Willd.Synonym: V. calyculata Tul. V. madraspatana var. calyculata (Tul.) King.Family: Rhamnaceae.
Habitat: Throughout India in hotter parts, usually climbing on trees.
Siddha/Tamil: Pappili.Folk: Pitti, Raamadhaani, Kevati (var.).Action: Stem bark—powdered and mixed with sesame oil, externally applied to skin diseases and sprains. Root bark—used for atonic dyspepsia, mild fever and debility. Sap—used for the treatment of deafness.
The stem bark gave friedelin and several anthraquinones. The root contains anthraquinones, ventinones A and B. Major constituents of the root bark are emodin, its glucoside and corresponding analogues, ventiloquino- nes. The fruit, leaves and stem gave lupeol, beta-sitosterol and its gluco- side.