A diagnostic procedure that enables veins to be seen on an X-ray film after they have been injected with a substance opaque to X-rays. It is used to detect abnormalities or diseases of the veins, such as narrowing or blockage from thrombosis.
The study of the VEINS, particularly by means of X-rays after the veins have been injected with a radio-opaque substance.
(phlebography) n. imaging of the veins. Traditionally a *radiopaque contrast medium is injected into a vein and X-ray photographs (venograms) taken as the medium flows towards the heart. Damage, obstruction, or abnormal communication with other vessels can be demonstrated. It can be done during a CT or MRI evaluation. A common usage is in demonstrating deep vein *thrombosis in the legs. Increasingly ultrasound is being used, both with colour Doppler (see Doppler ultrasound) and *compression venography. See also angiography.