Vera Health Dictionary

Vera: From 2 Different Sources

(Latin / Slavic) The truth / one with faith

Verah, Veera, Verra, Viera, Vira, Veira, Vyra, Vere, Vara, Verla, Verka, Verasha, Vjera

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
a framework designed to improve communication between health-care professionals and patients with dementia. It consists of four stages – validation, emotion, reassurance, and activity – which enable staff to acknowledge their patients’ perception of a situation, even where this is at variance with reality.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Verapamil is a drug used in the treatment of HYPERTENSION, disordered rhythms of the heart, and ANGINA PECTORIS. The drug is one of the CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS and acts by reducing cardiac output and slowing the heart rate. It may, however, precipitate heart failure, cause HYPOTENSION and aggravate conduction problems in the heart, so should be prescribed with care. It should not be used with BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS.... verapamil

Aloe Vera

See Sábila.... aloe vera

Pistacia Vera


Family: Anacardiaceae.

Habitat: Native to eastern Mediterranean region, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian countries; cultivated in North India.

English: Pistachio, Green Almond.

Ayurvedic: Mukuulaka.

Unani: Pistaa (Kernel), Ilk-ul- Ambaat (resin).

Action: The kernel is used as a cardiac and brain tonic; flowers are included in prescriptions for leucorrhoea; husk is used against dysentery and as astringent in stomatitis and tonsillitis.... pistacia vera


(Latin) One who is genuine; truthful

Veradise, Veradys, Veradisa, Verdissa, Veradysa, Veradyssa, Veradisia, Veraditia... veradis

Veratrum Viride


Habitat: The temperate regions of northern hemisphere; introduced in Jammu and Kashmir for cultivation.

English: American Hellbore, Green Hellebore.

Action: Rhizomes and roots— cardiac depressant, hypotensive. (Contraindicated in cardiac disease. Large doses cause bradycardia.) Used in the treatment of convulsions, headache, neuralgia, inflammatory affections of respiratory tract; and as sedative. Formerly used for high blood pressure, especially associated with toxemia of pregnancy.

Ceveratrum-type alkaloids, found as esters, are hypotensive and cause vasodilatation (probably by inhibition of vasomotor centre and stimulation of the vagus). Overdoses cause vomiting. Alkaloids are teratogenic.... veratrum viride

Polycythaemia Vera

(polycythaemia rubra vera, Vaquez–Osler disease) a disease in which the number of red cells in the blood is greatly increased (see also polycythaemia). There is often also an increase in the numbers of white blood cells and platelets. Symptoms include headache, thromboses, *cyanosis, *plethora, and itching. Polycythaemia vera may be treated by blood-letting, but more severe cases may need to be treated with cytotoxic drugs. The cause of the disease is not known.... polycythaemia vera

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