Ben: Kalmegh
Mal: Nilaveppu, Kiriyattu Tam: Nilavempu Kan: KreataImportance: Kalmegh, the Great or Green Chiretta is a branched annual herb. It is useful in hyperdipsia, burning sensation, wounds, ulcers, chronic fever, malarial and intermittent fevers, inflammations, cough, bronchitis, skin diseases, leprosy, pruritis, intestinal worms, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids and vitiated conditions of pitta (Warrier et al, 1993). It is used to overcome sannipata type of fever, difficulty in breathing, hemopathy due to the morbidity of kapha and pitta, burning sensation, cough, oedema, thirst, skin diseases, fever, ulcer and worms. It is also useful in acidity and liver complaints (Aiyer and Kolammal, 1962). The important preparations using the drug are Tiktakagheta, Gorocandi gulika, Candanasava, Panchatiktam kasaya, etc. (Sivarajan et al, 1994). A preparation called “Alui” is prepared by mixing powdered cumin (Cuminium cyminum) and large cardamom (Amomum subulatum) in the juice of this plant and administered for the treatment of malaria (Thakur et al, 1989). It is also a rich source of minerals.Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout the tropics. It is found in the plains of India from U.P to Assam, M.P., A.P, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, also cultivated in gardens.Botany: Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall ex.Nees belongs to the family Acanthaceae. It is an erect branched annual herb, 0.3-0.9m in height with quadrangular branches. Leaves are simple, lanceolate, acute at both ends, glabrous, with 4-6 pairs of main nerves. Flowers are small, pale but blotched and spotted with brown and purple distant in lax spreading axillary and terminal racemes or panicles. Calyx-lobes are glandular pubescent with anthers bearded at the base. Fruits are linear capsules and acute at both ends. Seeds are numerous, yellowish brown and sub-quadrate (Warrier et al,1993).Another species of Andrographis is A. echioides (Linn.) Nees. It is found in the warmer parts of India. The plant is a febrifuge and diuretic. It contains flavone-echiodinin and its glucoside-echioidin (Husain et al, 1992).Agrotechnology: The best season of planting Andrographis is May-June. The field is to be ploughed well, mixed with compost or dried cowdung and seedbeds of length 3m, breadth 1/2m and 15cm height are to be taken at a distance of 3m. The plant is seed propagated. Seeds are to be soaked in water for 6 hours before sowing. Sowing is to be done at a spacing of 20cm. Seeds may germinate within 15-20 days. Two weedings, first at one month after planting and the second at 2 month after planting are to be carried out. Irrigation during summer months is beneficial. The plant is not attacked by any serious pests or diseases. Flowering commences from third month onwards. At this stage, plant are to be collected, tied into small bundles and sun-dried for 4-5 days. Whole plant is the economic part and the yield is about 1.25t dried plants/ha (Prasad et al, 1997).Properties and activity: Leaves contain two bitter substances lactone “andrographolid” and “kalmeghin”. The ash contains sodium chloride and potassium salts. Plant is very rich in chlorophyte. Kalmeghin is the active principle that contains 0.6% alkaloid of the crude plant. The plant contains diterpenoids, andrographolide, 14-deoxy-11-oxo-andrographolide, 14-deoxy-11,12-dihydroandrographolide, 14-deoxy andrographolide and neoandrographolide (Allison et al, 1968). The roots give flavones-apigenin-7,4-dio-O-methyl ether, 5-hydroxy-7,8,2’,3’- tetramethoxyflavone, andrographin and panicolin and -sitosterol (Ali et al, 1972; Govindachari et al, 1969). Leaves contain homoandrographolide, andrographosterol and andrographone.The plant is vulnerary, antipyretic, antiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, depurative, sudorific, anthelmintic, digestive, stomachic, tonic, febrifuge and cholagogue. The plant is antifungal, antityphoid, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic and cholinergic. Shoot is antibacterial and leaf is hypotensive(Garcia et al, 1980). This is used for the inflammation of the respiratory tract. In China, researchers have isolated the andrographolide from which soluble derivative such as 14-deoxy-11, 12-dehydro-andrographolide which forms the subject of current pharmacological and clinical studies. Apigenin 7,4’-O-dimethyl ether isolated from A. paniculata exhibits dose dependent, antiulcer activity in shay rat, histamine induced ulcer in guinea pigs and aspirin induced ulcers in rats. A crude substance isolated from methanolic extract of leaves has shown hypotensive activity. Pre-treatment of rats with leaf (500mg/kg) or andrographolide (5mg/kg) orally prevented the carbon tetrachloride induced increase of blood serum levels of glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase in liver and prevented hepatocellular membrane.... green chirettaConstituents: Myrrhol (volatile oil).
A leuco-cytogenic agent – increases number of white cells in the blood. “From the days of Moses to the time of Christ and since then to the 20th century, Myrrh has proven over and over again to be one of the finest antibacterial and antiviral agents placed on earth.” (John Heinerman, in Science of Herbal
Action: bacteriostatic against staphylococcus aureus and other gram-positive bacteria. Perhaps the most widely used herbal antiseptic. Bitter, astringent, anti-inflammatory, carminative, vulnerary, antifungal, expectorant, diaphoretic, deodorant, emmenagogue, anti-thrush.
Uses: The whole body feels its influence. Internal and external ulceration; especially of mouth, throat, pharynx, spongy gums, pyrrhoea, etc (mouth wash and gargle). Candida – 5-10 drops emulsified in yoghurt. Suppurating wounds that refuse to heal, boils, abscesses. Fungal infections. Myrrh is effective in lowering blood fats and therefore useful for reducing deposits of cholesterol and triglycerides in coronary heart disease. Powerful antiseptic combination: equal parts powders or tinctures: Echinacea, Goldenseal and Myrrh.
Capsicum and Myrrh. Capsicum enhances its action. The two are synergistic and capillary stimulants. Both may be used with impressive effect for chronic conditions along the alimentary canal.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tincture Myrrh BPC 1973: 1:5, 90 per cent alcohol. Dose: 5 to 15 drops.
Thomson’s Tincture of Myrrh Co (as once used by members of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists). 1 part Tincture Capsicum BPC to 4 parts Tincture Myrrh. Dose: 1 to 2 and a half ml. Powders: Fill number 00 capsules. 1 capsule thrice daily. May be used as a dusting powder on wounds. Enema. Add 20-30 drops Tincture Myrrh to 2 pints boiling water; allow to cool, inject warm. Contra- indications: pregnancy. ... myrrh
Habitat: Sub-Himalayan tracts from the Ganges eastwards to Assam and Madhya Pradesh.
English: Indian Oak. (Oak is equated with Quercus robur L.)Ayurvedic: Nichula, Hijjala, Ijjala, Vidula, Ambuj. (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha has wrongly equated Hijjala, Nichula and Vidula with Argyreia nervosa, Elephant Creeper.)Unani: Samandarphal. (Saman- darphal is also equated with Rhus parviflora Roxb. in National Formulary of Unani Medicine.)Siddha/Tamil: Kadappai, Samudra- phullarni.Action: Leaf juice—given in diarrhoea. Fruit—bitter, acrid, anthelmintic, haemolytic, vulnerary; prescribed in gingivitis as an expectorant. Powdered seeds— emetic and expectorant. Bark— astringent, used in diarrhoea and blennorrhoea. Febrifuge. Wood— haemostatic (in metrorrhagia).
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the fruit in goitre; also in psychological disorders.The bark contains tannins (16%), also ellagic acid.The fruits contain triterpenoid sa- pogenins. Saponins possess haemolyt- ic properties.A related sp. B. racemosa (L.) Roxb., found in Assam, eastern and western coasts of India and the Andaman Islands, is also equated with Samu- draphala and Hijjala.European Oak (Quercus robur) contains 15-20% tannins, consisting of phlobatannin, ellagitannins and gallic acid. The bark is used as astringent, antiseptic and haemostatic.Dosage: Fruit—1-3 g (API Vol. III.)... barringtonia acutangulaHabitat: Throughout India; wild in Punjab.
English: Pot-Marigold, Marigold; Calendula.Unani: Zergul.Siddha/Tamil: Thulvkka Saamanthi.Action: Flowers—antiinflammatory, antiseptic, stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, antihaemorrhagic, styptic. Used in gastric and duodenal ulcers and dysmenorrhoea; externally for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds. Plant—antiprotozoal. Flower— antimicrobial. Essential oil— antibacterial.
Key application: In inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, internally and externally. Externally, on poorly healing wounds, ul- cuscruris. (German Commission E, WHO, ESCOP.) Anti-inflammatory, vulnerary. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The flowers contain triterpenes, sterols, flavonoids, carotenes, bitter glycosides, resins, volatile oil, mucilage (do not contain tannins). Polysaccharides from flowers exhibited immuno- stimulating and antitumour activity in several in vitro test systems.An alcoholic extract has been shown to have antitrichomonal activity.Wound healing and antiinflammatory properties are attributed to Mn and carotene. An aqueous alcoholic extract of florets showed CNS inhibitory effect with marked sedative activity in experimental animals.The extract of flower-heads exhibited estrogenic activity (reduces period pains and regulates menstrual bleeding).Calephlone, the extract containing the total polyphenols of the inflorescence, has a marked cholagogic effect in rats and has been found helpful in the treatment of CCl4-induced hepatitis. A hypocholesterolaemic saponin has been extracted from the plant.Dosage: Dried inflorescences powder—1-3 g (API Vol. II); fruit powder—1-2 g. (API Vol. IV.)... calendula officinalisHin: Akasgaddah;
Mal: Kadamba, KollankovaTam: Akashagarudan, Gollankovai;Tel: Murudonda, NagadondaCorallocarpus is a prostrate or climbing herb distributed in Punjab, Sind, Gujarat, Deccan, Karnataka and Sri Lanka. It is monoecious with large root which is turnip-shaped and slender stem which is grooved, zigzag and glabrous. Tendrils are simple, slender and glabrous. Leaves are sub-orbicular in outline, light green above and pale beneath, deeply cordate at the base, angled or more or less deeply 3-5 lobed. Petiole is long and glabrous. Male flowers are small and arranged at the tip of a straight stiff glabrous peduncle. Calyx is slightly hairy, long and rounded at the base. Corolla is long and greenish yellow. Female flowers are usually solitary with short, stout and glabrous peduncles. Fruit is stalked, long, ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds are pyriform, turgid, brown and with a whitish corded margin. It is prescribed in later stages of dysentery and old veneral complaints. For external use in chronic rheumatism, it is made into a liniment with cumin seed, onion and castor oil. It is used in case of snakebite where it is administered internally and applied to the bitten part. The root is given in syphilitic rheumatism and later stages of dysentery. The plant is bitter, sweet, alexipharmic and emetic. The root is said to possess alterative and laxative properties (Kirtikar and Basu, 1988). Root contains a bitter principle like Breyonin (Chopra et al, 1980).Agrotechnology: Cucurbits can be successfully grown during January-March and September- December. For the rainfed crop, sowing can also be started after the receipt of the first few showers.Pits of 60cm diameter and 30-45cm depth are to be taken at the desired spacing. Well rotten FYM or vegetable mixture is to be mixed with topsoil in the pit and seeds are to be sown at 4-5/pit. Unhealthy plants are to be removed after 2 weeks and retained 2-3 plants/pit. FYM is to be applied at 20-25t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35kg/ha) and full dose of P (25kg) and K (25kg). The remaining dose of N (35kg) can be applied in 2 equal split doses at fortnightly intervals. During the initial stages of growth, irrigation is to be given at an interval of 3-4 days and at alternate days during flowering and fruiting periods. For trailing cucumber, pumpkin and melon, dried twigs are to be spread on the ground. Bitter gourd, bottle gourd, snake gourd and ash gourd are to be trailed on Pandals. Weeding and raking of the soil are to be conducted at the time of fertilizer application. Earthing up may be done during rainy season. The most dreaded pest of cucurbits is fruit flies which can be controlled by using fruit traps, covering the fruits with polythene, cloth or paper bags, removal and destruction of affected fruits and lastly spraying with Carbaryl or Malathion 0. 2% suspension containing sugar or jaggery at 10g/l at fortnightly intervals after fruit set initiation. During rainy season, downy mildew and mosaic diseases are severe in cucurbits. The former can be checked by spraying Mancozeb 0.2%. The spread of mosaic can be checked by controlling the vectors using Dimethoate or Phosphamidon 0.05% and destruction of affected plants and collateral hosts. Harvesting to be done at least 10 days after insecticide or fungicide application (KAU,1996).... cucurbitsHabitat: The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon at altitudes of 2,400-3,600 m.
English: Larkspur. Ayurvedic: Nirvishaa, Nirvishi. (Kyllinga triceps Rottb. is used as a substitute for Nirvishaa.)Unani: Jadwaar Khataai, Maatiryaaq.Folk: Root—astringent, vulnerary, deobstruent, alterative. Used for painful piles, muscular atrophy, gout and as a nervine tonic. Also used as an adulterant for aconite.Oral administration of the aqueous extract of the plant to rats with CCl4- induced hepatotoxicity revealed hepa- toprotective property of the plant.The roots contain campesterol, stig- masterol, sitosterol, cholesterol, delta- avenasterol and alkaloids including de- nudatine, denudatidine, condelphine, talatizidine and iso-talatizidine.... delphinium denudatumHabitat: Throughout India, ascending up to 3,350 m in the Himalayas.
English: Jersey Cudweed, Cotton Weed, Cat's Foot, Everlasting Flower.Folk: Bal-raksha.Action: Leaves—astringent, haemostatic, vulnerary. The tomentum is applied as counter- irritant in gout, also used as tinder.... gnaphalium luteo-album
Hin: Munguskajur
It is seen wild in Assam and Khasi hills in India. Its root is diuretic and narcotic.8. S. stramoniifolium Jacq., syn. S. ferox auct. non Linn.San: Garbhada;Hin: Rambaigan;Mal: Anachunda;Tam: Anaichundai;Tel: MulakaIt is observed in India in the states of Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Its berries contain glycoalkaloids such as solasonine and solasodine. Its roots and berries are bechic, antiasthmatic, antirheumatic, antiviral, anticancerous and spermicidal.9. S. surattense Burm. F. syn. S. xanthocarpum schrad. & Wendl., S. jacquinii Willd.Eng: Yellow-berried nightshade; San: Kantakari, Nidigdhika;Hin: Remgani,Kateli;Mal: Kantakarichunda;Tam: Kantankattiri;Kan: Nelagulli;Tel: CallamulagaIt is found throughout India and Pakistan in dry situations as weed on roadsides and wastelands. It is prickly, diffuse, bright green, suffrutescent, perennial undershrub, with zigzag branches. Leaves are ovate-oblong, hairy on both sides and armed on the midrib and the nerves. Flowers are bluish purple, in extra-axillary cymes. Fruits are glabrous, globular drooping berry, yellow or white with green veins, surrounded by the calyx. Seeds are many, small, reniform, smooth and yellowish brown.The whole plant is useful in vitiated conditions of vata and kapha, helminthiasis, dental caries, inflammations, flatulence, constipation, dyspepsia, anorexia, leprosy, skin diseases, hypertension, fever, cough, asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, lumbago, haemorrhoids and epilepsy. The plant is bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anthelmintic, antiinflammatory, anodyne, digestive, carminative, appetiser, stomachic, depurative, sudorific, febrifuge, expectorant, laxative, stimulant, diuretic, rejuvenating, emmenagogue and aphrodisac. Fruits contain solasonine, solamargine and solasodine.10. S. torvum Sw.Eng: West Indian Turkey Berry;Hin,Ben: Titbaigan;Mal: Kattuchunda;Kan: Kadu Sunde;Tam: Sundaikai, Amarakai;Tel: Kundavustic, Kotuvestu; Ass: HathibhekuriIt is seen throughout tropical India, particularly in Orissa, Bihar and Manipur. The plant is CVS active and used in splenomegaly. Fruits and leaves contain solasonine, solasodine, jurubine, jurubidine, torvonin, torvogenin, chlorogenin, paniculogenin, sisalogenone, neosolaspigenin and solaspigenin.11. S. trilobatum Linn.Eng: Climbing Brinjal; San: Alarka;Mal: Tutavalam;Tam: Tuduvalai;Kan: Mullumusta;Tel: TelavusteIt is mostly seen in South and Western India. The plant contains alkamine and solamarine. The berry and flowers are bechic and used in bronchitis. The alkaloid solamarine is antibiotic and possesses antitumour activity.12. S. viarum Dunal, syn. S. Khasianum C. B. ClarkeHin: Kantakari
It is widely distributed in Khasi, Jaintia and Naga hills of Assam and Manipur upto 2000m and in Sikkim, West Bengal, Orissa and in the Niligiris. The plant and berries contain solasonine (which on hydrolysis yields solasodine), solamargine, khasianine, nantigenin, solasodine, diosgenin and saponin-solakhasianin. The plant is spasmolytic and CNS active. The berry is a source of solasodine used in the synthesis of corticosteroidal hormones.Agrotechnology: The agrotechnology for the solanaceous group of plants are almost similar. They come up very well in tropical and subtropical climate upto 2000m altitude. They can be raised on a variety of soils good in organic matter. Propagation is by seeds. The seedlings are first raised in the nursery and transplanted to the main field 30-45 days after sowing when the plants attain 8-10cm height. During rainy season, planting is done on ridges while during summer in furrows, at a spacing ranging from 30-90cm depending upon the stature and spreading habit of the plant. The transplanted seedlings should be given temporary shade for 2-4 days during summer. FYM or compost at 20-25t/ha is applied at the time of land preparation. A moderate fertiliser dose of 75:40:40 N, P2O5, K2O/ha may be given. P is given as basal dose, N and K are applied in 2-3 split doses. One or two intercultural operations are needed to control weeds. The plants need earthing up after weeding and topdressing. Irrigation is needed at 3-4 days interval during summer and on alternate days during fruiting period. Plants need staking to avoid lodging due to heavy bearing. Shoot borers, mealy bugs, leaf webbers and miners are noted on the crop, which can be controlled by spraying mild insecticides. Root knot nematode, wilting and mosaic diseases are also noted on the crop. Field sanitation, crop rotation and burning of crop residues are recommended.... solanumsAction: Bark—used in external applications for parotitis. Flowers— vulnerary. Leaves are poisonous.
