(TTTS) a condition in which communicating vessels in the shared placenta of monochorionic twins (see chorionicity) divert blood to one fetus (the recipient) from the other (the donor), resulting in one fetus with increased blood volume and one anaemic fetus. It complicates 15% of monochorionic twin pregnancies, and a system of ultrasound staging has been developed to assess the severity of the syndrome. TTTS is associated with a high perinatal mortality rate. There is significant morbidity and poor neurodevelopmental outcome in surviving infants due to complications of the disease itself and the high preterm birth rate that invariably accompanies this condition. A range of treatments, including *amnioreduction, *septostomy, and laser ablation of the communicating vessels, have led to an improvement in overall perinatal survival rates.... twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome