospital or doctor. The use of child-resistant containers has reduced the number of admissions of children to hospital for treatment. Bixtrex® is an intensely bitter-tasting agent which is often added to products to discourage ingestion; however, not everybody is able to taste it, nor has any bene?cial e?ect been proven.

Treatment of poisoning usually begins with decontamination procedures. For ingested substances this may involve making the patient sick or washing the stomach out (GASTRIC LAVAGE): this is usually only worthwhile if performed soon after ingestion. It should be emphasised that salt (sodium chloride) water must never be given to induce vomiting, since this procedure is dangerous and has caused death. For substances spilt on the skin, the affected area should immediately be thoroughly washed and all contaminated clothing removed. Following eye exposure, the affected eye/s should be thoroughly irrigated with saline or water.

Treatment thereafter is generally symptomatic and supportive, with maintenance of the victim’s respiratory, neurological and cardiovascular systems and, where appropriate, monitoring of their ?uid and electrolyte balance and hepatic and renal function. There are speci?c antidotes for a few substances: the most important of these are PARACETAMOL, iron, cyanide (see CYANIDE POISONING), opioids (see OPIOID), DIGOXIN, insecticides and some heavy metals. Heavy-metal poisoning is treated with CHELATING AGENTS – chemical compounds that form complexes by binding metal ions: desferrioxamine and pencillinamine are two such agents. The number of people presenting with paracetamol overdose – a common drug used for attempted suicide – has fallen sharply since restrictions were placed on its over-thecounter sales.

When a patient presents with an illness thought to be caused by exposure to substances at work, further exposure should be limited or prevented and investigations undertaken to determine the source and extent of the problem. Acutely poisoned workers will usually go to hospital, but those suffering from chronic exposure may attend their GP with non-speci?c symptoms (see OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, MEDICINE AND DISEASES).

In recent years, legislation has been enacted in the UK to improve safety in the workplace and to ensure that data on the hazardous constituents and effects of chemicals are more readily available. These o?cial controls include the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations (CHIP) and are UK legislation in response to European Union directives.

The National Poisons Information Service is a 24-hour emergency telephone service available to the medical profession and provides information on the likely effects of numerous agents and advice on the management of the poisoned patient. The telephone numbers are available in the medical literature. In the UK this is not a public-access service. People who believe they, or their relatives, have been poisoned should seek medical advice from their GPs or attend their local hospital.

Toxbase The National Poisons Information Service provides a primary clinical toxicology database on the Internet: This website provides information about routine diagnosis, treatment and management of people exposed to drugs, household products and industrial and agricultural products.

(See also APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.)... poisons

Raphanus Sativus


Family: Cruciferae; Brassicaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra and Gujarat.

English: Radish.

Ayurvedic: Muulaka, Laghu- muulaka, Muulakapotikaa, Visra, Shaaleya, Marusambhava. Pods— Sungraa, Singri, Mungraa.

Unani: Muuli, Turb Fajal.

Siddha/Tamil: Mullangi.

Action: Radish—preparations are used in liver, gallbladder and urinary complaints. Green leaves— diuretic and carminative. Seeds— diuretic, purgative, expectorant.

A decoction of dry radish is given orally in piles. Extract of the dry root is given for hiccough, influenza, dysentery, colic and urinary troubles.

Key application: In peptic disorders, especially those related to dyskinesia of the bile ducts; and in catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract. (German Commission E.)

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the juice of the whole plant in sinusitis; juice of the root in diseases of the throat and sinusitis; and the seed in amenorrhoea, cough and dyspnoea.

The fleshy root and seeds contain trans-4-methyl-thiobutenyl isothio- cyanate glucoside (the pungent principle), cyanidin-5-glucoside-3-sophoro- side, pelargonidin diglycoside, cyani- din diglycoside, 5-methyl-L-cysteine- sulphoxide (methiin), steroidal sa- pogenins and sulphorophene.

The enzymes present in the radish are phosphatase, catalase, sucrase, amylase, alcohol dehydrogenase and pyruvic carboxylase.

Radish contains caffeic acid and fer- ulic acid which exhibit hepatoprotec- tive and choleretic properties. It contains choline which prevents deposition of fat in liver. Amino acids, or- nithine, citrulline, arginine, glutamic acid and asparatic acid remove toxins from the body and urea acumulation.

Radish is a good source of ascorbic acid (15-40 mg/100 g), trace elements include aluminium, barium, lithium, manganese, silicon, titanium, also iodine (upto 18 mcg/100 g) and ascor- bigen.

Roots, leaves, flowers and pods are active against Gram-positive bacteria.

The seeds are reported to contain a broad spectrum antibiotic, machro- lysin, specific against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Raphanin, extracted from the seeds, is active against Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria.

A purified basic protein, homologous to nonspecific lipid transfer proteins, from seeds showed antifungal activity.

Raphanus caudatus Linn., synonym R. sativus var. caudatus, is known as Rat-Tail Radish.

A native to Java, it is cultivated in northern and western India. The root is not used; pods, purple or violet in colour, are consumed for properties attributed to Raphanus sp. These are known as Mungraa or Sungraa.

Dosage: Whole plant-20-40 ml juice; root—15-30 ml juice. (API, Vol. II.) Seed—1-3 g powder. (API, Vol. III.)... raphanus sativus

Septic Shock

A dangerous disorder characterised by a severe fall in blood pressure and damage to the body tissues as a result of SEPTICAEMIA. The toxins from the septicaemia cause widespread damage to tissue, provoke clotting in small blood vessels, and seriously disturb the circulation. The kidneys, lungs and heart are particularly affected. The condition occurs most commonly in people who already have a chronic disease such as cancer, CIRRHOSIS of the liver or DIABETES MELLITUS. Septic shock may also develop in patients with immunode?ciency illnesses such as AIDS (see AIDS/HIV). The symptoms are those of septicaemia, coupled with those of SHOCK: cold, cyanotic limbs; fast, thready pulse; and a lowered blood pressure. Septic shock requires urgent treatment with ANTIBIOTICS, intravenous ?uids and oxygen, and may require the use of drugs to maintain blood pressure and cardiac function, arti?cial ventilation and/or renal DIALYSIS.... septic shock

Sheep Sorrel Tea

Sheep Sorrel is a sour perennial plant that grows up to three feet in height, native to Europe and Asia. It is commonly found in fields, woods and shaded areas. The leaves of the plant are thin and delicate, having a purplish hue. It has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for cancer and degenerative conditions. Sheep Sorrel is also used as a garnish for salads due to its sour, lemony flavour. Sheep Sorrel Tea Brewing The most simple and fastest method of brewing Sheep Sorrel tea is to use tea bags. Pour hot water into the cup over the tea bag and let it steep for approximately five minutes. You can add fruit juice for a more pleasant taste. Enjoy! If you want to brew a larger quantity, add ten grams of Sheep Sorrel in one litre of water. Sheep Sorrel Tea Health Benefits Sheep Sorrel tea has antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative and detoxifying properties. Due to its high content of vitamins and minerals, Sheep Sorrel tea promotes overall glandular health and has blood cleansing effects. The antioxidants found in the plant boost the immune system, lower cholesterol and aid in the relief of cancer. Sheep Sorrel tea in believed to have anti-cancerous properties that help prevent and reduce tumours and cysts. Other health benefits of Sheep Sorrel tea include its ability to regulate digestion, remove toxins, reduce fever and inflammation, treat intestinal worms, diarrhea or heavy menstrual flow. Sheep Sorrel Tea Side Effects Sheep Sorrel tea has no known side effects when consumed in normal quantities, but excessive intake can lead to unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, gastric problems, diarrhea and even poisoning. Sheep Sorrel Tea is a rich source of vitamins and minerals which strengthen the immune system and it can also help in the weight loss process due to its diuretic properties.... sheep sorrel tea

Silybum Marianum

(L.) Gaertn.

Habitat: Western Himalayas at 1,800 and Kashmir at 2,400 m, also grown in gardens.

English: Holy Thistle, Milk Thistle.

Action: Seeds—liver protective, gallbladder protective, antioxidant. Used in jaundice and other biliary affections, intermittent fevers, uterine trouble, also as a galactagogue. Alcoholic extract used for haemorrhoids and as a general substitute for adrenaline. Seeds are used for controlling haemorrhages. Leaves—sudorific and aperient. Young leaves and flowering heads are consumed by diabetics.

Key application: In dyspeptic complaints. As an ingredient of formulations for toxic liver damage; chronic inflammatory liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis induced by alcohol, drugs or toxins. (Expanded Commission E Monographs, WHO.)

