Habitat: Wild as well as cultivated in gardens all over India.
Ayurvedic: Varuna, Varana, Barnaa, Setu, Ashmarighna, Kumaarak, Tiktashaaka.Unani: Baranaa.Siddha/Tamil: Maavilingam.Action: Bark—diuretic (finds application in urinary disorders, including urolithiasis, prostatic hypertrophy, neurogenic bladder and urinary infections; uterine and gastro-intestinal problems). Juice of the bark is given to women after childbirth. Extract of root bark, mixed with honey, is applied to scrofulous enlargements of glands. Whole plant powder—cholinergic in smooth muscles including urinary bladder.
Key application: As antiurolithiatic. (Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The antiurolithic activity of the stem-bark is attributed to the presence of lupeol. Lupeol not only prevented the formation of vesical calculi, but also reduced the size of the preformed stones in the kidneys of calculogenic rats. It also reversed the biochemical parameters in urine, blood and serum towards normal.The stem bark also exhibit anti- inflammatory activity, and is reported to stimulate bile secretion, appetite and bowel movement.Dosage: Stem bark—20-30 g for decoction. (API Vol. I.)... crataeva nurvalaHabitat: Throughout India.
English: Indian Sarsaparilla (black var.).Ayurvedic: Krishna Saarivaa, Jambupatraa Saarivaa, Karantaa, Shyamalataa, Shyaama, Gopi, Gopavadhu, Kaalghatika.Siddha/Tamil: Maattan-kodi, Paal-Kodi, Kattupala.Folk: Karantaa, Anantamuula (Varanasi).Action: Blood-purifier, alterative. Used for rickets in children. In combination with Euphorbia microphylla, the herb is used as a galactagogue. A decoction of the stem is used as a supporting drug in paralysis; of the root bark in rheumatism.
The major constituent of the root extract is germanicol docosanoate. The roots contains cryptanoside C. The leaves gave cryptanoside A and B and a cardenolide, cryptosin.Dosage: Root—5-10 g (API Vol. IV.); infusion—50-100 ml. (CCRAS.)... cryptolepis buchananiHabitat: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal and Gujarat.
English: Bristly Luffa.Ayurvedic: Devadaali, Devataadaka, Jimuuta, Garaagari, Kothaphala.Siddha/Tamil: Panibira.Folk: Bandaal (Varanasi).Action: Fruit—purgative (intensely bitter and fibrous). An infusion is given in biliary and intestinal colic; also in nephritis and chronic bronchitis.
The fruit contains chrysoeriol and its glycosides as principal flavonoids. Seeds contain cucurbitacin B, triter- pene alcohols, and a saponin with olea- nolic acid as sapogenin.The alcoholic and ether extracts of the plant showed protection against CCl4-induced hepatic injury in rats. The aqueous extract of fruits is beneficial in jaundice as it significantly lowered serum bilirubin level in chlorpromazine-induced jaundice in rats and human patients. The ethano- lic extract (50%) of the plant exhibited hypoglycaemic activity.The yellow-flowered var. of De- vadaali (Eastern Himalayas, Sikkim, Bihar, Bengal) is equated with Luffa graveolens Roxb.Dosage: Fruit—1-3 g powder. (CCRAS.)... luffa echinata