Tubo-ovarian Health Dictionary

Tubo-ovarian: From 1 Different Sources

Ovarian Cyst

An abnormal, fluid-filled swelling in an ovary. Ovarian cysts are common and, in most cases, noncancerous. The most common type, a follicular cyst, is one in which the egg-producing follicle enlarges and fills with fluid. Cysts may also occur in the corpus luteum, a mass of tissue that forms from the follicle after ovulation. Other types include dermoid cysts and cancerous cysts (see ovary, cancer of).

Ovarian cysts are often symptomless, but some cause abdominal discomfort, pain during intercourse, or irregularities of menstruation such as amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, or dysmenorrhoea. Severe abdominal pain, nausea, and fever may develop if twisting or rupture of a cyst occurs. This condition requires surgery.An ovarian cyst may be discovered during a routine pelvic examination and its position and size confirmed by ultrasound or laparoscopy. In many cases, simple ovarian cysts – thin-walled or fluid-filled cysts – resolve themselves. However, complex cysts (such as dermoid cysts) usually require surgical removal. If an ovarian cyst is particularly large, the ovary may need to be removed (see oophorectomy).... ovarian cyst

Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

(COS) see superovulation.... controlled ovarian stimulation

Ovarian Cancer

a malignant tumour of the ovary, usually a carcinoma. Because of its wide-ranging pathology and an imperfect understanding of its causes, ovarian cancer is not readily detected in the early stages of development, when the tumour is small and produces few suspicious symptoms. Increased susceptibility to the disease is associated with raised serum levels of *CA125 (see also risk of malignancy index; BRCA1 and BRCA2). Diagnosis is based on the finding of a solid or cystic mass arising from the pelvis; there may be associated *ascites. The incidence of ovarian cancer reaches a peak in postmenopausal women; treatment involves surgery and most cases also require combined chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.... ovarian cancer

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

a potentially life-threatening condition classically associated with ovarian stimulation using gonadotrophins in assisted conception procedures, such as in vitro fertilization (see superovulation). It is characterized by gross enlargement of the ovaries resulting in pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, *haemoconcentration, and *ascites. The most severe cases require intensive care due to the high risk of thromboembolism and acute respiratory distress.... ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Premature Ovarian Failure

menopause occurring before the age of 40. It may be caused by autoimmunity, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or genetic factors, for example a mutation in the FSH receptor gene causing excess secretion of gonadotrophins and small underdeveloped ovaries. Treatment is by hormone replacement, either with the contraceptive pill or HRT. *Oocyte donation should be discussed if the patient wishes for assisted conception.... premature ovarian failure


combining form denoting a tube, especially the Fallopian tube or Eustachian tube.... tubo

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