The seeds gave silymarin (flavanol lignin mixture), composed mainly of silybin A, silybin B (mixture known as silibinin), with isosilybin A, isosilybin B, silychristin, silydianin. In Germany, Milk Thistle has been used extensively for liver diseases and jaundice. Sily- marin has been shown conclusively to exert an antihepatotoxic effect in animals against a variety of toxins, particularly those of death cap mushroom, Amanita phalloides. Silybin, when given by intravenous injection to human patients up to 48 hours after ingestion of the death cap, was found to be highly effective in preventing fatalities.

Silymarin has been used successfully to treat patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis; it is active against hepatitis B virus, and lowers fat deposits in the liver in animals.

(For hepatic cirrhosis: 420 mg per day; for chronic active hepatitis 240 mg twice daily—extract containing 7080% silimarin.)... silybum marianum

Tea For Liver

Liver problems appear as a sign of weakness shown by your organism after a prolonged consumption of alcohol, drugs or medicines. The main characteristic of these affections is that they are due to system intoxication and need to be repaired as quickly as possible. The liver is the organ responsible for our molecular exhaustion. All the toxins in our body go straight to the liver in order to clear the blood and detoxify the entire mechanism. When the liver is not functioning well, the main symptoms are: fatigue, stress, vascular malfunction and irradiated pain from the liver area to the entire body. Unsolved liver problems may lead to kidney failure and then to pulmonary edema or other respiratory disorder. How Tea for Liver Works A Tea for Liver is a natural supplement that can calm your localized pain and bring relief to those suffering from this affection. The main ingredients of these teas are based on a great amount of nourishing substances that can reconstruct the damaged liver cells or at least increase their action. However, these teas are not recommended for severe liver problems. If the pain is unbearable, a tea is most likely to calm it for a while and then lose its positive effect on your body. If that is the case, you should see a doctor immediately. Efficient Tea for Liver When choosing a Tea for Liver, you must keep in mind the fact that it must be safe and nourishing. You don’t need a tea that is rich in volatile oils or other substances that slow the liver cells’ action. If you are not sure about your abilities to choose the right tea, here are some suggestions: - Green Tea – has all the necessary ingredients to sustain life. Also, its action includes nourishing the coronary system and the arteries, in order to enhance the blood flow through your organs - Black Tea – more powerful than the Green Tea, the Black Tea is very effective, but more dangerous. If you’re also on your period or menopause, it’s best not to take it: it may cause abdominal acidity and discomfort. - Yerba Mate Tea – or the new green tea, how the specialists are calling it. Yerba Mate Tea can be used as a cure in order to rejuvenate the liver, but also as a treatment in cases of low blood pressure or digestive tract infections. Pay attention, though: more than 2 cups of Yerba Mate Tea per day may lead to a series of nervous system complications and even death! Teas you should avoid If you are suffering from liver problems, it’s best to avoid taking a tea with an elevated level of vitamins or acids. Although vitamins get directly to your blood and none of them reaches the liver, they have a tendency to enhance your body’s action towards other affected areas. In other words, they make your antibodies be more preoccupied with a random scratch than with your liver problems. A Tea for Liver needs to be specialized in internal affections and only attract antibodies to the most important damages. Tea for Liver contraindications When taken properly, any Tea for Liver is safe. However, high dosage may lead to a number of complications, such as diarrhea, nausea and even death. If you’re not very sure about starting a treatment based on one of these teas, talk to a specialist in order to gather more information. If there’s nothing that could interfere with your treatment, choose a Tea for Liver and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... tea for liver

Strychnine Tree

Strychnos nux-vomica


San: Karaskara;

Hin: Kajra, Kuchila;

Mal: Kanjiram; ;

Tam: Itti, Kagodi, Kanjirai Mar:Jharkhatchura;

Kan: Hemmushti, Ittangi;

Tel: Mushti, Mushidi; Ori: Kora, Kachila

Importance: It is a large deciduous tree, with simple leaves and white fragrant flowers.

Strychnos is highly toxic to man and animals producing stiffness of muscles and convulsions, ultimately leading to death. However, in small doses it can also serve as efficacious cure forms of paralysis and other nervous disorders. The seeds are used as a remedy in intermittent fever, dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, paralytic and neuralgic affections, worms, epilepsy, chronic rheumatism, insomnia and colic. It is also useful in impotence, neuralgia of face, heart disease, spermatorrhoea, skin diseases, toxins, wounds, emaciation, cough and cholera. Leaves are applied as poultice in the treatment of chronic wounds and ulcers and the leaf decoction is useful in paralytic complaints. Root and root bark used in fever and dysentery (Nadkarni, 1982; Kurup et al, 1979).

Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout India in deciduous forests up to 1200m. It is also found in Sri Lanka, Siam, Indochina and Malaysia.

Botany: Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. is a large tree belonging to the family Loganiaceae. Leaves are simple, opposite, orbicular to ovate, 6-11.5x6-9.5cm, coriaceous, glabrous, 5 nerved, apex obtuse, acute or apiculate, transverse nerves irregular and inconspicuous. Inflorescence is many flowered terminal cymes, 2.5-5cm across. Bracts (5mm) and bracteoles (1.5mm) small. Flowers are white or greenish white and fragrant. Calyx 5 lobed, pubescent and small (2mm). Corolla salver shaped, tube cylindrical slightly hairy near the base within and greenish white, tube much elongate than the lobes. Tube 7mm and lobes 2.5mm long. Lobes 5 and valvate. Stamens 5, filaments short, 0.1mm long. Anthers 1.5mm subexerted, linear oblong. Ovary 1.5 mm, pubescent, 2 celled, ovules one to many. Style 9mm, stigma capitate. Fruit is a berry, 5-6cm diameter, globose, indehiscent, thick shelled, orange red when ripe with fleshy pulp enclosing the seeds. Seeds 1-many, discoid, compressed, coin like, concave on one side and convex on the other, covered with fine grey silky hairs.

The leaf fall is during December (do not shed all the leaves at a time) and new foliage appears in February. Flowering is during March - April and fruiting during May - December. Fruits take about 8-9 months to mature.

Properties and activity: Strychnine and brucine are the most important and toxic alkaloids present in the plant. They occur not only in the seeds but also in roots, wood, bark, fruit pulp and hard fruit shells. The minor alkaloids present in the plant are vomicine, -colubrine, -colubrine, pseudostrychnine and N-methyl-sec-pseudobrucine (novacine). Loganin a glycoside is also present (Warnat, 1932; Martin et al, 1953; Guggisberg et al, 1966; Bisset and Chaudhary, 1974). Chatterji and Basa (1967) reported vomicine as the major constituent alkaloid along with unidentified alkaloid in leaves and identified another alkaloid kajine (N-methyl pseudostrychnine) from the leaves of very young plants.

Root bark of S. nux-vomica yeilded 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy strychnine, 4 hydroxy strychine, nor-macusine, a new alkaloid 12 , 13 dihydro-12 -hydroxy isostrychnine named protostrychnine (Baser et al, 1979) methoxy strychnine, and mavacurine (Guggisberg et al, 1966). Leaves and root bark also yeilded 11 new alkaloids. 10-hydroxy strychnine, 3-12-dihydroxystrychnine, 12-hydroxy–11- methoxy strychnine, 3-12-dihydroxy- 11-methoxy strychnine,12-hydroxy strychnine-N- oxide 12-hydroxy-11-methoxy strychnine- N-oxide-19,20–dihydro isostrychnine, 16 , 17 dihydro-17 -hydroxy isostrychnine, O- methyl-macusine B, 16-epi-o-methyl–macusine B and normelinone B (Baser and Bisset, 1982).

De and Datta (1988) isolated 5 tertiary indole alkaloids viz. strychnine, brucine, vomicine, icajine and novacine from S.nux-vomica flowers. Bisset et al (1989) isolated and identified two phenolic glycosides salidroside and cuchiloside – a compound consisting of salidroside and an attached xylose unit, from the fruit of S.nux-vomica.

Rodriguez et al (1979) isolated an indole alkaloid from the seeds of S. nux- vomica and identified as a 3-methoxy icajine. A new alkaloid 15-hydroxy strychnine has been isolated from the seeds and the structure of the alkaloid established by spectroscopic data (Galeffi et al, 1979). Cai et al (1990a) isolated 4 new alkaloids isobrucine, isobrucine N-oxide, isostrychnine N-oxide and 2 hydroxy–3-methoxy strychnine from the heat treated seeds of S. nuxvomica and the structure of the alkaloids were determined by 13 CNMR (Cai et al, 1994). Cai et al (1990 b) studied the changes in the alkaloid composition of the seeds during drug processing. Saily et al (1994) determined the mineral elements in Strychnos nux-vomica. Corsaro et al (1995) reported polysaccharides from the seeds of Strychnos species.