Roots contain lupeol; the seeds are reported to contain brucine.... strobilanthes callosusHabitat: The temperate Western Himalaya in Kashmir from 2,1002,400 m.
Ayurvedic: Raam Tulasi.Unani: FeranjmushkAction: Seeds—Febrifuge, carminative, astringent, demulcent, vulnerary. Used is cephalalgia, neurological disorders, as a cardiac tonic, brain tonic and deobstruent in Unani medicine.
Citral and geranyl acetate are major constituents of the essential oil. Others include alpha-pinene, nerol, cit- ronellol, linalool, geraniol, limonene and caproic acid. Flavonoids, including moldavoside, have been isolated from the plant.... dracocephalum moldavicaHabitat: The Himalayas at high altitudes.
English: Field Horsetail.Ayurvedic: Ashwa-puchha (non- classical).Action: Haemostatic, haemopoietic, astringent, diuretic. Used for genitourinary affections (urethritis, enuresis, cystitis, prostatitis), internally as an antihaemorrhagic and externally as a styptic.
The ashes of the plant are beneficial in acidity of the stomach and dyspepsia.Key application: Internally in irrigation therapy for post-traumatic and static inflammation, and for bacterial infections and inflammation of the lower urinary tract and renal gravel.The British Herbal Compendium reported weak diuretic, haemostyptic, vulnerary and mild leukocytosis causing actions.The haemostatic substance has been shown to act orally, it has no effect on blood pressure and is not a vasoconstrictor.The herb contains 10-20% minerals, of which over 66% are silicic acids and silicates; alkaloids, including nicotine, palustrine and palustrinine; flavonoids, such as iso-quercitrin and equicertin; sterols, including cholesterol, isofucosterol, campesterol; a sa- ponin equisitonin, dimethyl-sulphone, thiaminase and aconitic acid. Diuretic action of the herb is attributed to its flavonoid and saponin constituents, Silicic acid strengthens connective tissue and helps in healing bones.... equisetum arvenseHabitat: Throughout India.
English: Scorpion Tail.Ayurvedic: Hastishundi Shrihastini, Vrischikaali.Siddha/Tamil: Thaelkodukku.Action: Plant—diuretic, astringent, emollient, vulnerary. Used as a local application for ulcers, wounds, sores, gum boils and skin affections. Decoction of leaves is used in urticaria and fevers; that of root in coughs. Flowers—emmenagogue in small doses, abortifacient in large doses. Masticated seeds— stomachic.
Aerial parts of the plant contain alkaloids—indicine (principal base), echinatine, supinine, heleurine, he- liotrine, lasiocarpine and lasiocarpine- N-oxide. Aerial parts and root gave an anticancer principle—indicine-N- oxide.The aqueous and alcohol extracts of the plant possess oxytocic activity. The roots contain significant amounts of estradiol, a sex hormone.The inflorescences are used by trib- als for scorpion bite.... heliotropium indicumHabitat: Peru, Bolivia. Reported to be imported into India.
English: Peruvian Rhatany, Krameria.Action: Astringent, styptic, antidiarrhoeal, vulnerary. Used for menorrhagia; topically for wounds, haemorrhoids and chilblains; as a lozenge, gargle or mouthwash for gingivitis and pharyngitis.
Key application: For topical treatment of mild inflammations of oral and pharyngeal mucosa. (German Commission E.)The astringency of the drug is due to condensed tannins composed of pro- cyanidins and propelargondins.In India, the roots of Hemidesmus indicus are sometimes used as a substitute for Rhatany.... krameria triandraAction: emollient, anti-eczema, vulnerary (fresh leaf on wounds), anti-neoplasm (poultice of fresh leaves).
Uses: Ulcers that refuse to heal.
Ointment. 1oz fresh leaves simmered in 16oz lard until leaves are devoid of colour; strain. ... adder’s tongue
Habitat: Ladakh, at 3,000-4,000 m, also cultivated.
English: Yellow Sweet Clover, Melilot.Unani: Iklil-ul-Malik, Asaab-ul- Malik, Naakhunaa.Action: Plant—astringent, wound healer, styptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, mild analgesic, anticoagulant, spasmolytic. Flower and leaf—diuretic, analgesic, anti- inflammatory, smooth muscle relaxant, vasodilator. Seed—used in cold.
Key application: In chronic venous insufficiency. For supportive treatment of thrombophlebitis, haemorrhoids and lymphatic congestion. (German Commission E.) As venotonic, vulnerary. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)The herb contains coumarin derivatives; flavonoid glycosides, including kaempferol and quercetin. Di- coumarol (melitoxin) is produced when fermentation takes place in me- lilot. Seeds gave canavanin and trigo- nelline. Reported poisonous to horses. The flowers contain the flavonoids, quercetin and myricetin besides kaem- pferol.The herb has shown increase in venous reflux and improvement in lymphatic kinetics. Animal experiments show an increase in healing wounds. Flower and leaf extracts have shown analgesic activity, prolongation in pento-barbital-induced hypnosis time and smooth muscle relaxant activity in mice; also exhibited hypotensive and vasodilatory activity in rabbit. Dicoumarol is a potent anticoagulant.In Europe and China, the plant extract is used for inflammations, arthritis, rheumatism, phlebitis, venous insufficiency, haemorrhoids, brachialgia and bronchitis.The Red Clove is equated with Tri- folium pratense.... melilotus officinalisHabitat: The tropical forests of eastern Himalayas, Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Deccan Peninsula.
Ayurvedic: Dhanavalli (Kerala), Chhagul-bati (Bengal).Siddha/Tamil: Vathomkolli, Neen- davalli.Action: Astringent, antiinflammatory, vulnerary, anthelmintic. Used for colic, headache, inflammations, rheumatic pain, wounds and ulcers, intestinal worms, leprosy and skin diseases. Saps of stem—effective in onychia.... naravelia zeylanica
Habitat: Moist meadows in Great Britain. Found in the Himalayas, Bihar, Assam, Pune (Maharashtra), Annamalai and Shevaroy hills (South India); up to an altitude of 2,700 m.
English: English Adder's Tongue. Serpant's Tongue.Action: Fern—antiseptic, styptic, vulnerary, detergent, emetic. The mucilaginous and astringent decoction of the fern is used in angina in Reunion. An ointment, prepared by boiling the herb in oil or fat, is used for wounds.
Ophioglossum pendulum L. (Assam) is used in the form of a scalp ointment for improving the hair growth. American Adder's Tongue is equated with Erythronium americanum Ker- Gawl (Liliaceae). The fresh leaves gave alpha-methylenebutyrolactone.... ophioglossum vulgatumHabitat: Throughout the plains and lower hills of India, including paddy fields and hedges rear semi-marshy places.
Ayurvedic: Dugdhikaa, Duudhila- taa, Duudhialataa .Folk: Usipallai (Tamil Nadu); Dugdhani (Maharashtra); Jala- dudhi (Gujarat).Action: Herb—antiseptic, depura- tive, galactogogue; decoction used as a gargle in stomatitis and sore throat. Latex—vulnerary. Fresh root—prescribed in jaundice.
A pregnane ester oligoglycoside (oxysine), a pregnane triglycoside (es- culentin), a cardenolide (oxyline), two more cardenolides, oxystelmoside and oxystelmine, have been isolated from the roots.Dosage: Plant—10-20 ml juice; 50100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)Family: Rubiaceae.Habitat: Central and Eastern Himlayas extending to Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa.
Ayurvedic: Talanili, Gand- haprasaarini. (Prasaarini is also equated with Raaja-balaa, Sida veronicaefolia.).Siddha/Tamil: Talanili, Mudiyar Kundal.Folk: Gandhabhaaduli (Bengali).Action: Leaf—carminative, antiinflammatory, astringent, spasmolytic, antidiarrhoeal, diuretic, an- tilithic. Root— anti-inflammatory. Used for rheumatic affections, piles, inflammations of the liver, spleen and chest.
