Etiology. May be hereditary. Excess alcohol, meat or starchy foods without adequate fresh vegetables and fruit. Alcohol increases synthesis of urates and inhibits secretion. High beer intake. There is a link between gout and the good life.
Symptoms. Joints hot, painful, inflamed, shiny and swollen. Temperature rises in acute cases. Urine strong-smelling, but little passed. Urate deposits (tophi) present a ready diagnostic sign on elbows or lobes of ears. Swollen big toe common. Joints normal between attacks.
Autumn Crocus (Colchicum) is the oldest and still one of the most effective plant medicines for relief and appears to act by inhibiting prostaglandin activity.
The symptoms of pseudo-gout are similar, focus of pain mostly in the knee. Instead of uric acid, pyrophosphoric acid crystals are laid down and calcium salts deposited in cartilages. For this, Colchicum is of little value, though reportedly good results follow use of White Willow.
Influenza vaccination injections may trigger acute gout in some patients.
Alternatives. Autumn Crocus (Colchicum), Black Cohosh, Boldo, Burdock root, Celery seeds, Gravel root, Guaiacum, Meadowsweet, Sarsaparilla, Valerian, White Willow, Wild Lettuce, Yarrow, Devil’s Claw.
Alternatives for acute conditions:– Tea. Equal parts: Boldo, Celery seeds, Meadowsweet. Mix. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup every 2 hours.
Decoction. Black Cohosh 1; Gravel root 1; White Willow 2. Mix. 1-2 teaspoons in 2 cupfuls water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half a cup every 2 hours.
Tablets/capsules. Boldo, Black Cohosh, Celery, Garlic, White Willow, Devil’s Claw, Prickly Ash. Colchicine USP, one 0.5mg tablet every 2 hours.
Powders. Formula. Black Cohosh 1; White Willow 3. Guaiacum quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) every 2 hours.
Tinctures. Formula. White Willow 2; Celery 1; Black Cohosh quarter; Guaiacum quarter; Liquorice quarter. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons every 2 hours in water.
Cider vinegar. Traditional. (Vermont, USA)
Colchicum. Extract Colchici Liquid, dose: 2-5 drops. Tincture Colchici; 5-15 drops. In water as prescribed by a practitioner.
Topical. Cider vinegar as a lotion. Warm potato poultice for pain. Lotion: 1 part Oil of Sassafras to 20 parts Safflower seed oil. Slippery Elm poultice: mix well 2-3 teaspoons powdered Slippery Elm into 1 pint (500ml) equal parts Cider vinegar and water. Epsom salts bath. Comfrey ointment. Chamomile soaks. Aromatherapy. Wipe affected parts with any one diluted oil: Sage, Burdock, Bryony, Rosemary, St John’s Wort.
Diet. Low protein, fat, salt. Nettle tea. Plenty of water. No tea, coffee or alcohol. Reject: purine foods – organ meats, kidney, liver, brain, sweet-bread, red meat, meat extracts. Accept: bananas for potassium – 3 daily, and oily fish. For gout, a vegetarian diet has much to commend it.
Supplements. Daily. Bromelain 200mg. Folic acid 30mg. Vitamin C 3g. Vitamin E 200iu. Iron – Floradix. Magnesium.
General. Reduce acidity. Gout is a rewarding condition for the phytotherapist. Rest affected parts. Good responses with Guaiacum. For kidney involvement add Wild Carrot. For prevention, an older generation of physicians advised quarter to half a teaspoon Glauber Salts in breakfast tea, or cup of Nettle tea. Cradle affected joint against pressure from shoes or bedclothes. ... gout
Excessive consumption of meat, combined with sedentary habits.
Diseases in which the white corpuscles of the blood are increased: for example, LEUKAEMIA.
The bi-urate of sodium and urate of ammonium occur in considerable amounts in the URINE during a feverish state or after great exertion, and produce, as the urine cools, a dense pink or yellow sediment. Owing to their insolubility, uric acid and the various urates often produce deposits in the urinary passages, which are known as urinary sand, gravel, or stones according to their size.... uric acid
Constituents: flavonoids, alkaloids, sterols, silicic acid.