Seeger and Neumann (1986) reviewed the physico-chemical characteristics, occurrence, identification, utilisation, poisoning, toxicity, kinetics, differential diagnosis and therapeutic uses of strychnine and brucine. Aspergillus niger, A. flavus and Pencillium citrinum showed regular association with Strychnos seeds and effectively deteriorated the alkaloid content of the seeds (Dutta, 1988; Dutta and Roy, 1992). Nicholson (1993) described the history, structure and synthesis of strychnine which occur in the seeds of S. nux-vomica. Rawal and Michoud (1991) developed a general solution for the synthesis of 2- azabicyclo (3.3.1) nonane substructure of Strychnos alkaloids.

Villar et al (1984) and Hayakawa et al (1984) developed HPLC method for the analysis of strychnine and brucine. Graf and Wittliner (1985), Kostennikova (1986) and Gaitonde and Joshi (1986) suggested different methods for the assay of strychnine and brucine. Biala et al, (1996) developed new method for the assay of alkaloids in S. nux- vomica.

The seeds are bitter, acrid, alexeteric, aphrodisiac, appetiser, antiperiodic, anthelmintic, digestive, febrifuge, emmenagogue, purgative, spinal, respiratory and cardiac stimulant and stomachic. The bark is bitter, and tonic and febrifuge (Nadkarni, 1954; Kurup et al, 1979; Warrier et al, 1996).

The quarternery alkaloid from the root bark of the Sri Lankan plant exhibited muscle-relaxant activity (Baser and Bisset, 1982). Antimicrobial activity of indole alkaloid isolated from the Strychnos nux-vomica was studied by Verpoorte et al, 1983. Shukla et al (1985) evaluated the efficacy of Rasnadigugglu compound consisting of S. nux-vomica, on rheumatoid arthritis and found to be effective in reducing inflammatory oedoma and rheumatoid arthritis. It also exhibited analgesic activity. A compound Unani formulation containing S. nux-vomica significantly attenuated withdrawal intensity in morphine dependent rats (Zatar et al, 1991). Shahana et al (1994) studied the effect of Unani drug combination (UDC) having Strychnos nux-vomica on the abstinence syndrome in moderately and severely morphine dependent rats. The UDC strikingly suppressed the abstinence syndrome was seen to possess central depressant and analgesic action.

Melone et al (1992) reported brucine-lethality in mice. Panda and Panda (1993) and Satyanarayanan et al (1994) reported antigastric ulcer activity of nux vomica in Shay rats. Banerjee and Pal (1994) reported the medicinal plants used by the tribals of plain land in India for hair and scalp preparation and S. nux-vomica being used to cure alopecia (baldness) by the tribals. Tripathi and Chaurasia (1996) studied the effect of S. nux-vomica alcohol extract on lipid peroxidation in rat liver.... strychnine tree

