Trichosanthes anguina Health Dictionary

Trichosanthes Anguina: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated throughout India particularly in South India.

English: Snake-Gourd.

Ayurvedic: Dadhipushpi, Chichin- da, Shvetaraaji, Ahiphala.

Siddha/Tamil: Pudal.

Folk: Chichindaa, Chichendaa.

Action: Root and seed—antibilious, vermifuge, antidiarrhoeal. Fruits— improve appetite, cure biliousness.

Alpha-, beta-, gamma-carotenes, cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein, hen- triacontane, ceryl alcohol, quercetin, alpha-amyrin, taraxerone, oxalic acid, surcose, and beta-sitosterol have been isolated from the fruit. The seed gave kaempferol, its 3-O-glucoside and quercetin.

The plant gave cucurbita-5,24- dienol, 24-ethylcholesta-7-enol, 24- ethylcholesta-7, 22-dienol.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Dioscorea Anguina


Synonym: D. puber Blume.

Family: Dioscoreaceae.

Habitat: Wet regions of the Himalayas from Central Nepal, eastwards to northern Bengal, Assam and Chittagong.

Ayurvedic: Kaasaalu, Kasaalu.

Folk: Koshakanda (Bengal).

Action: See D. alata.... dioscorea anguina

Trichosanthes Bracteata

(Lam.) Viogt.

Synonym: T. palmata Roxb. T. lepiniana (Naud.) Cogn. Involucraria lepiniana Naud.

Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, in moist places.

Ayurvedic: Indravaaruni (red var.), Vishaalaa, Mahaakaala, Mahendra-vaaruni.

Folk: Mahkaar, Maakaal, Laal Indraayana, Kondal.

Action: Same as that of Citrullus colocynthis. The fruits are poisonous. The seed extract show haemagglutinating activity. Fruit— cathartic, antiasthmatic (the fruit is smoked in asthma and lung diseases), anti-inflammatory (used for rheumatic affections, weakness of limbs, dental diseases, hemicrania).

The root gave tetrahydroxypenta- cyclic triterpenoid, trichotetrol. Cy- clotrichosantol and cycloeucalenol have been isolated from the leaves.... trichosanthes bracteata

Trichosanthes Cordata


Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Foot hills of the Himalayas from Garhwal to Sikkim and in north-eastern India, up to 500 m.

Ayurvedic: Vidaari (var.), Bhuumi- kushmaanda, Patola (related species.).

Folk: Bhui-kumhraa.

Action: Tuber—dried powder given in enlarged spleen and liver; applied externally on leprous ulcers.

Used in prescriptions for haemor- rhagic diseases and in spermatopoietic tonics. Aerial parts—diuretic.

The seeds yield 23.3% (dry basis) a fatty oil containing 32.3% of punicic acid.... trichosanthes cordata

Trichosanthes Cucumerina


Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Found throughout India in scrub-jungles and waste places.

Ayurvedic: Amritaphala, Vana- Patota, Tikta-Patoli.

Siddha: Kattu Pey Pudal.

Action: Bitter fruits—blood purifier (used in the treatment of skin diseases); germicidal; appetizer, laxative (used in bilious disorders); hepatoprotective. Root and seed—anthelmintic, antifebrile. Whole plant—antipyretic. Root— cathartic. Leaves—used externally in alopecia.

Cucurbitacin B has been isolated from the fruits.The root tuber contains glycoproteins and beta-trichosanthin.

The leaves gave luteolin-7-glucoside, kaempferol, 3,7-dirhamnoside and 3- glucoside-7-rhamnoside, cucurbita- cins B and E, oleanolic acid, beta- sitosterol and its D-glucoside. The seed oil showed the presence of puni- cic acid; oleic, linoleic, eleostearic, palmitic, stearic and arachidic acids. Meso-inositol was found to be present in the plant.... trichosanthes cucumerina

Trichosanthes Dioica


Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Warmer regions of India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh. Bihar, West Bengal and Assam.

English: Patol, Pointed Gourd.

Ayurvedic: Patola, Kulaka, Raa- jiphala, Karkashchhada, Karkasha, Bijagarbha.

Unani: Parwal.

Siddha: Kommu Patolia.

Action: Aerial parts—hypogly- caemic. Fruits—juice of unripe fruits used in spermatorrhoea. Leaves—febrifuge; prescribed as a diet in enlargement of liver and spleen; piles and fistula. Root— cathartic, febrifuge.

The fruits contain free amino acids, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, vitamin C, thiamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine. Mature plant and root gave cucurbita-5, 24-dienol. Colocynthin, trichosan- thin, hentriacontane have been isolated from the root.

Fatty acids from the seeds comprise elaeostearic, linoleic, oleic and saturated acids.

The whole fruit and pulp produced significant hypocholesterolaemic, hy- potriglyceridaemic and hyper-phos- pholipidaemic effects in normal and midly diabetic human subjects.

Extracts of seeds exhibit haemagglu- nating activity.

Dosage: Leaf—10-2 ml juice. (CCRAS.)... trichosanthes dioica

Trichosanthes Nervifolia


Family: Cucurbitaceae.

Habitat: Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Ayurvedic: Patoli (related species of Patola).

Siddha/Tamil: Kombu Pudalai.

Action: Herb—bitter tonic, febrifuge. Root—purgative. Fruit— used as dentifrice.... trichosanthes nervifolia

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