Var Health Dictionary

Var: From 1 Different Sources

(Scandinavian) In mythology, a goddess who punishes those who break promises Varr, Varre
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Genu Varum

Genu varum is the medical term for BOW LEG.... genu varum


A measure of the variation shown by a set of observations, defined by the sum of the squares of deviations from the mean, divided by the number of degrees of freedom in the set of observations.... variance


Another name for CHICKENPOX.... varicella


A condition in which the veins of the TESTICLE are distended. (See TESTICLE, DISEASES OF.)... varicocele

Varicose Veins

VEINS that have become stretched and dilated. (See VEINS, DISEASES OF.)... varicose veins


Another name for SMALLPOX.... variola


A term meaning inward displacement of a part of the body – for example, the knee (genu varum) or the ankle (talipes varus).... varus

Coxa Vara

A condition in which the neck of the thighbone is bent so that the lower limbs are turned outwards and lameness results.... coxa vara


Any quantity that varies. Any attribute, phenomenon or event that can have different values.... variable


An enlarged and tortuous vein (see VEINS).... varix

Oesophageal Varices

Widened veins in the walls of the lower oesophagus and, sometimes, the upper part of the stomach.

Varices develop as a consequence of portal hypertension.

Blood in the portal vein, passing from the intestines to the liver, meets resistance due to liver disease.

The increased blood pressure causes blood to be diverted into small veins in the walls of the oesophagus and stomach.

These veins may become distended and rupture, causing vomiting of blood and black faeces.

There are usually other symptoms of chronic liver disease.

To control acute bleeding, a balloon catheter may be passed into the oesophagus to press on the bleeding varices.

The varices may be treated with an intravenous injection of vasopressin and/or by injection, via an endoscope, of a sclerosant that seals off the affected veins.... oesophageal varices


Enlarged, tortuous, or twisted sections of vessels, usually veins.

Varices is the plural of varix.

A vein affected by varices is called a varicose vein.... varices

Bauhinia Variegata


Synonym: B. candida Roxb.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Punjab, Western Peninsula and Assam. Also cultivated in gardens.

English: Mountain Ebony, Buddhist Bauhinia.

Ayurvedic: Kaanchanaara, Kaan- chanaaraka, Kanchanak, Kaan- chana, Gandhaari, Sonapushpaka, Ashmantaka.

Siddha/Tamil: Sivappumanchori.

Action: Buds—a decoction is given in piles (also used against tumours), haematuria, menorrhagia. Dried buds are used in diarrhoea, dysentery, worm infestation, piles and tumours. Root— carminative, used in dyspepsia and flatulence (a decoction is reported to prevent obesity). Bark—astringent, anthelmintic; used externally in scrofula and skin diseases. Seeds—possess human blood agglutinating activity. Leaf— antifungal.

Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the stem bark in lymphadenitis and goitre. (Ka- anchnaar Guggulu is prescribed for glandular swellings and goitre.)

Water-soluble portion of alcoholic extract of the plant showed preventive effect against goitre in rats.

Flowers gave flavonoids, kaempfe- rol-3-galactoside and kaempferol-3- rhamnoglucoside. The stem bark yields hentriacontane, octacosanol and stigmasterol. Stem contains beta-sitos- terol, lupeol and a flavanone glyco- side.

Dosage: Stem bark—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.)... bauhinia variegata

Confounding Variable

A variable or fact that confuses a result. A confounder distorts the ability to attribute cause to a treatment, for example, because it is likely something else is confusing the result.... confounding variable

Continuous Data (variable)

See “data”.... continuous data (variable)

Dependent Variable

In a statistical analysis, the outcome variable(s) or the variable(s) whose values are a function of, or dependent on the effect of other variable(s) (called independent variables) in the relationship under study.... dependent variable

Independent Variable

A variable that precedes, influences or predicts the dependent variable.... independent variable

Random Variation / Random Error

The tendency for the estimated magnitude of a parameter (e.g. based upon the average of a sample of observations of a treatment or intervention effect) to deviate randomly from the true magnitude of that parameter. Random variation is independent of the effects of systematic biases. In general, the larger the sample size, the lower the random variation of the estimate of a parameter. As random variation decreases, precision increases.... random variation / random error