Tea For Sore Throat

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory action, medicinal teas can be taken by almost anyone. All you have to do is make sure you follow the specifications. Sore throat means a severe pain, localized in the neck area, which has internal trigger. Sometimes, this pain can be caused by colds or flu and some other times it’s a reaction to all kinds of external parasites. A very powerful smell, an environment abundant in toxins can also be a cause for sore throat. However, you can treat it by using a Tea for Sore Throat, even if we’re talking about a pain caused by an infection or by overexposing the laryngeal cords. When using a Tea for Sore Throat, not only that you help your system detoxify, but also lower the amount of infection triggers, such as bacteria or microbes. How Tea for Sore Throat Works Generally, their action involves a medium amount of time. In other words, you need to be patient when you decide to go with a Tea for Sore Throat instead of a traditional treatment. The improvement is only noticeable after a while. The main characteristic of a Tea for Sore Throat is that its action, although safe and focused on the affected areas, is based on a number of chemical substances that lower or increase your antibodies level. Usually, when choosing a Tea for a Sore Throat, make sure you’re buying the one that contains a high amount of vitamins, such as vitamin C or D, in order to fight parasites. Also, choose the safest teas and don’t go for a rare and dangerous decoction in order to avoid other health complications. Efficient Tea for Sore Throat In order to function properly, a Tea for a Sore Throat needs to be safe and have a pleasant taste, mostly, since the importance of these teas consists in their ability to warm up your throat. If the tea you picked is also rich in vitamins, you’ve got yourself a winner! Here are some teas you might find useful in case you’re suffering from a sore throat: - Chamomile Tea – also used to treat headaches and migraines, Chamomile Tea is a very popular Tea for Sore Throat as well. If you suffer from colds of flu and you’re experiencing a wide range of symptoms, such as sore throat, fever and respiratory distress, Chamomile may come in hand. - Honey and Lemon – although this is not particularly a tea, but more a decoction, it’s the ultimate organic treatment when it comes to sore throats. Aside from its elevated vitamin C level, this tea has also a huge impact on your immune system, thanks to the special ingredients contained by honey. Not only that honey contributes to a better health system, but it also provides strength and an energy boost. - Black Tea – a very important Tea for Sore Throat, Black Tea not only that energizes your coronary system and improves your blood circulation, but it also has antiseptic and detoxifying properties. But, be careful if you’re thinking about starting a treatment based on Black Tea: it is not recommended for abdominal pain, such as menstrual or menopause pain. If you have a sore throat and you’re also on your period, it’s best to go for a safer tea, such as Chamomile Tea. - Mint Tea – thanks to its volatile oils and its active substances, Mint Tea can treat sore throats in no time, as well as a series of respiratory problems. It’s also one hundred percent safe and it can successfully replace your morning coffee. Teas you should avoid Sore throat is a mild affection of your system, caused by minor infections and it’s best to keep that in mind when choosing a Tea for a Sore Throat. Go for the most popular and the safest teas that could not trigger other problems. Tansy Tea is also a good remedy for a sore throat, but since it’s very dangerous, it’s best to avoid it. Tea for Sore Throat Side Effects When taken according to specifications, these teas are perfectly safe. However, high dosages may lead to a series of affections of the digestive tract, such as diarrhea and upset stomach. In order to avoid that, don’t drink more than 6 cups of Tea for Sore Throat per day.When in doubt, ask a specialist for guidance. If you suffer from a sore throat and you’re feeling too sick to go to the pharmacy or you just want to give natural remedies a chance, try one of these teas and enjoy their health benefits!... tea for sore throat

Viola Sylvestris

Lam. (in part)

Family: Violaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir at 1,200-2,400 m.

English: Pale Wood Violet, Wood Violet.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Plant—pectoral, bechic; used in chest troubles. Stem, leaf and flower—applied to foul sores and wounds.

Habitat: Native to Europe; grown as an ornamental.

English: Heartsease, Wild Pansy.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Herb—anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, expectorant, diuretic, antirheumatic, alterative. Used for bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic skin disorders and for preventing capillary haemorrhage when under corticosteroid therapy. Root— antidysenteric; used as a substitute for Cephaelis ipecacuanha.

Key application: Externally in mild seborrheic skin diseases and milk scall in children. (German Commission E.) The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes the herb as an expectorant and dermatological agent.

The herb contains rutin, violin and salicylic acid. The flower contains rutin, quercetin, violanthin (6,8-digly- coside of apigenin), violaxanthin, p- hydroxycinnamic acid and delphini- din. A flavone C-glycoside-saponarin has also been obtained from flowers. Flowers, in addition, contain 15-cis- violaxanthin.

The herb exhibits anticoagulant property and diminishes the aggregation of platelets. It can be used as a preventive measure against thrombosis.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal between 1,200 and 2,700 m (a semiparasitic plant).

English: European Mistletoe.

Ayurvedic: Bandaaka, Suvarna- bandaaka. Vrikshaadani (substitute).

Unani: Kishmish Kaabuli.

Action: Vasodilator, cardiac depressant, tranquiliser, stimulates the vagus nerve which slows the pulse, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immune enhancer, antineoplas- tic. Used for hypertension and tachycardia, as a nervine tonic.

The extract of leafy twigs is anti- inflammatory exerting an action upon capillary permeability and oedema. It stimulates granulation and the neoformation of connective tissue.

Key application: For treating degenerative inflammation of the joints by stimulating cuti- visceral reflexes following local inflammation brought about by intradermal injections; as palliative therapy for malignant tumour through non-specific stimulation. (German Commission E.)

Mistletoe contains glycoproteins; flavonoids, usually quercetin-derived (dependent on host tree to some extent); polypeptides; phenylcarboxylic acids; polysaccharides (including viscid acid); alkaloids; lignans.