Aerial parts contain epi-friedelanol, embelin and beta-sitosterol. Leaves and stems gave iridoid glycosides, si- tosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, ur- solic acid, hentriacontane, hentriacon- tanol, ceryl alcohol, palmitic acid and methyl mercaptan. The foetid smell is due to methyl mercaptan.All parts of the plant have been employed for rheumatic affections.A related species, Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merill, synonym P. tomentosa Blume, is known as Gandha Prasaarini. The iridoid glucosides, paedero- side, paederosidic acid and scandosides have been isolated from the plant.... oxystelma secamoneHabitat: The temperate and alpine Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan at altitudes of 600-3,500 m.
English: Broadleaf Plantain.Ayurvedic: Ashvagola (var.).Folk: Isabgol.Action: Plant—haemostatic, antihistaminic, antibacterial, wound-healing in burns and inflammation of tissues. Leaves— cooling, astringent, diuretic, vulnerary, febrifuge. Used for diarrhoea, bacillary dysentery, hepatitis, urinary diseases, piles, ulcers and skin diseases. Leaves are used for cystitis with blood, haematuria and other bladder disorders.
The aqueous extract of the leaves showed anti-inflammatory activity in mice.The aerial parts contain an iridoid glucoside, majoroside. The leaves contain a phenylpropanoid glycoside, plantamajoside, exhibiting antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria including E. coli and Staphy- lococcus aureus. (The glycoside is less inhibitory than the free acids, caffeic, ferulic, and rosmarinic and esculetin.)... plantago majorHabitat: Peninsular India and Bihar up to 1,200 m.
English: Bastard Teak.Ayurvedic: Agnimanth (var.).Siddha/Tamil: Kolakottathekku pinari, Pondanganari.Folk: Gineri (var.).Action: Bark and essential oil of root—used in stomach disorders. Leaf—diuretic, vulnerary; prescribed as a tonic after child birth; used in dropsical affections. Pounded leaves—vulnerary.
The heartwood gave apigenin derivatives. The leaves gave essential oil containing d-and dl-limonene, beta- caryophyllene a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, a diterpene hydrocarbon and a sesquiterpene tertiary alcohol.The roots and rhizomes of P. veris and P. elatior contain a saponin, yielding a sapogenin, primulagenin A. A fla- vonol glycoside named primulaflavo- noloside has been reported in the flowers of P. veris. The root of P. veris are considered as a substitute for Senega (Polygala senega) roots.Anthocyanidins have been detected in most of the Primula species, also a highly toxic allergenic substance, primin, in the leaves and glandular hairs. The floral and foliar parts of the different genotypes showed presence of kaempferol, quercetin and myricetin.... premna tomentosaHabitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan and in Khasi and Jaintia hills at 1,500 m.
Folk: Keechey (Tibet).Action: Root—powder used for killing leeches. Flowers—eaten in salad.
The whole plant contains several tri- terpenoid saponins.Primula veris Linn., synonym P officinalis Hill and P. elatior Hill are grown in Indian gardens.Key application: Primula veris, P. elatior Hill—the flower and the root in catarrhs of the respiratory tract. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) Contraindicated in gastritis and gastric ulcer. (ESCOP.)Synonym: P. acaulis Hill.Family: Primulaceae.Habitat: Sub-Himalayan region.
English: Primrose (Evening Primrose is equated with Oenothera biennis), Cowslip.Unani: Nakhud. (Also equated with Cicer arietinum by National Formulary of Unani Medicine.)Action: Plant—anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, vermifuge, emetic. Used only externally.
The plant gave phenolic glycosides, flavonoids, saponins.... primula vulgarisHabitat: Europe, including Britain. The Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan, Assam, Western Ghats and Palni hills in South India.
English: Wood Sanicle.Action: Plant—astringent, alterative, vulnerary. Used in leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, bleeding piles; also in diarrhoea and dysentery. The herb is also employed as an ingredient of an ointment used for septic ulcers.
The herb contains saponins based on saniculogenins; allantoin; chlorogenic and rosmarinic acids. The flowers contain 3.1 and fruits 1.1% rosmarinic acid. The leaves contain 0.6% chlorogenic acid. The roots contain 23.1, leaves 12.8, flowers 6.0 and fruits 5.2% surcose. Rhizome contains chlorogeni acid 1.2 and sucrose 13.9%.... sanicula europaeaHabitat: Native to China; introduced at various elevations in northern India, chiefly on ravine lands in the foothills. Planted throughout India as ornament.
English: Chinese Tallow tree.Folk: Tayapippali, Vilaayati Shisham, Mom-China.Action: Seed oil—vulnerary, emetic, purgative; used for skin diseases and for promoting healing of wounds.
Leaves latex—vesicant. Bark—a decoction is given in dyspepsia. Resin—purgative.Chinese vegetable tallow (of low iod. val.) is obtained from waxy mass covering the seed; the Stillingia Oil (of highiod. val.) from the kernel. The tallow from Indian trees contains 62.3% palmitic and 27.4% oleic acid. A related species, S. discolor Muell-Arg., introduced into the Lal Bagh Gardens, Bangalore, yields a tallow containing comparatively more oleic and less palmitic acids. Stillingia Oil is considered superior to linseed oil. The oil contains lau- ric, myristic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids; the leaves contain ellagic and gallic acids, isoquercitrin and tannin 5.5%.Ethanol extract of powdered root bark yielded 0.1% phloroacetophenone 2,4-dimethylether and menthol extract gave xanthoxyline. The bark also contains moretenone, moretenol and a tri- terpene, 3-epi-moretenol.... sapium sebiferumHabitat: Kashmir, grows in damp places, at altitudes of 1,500-1,800 m.
English: Marsh, Woundwort (purple-flowered), Allheal. (In Western herbal, Allheal is equated with Prunella vulgaris.)Action: Haemostatic, sedative, antiseptic, antispasmodic, vulnerary. Used for haemorrhages, gout, cramp, vertigo; applied as poultice to wounds.
The herb contains iridoids, harpa- gide and acetyl harpagide; flavonoids based on isoscutellarein and oroxylin A.... stachys palustrisHabitat: Throughout India at 6001,650 m.
English: Common Chickweed.Folk: Kokoon (Jammu); Safed Fulki, Buchbuchaa (Delhi).Action: Antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, astringent, refrigerant, demulcent, emollient, vulnerary, antipruritic. Dispels excessive body heat, relieves irritation. Used internally for rheumatism, externally in the form of ointment for chronic skin conditions, varicose ulcers and abscesses. Applied as a plaster for broken bones and swellings.
The plant contains saponin glyco- sides, coumarins, flavonoids (including rutin), carboxylic acid. The leaves contain vitamin C and carotene.The plant also contains mucilage and is rich in potassium and silicon. The aerial parts, in post-flowering period, contain 44 mg/100 g of vitamn E.... stellaria mediaHabitat: Europe and from the Mediterranean to Caucasian region. Russian Comfrey or Blue Comfrey has been introduced in Simla; Prickly Camfrey is cultivated in Western India.
English: Comfrey, Knitbone.Folk: Sankuutan (Maharashtra).Action: Vulnerary (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia), astringent, demulcent, haemostatic, tissue- restorative (repairs broken bones and lacerated flesh, promotes formation of a callus).
Key application: Externally for fractures and sprains, to promote bone growth and formation of callus. (German Commission E.)Allantoin, a cell proliferant, helps repair damaged tissues. Antiinflammatory action is due to rosmarinic acid and other phenolic acids. Used for stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, hiatus hernia; pleurisy, bronchitis (contraindicated in oede- matous conditions of the lung); and for the treatment of fractures, sickets, varicose ulcers. Experiments, during the 1960s, reveal that pyrrolizidine alkaloids are toxic to liver (dispute still unresolved); it is still not clear if these are hepatotoxic in the context of the whole plant. The aerial parts are considered safe.Russian Comfrey or Blue Comfrey has been equated with Symphytum peregrinum Ledeb. (introduced into India in Simla).The Plant is a good source of al- lantoin, a drug used in the treatment of gastric ulcers, disorders of liver and cancer. Tincture of the fresh herb is reported to be used for asthma, bronchitis and congestive conditions of the lungs.... symphytum officinaleHabitat: Near sea-coasts and the Andamans.
Ayurvedic: Bhringaraaja (yellow- flowered var).Action: Leaves—used as poultice on ulcers, sores, varicose veins; paste applied to fungal infections. Leaf decction—vulnerary and antiscabious. The juice of leaf is also given internally with cow's milk as a tonic after child birth.