(Greek) The stranger; one who is careful

Varah, Varia, Varra... vara


(Hindi) Of the river Varanah, Varanna, Varanne, Varann... varana


(Hebrew) Resembling a rose Vardah, Vardia, Vardina, Vardissa, Vardita, Vardysa, Vardyta, Vardit, Vardis, Vardisse, Vardice, Vardyce, Vardys, Vardyse, Vardina, Varyna, Vardinia, Vardin, Vardine, Vardyn, Vardyne, Vadit, Vared... varda


Enlarged veins or an engorged complex of smaller vessels.... varicosities


(Slavic / English) Yet to be discovered / thorn

Varinah, Varyna, Vareena... varina


(Hindi) Infinite Varounah... varouna


(Hindi) Of the rain Varshah... varsha


(Armenian) As beautiful as a rose Vartoughi, Vartoughie, Vartouhie... vartouhi


(Hindi) Wife of the sea Varunah, Varuna, Varun, Varunani, Varuni... varuna


(Slavic) Form of Barbara, meaning “a traveler from a foreign land; a stranger” Varvarah, Varenka, Varinka, Varyusha, Varushka, Vavka, Vava, Varya, Vavara, Vavarah... varvara


OLD TUBERCULIN (OT) is the heat-concentrated ?ltrate from a ?uid medium on which the human or bovine type of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been grown for six weeks or more.

TUBERCULIN PURIFIED PROTEIN DERIVATIVE (TUBERCULIN PPD) is the active principle of OT (see above), and is prepared from the ?uid medium on which the Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been grown. It is supplied as a liquid, a powder, or as sterile tablets. The liquid contains 100,000 units per millilitre, and the dry powder contains 30,000 units per milligram. It is distributed in sterile containers sealed so as to exclude micro-organisms. It is more constant in composition and potency than OT.

Uses The basis of the tuberculin reaction is that any person who has been infected with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gives a reaction when a small amount of tuberculin is injected into the skin. A negative reaction means either that the individual has never been infected with the tubercle bacillus, or that the infection has been too recent to have allowed of sensitivity developing.

There are various methods of carrying out the test, of which the following are the most commonly used. The Mantoux test is the most satisfactory of all, and has the advantage that the size of the reaction is a guide to the severity of the tuberculous infection: it is performed by injecting the tuberculin into the skin on the forearm. The Heaf multiple puncture test is reliable: it is carried out with the multiple puncture apparatus, or Heaf gun. The Vollmer patch test, using an impregnated ?lter paper, is useful in children because of the ease with which it can be carried out.... varieties

Variant Angina

A form of angina that causes chest pain at rest, often during sleep.

The pain may occur with breathlessness and palpitations.

The cause is thought to be narrowing of the coronary arteries by muscular spasm in their walls.

Treatment with calcium channel blockers or nitrates is usually effective.... variant angina


The virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.... varicella–zoster

Cavity Varnish

(in dentistry) a solution of natural or synthetic resin in an organic solvent. It is used to provide a barrier against the passage of irritants from restorative materials and to reduce the penetration of oral fluids into the underlying *dentine.... cavity varnish

Diurnal Variation Of Mood

a common symptom of *depression, in which the patient regularly experiences different mood states at different times of day. Classically, a depressed patient will complain of particularly low mood in the morning and this gradually improves during the day.... diurnal variation of mood

Hallux Varus

displacement of the big toe away from the others (i.e. towards the middle).... hallux varus

Saphena Varix

an abnormal dilatation of the terminal section of the long *saphenous vein in the groin.... saphena varix


n. see sildenafil.... vardenafil

Variable Positive Airways Pressure

see BiPAP.... variable positive airways pressure

Variant Creutzfeldt–jakob Disease

(vCJD) see Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.... variant creutzfeldt–jakob disease


n. see phlebectomy.... varicectomy


n. incision into a varicose vein (see phlebectomy).... varicotomy

Varifocal Lenses

(progressive lenses) lenses in which the power (see dioptre) gradually changes from one prescription to the other and there is no dividing line on the lens between the different segments (compare multifocal lenses). The wearer can see clearly at any distance by raising or lowering the eyes.... varifocal lenses


1. n. a mild form of smallpox in people who have previously had smallpox or have been vaccinated against it. 2. adj. resembling smallpox.... varioloid

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