Tympan Health Dictionary

Tympan: From 1 Different Sources

(tympano-) combining form denoting 1. the eardrum. Example: tympanectomy (surgical excision of). 2. the middle ear.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Tympanic Membrane

The ear-drum, which separates the external and middle ear. (See EAR.)... tympanic membrane


Also known as meteorism. Distension of the abdomen due to the presence of gas or air in the INTESTINE or in the peritoneal cavity (see PERITONEUM). The abdomen when struck with the ?ngers, gives under these conditions a drum-like (tympanitic) note.... tympanites


Another name for the middle EAR.... tympanum


An operation on the ear to treat conductive deafness by repairing a hole in the eardrum (see myringoplasty) or by repositioning or reconstructing diseased ossicles.... tympanoplasty


A type of hearing test used to establish the cause of conductive deafness. During the test, a probe that contains a tone generator, a microphone, and an air pump is introduced into the outer-ear canal. The air pressure in the ear is varied and tones are played into it. The tone pattern reflected from the eardrum and received by the microphone sreveals whether the eardrum is moving normally. The test is particularly useful in children because it does not rely on a response from the person being tested.... tympanometry

Tensor Tympani

see tonic tensor tympani syndrome.... tensor tympani

Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome

involuntary persistent contraction of the tensor tympani muscle in the middle ear, attached to the malleus bone, giving rise to tinnitus, distorted hearing, a sensation of blockage of the ear, or pain.... tonic tensor tympani syndrome

Tympanic Cavity

see middle ear.... tympanic cavity


n. the graphic record of a test of middle ear function carried out on a *tympanometer.... tympanogram


n. an apparatus for testing the pressure in the middle ear and the mobility of the *tympanic membrane. It is used in the diagnosis of *glue ear. —tympanometry n.... tympanometer


n. a surgical operation to expose the middle ear and allow access to the ossicles. It is usually performed by incising around the eardrum and turning it forwards.... tympanotomy

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