Habitat: Throughout India, in dry grasslands. Ayurvedic: Prishniparni, Prithak- parni, Simhapushpi, Kalashi, Dhaavani, Guhaa, Chitraparni.
Siddha/Tamil: Oripai.Action: Root—prescribed for cough, chills and fevers. Leaves—antiseptic, used for urinary discharges and genitourinary infections.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends a decoction of whole plant in alcoholism, insanity, psychosis; cough, bronchitis, dyspnoea; diseases due to vitiated blood; gout; bleeding piles; blood dysentery, acute diarrhoea.The plant is credited with fracture- healing properties. Its total extract exhibits better and quicker healing of fractures in experimental animals due to early accumulation of phosphorus and more deposition of calcium.Dosage: Whole plant—20-50 g powder for decoction. (API, Vol. IV.)