Viscum orientale Health Dictionary

Viscum Orientale: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Viscaceae; Loranthaceae.

Habitat: Bihar, West Bengal and Kerala. (The plant parasitizing Strychnos nux-vomica tree are used in Indian medicine.)

Folk: Baandaa.

Action: Used as a substitute for nux-vomica. Poultice of leaves is used for neuralgia; ashes of the plant for the treatment of skin diseases.

Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Viscum Articulatum


Family: Viscaceae, Loranthaceae.

Habitat: Most parts of India; a superparasite in Western India on Loranthus sp. which itself is parasitic on Eugenia sp.

Ayurvedic: Bandaak (related species); Jivantikaa, Kaamavriksha, Nilavalli. (The Wealth of India.)

Folk: Panapuuduu (Maharashtra), Bodobaando (Gujarat).

Action: Plant—febrifuge, aphrodisiac. Paste is applied to bone fractures.

The plant gave oleanolic acid, ceryl oleanolate and meso-inositol.... viscum articulatum

Viscum Monoicum

Roxb. ex DC.

Family: Viscaceae; Laoranthaceae.

Habitat: Sikkim, a parasite of Strychnos nux-vomica tree.

Ayurvedic: Katukavalli, Pashu- mohanikaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Pulluri, Pullurivi.

Folk: Kuchleikaa-malang, Kuchle- kaa-baandaa.

Action: Properties more or less similar to Strychnos nux-vomica. Used as a substitute for strychnine and brucine. (The plant is also parasitic on Albizia amara, A. odoratissima, Pongamia pin- nata and Ziziplus oenoplia.)... viscum monoicum

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