A collective term used to describe the internal organs.
The general name given to the larger organs lying within the cavities of the chest and abdomen. The term ‘viscus’ is also applied individually to these organs.
pl. n. (sing. viscus) the organs within the body cavities, especially the organs of the abdominal cavities (stomach, intestines, etc.). —visceral adj.
A protozoan disease caused by Leishmania donovani, found around parts of the Mediterranean basin, tropical Africa, South America, and central and eastern Asia. The disease is transmitted byfemale sandflies of the genus, Phlebotomus in the Old World and Lutzomyia in the New World. Full-blown disease is often fatal, if untreated. Growth nodules of the disease or leishmanioma form initially and, if spontaneous recoverydoes not occur, proliferating parasites burst out of the nodules, disseminating throughout the body.... visceral leishmaniasis (kala azar)