Groups of neurons (see NEURON(E)), usually sited in the HYPOTHALAMUS and the BRAIN stem, that are the control centres for various essential body functions. Examples are: blood pressure, breathing, heart rate and temperature control. The centres are part of the body’s re?ex adjustments to the outside world and its internal environment and are essential in maintaining HOMEOSTASIS.
An indication that an individual is still alive. Chest movements (resulting from respiration), the existence of a pulse (showing that the heart is still beating) and constriction of the pupil of the eye in response to bright light are all vital signs. Other tests such as assessment of brain activity may also be needed in some circumstances: for example, when a patient is on a life-support machine. (See also GLASGOW COMA SCALE.)... vital sign
Systematically tabulated information concerning births, marriages, divorces, separations and deaths, based on registrations of those vital events.... vital statistics
any of the collections of nerve cells in the brain that act as governing centres for different vital body functions – such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature control etc. – making reflex adjustments according to the body’s needs. Most lie in the hypothalamus and brainstem.... vital centre