An instrument provided with a sharp three-sided point ?tted inside a tube or cannula, and used for puncturing cavities of the body in which ?uid has collected.
n. an instrument used combined with a *cannula to draw off fluids from a body cavity (such as the peritoneal cavity). It comprises a metal tube containing a removable shaft with a sharp three-cornered point; the shaft is withdrawn after the trocar has been inserted into the cavity.
A tube for insertion into the body, designed to ?t tightly round a trocar – a sharp, pointed instrument which is withdrawn from the cannula after insertion, so that ?uid may run out through the latter.... cannula
The puncture by hollow needle or TROCAR and CANNULA of any body cavity (e.g. abdominal, pleural, pericardial), for tapping or aspirating ?uid. (See ASPIRATION.)... paracentesis
a technique used in laparoscopic surgery in which the skin, muscle, fascia, and peritoneum are incised under direct vision to allow the insertion of a blunt *trocar, through which the laparoscope is introduced. [H. M. Hasson (21st century), US gynaecologist]... hasson technique
a surgical needle used prior to *laparoscopy to gain access to the peritoneal cavity and allow insufflation of carbon dioxide (*pneumoperitoneum) before the insertion of a sharp *trocar. It has an outer cutting sheath and an inner spring-loaded gas-transmitting safety sheath and is inserted into the abdomen either in the midsagittal plane at the lower margin or base of the umbilicus or at *Palmer’s point. [J. Veress (20th century), Hungarian surgeon]... veress needle