Utah Health Dictionary

Utah: From 1 Different Sources

(Native American) People of the mountains; from the state of Utah
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Cancer – Facial

In October 1967, after three previous surgically removed growths, an 85-year-old cattleman of Mesa, Arizona, refused treatment on the same fourth-recurrent growth, documented as malignant melanoma, in favour of “Chaparral tea”, an old Indian remedy. Of this tea he drank 2-3 cups a day. In September 1968 he was re-examined by the Medical Centre, Utah, USA. They found the growth had decreased from the size of a large lemon to that of a dime. No other medication was used, only the Chaparral tea. In eleven months he gained a needed 25lb with improvements in general health, as previous to Chaparral treatment he was pale, weak and lethargic. (“Indian Herbology”, Alma Hutchens. Pub: Merco, Ontaria).

The facial lesion finally disappeared. ... cancer – facial

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