Ultrasound is replacing ISOTOPE scanning in many situations, and also RADIOGRAPHY. Ultrasound of the liver can separate medical from surgical JAUNDICE in approximately 97 per cent of patients; it is very accurate in detecting and de?ning cystic lesions of the liver, but is less accurate with solid lesions – and yet will detect 85 per cent of secondary deposits (this is less than COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY [CT] scanning). It is very accurate in detecting gall-stones (see GALL-BLADDER, DISEASES OF) and more accurate than the oral cholecystogram. It is useful as a screening test for pancreatic disease and can di?erentiate carcinoma of the pancreas from chronic pancreatitis with 85 per cent accuracy.
Ultrasound is the ?rst investigation indicated in patients presenting with renal failure, as it can quickly determine the size and shape of the kidney and whether there is any obstruction to the URETER. It is very sensitive to the presence of dilatation of the renal tract and will detect space-occupying lesions, di?erentiating cysts and tumours. It can detect also obstruction of the ureter due to renal stones by showing dilatations of the collecting system and the presence of the calculus. Adrenal (see ADRENAL GLANDS) tumours can be demonstrated by ultrasound, although it is less accurate than CT scanning.
The procedure is now the ?rst test for suspected aortic ANEURYSM and it can also show the presence of clot and delineate the true and false lumen. It is good at demonstrating subphrenic and subhepatic abscesses (see ABSCESS) and will show most intra-abdominal abscesses; CT scanning is however better for the retroperitoneal region. It has a major application in thyroid nodules as it can di?erentiate cystic from solid lesions and show the multiple lesions characteristic of the nodular GOITRE (see also THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). It cannot differentiate between a follicular adenoma and a carcinoma, as both these tumours are solid; nor can it demonstrate normal parathyroid glands. However, it can identify adenomas provided that they are more than 6 mm in diameter. Finally, ultrasound can di?erentiate masses in the SCROTUM into testicular and appendicular, and it can demonstrate impalpable testicular tumours. This is important as 15 per cent of testicular tumours metastasise whilst they are still impalpable.
Ultrasonic waves are one of the constituents in the shock treatment of certain types of gallstones and CALCULI in the urinary tract (see LITHOTRIPSY). They are also being used in the treatment of MENIÈRE’S DISEASE and of bruises and strains. In this ?eld of physiotherapy, ultrasonic therapy is proving of particular value in the treatment of acute injuries of soft tissue. If in such cases it is used immediately after the injury, or as soon as possible thereafter, prompt recovery is facilitated. For this reason it is being widely used in the treatment of sports injuries (see also SPORTS MEDICINE). The sound waves stimulate the healing process in damaged tissue.
Doppler ultrasound is a technique which shows the presence of vascular disease in the carotid and peripheral vessels, as it can detect the reduced blood ?ow through narrowed vessels.
Ultrasound in obstetrics Ultrasound has particular applications in obstetrics. A fetus can be seen with ultrasound from the seventh week of pregnancy, and the fetal heart can be demonstrated at this stage. Multiple pregnancy can also be diagnosed at this time by the demonstration of more than one gestation sac containing a viable fetus. A routine obstetric scan is usually performed between the 16th and 18th week of pregnancy when the fetus is easily demonstrated and most photogenic. The fetus can be measured to assess the gestational age, and the anatomy can also be checked. Intra-uterine growth retardation is much more reliably diagnosed by ultrasound than by clinical assessment. The site of the placenta can also be recorded and multiple pregnancies will be diagnosed at this stage. Fetal movements and even the heartbeat can be seen. A second scan is often done between the 32nd and 34th weeks to assess the position, size and growth rate of the baby. The resolution of equipment now available enables pre-natal diagnosis of a wide range of structural abnormalities to be diagnosed. SPINA BIFIDA, HYDROCEPHALUS and ANENCEPHALY are probably the most important, but other anomalies such as multicystic kidney, achondroplasia and certain congenital cardiac anomalies can also be identi?ed. Fetal gender can be determined from 20 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound is also useful as guidance for AMNIOCENTESIS.
In gynaecology, POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME can readily be detected as well as FIBROID and ovarian cysts. Ultrasound can monitor follicular growth when patients are being treated with infertility drugs. It is also useful in detecting ECTOPIC PREGNANCY. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)