Tyler Health Dictionary

Tyler: From 1 Different Sources

Hemidesmus Indicus

(L.) R. Br.

Synonym: Periploca indica Linn.

Family: Asclepiadaceae, Periplo- caceae.

Habitat: Throughout India; common in Bengal, Maharashtra and extending to Travancore.

English: Indian Sarsaparilla (white var.). Sarsaparilla root is equated with Smilax sp. in Western herbal.

Ayurvedic: Shveta Saarivaa, Anant- muula, Gopi, Gopaa, Gopakanyaa, Gopavalli, Gopasutaa, Krishodari, Sphotaa, Utpalsaarivaa, Kapuuri, Dugdhgarbhaa.

Unani: Ushbaa Hindi.

Siddha/Tamil: Nannaari, Sugan- thipala.

Action: Blood purifier, antisyphilitic, antileucorrhoeic, galactogenic, antidiarrhoeal, antirheumatic, febrifuge, alterative. Roots used against gonorrhoea, leucoderma, bleeding piles, jaundice and dysentery.

Key application: Smilax sp.—in skin diseases and urinary infections. (German Commission E included Smilax sp. among unapproved herbs.)

Hemidesmus indicus does not contain the same saponins or other principal constituents which are found in sarsaparilla. (Tyler's Honest Herbal.)

The root contains coumarino-lig- noids, hemidesmine, hemidesmin-1, 2. The stem contains pregnane glyco- sides, hemidine, hemidescine, emidine and indicine, a triterpene lactone, a lu- panone, besides lupeol acetate, sitos- terol and hexadecanoic acid and several hydroxy- methoxybenzaldehydes.

Aqueous extract of the root is bacteriostatic against Mycobacterium leprae.

Dosage: Root—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.) palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and arachidic. Pyrocatechol, tannins, fla- vonoids and amino acids were also present.... hemidesmus indicus

Blue Flag Root

Water flag. Iris versicolor L. and I. caroliniana Watson. French: Iris. German: Blaue Iris. Spanish: Mavi Susan. Italian: Giglio azzura. Dried rhizome, root.

Action: anti-inflammatory, astringent (liver), cholagogue, diuretic, laxative, stimulant, anti-emetic, blood and lymph purifier, anti-obesity. A powerful alterative for passive sluggish conditions involving the liver, gall bladder, lymphatics, veins and glandular system. Restores loss of tonicity to involuntary muscle structures.

Uses: Chronic liver conditions to increase flow of bile. Cirrhosis, psoriasis, eczema and scrofulous skin disorders, acne, shingles, anal fissure. Combines well with Yellow Dock, Red Clover. Poke root and Queen’s Delight for skin disorders BHP (1983). Soft goitre (persist for months). Migraine or sick headache of liver origin. Reported to be of value in thyroid deficiency. Jaundice (Dr M.L. Tyler). Uterine fibroids: combined with Goldenseal and Balmony (Priest). Promotes secretions of pancreas, intestines and salivary glands.

Traditional combination: With equal parts Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla as a powerful lymph cleanser. Henry Smith MD. “I use Blue Flag when there is any local disease involving the lymph glands. The vessels become enlarged and congested because of obstruction. Disease in these vessels is the forerunner of chronic skin disease. Blue Flag can be given in expectation of satisfactory results.”

Colonel Lydius, explorer. “The Indians take the root, wash it clean, boil it a little, then crush it between a couple of stones. They spread this crushed root as a poultice over leg ulcers. At the same time, the leg is bathed with the water in which the root is boiled. I have seen great cures by the use of this remedy. (Travels in North America, II. 606)

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Decoction: half a teaspoon to each cup water; simmer gently 15 minutes: dose – one-third cup. Liquid Extract, BHC Vol 1. 1:1, 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 0.6-2ml.

Tincture, BHC Vol 1. 1:5, ethanol. Dose: 3-10ml. Powdered root. Half-2g.

Blue Flag is an ingredient of Potter’s Irisine Mixture.

Note: Tincture is best made from fresh root in early spring or autumn. ... blue flag root


Red pepper. Chillies. Capsicum minimum Roxb. French: Piment capsique. German: Beisbeere. Italian: Peperone. Indian: Mirch. Malayan: Chabe-sabrong. Chinese: La-chiao. Bright red dried ripe pods. Powder known as Cayenne pepper.

Action: Regarded by the professional herbalist as the purest and safest stimulant known. Opens up every tissue in the body to an increased flow of blood.

Produces natural warmth, equalising the circulation in the aged. Stimulant and iron-bearer, it accelerates oxygenation of cells. Antiseptic. Antispasmodic for relief of pain. Carminative.

Prostaglandin antagonist and analgesic. (F. Fletcher Hyde, The Herbal Practitioner (Dec. 1977))

Well suited to persons of feeble constitution with poor circulation, lacking in energy and fear of the slightest draft. Hypothermia. Encourages the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids.

Uses: Poor digestion in the aged, wind, nervous depression, impotency. To increase gatrointestinal secretion and thus improve the appetite. A mere pinch (one-eighth teaspoon) of the powder may suffice. Practitioner: Official tincture Capsicum Fort BPC (1934). 1 part to 3 parts 60 per cent alcohol. Dose 0.06-0.2ml. (1-3 drops).

Preparations: An active ingredient of Life Drops: see entry. A few grains of red pepper on food at table aids digestion and improves circulation.

Home-tincture: 1oz bruised chillies or coarse powder to half a litre 60 per cent alcohol (Vodka, etc); macerate 7 days; shake daily, decant. 2 or more teaspoons in wineglass water. 1-2 drops of the tincture enhances action of most herbal agents and may also be taken in tea or other beverages for cold hands and feet, pale lips and small feeble pulse.

Tincture Capsicum Fort. 1934: dose, 0.06-0.2ml.

External use as a rubefacient, antiseptic or counter-irritant. As a warming lotion, cream or ointment for rheumatism, neuralgia, backache, lumbago.

Cayenne salve: vegetable oil (16), Beeswax (2), Tincture Cayenne (1). Melt oil and beeswax in a stone jar in oven on low heat; add Cayenne. Stir gently few minutes to produce smooth consistency. Pour into jars.

Case Records. “I was called in haste to a lady who was dying. I found her gasping for breath with no wrist pulse and very cold. Seven specialists had treated her and were positive nothing could be done. I gave her tincture Capsicum in one drop doses, often and persistently. The specials made all kinds of fun at me. The patient became well and strong at 80 years. I suggest that if Cayenne pepper had been given in all cases where whisky had been taken for relief, many of those who are now dead would be alive today.” (C.S. Dyer, MD)

External: “Capsicum has a peculiar action on bones of the external ear and mastoid process – abscesses round about and below the ear, and caries. It is frequently indicated in mastoid abscess. A girl seen in hospital with a constant temperature of about 100 degrees since a mastoid operation some years ago resulted in a normal temperature ever since.” (Dr M.L. Tyler)

Ingredient of: Peerless Composition Essence; Antispasmodic drops; Life Drops; Elderflower; Peppermint and Composition Essence. (Potter’s) ... cayenne

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