The dried leaves contain veratryli- dene hydrazide and quercetin derivatives. The stem contains stigmasterol and grandifloric acid. The leaves and stem showed antifungal activity.... wedelia bifloraConstituents: coumarins, tannins, flavonoids, phytosterol.
Action: diuretic, hepatic, astringent (mild), haemostatic, vulnerary, cholagogue, Promotes assimilation of food. Bitter tonic.
Uses: weak acid stomach, indigestion, sluggish liver and debility, gall bladder disorders, nosebleed, sore throat, laryngitis (gargle), bed-wetting, incontinence, diarrhoea, to promote flow of gastric juices.
Local: ulceration – to cleanse and heal. Ancient remedy for suppurating sores and wounds.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea: 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Or, as part of Spring Tonic combination: equal parts, Agrimony, Raspberry leaves, Balm and Nettles. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely.
Liquid extract: BHP (1983). 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose 15-45 drops (1-3ml). Tincture: BHP (1983). 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose 15-60 drops (1-4ml). Tablets. Agrimony (Blackmore’s Labs). ... agrimony
Action. Bactericidal against staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus viridans and five strains of streptococcus mutans – the cause of dental plaque. Antibiotic, Demulcent, Coagulant, Analgesic for mild degree pain. Antiviral.
Astringent, Vitamin B12 precursor, growth stimulator, vulnerary. Contains 18 amino acids and vitamins. Helps eliminate toxic minerals from the body. Neutralises free radicals created by toxic substances.
Uses: An important use: protection against radiation burns. Sunburn. A segment of the fresh leaf rubbed on the skin was a centuries-old sun-screen used by desert Arabs against sunburn, and who regarded the plant as a natural medicine chest. Internal: indigestion, stomach ulceration.
External. Ulceration (leg ulcer, etc.), acne, chapped skin, nappy rash. To allay the itching of dry skin conditions including shingles, eczema, poison ivy and other plant allergies, detergent dermatitis, ulcers on cornea of eye, purulent ophthalmia. Dry scalp, poor hair (shampoo), ringworm. Stretch marks of pregnancy, age lines and liver spots.
Dentistry. “In 12 years of dental practice I have not found any one item which is so versatile for the healing needs of the mouth . . . an ancient plant for modern dentistry”. (Dr B. Wolfe, “Health Consciousness”, Vol 6. No 1) Increasing use as a dental anaesthetic, and for oral infections. Uses include gel on new dentures, rinsing every 4 hours. In canal filling the gel is used as a lubricant.
Combines with Vitamin E for allergies; with Eucalyptus oil for sinus and nasal congestion; with Comfrey for healing of fractures. Combines with Jojoba oil as an invigorating body lotion. Combines with Chamomile or Henna for hair conditioner.
Preparations: Part of fresh leaf cut and thick sap-juice squeezed on affected area for sunburn, burns, injury, wounds. Pulp leaves for use as a poultice for inflamed joints, arthritis. (East Africa). Tablets: Combined with papaya, pineapple, apricot or acerola fruits.
Tincture: 4oz pulped leaf to 8oz Vodka. Shake bottle daily for one week. Filter. Dosage: 1 teaspoon in water, thrice daily, for internal conditions.
Aloe gel. Many preparations on the market contain pure Aloe Vera, cold-pressed to preserve its moisturising and healing properties. Most are free from artificial fragrance and colour being made without lanolin or mineral oil.
Undiluted juice. 1-2 tablespoons (20-40ml) on empty stomach. (Internal) Pregnancy. Not used during. ... aloe vera
All burns are serious. Vulnerary herbs are available to promote healing and cell growth, including: Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Fenugreek, Marigold, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, Chickweed, Myrrh (powder).
Even hospital authorities may find these effective, enhancing healing, reducing risk of infection, and often concluding with a minimum of scar tissue. Echinacea – to mobilise the immune system.
Exclude air from affected parts as soon as possible. Remove no clothing adhering to wound; cut round. For corrosive alkalis: bathe with cider vinegar (2-4 teaspoons to teacup water). Follow with honey: apply lint and bandage. Honey has a long traditional reputation for burns. The following are analgesic and antiseptic, keeping wounds clean and free from pus. Apply sterile dressings.
Tea for internal use: Nettles 1; Valerian 1; Comfrey leaf 2. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup every 2 hours. Or, cup of ordinary tea laced with 2-3 drops Life Drops.
Topical. (1) Tea Tree oil: 1 part to 20 parts Almond oil. (2) Strong Nettle tea – pain killer. (3) St John’s Wort oil. (4) Aloe Vera – cut off piece of leaf and pulp; or, gel. (5) Slippery Elm – Powder mixed with little milk to form a paste. (6) Pierce Vitamin E capsule and anoint area. (7) Distilled extract of Witch Hazel. (8) Cod liver oil.
Compress. Apply piece of suitable material steeped in teas of any of the following: Chamomile, Chickweed, Comfrey, Cucumber, Elderflowers, Marigold, Plantain, St John’s Wort.
Alcohol should not be taken.
Supplementation. Vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E. Potassium. Zinc. ... burns & scalds
Constituents: volatile oil, flavonoids, tannic acid.
Action. Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic (mild), anti-peptic ulcer, anodyne (mild), antispasmodic, bitter, carminative, vulnerary. Mild nerve sedative but tonic to the alimentary canal.
Uses: Internal use. Nervous excitability, convulsions, restlessness, hyperactivity in children, insomnia, early stages of fever, measles (warm tea), travel sickness, pin and thread worms, peptic ulcer, gastro- intestinal spasm – calms down digestive system, pre-menstrual tension, hysteria from womb irritation, Candida albicans, inflammation of respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts, sore throat and mouth. Psychosomatic illness: see CHAMOMILE ROMAN. May be used in pregnancy.
External use. “Inflammation and irritation of skin and mucosa, including the oral cavity and gums, respiratory tract and anal and genital area.” (EM) Conjunctivitis (cold tea). Gangrene (poultice with few drops Tincture Myrrh).
Combinations. With Valerian, Passion flower and Hops (equal parts) for nervous excitability. With Liquorice 1 and Chamomile 4 for gastric ulcer and chronic dyspepsia. Chamomile works well with Peppermint and Balm; equal parts.
Preparations: One teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes; one cup freely. Powder. Quarter to half a teaspoon; tablets/capsules.
Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-4ml (15-60 drops). Tincture. 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 5-10ml (1-2 teaspoons).
Oil of Chamomile. Prepare as for OILS – IMPREGNATED.
Essential oil (Aromatherapy). Externally for neuralgia.
Compress: See: CHAMOMILE FLOWERS, ROMAN. Rinses. Gargles.
Chamomile bath. Add strong infusion to bath water for irritable skin rash, eczema.
Chamomile enema. 1 tablespoon flowers in 2 litres (3 and a half pints) boiling water; infuse, strain and inject warm.
Side-effects: rare contact skin allergy. ... chamomile flowers (german)
Constituents: saponin glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids. Source of Vitamin C.
Action: alterative, demulcent, emollient, vulnerary, anti-itch, antirheumatic, mild laxative. A ‘cold’ (refrigerant) agent, dispelling excess body heat. Cools, soothes and relieves irritation.
Uses: Ancient English remedy for chronic skin conditions. Boils, painful eruptions, varicose ulcers, abscess, etc. Muscular rheumatism, inflamed gouty joints (ointment or poultice). Takes the heat out of itchy skin.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea: 2 teaspoons dried herb to each cup or, 1oz to 1 pint, boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Fresh herb, double quantity; simmer 10 minutes: 1 cup.
Liquid extract BHP (1983). 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol: dose – 1-5ml.
Tincture BHP (1983) 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol: dose – 2-10ml.
Poultice: handful bruised Chickweed in muslin bag; use rolling pin until bag weeps juice; apply to affected area (varicose ulcer, etc). OR: 1oz dried leaves in bag; steep in boiling water; apply warm. Chickweed Ointment. 1 part clean Chickweed to 4 parts fresh salt-free lard and 1 part vaseline. Place all in a stone jar in a hot oven. Steep 2-3 hours. Strain through a wire mesh strainer or clean cloth into another jar. When cold, ready for use.
Lotion: Use tea for cleansing.
Lotion. Take a pot or other suitable receptacle, fill with fresh Chickweed well pressed down. Pour on Sunflower seed oil to saturation point. Allow to steep for 2 weeks, strain and bottle. Apply lid or cap and use for eczema and other skin diseases. (Christopher Hedley, MNIMH) ... chickweed
Action: Haemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, styptic tonic, antiseptic. A vaso- compressor to increase the vital potency of living matter of the ganglionic neurones. Anti-diarrhoea. For over-relaxed conditions.