Cardiotonic activity is due to the lig- nans. The polysaccharides stimulate the immune response. Antineoplas- tic activity is claimed to be responsible for prolongation of survival time in cancer patients. Polypeptides (visco- toxins) inhibit tumours and stimulate immune resistance. (For uses of lectin from Mistletoe in cancer, see Eur J cancer, 2001, Jan, 37(1), 23-31; Eur J Cancer 2001, 37 (15), 19101920.) (For application in hepatitis, see Fitoterapia, 70, 2001.)... viola sylvestris

Vision, Field Of

When the eye looks at a speci?c point or object, that point is seen clearly. Other objects within a large area away from this ?xation point can also be seen, but less clearly. The area that can be seen around the ?xation point, without moving the eye, is known as the ?eld of vision. The extent of the ?eld is limited inwards by the nose, above by the brow and below by the cheek. The visual ?eld thus has its greatest extent outwards from the side of the head. The ?eld of vision of each eye overlaps to a large extent so that objects in the centre and towards the inner part of each ?eld are viewed by both eyes together. Because the eyes are set slightly apart, each eye sees objects in this overlapping part of the ?eld slightly di?erently. It is because of this slight di?erence that objects can be perceived as three-dimensional.

Defects in the visual ?eld (scotomas) can be produced by a variety of disorders. Certain of these produce speci?c ?eld defects. For example, GLAUCOMA, some types of brain damage and some TOXINS can produce speci?c defects in the visual ?eld. This type of ?eld defect may be very useful in diagnosing a particular disorder. The blind spot is that part of the visual ?eld corresponding to the optic disc. There are no rods nor cones on the optic disc and therefore no light perception from this area. The blind spot can be found temporal (i.e. on the outer side) of the ?xation point. (See also EYE.)... vision, field of

White Peony Root Tea Benefits

White Peony Root Tea is one of the most important herbs in Asian medicine, being used since ancient times to treat liver problems and to improve women’s general health. White Peony Root Tea can be made from a plant called Chinese peony or common garden peony, a perennial herb that grows in Eastern China, southern Tibet and Siberia. You can recognize it after its big white flowers and yellow stamens. The leaves are deep green and medium sized. White Peony Root Properties The best thing about White Peony Root Tea is that its properties contribute to a better general health of the human body, thanks to a high concentration of acids and amino-acids and also to a great alkaline conductivity. The main ingredient in White Peony Root Tea is paeoniflorin, a substance that has a high anti-spastic action in many areas of your system. The other active substances that can be found in this tea and enhance the paeonflorin’s effect are flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides. White Peony Root Benefits White Peony Root Tea has anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic and diuretic properties. This tea is a great help if you suffer from one of the following conditions: - Liver malfunction, by energizing it thanks to its alkaline property and helping it flush away all the toxins. - Bad blood circulation or poor blood nourishment. Also, White Peony Tea can lower your blood pressure. - Menstrual problems that consist of heavy bleedings and aggravated abdominal pain, by calming the affected area and by bringing relief. - Abdominal and chest pains, dizziness, headaches. - Epilepsy, by stopping seizures and convulsions and by nourishing your nervous system, so that the negative reaction can be eliminated. How to make White Peony Root Tea Infusion Preparing White Peony Root Tea infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of White Peony Root for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 10 or 15 minutes (depending on the amount of water you’re using) and drink it hot or cold. Don’t take more than 3 cups per day. White Peony Root Tea Side Effects White Peony Root Tea is safe as long as you take it for a short amount of time. Taken in high dosages, it may cause rashes and problems of the nervous system. White Peony Root Tea is not to be taken unsupervised and it’s a medical treatment. Do not drink it as often as you drink your coffee! Also, a higher dosage will not make your general health improve any faster. Follow our recommendations and talk to a doctor before making any move. White Peony Root Tea Contraindications If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take White Peony Root Tea, because it may cause uterine contractions and blood clotting. But if you have the green light from your doctor, there’s no reason not to try White Peony Root Tea. Add it to your medicine cabinet, follow our instructions and enjoy the wonderful benefits of White Peony Root Tea responsibly!... white peony root tea benefits

