Vivisection Health Dictionary

Vivisection: From 3 Different Sources

The performance of a surgical operation on a live animal, particularly for research purposes. (See also animal experimentation.)
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
For more than a century the medical profession has aimed at maintaining as high a standard as possible for vivisection. It was the medical profession led by Dr James Paget that was responsible for the passing of the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876, which aimed to eliminate cruelty. The in?iction of pain was reduced to a minimum by the use of anaesthetics (see ANAESTHESIA), and the licensing and surveillance of animal experiments was ensured.

Most experiments are carried out on specially bred mice and rats. Fewer than 1 per cent are done on cats, dogs, non-human primates, farm animals, frogs, ?sh and birds. Control on experiments has recently been strengthened.

The great majority of animal experiments are done without anaesthesia because feeding experiments, taking blood, or giving injections does not require anaesthetics in animals any more than in humans. Universities in Britain are responsible for fewer than one-?fth of animal experiments; commercial concerns and government institutions are responsible for most of the rest. Tests on cosmetics account for under 1 per cent of all animal work, but are necessary because such materials are often applied with great frequency – and for a long time – to the skin of adults and infants.

The use of tissue cultures and computer models instead of live animals are methods of research and investigation that are being increasingly used. There is, however, a limit to the extent to which infection, cancer, or drugs can be investigated on cultures of tissue cells. Computerised or mathematical modelling of experiments is probably the most promising line of development.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

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