A prominent area on a bone to which tendons are attached.
n. a large rounded protuberance on a bone. For example, there is a tuberosity at the upper end of the tibia.
Painful enlargement and tenderness of the tibial tuberosity (the bony prominence of the tibia), which occurs most commonly in boys aged between 10 and 14. It results from excessive, repetitive pulling of the quadriceps muscle, due to repeated exercise. The disorder often clears up without treatment; severe pain may require physiotherapy or immobilization of the knee in a plaster cast.... osgood–schlatter disease
inflammation and swelling at the site of insertion of the patellar tendon at the tibial tuberosity, just below the knee (see apophysitis), resulting in a prominent painful lump. It occurs in adolescence, as a result of excessive physical activity, and most cases resolve with time and rest. [R. B. Osgood (1873–1956), US orthopaedist; C. Schlatter (1864–1934), Swiss surgeon]... osgood–schlatter disease