White Sage Tea Benefits

White Sage Tea has been known for centuries as a great remedy for fever or to induce perspiration. White Sage is originally from Northern America. Native Americans used this plant for religious ceremonies thanks to its purifying properties. Since the place where all divine rituals needed to be done had to be a clean one, White Sage was a good choice. This herb has a strong fragrance, silver and green leaves and white or purple flowers. White Sage Tea Properties The most important property of White Sage Tea is that this decoction can sanitize your entire body with just a small amount of liquid. The active substances of this tea are: diterpines and triterpenes, including carnosic acid, oleaolic acid and ursolic acid which you can only find in the leaves. Thanks to these two acids, you can use white sage leaves to sanitize localized infections, such as open wounds or cuts. White Sage Tea Benefits Aside from its cultural and ritual uses, White Sage Tea is also an important piece when it comes to alternative medicine. Some say that White Sage Tea can bring relief if you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Sinus infections, by clearing all respiratory tracks and sanitizing the lungs. - General organism malfunctions, by inducing sweat and eliminating the toxins. - Nervous system problems, by nourishing your nerves and enhancing your neuronal connections. - Arthritis and other problems of the coronary system, by preventing clotting. - Stomach pains and parasites, such as hemorrhoids. - Premenstrual syndrome pains, by purifying the uterus and increasing the blood flow. How to make White Sage Tea Infusion Making White Sage Tea infusion doesn’t take a lot of time and the steps you need to follow are very few. First, you need White Sage flowers. It doesn’t matter if you’re using them dried or freshly picked. Just use a teaspoon of herbs for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the flowers in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for about 10 or 15 minutes and drink it hot or cold. Never take more than a cup of White Sage Tea per day! White Sage Tea Side Effects When taken properly, White Sage Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause convulsions and irritated stomach. If you’ve been taking White Sage Tea for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual health episodes, talk to a doctor as soon as possible! White Sage Tea Contraindications Do not take White Sage Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. However, if you are in one of these conditions and still determined to go through with a treatment based on White Sage Tea, ask a specialist before making any move. Once you have your doctor’s approval, add White Sage Tea to your shopping list and enjoy the wonderful benefits of this great purifier!... white sage tea benefits

Yucca Tea Benefits

Yucca Tea has been known for a long time thanks to its ability to treat a wide range of aliments, such as skin sores, dandruff and hair loss. Native Americans used a decoction of Yucca Tea applied topically oh the scalp in order to make the hair grow faster and look shinier. Yucca is a perennial shrub with ever green, stiffed leaves and white flowers. The yuccas are widely known and cultivated as decorative plants, being used in many types of Native American wedding ceremonies. Yucca grows mainly in the North American regions and also in the West Indies, where it is used only for its medical purpose. Yucca Tea Properties Aside from decorating weddings in a delightful way, Yucca can be made into a decoction very useful in alternative medicine. Although it remains yet unknown to Asian and European public, Yucca Tea continues to be a great medical treatment in Indian and American regions thanks to its active ingredients. The main chemical ingredient of Yucca Tea are saponins (mostly is soluble in hot and cold water and can be found in almost any Indian drug store as a chemical ingredient), a precursor of cortisone, which is a natural substance known for its ability to prevent intestine toxins from being released. Yucca Tea Benefits Aside from its use as a natural cosmetic treatment that can prevent affections of the scalp, Yucca Tea is also very useful in other medical areas. You may find Yucca Tea Helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Arthritis and osteoarthritis, by increasing bone cell and coronary walls action. - Inflammations, by stopping bacteria and microbes eruption. - Asthma, by clearing the respiratory ways and enhancing the system’s power to recover from asthma crisis. - Headaches and blood clots, by nourishing both the nervous and the circulatory systems. - Dandruff, when applied topically at room’s temperature. How to make Yucca Tea Infusion Preparing Yucca Tea Infusion couldn’t be any easier. Just use a teaspoon of dried leaves for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 15 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain and drink the tea hot or cold. However, you need to pay attention to your bowel movement. If you notice anything unusual, lower the amount of herbs you’re using. Yucca Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yucca Tea is safe, just make sure you don’t take more than 3 cups per day. High dosages may lead to a number of complications, such as stomach upset, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting. If you’ve been taking this tea for a while and you’ve noticed some unusual changes in your general health, talk to a specialist as soon as possible. Yucca Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yucca Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, if you’re on blood thinners, anticoagulants or preparing for a major surgery, avoid taking a treatment based on Yucca Tea at all costs. If your general health is good, but you’re still unsure about this tea, talk to a herbalist in order to gather more information about the risks and benefits of Yucca Tea.... yucca tea benefits

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