Habitat: Throughout India in the plains, especially on the bank of stream and rivers.
Ayurvedic: Lakshmanaa (Also equated with Ipomoea obscura (Linn.) Ker-Gawler.), Putradaa, Putrajanani.Folk: Tirutaalli (Kerala).Action: Used as a single drug for curing sterility in women, and for promoting fertility and virility.
The seeds of Ipomoea obscura contain non-ergolin type indole alkaloids, ipobscurine A and B and serotonin also alkaloid ipobscurine C.... ipomoea marginataHabitat: Throughotu India, including Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
English: Cowhage, Horse-eye Bean.Ayurvedic: Aatmaguptaa, Kapikac- chuu, Rshabhi, Adhigandhaa, Ajadaaa, Kacchuraa, Laan- guli, Rshyaproktaa, Svaguptaa, Shyaamguptaa, Markati, Kanduraa, Kevaanch, Shuukashimbi.Unani: Konchh.Siddha/Tamil: Poonaikkaali.Action: Seed—astringent, nervine tonic, local stimulant, used in impotence, spermatorrhoea, urinary troubles, leucorrhoea, traditionally used for male virility. Also used in depressive neurosis. Hair on fruit— vermifuge, mild vesicant; used for diseases of liver and gallbladder. Leaf—applied to ulcers. Pod— anthelmintic. Root and fruit—spasmolytic, hypoglycaemic. Root— CNS active.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the seed in impotence and paralysis agitans; the root in vaginal laxity.The seeds contain the alkaloids, mu- cunine, mucunadine, mucunadinine, prurieninine, pruriendine and nicotine, besides beta-sitosterol, gluthione, lecithin, vernolic and gallic acids. They contain a number of bioactive substances including tryptamine, alky- lamines, steroids, flavonoids, cou- marins and cardenolides. L-DOPA is present in the seed as well as in the stem, leaves and roots.Major constituents of the hairs on the pod are amines such as 5-hydroxy- tryptamine (serotonin), and a proteolytic enzyme mucuanain. (Serotonin was present only in pods.)Prurieninine slowed down heart rate, lowered blood pressure and stimulated intestinal peristalsis in experiments carried out on frogs. The spas- molysis of smooth muscles was caused by indole bases.Seed diet produced hypoglycaemic effect in normal rats, however, such diet had insignificant effect on alloxan- treated rats.There is some evidence that Cow- hage might be useful for chlorproma- zine-induced hyperprolactinemia in men. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.) (Males with hy- perprolactinemia frequently face im- potency.) (Cured seeds are used in Indian medicine for male sexual dysfunction.)Mucuna cochinchinensis Cheval.; synonym M. nivea (Roxb.) DC.; Sti- zolobium niveum Kuntze (cultivated in Bengal and Bihar for edible pods and seeds) is known as Lyon Bean (Khamach in Bengal). The pod yielded L-DOPA (0.06%).Dosage: Cured seed—3-6 g (API, Vol. III); root—3-6 g powder for decoction (API, Vol. IV.)... mucuna pruritaHabitat: Throughout India in the warmer zones; ascending to 900 m in the North-western Himalaya.
English: Five-leaved Chaste tree.Ayurvedic: Nirgundi, Shephaa- likaa, Sindhuka, Sindhuvaara, Suvahaa, Sugandhikaa. Nila, Nila- nirgundi, Shveta nirgundi (var.). White-flowered var. is known as Sinduvaara, blue-flowered as Nirgundi or Shephaali,Unani: Sambhaalu, Fanjankisht.Siddha/Tamil: Nochi, Nalla Nochi, Vellai Nochchi, Nirkundi.Action: Seeds—prescribed in spermatorrhoea, and for promoting spermiogenesis (in Unani medicine). Also given as a rejuvenating tonic for retarding old age and for retaining and promoting virility. (in Ayurvedic medicine). Leaf—anti-inflammatory, analgesic; removes foetid discharges and worms from ulcers. Flowers—astringent, febrifuge, antidiarrhoeic; prescribed in liver complaint. Oil— applied to sinus, scrofulous sores.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the leaf (also the root) in excessive vaginal discharges, oedema, skin diseases, pruritus, helmin- thiasis, rheumatism, and puerperal fever.A water extract of the leaves, when administered to rats, exhibited anti- inflammatory, analgesic, antihistami- nic and membrane stabilizing and an- tioxidant activities. (J. Ethnopharmo- col, 2003, (203), 199-206.) Methano- lic extract of leaves showed remarkable antihistaminic activity.The leaves contain iridoid glyco- sides, isomeric flavanones and flavo- noids, besides casticin and the gluco- sides, luteolin-7-glucoside and alpha- D-glucoside of a tetrahydroxy mono- methoxy flavone.Dried powder of roots contains hen- triacontane, beta-sitosterol and its aetat and stigmasterol. Alcoholic extract of the root showed 40-60% antiimplantation activity with no anti- ovulatory effect in rats.Flavone vitexicarpin (1), isolated from the leaves, exhibited broad cyto- toxicity in human cancer cell line panel. Two pentacyclic triterpenoids, betulin- ic acid and ursolic acid, along with an aliphatic alcohol, n-hentriacontanol, beta-sitosterol and p-hydroxybenzoic acid have been isolated from leaves.The seeds contain p-hydroxybenz- oic acid, 5-oxyisophthalic acid, glucose and the triterpene, vitextriter- pene. Several anti-inflammatory triter- penoids and flavonoids have also been isolated from the seeds. The flavanone, 5,7,3' trihydroxy-6, 8,4'-trimethoxy- flavone exhibited anti-androgenic activity in adult mice and dogs.Dosage: Leaf—10-15 ml juice (API, Vol. III); root—10-12 ml juice (API, Vol. IV.)... vitex negundo