Vesico Health Dictionary

Vesico: From 1 Different Sources

Vesicovaginal Fistula

A false communication between the URINARY BLADDER and the VAGINA. The result is urinary INCONTINENCE. Surgical damage to the bladder during operations for gynaecological disorders is one possible cause. Another is tissue damage following radiotherapy for cancer in the pelvis.... vesicovaginal fistula

Vesico-ureteric Reflux

The back ?ow of URINE from the URINARY BLADDER into the ureters (see URETER). The cause is defects in the VALVES which normally prevent this re?ux from occurring. If, in addition, the patient – usually a child – acquires bacteria in the bladder, the consequence may be one or more attacks of PYELONEPHRITIS caused by the infected urine gaining access to the kidney pelvis. Diagnosis is by imaging techniques. Treatment is by long-term antibiotics while awaiting spontaneous recovery. Occassionally, corrective surgery is required.... vesico-ureteric reflux


n. see cystopexy.... vesicofixation


n. the surgical creation of an artificial channel between the bladder and the skin surface for the passage of urine. It is sometimes combined with closure of the urethra.... vesicostomy

Vesicoureteric Reflux

the backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters. It is classified into primary or congenital vesicoureteric reflux, which is due to defective valves (which normally prevent reflux), or secondary, which is due to another condition (e.g. *neuropathic bladder). Infection may be conveyed to the kidneys, causing recurrent attacks of acute *pyelonephritis and scarring of the kidneys in childhood. Children with urinary infection must be investigated for reflux by *cystoscopy; if the condition does not settle with antibiotic therapy corrective surgery must be performed.... vesicoureteric reflux

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