Action: haemostatic for bleeding of genitourinary organs, styptic, a soothing non-irritating diuretic. Increases coagulability of the blood. Remineraliser. Anti-atheroma. Antirheumatic. Astringent. Immune enhancer. White blood cell stimulator.
Uses: Blood in the urine, prostatitis, bed-wetting, dropsy, chronic bladder infections, incontinence in the aged, catarrh of the urinary organs, gravel, urethritis of sexual transmission with bleeding, stricture, severe pain in the bladder unrelieved by passing water, constant desire to pass water without relief. Carcinoma of the womb: cure reported. Foetid discharges of STD. Arteriosclerosis.
Silica, as in Horsetail, preserves elasticity of connective tissue; controls absorption of calcium and is a necessary ingredient of nails, hair, teeth and the skeleton. Its cleansing properties rapidly remove urates, uric acid and cellulites from the system. Hastens repair of tissue after lung damage of tuberculosis or other diseases.
Combinations. (1) With Shepherd’s Purse for blood in the urine. (2) With Pulsatilla to inhibit growth of uterine fibroid. (3) With Buchu for cystitis. (4) With Oats and Goldenseal for renal exhaustion. “Combines well with Hydrangea for non-malignant prostatitis.” (F. Fletcher Hyde) Arteriosclerosis. (Dr Max Rombi)
Preparations: Horsetail has a heavy mineral content (silica, selenium and zinc) therefore treatment is best staggered so as to avoid kidney strain – one month, followed by one week’s break. Average dose: 1 to 4 grams; thrice daily.
Tea: half-1 teaspoon to cup water; bring to boil; simmer 5 minutes; infuse 30 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup, cold.
Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 25 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-4ml (15-60 drops).
Home tincture: 1 part herb to 5 parts 25 per cent alcohol (gin, Vodka, etc). Steep 14 days, shake daily. Dose: 2-5ml (30-75 drops) in water.
Poultice: “Place double handful herb in a sieve and place over a pot of boiling water (double boiler, etc). The soft hot herbs are placed between a piece of linen and applied to ulcer, adenoma, cyst or tumour.” (Maria Treben)
Bath. 9oz leaves: bring to boil in 1 gallon water. Simmer 5 minutes; strain. Add to bath water.
Enema: 1 pint weak tea for infants with kidney disorders. ... horsetail
Constituents: Chlorophyll (high), vitamins including Vitamin C, serotonin, histamine, acetyl-choline, minerals including iron, calcium, silica.
Action: blood tonic, hypoglycaemic, antiseptic, tonic-astringent (external), diuretic, haemostatic (external), expectorant, vasodilator, hypotensive, galactagogue, splenic, circulatory stimulant, amphoteric (can increase or reduce flow of breast milk, making its own adjustment). Strengthens natural resistance. Re-mineraliser, antirheumatic. Eliminates uric acid from the body. Anti-haemorrhagic. Mild diuretic. Uses: iron-deficiency anaemia, gout (acute painful joints – partial amelioration). First stage of fevers (repeat frequently), malaria. Uvula – inflammation of. Foul-smelling sores. To stimulate kidneys. Detoxifies the blood. Pregnancy (Nettle and Raspberry leaf tea for iron and calcium). To withstand onset of uraemia in kidney disease; chronic skin disease, melaena with blood in stool, splenic disorders, high blood sugar in diabetes, burns (first degree), feeble digestion due to low level HCL; bleeding of stomach, bowels, lung and womb. Has power to eliminate urates; expulsion of gravel. On taking Nettle tea for high blood pressure passage of gravel is possible and should be regarded as a favourable sign. For women desiring an ample bust. Lobster and other shell-fish allergy, strawberry allergy. Nettle rash. Hair – fall out – tea used as a rinse.
“No plant is more useful in domestic medicine.” (Hilda Leyel)
Frequent drinks of Nettle tea often allay itching of Hodgkin’s disease. Preparations. Thrice daily.
Tea: 1oz herb to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup.
Liquid Extract: 3-4ml in water.
Tincture BHP (1983): 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose, 2-6ml in water. Powder: 210mg capsules, 6-8 capsules daily. (Arkocaps)
Floradix Herbal Iron Extract contains Nettles. (Salus-Haus)
Nettle shampoo and hair lotion.
Diet. Nettles cooked and eaten as spinach. Fresh juice: 1-2 teaspoons. ... nettles