Uses: Urinary system: frequency, incontinence in the young and aged, bed-wetting, blood in the urine. An ingredient of Captain Frank Roberts’ prescription for ulceration of stomach, duodenum and intestines. Ulceration of mouth and throat (tea used as a mouth wash and gargle). Irritable bowel. Summer diarrhoea of children.
Combines with Beth root (equal parts) as a vaginal douche for leucorrhoea or flooding of the menopause; with tincture Myrrh for cholera and infective enteritis.
Dr Wm Winder reported in the 1840s how the Indians of Great Manitoulin Island held it in high favour as a healing styptic antiseptic, “the powdered root being placed on the mouth of the bleeding vessel . . . Internally, they considered it efficacious for bleeding from the lungs”. (Virgil J. Vogel, University of Oklahoma Press, USA)
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. Half-2 teaspoons dried herb to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup.
Decoction. Half-1 teaspoon dried root to each cup water simmered gently 20 minutes. Half a cup.
Tablets BHP 270mg. (Gerard House)
Liquid extract: 15-30 drops.
Tincture BHP (1983). 1 part root to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-4ml (30-60 drops).
Powdered root, as a snuff for excessive catarrh and to arrest bleeding from the nose.
Vaginal douche. 1oz root to 2 pints water simmered 20 minutes. Strain and inject. ... cranesbill, american
Constituents: allantoin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (fresh young leaves and roots), mucilage, phenolic acids, steroidal saponins (root).
Action: astringent-demulcent, haemostatic, vulnerary. Rapid healer of flesh and bones by its property to accelerate mitosis (cell-division). Useful wherever a mucilaginous tissue restorative is required (repairing broken bones and lacerated flesh), especially in combination with Slippery Elm powder which prevents excess fluidity.
Uses: Ulceration anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract; colitis, hiatus hernia.
Bleeding from stomach, throat, bowel, bladder and lungs (haemoptysis) in which it reduces blood clotting time. Once used extensively for tuberculosis (pulmonary and elsewhere). Irritating cough, ‘dry’ lung complaints; pleurisy. Increases expectoration. Should not be given for oedematous conditions of the lungs.
Bones – fractures: to promote formation of a callus; rickets, wasting disease. Skin – varicose ulcers and indolent irritating sores that refuse to heal. Promotes suppuration of boils and gangrene as in diabetes. Bruises. STD skin lesions, internally and externally. Blood sugar control: assists function of the pancreas. Urine: scalding. Rheumatoid arthritis: improvement reported. Malignancy: cases of complete regression of sarcoma and carcinoma recorded. Rodent ulcer, (as a paste).
Preparations: thrice daily.
Tea: dried herb, one heaped teaspoon to each cup; or, 1oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes, half- 1 cup for no more than 8 weeks.
Tincture (leaf). 1 part to 5 parts alcohol: dose 2.5-5ml. Maximum weekly dosage – 100ml for no more than 8 weeks.
Tincture (root). 1 part to 5 parts alcohol. Maximum weekly dosage – 80ml, for 8 weeks.
(National Institute of Medical Herbalists)
Poultice. A mucilage is prepared from fresh root in a liquidiser or by use of a rolling pin. For sprains, bruises, severe cuts, cleaning-out old ulcers and wounds.
Compress. 3 tablespoons crushed root or powder in 1 pint (500ml) water. Bring to boil; simmer gently 10 minutes. Saturate linen or suitable material and apply. Renew 2-3 times daily as moisture dries off. Ointment. 1 part powder, or liquid extract, to 10 parts base (cooking fat, Vaseline, etc).
Oil (external use). Ingredients: powdered Comfrey root in peanut oil and natural chlorophyll. (Henry Doubleday Research Association)
Notes. Contains trace element germanium, often given for cancer and arthritis. (Dr Uta Sandra Goodman) Helps eliminate toxic minerals. Neutralises free radicals that are created by toxic substances entering the body. Restores the body’s pH balance disturbed by highly acid foods such as meat, dairy products, refined foods and alcohol.
Dr H.E. Kirschner, well-known American physician, reported being called to the bedside of a patient with a huge advanced cancer of the breast. The odour was over-powering and the condition hopeless, but he advised poultices of fresh crushed Comfrey leaves several times daily to the discharging mass. Much to the surprise of all, the vile odour disappeared. The huge sore scaled over and the swelling subsided. Within three weeks the once-malignant sore was covered with a healthy scale and the pain disappeared. Unfortunately, treatment came too late; metastases had appeared in the liver which could not be reached by the poultices.
Claims that Comfrey is a toxic plant are unsubstantiated by a mass of clinical evidence to the contrary. Attempts to equate the effects of its isolated compounds apart from the whole plant yield conflicting results. For thousands of years the plant has been used by ancient and modern civilisations for healing purposes. Risks must be balanced with benefits.
There is a growing body of opinion to support the belief that a herb which has, without ill-effects been used for centuries and capable of producing convincing results is to be recognised as safe and effective.
Experiments reveal that in sufficient doses Comfrey can cause liver disease in laboratory animals. Its risk to humans has been a matter of serious debate since the 1960s, and is still unresolved. Although the overall risk is very low, a restriction has been placed on the plant as a precautionary measure. Fresh Comfrey leaves should not be used as a vegetable which is believed to be a health risk. It is believed that no toxicity has been found in common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L). No restriction has been placed on use of dried Comfrey leaves as a tea. The debate continues.
It would appear that use of the root of Symphytum officinale may be justified in the treatment of severe bone diseases for which it has achieved a measure of success in the past, such as rickets, Paget’s disease, fractured bones, tuberculosis, etc, its benefits outweighing risks. Few other medicinal plants replenish wasted bone cells with the speed of Comfrey. (external use only) ... comfrey
Constituents: ammoniacal salts, saponin, tannic acid, inulin.
Action: vulnerary. Acts upon muscle fibres of blood vessels. “A princely remedy for the aches and pains of old gardeners.” (Dr C. Burnett) Discutient.
Relations: Arnica, Calendula, St John’s Wort, Witch Hazel.
Uses: Tumours resulting from a blow. Injuries, sprains, bruises, excessive tiredness.
Preparation. Infusion. Half a cup fresh or dried flowerheads to two cups water. Bring to boil; remove vessel when boiling point is reached; strain when cold. Use externally as a lotion or with suitable material as a compress. Internal: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.
Note: A glycosidase inhibitor has been found in the leaves of the common daisy which is very similar to castanospernine and other HIV drugs. It is believed this may prevent the spread of the HIV virus. ... daisy
Action. Antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, detoxicant, parasiticide, antibiotic (non- toxic), vasodilator, lymphatic. Does not act directly upon a virus but exerts an antiviral effect by stimulating an immune response. Raises white blood cell count and increases the body’s inherent powers of resistance. Has power to stimulate ‘killer’ cells that resist foreign bacteria. T-cell activator. Vulnerary. Uses. Boils, acne, abscesses, sore throat: streptococcal and staphylococcal infections generally. Ulcers of tongue, mouth, gums, tonsils, throat (mouth wash and gargle). Duodenal and gastric ulcer. Systemic candida. Putrefaction and fermentation in the alimentary tract. Skin disorders: eczema. Infection of the fallopian tubes. Ill-effects of vaccination. A cleansing wash and lotion for STDs and varicose ulcers. Vaginal candidiasis.
Tonsillitis and infective sore throat: “In all cases do not forget the value of Echinacea. I rely on it to restore a poisoned system.” (I.F. Barnes MD, Beverley, Mass, USA)
Appendicitis. “Seven cases of fully diagnosed appendicitis were completely cured by 5 drops liquid extract Echinacea, in water, every 1-3 hours.” (Henry Reny MD, Biddeford, Maine, USA)
Gangrene. “Echinacea retards and prevents gangrene.” (Finlay Ellingwood MD)
Shingles. Genital herpes. Echinacea purpurea. Self-medication by “T.S., London” for neuralgic pains caused by the virus ‘moving down the nerves’ preceding appearance of a herpetic lesion. “Each time an attack has been aborted – pains subsiding within six or so hours.”
Phytokold capsules. Arkopharma.
Listeria. Complete protection against. (Dr H. Wagner, Munich University)
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Decoction. 1g dried root or rhizome to each cup water simmered 15 minutes. Dose: 1 cup.
Powder. 250mg (one 00 capsule or one-sixth teaspoon).
Liquid extract: 3-15 drops in water.
Alcoholic and aqueous extract from 360mg root. 1 tablet.
Tincture, BHC Vol 1. (1:5, 45 per cent ethanol). Dose: 2-5ml.
Formula. Tincture Echinacea 2; Tincture Goldenseal 1. Dose – 15-30 drops in water every 2 hours (acute) thrice daily (chronic).
Echinacea and Garlic tablets/capsules. Echinacea 60mg; Garlic 20mg; powders to BHP (1983) standard. Versatile combination for minor infections: colds and influenza. (Gerard House)
Historical. “Many years ago American Indians observed that by tantalising the rattlesnake it would in its wrath bite itself. The creature was seen to become immediately restless and sought to retreat. On following the snake it was observed that it went straight to a certain shrub and there became a veritable ‘sucker’. When it finished sucking the plant it would seek a hole in which to hide, but not to die. It would recover. This led to the discovery of the plant, Echinacea. It was from the medicine-men of the Mohawk and Cherokee Indians we obtained our first knowledge of this remarkable herbal remedy.” (J.H. Henley MD, Enid, Oklahoma, USA)
Often positive results may not follow because too small a dose is given. For desperate conditions, Dr L.W. Hendershott, Mill Shoals, Illinois, USA, advised frequent 1 dram (4ml) doses. (Ellingwood, Vol 10, No 4)
Echinacea has an ‘interferon’ effect by enhancing body resistance to infection. (Wagner and Proksch) GSL, schedule 1 ... echinacea
Constituents: flavonoids, iridoids, phenolic acids.
Action: relaxing alterative, anodyne (mild – as applied to piles), diuretic (mild), laxative, anti- inflammatory, vulnerary, lymphatic, cardiac stimulant.
Uses: Skin eruptions that exude matter: scrofulous eczema, psoriasis, pemphigus. Severe itching. Swollen glands. Piles: hard, swollen and painful. Appendicitis. Lumps in the breast (traditional). It is called scrofula plant because of its reputation for discharging abscesses, boils, infected wounds, etc.
Combines well with Yellow Dock. Figwort 2; Yellow Dock 1.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose – half-1 cup. Powder. 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).
Liquid extract. Dose: 1-2ml.
Tincture BHP (1983) 1:10 in 45 per cent alcohol; dose – 2-4ml.
Note: Contra-indicated in tachycardia (rapid heart beat). ... figwort
Constituents: flavonoids, oil, tannins, gallic acid.
Action: haemostatic, astringent, antirheumatic, vulnerary, diuretic.
Uses: Extravasation of blood, black eye, bruises; bleeding from gullet, lungs, kidneys or bowel, piles. Kidney disorders. Diarrhoea, Bronchitis, Sore throat. Canadian Indians’ wound herb. Insect repellent. Preparations. Thrice daily.
Tea. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; dose – half cup.
Liquid extract. 5ml in water.
Tincture – fresh plant when in bloom. 1 part to 5 parts 60 per cent alcohol. Dose – 5-10ml in water. Oil. Dose – 2 drops in honey. ... fleabane
Constituents: Marrubiin, volatile oil, tannins, alkaloids, diterpene alcohols.
Action: stimulating expectorant, mild antispasmodic, sedative, amphoteric, vulnerary, diuretic, stomach and liver bitter tonic.
Uses: Chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, hard cough with little phlegm, common cold, loss of voice, snake bite, dog bite. Chronic gall bladder disease, fevers, malaria, hepatitis, “Yellowness of the eyes”. Combinations. Teas. (1) with Coltsfoot and Hyssop (equal parts) for hard cough. (2) with Lobelia and Iceland Moss for chronic chest complaints.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1, 20 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-2ml.
Tincture BHC Vol 1. 1:5, 25 per cent ethanol. Dose: 3-6ml.
Horehound ale: wholesome beverage.
Horehound, Hyssop and Honey Mixture.
Traditional English syrup.
Note: Horehound, Horseradish, Coriander, Lettuce and Nettles are the five bitter herbs eaten by the Jews at their Passover feast according to the Old Testament. ... horehound, white
Uses: Used by the native population for indigestion from a ‘cold’ stomach, for wounds that refuse to heal, and by the squaws for painless delivery. Internally, said to inhibit the spread of tuberculosis.
External: Mexican men still apply the oil to their eye-brows and hair for growth while their women use it to dress their braids and tresses. To the scalp the oil removes excess sebum, moistens dry skin and expels dandruff. Used for minor skin disorders, acne, sunburn, minor burns, chapped skin, nappy-rash, soft fingernails and facial blemishes.
Preparations: Nuts – eaten freely by Mexicans, their children and farm animals. Roasted to make coffee. Meal left over after oil extraction contains no less than 17 amino acids. With its 35 per cent protein Jojoba is a valuable nutrient. Oil is obtained from Mexican beans by cold pressing to ensure that properties provided by nature are not destroyed by chemical processing. It has now replaced some animal oils, especially whale oil (spermaceti) as a base for ointments, creams, bath oils, suntan lotions, and other cosmetic preparations. So successful it is as a substitute for whale oil that the sperm whale now has a new lease of life. It is both non-toxic and non-allergenic. May substitute Olive oil in salads. ... jojoba
Keynote: anti-mortification.
Constituents: mucilage, flavonoids, tannins, scopoletin.
Action. Soothing demulcent, emollient, nutrient, alterative, antilithic, antitussive, vulnerary, diuretic. Old European remedy of over 2,000 years.
Uses: Inflammation of the alimentary canal, kidneys, bladder. Ulceration of stomach and duodenum, hiatus hernia, catarrh of respiratory organs and stomach, dry cough, open wounds – to cleanse and heal, cystitis, diarrhoea, septic conditions of moderate severity. Plant supplies an abundance of mucilage for protection of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and urinary tract in the presence of stone. A poultice or ointment is applied topically to boils, abscesses, ulcers and old wounds to draw effete matter to the surface before expulsion from the body.
Combinations. With Comfrey and Cranesbill (American) for peptic ulceration. With White Horehound, Liquorice and Coltsfoot for pulmonary disease.
Preparations: Average dose, 2-5 grams dried root. Thrice daily. For best results plant should not be boiled.
Cold decoction. Half-1 teaspoon shredded root or powder to each cup cold water; stand overnight. Dose, half-1 cup. Also used externally as a douche for inflamed eyes.
Liquid Extract BHP (1983). 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol. Dose, 2-5ml.
Tincture. 1 part root to 5 parts alcohol (25 per cent). Dose: 5-15ml.
Traditional ‘Drawing’ ointment: Marshmallow and Slippery Elm.
Ointment (home): 5 per cent powdered root in an ointment base. See: OINTMENTS.
Poultice. Bring powdered root to the boil in milk; add a little Slippery Elm, apply. ... marshmallow
Constituents: rutin, hesperidin, saponin, volatile oil.
Action: a soothing relaxant for irritable respiratory conditions; pectoral demulcent, antitussive, mild sedative, diuretic, vulnerary, mild antispasmodic.
Uses: asthma, deep hollow cough, emphysema, tracheitis, hay fever, wet pleurisy, bronchitis, bed-wetting (1-2 drops oil thrice daily).
Topical: for earache and temporary deafness, inject 1-3 drops oil to relieve irritation and promote sleep. The oil is used as an emollient for wounds, ulcers, piles, pain in the rectum, itching anus, and to soften hard dry schirrhous tumours. A bruised fresh leaf over the anus was once a gardener’s pile relief.
Quinlan Cure. Dr Quinlan initiated what became an Irish traditional treatment for tuberculosis. He obtained best results with green leaves of Mullein. Hot-house cultivation makes it possible for leaves to be available throughout the year. Irish peasantry prepared it by boiling one handful in 2 pints fresh milk, strained, and sweetened with honey. The whole quantity was drunk once or more times daily, as tolerated. Soothes the lungs, increases weight and restores vitality.
Preparations: Average dose, leaves: 4-8 grams. (Flowers: 1-2 grams.) Thrice daily.
Tea: 2-3 teaspoons to cup, or 2oz to 1 pint boiling water; infuse 15 minutes; half-1 cup. Best results have followed the tea, instead of alcohol.
Liquid Extract: 1-2 teaspoons in water.
Tincture is made from the fresh plant at the time of flowering: 1 part to 5 parts 45 per cent alcohol, macerated 8 days; dose, 2-3 teaspoons in water.
Oil of Mullein: gently heat 1 pint Olive, Sunflower, Safflower or Almond oil in a non-aluminium vessel. Add fresh flowers to saturation point. Continue in gentle heat until all colour fades from the flowers. Press out, bottle. As an injection for ear troubles, a chestrub for respiratory disorders, healer for ulcers, and for general purposes. ... mullein
Action: hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, diuretic, antispasmodic (mild), astringent diuretic, febrifuge, vulnerary, vasodilator, cholagogue.
Uses: To dilate coronary arteries and improve circulation of blood through the heart. Moderately high blood pressure. Infection of the urinary tract. Nephritis. To lower blood sugar – diabetes. To facilitate passage of gall-stones.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea. 20-30g in 500ml (1 pint) boiling water; infuse 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup.
