Habitat: Throughout India in humid regions, up to 2,430 m.
English: Charcoal tree, Indian Nettle tree.Siddha/Tamil: Ambaratthi, Chenko- lam.Folk: Gio.Action: Root—astringent and styptic; prescribed for diarrhoea, haematuria. Bark—analgesic.
Used as poultice for muscular pain. Root, bark and leaves—used in epilepsy.The bark contains 16% tannin. Stem- bark gave triterpenoid alcohols simi- arenol and tremetol; a triterpene sim- iurenone; octacosanoic acid and 1- octacosanyl acetate.Alcoholic extract of the roots produced a progressive depression of blood pressure (a total of 50% in 1 h) in cats.