Trocar Health Dictionary

Trocar: From 2 Different Sources

An instrument provided with a sharp three-sided point ?tted inside a tube or cannula, and used for puncturing cavities of the body in which ?uid has collected.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. an instrument used combined with a *cannula to draw off fluids from a body cavity (such as the peritoneal cavity). It comprises a metal tube containing a removable shaft with a sharp three-cornered point; the shaft is withdrawn after the trocar has been inserted into the cavity.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A tube for insertion into the body, designed to ?t tightly round a trocar – a sharp, pointed instrument which is withdrawn from the cannula after insertion, so that ?uid may run out through the latter.... cannula


The general term for any one of a group of HORMONES which govern the development of the sexual organs and the secondary sexual characteristics of the male. TESTOSTERONE, the androgenic hormone formed in the interstitial cells of the testis (see TESTICLE), controls the development and maintenance of the male sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. In small doses it increases the number of spermatozoa (see SPERMATOZOON) produced, but in large doses it inhibits the gonadotrophic activity of the anterior PITUITARY GLAND and suppresses the formation of the spermatozoa. It is both androgenic and anabolic in action. The anabolic e?ect includes the ability to stimulate protein synthesis and to diminish the catabolism of amino acids, and this is associated with retention of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Doses in excess of 10 mg daily to the female may produce VIRILISM.

Unconjugated testosterone is rarely used clinically because its derivatives have a more powerful and prolonged e?ect, and because testosterone itself requires implantation into the subcutaneous fat using a trocar and cannula for maximum therapeutic bene?t. Testosterone propionate is prepared in an oily solution, as it is insoluble in water; it is e?ective for three days and is therefore administered intramuscularly twice weekly. Testosterone phenyl-propionate is a long-acting microcrystalline preparation which, when given by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, is e?ective for four weeks. Testosterone enantate is another long-acting intramuscular preparation. Mesterolone is an e?ective oral androgen and is less hepatoxic: it does not inhibit pituitary gonadotrophic production and hence spermatogenesis is unimpaired. Testosterone undecanoate is also an e?ective oral form.... androgen


The puncture by hollow needle or TROCAR and CANNULA of any body cavity (e.g. abdominal, pleural, pericardial), for tapping or aspirating ?uid. (See ASPIRATION.)... paracentesis

Hasson Technique

a technique used in laparoscopic surgery in which the skin, muscle, fascia, and peritoneum are incised under direct vision to allow the insertion of a blunt *trocar, through which the laparoscope is introduced. [H. M. Hasson (21st century), US gynaecologist]... hasson technique

Veress Needle

a surgical needle used prior to *laparoscopy to gain access to the peritoneal cavity and allow insufflation of carbon dioxide (*pneumoperitoneum) before the insertion of a sharp *trocar. It has an outer cutting sheath and an inner spring-loaded gas-transmitting safety sheath and is inserted into the abdomen either in the midsagittal plane at the lower margin or base of the umbilicus or at *Palmer’s point. [J. Veress (20th century), Hungarian surgeon]... veress needle

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