Linn. Mast.Family: Malvaceae.
Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India, frequent in West Bengal.
Ayurvedic: Naagabalaa (Grewia hirsuta and Sida veronicaefolia are also equated with Naagabalaa). Used as Balaa in Kerala.Siddha/Tamil: Ottatti.Action: Root—diuretic, emollient, antispasmodic (roots and stem used in severe windy colic), antirheumatic. Flowers—used as a pectoral and expectorant in dry and inveterate coughs. An infusion is used as a gargle for aphthae amd sore throat.
The aerial parts gave magniferin and quercetin. Alkanes, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol are reported from the whole plant. The seeds contain protein, pentosan and mucilage.