Transient Ischaemic Attacks Or Episodes (tia, Tie): From 1 Different Sources
Episodes of transient ISCHAEMIA of some part of the cerebral hemispheres or the brain stem (see BRAIN) lasting anything from a few minutes to several hours and followed by complete recovery. By de?nition, the ischaemic episode must be less than 24 hours. These episodes may be isolated or they may occur several times in a day. The cause is ATHEROMA of the carotid or vertebral arteries (see ARTERIES, DISEASES OF) and the embolisation (see EMBOLISM) of PLATELETS or CHOLESTEROL. These attacks present with strokes (see STROKE) that rapidly recover.
See INFANTILE SPASMS.... salaam attacks
Chest pain localized to an area on the front of the chest wall, usually made worse by movement of the arms or trunk or by pressure on the chest wall. The syndrome is caused by inflammation of 1 or several rib cartilages and symptoms may persist for months. Treatment is with analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or local injections of corticosteroid drugs into the cartilage.... tietze’s syndrome
See HEART, DISEASES OF.... ischaemic heart disease
Panic attacks, or panic disorders, are recurrent short episodes of acute distress. Some sufferers may be mentally confused and fear impending death. Initially these attacks tend to occur unexpectedly but, if recurrent, they often become associated with certain places such as a con?ned space (lift) or among crowds. Symptoms include a feeling of breathing diffculties, including overbreathing, PALPITATION, dizziness, sweating, faintness and pains in the chest. Attacks are usually short (a few minutes) but not often associated with physical illness, although victims may have an anxiety disorder or PHOBIA. If troublesome or disabling, attacks can be treated symptomatically with short-term ANXIOLYTICS or on a long-term basis with BEHAVIOUR THERAPY.... panic attacks
(Vietnamese) A fairy child; a spirit Tienne, Tienn... tien
(Gaelic) One who is regal; lordly Tiernie, Tierni, Tiernee, Tierny, Tiernea... tierney
(Spanish) Of the earth Tierrah, Tiera, Tierah... tierra
(Celtic) From the hillside... tieve
The most common form of heart disease, in which narrowing or obstruction of the coronary arteries, usually by atherosclerosis, results in a reduced blood supply (see coronary artery disease).... heart disease, ischaemic
(HIE, birth asphyxia, perinatal asphyxia) brain damage in a newborn infant as a result of the brain receiving inadequate oxygen. HIE may cause seizures and, if severe, death within minutes of oxygen deprivation. If the infant survives there can be significant long-term consequences, such as developmental delay, learning disabilities, or cerebral palsy.... hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy