Virgo Health Dictionary

Virgo: From 1 Different Sources

(Latin) The virgin; a constellation; the sixth sign of the zodiac
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Herpes Zoster

Shingles. An acute inflammatory virus infection of one or more posterior root ganglion of the spine, or of the trigeminal nerve. Caused by a DNA virus (varicella zoster). May be due to re-activation of the chicken-pox virus which lies latent in the ganglia of sensory and somatic nerves and present in the body from childhood infection. Severe in the elderly. Should be distinguished from herpes simplex. Shingles cannot be re-activated by close proximity of a case, but may be caught by direct contact with a burst blister.

Symptoms: Two-to-four-day fever precedes a red rash which develops into clear blisters. Blisters dry up to form scabs that drop off leaving scars. Lesions and pain follow the path of the infected nerve. Pain described as intense, burning, itching: may persist for months as post-herpetic neuralgia. When virus affects the fifth cranial nerve vision will be impaired. In the elderly it may reveal some underlying malignancy. Patients having chemotherapy or radiotherapy are at risk.

Alternatives. Specific anti-viral therapy. Remedies in general use: Asafoetida, Jamaica Dogwood, Marigold, Mistletoe, Nettles, Passion flower, Poke root, Queen’s Delight, Valerian, Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam. St John’s Wort plays a role in reducing the long-lasting neuralgia. Echinacea imparts strength to endure the ordeal. The addition of a stomachic remedy (Gentian) to a prescription may prove beneficial. Mild short-term analgesics include: Oats, Valerian, Asafoetida, Passion flower, Wild Lettuce, Hops.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Oats, Nettles, St John’s Wort.

Decoction. Formula. Echinacea root 2; Valerian half; St John’s Wort 1.

Tablets. Formula. Hops BHP (1983) 45mg; Passion flower BHP (1983) 100mg; Extract Valerian 5:1 20mg. (Gerard 99)

Powders. Combine: Echinacea 2; Jamaican Dogwood 1; Gentian root 1. 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Alternatives. (1) Formula. Equal parts Goldenseal and Lupulin (Hops). Or, (2) Formula. Queen’s Delight 1; Valerian quarter; Goldenseal quarter; Asafoetida quarter. Dose: 1 teaspoon in water thrice daily.

Practitioner. Tincture Gelsemium: 5 drops (0.3ml) in water, as indicated, for pain.

Formula. Liquid Extract Hops, half an ounce; Liquid Extract Echinacea, 1oz; Tincture Goldenseal, 30 drops; Tincture Rhubarb BP, 1oz. Essence of Peppermint 20 drops. Water to 8oz. Dose: 2 teaspoons in water after meals. (Arthur Barker, FNIMH)

Topical. Aloe Vera. Houseleek – fresh juice or pulp. Evening Primrose oil. Wash with decoction of seaweed (Bladderwrack, Kelp): follow with Zinc and Castor oil cream or ointment. Slippery Elm made into a paste (powder mixed with few teaspoons of milk): apply after cleaning with Olive oil. Castor oil compress. Dilute Tea Tree oil. Ice-cube – 10 minutes on, 5 minutes off.

Russian study. Liquorice powder ointment.

Diet: Oatmeal porridge. Muesli with oats. Yoghurt. Wholefoods.

Supplementation. One high potency multivitamin daily. Anti-herpes amino acid L-lysine; one 500mg tablet, twice daily. Vitamin B12, 10mg daily. Upon relief, reduce L-lysine to one daily. (Dr L. Mervyn) Minerals: Calcium, Selenium, Zinc.

Self-Care. Resist temptation to touch sores. No sharing of face cloths, towels, etc.

Note: The chicken-pox virus is believed to lie dormant in nerve cells around the spine for many years, after people catch the childhood infection. Virgorous massage of the spine may trigger an attack by activating the dormant virus.

Information. Herpes Association, 41 North Road, London N7 9DP, UK. Send SAE. ... herpes zoster

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