Decoction. 50-60g in 500ml water, gently simmer 10 minutes; stand 20 minutes. Dose:quarter to half a cup.
Powder, capsules: 210mg, 2 capsules. (Arkocaps) ... olive leaves
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)
SYNONYMS: A. fulgens, A. sororia, leopard’s bane, wolf’s bane.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A perennial alpine herb with a creeping underground stem, giving rise to a rosette of pale oval leaves. The flowering erect stem is up to 60 cms high, bearing a single, bright yellow, daisy-like flower. The whole plant is very difficult to cultivate.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to northern and central Europe; also found growing wild in the USSR, Scandinavia and northern India. The oil is produced mainly in France, Belgium and Germany.
OTHER SPECIES: A related plant, A. cordifolia, and other species of arnica are used in America, where it is known as ‘mountain tobacco’.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: This herb stimulates the peripheral blood supply when applied externally, and is considered one of the best remedies for bruises and sprains. It helps relieve rheumatic pain and other painful or inflammatory skin conditions, so long as the skin is not broken! It is never used internally due to toxicity levels.
ACTIONS: Anti-inflammatory, stimulant, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation of 1. flowers, and 2. root. The yield of essential oil is very small. An absolute, tincture and resinoid are also produced.
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. A yellowy-orange liquid with a greenish-blue hint and a strong bitter-spicy scent reminiscent of radish. 2. Dark yellow or butter-brown oil more viscous than the flower oil, with a strong bitter scent.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Thymohydroquinone dimethyl ether (80 per cent approx.), isobutyric ester of phlorol (20 per cent approx.) and other minor traces.
SAFETY DATA: The essential oil is highly toxic and should never be used internally or on broken skin. However, the tincture or arnica ointment are valuable additions to the home medicine cabinet.
OTHER USES: The tincture is mainly employed in pharmaceutical skin products. The oil from the flowers finds occasional use in herbaceous-type perfumes. It is also used to flavour certain liqueurs.... arnica
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)
SYNONYMS: Anthemis nobilis, camomile, English chamomile, garden chamomile, sweet chamomile, true chamomile.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A small, stocky, perennial herb, up to 25 cms high, with a much branched hairy stem, half spreading or creeping. It has feathery pinnate leaves, daisy-like white flowers which are larger than those of the German chamomile. The whole plant has an applelike scent.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to southern and western Europe; naturalized in North America. Cultivated in England, Belgium, Hungary, United States, Italy and France.
OTHER SPECIES: There are a great many varieties of chamomile found throughout the world, four of which are native to the British Isles, but the only one of these used therapeutically is the Roman chamomile (C. nobile).
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: This herb has had a medical reputation in Europe and especially in the Mediterranean region for over 2000 years, and it is still in widespread use. It was employed by the ancient Egyptians and the Moors, and it was one of the Saxons’ nine sacred herbs, which they called ‘maythen’. It was also held to be the ‘plant’s physician’, since it promoted the health of plants nearby.
It is current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for the treatment of dyspepsia, nausea, anorexia, vomiting in pregnancy, dysmenorrhoea and specifically flatulent dyspepsia associated with mental stress.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, anti-anaemic, antineuralgic, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, hypnotic, nerve sedative, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation of the flower heads.
CHARACTERISTICS: A pale blue liquid (turning yellow on keeping) with a warm, sweet, fruity-herbaceous scent. It blends well with bergamot, clary sage, oakmoss, jasmine, labdanum, neroli, rose, geranium and lavender.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly esters of angelic and tiglic acids (approx. 85 per cent), with pinene, farnesol, nerolidol, chamazulene, pinocarvone, cineol, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant; can cause dermatitis in some individuals.
AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE See German chamomile.
OTHER USES: See German chamomile.... chamomile, roman
FAMILY: Pinaceae
SYNONYMS: A. balsamifera, Pinus balsamea, balsam fir, balsam tree, American silver fir, balm of Gilead fir, Canada turpentine (oil).
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tall, graceful evergreen tree up to 20 metres high, with a tapering trunk and numerous branches giving the tree an overall shape of a perfect cone. It forms blisters of oleoresin (the so-called ‘balsam’) on the trunk and branches, produced from special vesicles beneath the bark. The tree does not produce a ‘true’ balsam, since it does not contain benzoic or cinnamic acid in its esters; it is really an oleoresin, being a mixture of resin and essential oil.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to North America, particularly Quebec, Nova Scotia and Maine.
OTHER SPECIES: The hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis) also yields an exudation sold under the name of ‘Canada balsam’. There are also many other species of fir which produce oils from their needles – see entry on silver fir and Botanical Classification section. NB: Not to be confused with the genuine balsam of Gilead (Commiphora opabalsamum), of ancient repute.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The oleoresin is used extensively by the American Indians for ritual purposes and as an external treatment for burns, sores, cuts and to relieve heart and chest pains. It is also used internally for coughs.
ACTIONS: Antiseptic (genito-urinary, pulmonary), antitussive, astringent, cicatrisant, diuretic, expectorant, purgative, regulatory, sedative (nerve), tonic, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: 1. The oleoresin is collected by punturing vesicles in the bark. 2. An essential oil is produced by steam distillation from the oleoresin, known as Canada balsam or Canada turpentine. (An essential oil is also produced by steam distillation from the leaf or needles, known as fir needle oil.)
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. The oleoresin is a thick pale yellow or green honeylike mass which dries to crystal clear varnish, with a fresh sweet balsamic, almost fruity odour. 2. A colourless mobile liquid with a sweet, soft-balsamic, pinelike scent. It blends well with pine, cedarwood, cypress, sandalwood, juniper, benzoin and other balsams.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Consists almost entirely of monoterpenes, pinene, phellandrene, esters and alcohols.
SAFETY DATA: Generally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. ‘In large doses it is purgative and may cause nausea.’4
Skin Care: Burns, cuts, haemorrhoids, wounds.
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chronic coughs, sore throat.
Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, genito-urinary infections.
Nervous System: Depression, nervous tension, stress-related conditions – described as ‘appeasing, sedative, elevating, grounding, opening’.5
OTHER USES: The oil from the oleoresin is used in certain ointments and creams as an antiseptic and treatment for haemorrhoids. Used in dentistry as an ingredient in root canal sealers. Also used as a fixative or fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfurmes. There is some low-level use in food products, alcoholic and soft drinks. The oleoresin is used as a medium in microscopy and as a cement in glassware.... balsam, canadian
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)
SYNONYMS: Calendula, marygold, marybud, gold-bloom, pot marigold, hollygold, common marigold, poet’s marigold.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An annual herb up to 60 cms high with soft, oval, pale green leaves and bright orange daisylike flowers.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to southern Europe and Egypt; naturalized throughout temperate regions of the world. Widely cultivated, especially in northern Europe for domestic and medicinal use. The absolute is only produced in France.
OTHER SPECIES: There are several species of marigold, but the common marigold is the one generally used medicinally. It should not be confused with tagetes or taget from the Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta) or the African marigold (T. erecta), the oil of which is also often called ‘calendula’.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A herb of ancient medical repute, said to ‘comfort the heart and spirits’.. It was also used for skin complaints, menstrual irregularities, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, conjunctivitis and poor eyesight. The flowers are current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, specific for enlarged or inflamed lymph nodes, sebaceous cysts, duodenal ulcers and inflammatory skin lesions. The infused oil is useful for a wide range of skin problems including cracked and rough skin, nappy rash, grazes, cracked nipples, varicose veins and inflammations.
ACTIONS: Antihaemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, diaphoretic, cholagogue, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, febrifuge, fungicidal, styptic, tonic, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: An absolute by solvent extraction from the flowers.
CHARACTERISTICS: A dark greenish-brown viscous liquid with an intensely sharp, herbaceous odour. It blends well with oakmoss, hyacinth, floral and citrus oils.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: The absolute contains calendulin (a yellow resin), waxes and volatile oil.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, nonsensitizing. The real calendula absolute is only produced in small quantities, and is difficult to get hold of.
Skin care: Burns, cuts, eczema, greasy skin, inflammations, insect bites, rashes, wounds. NB: ‘The infused oil is very valuable in Aromatherapy for its powerful skin-healing properties.’ .
OTHER USES: Used in high-class perfumery.... marigold
FAMILY: Styracaceae
SYNONYMS: Gum benzoin, gum benjamin, styrax benzoin.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A large tropical tree up to 20 metres high with pale green citrus-like leaves, whitish underneath, bearing hard-shelled flattish fruit about the size of a nutmeg. The benzoin is a pathological product, formed when the trunk is cut; the tree exudes a balsamic resin which hardens upon exposure, to air and sunlight.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia; the two main regions of production are Sumatra, Java and Malaysia for ‘Sumatra’ benzoin, and Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, China and Thailand for ‘Siam’ benzoin.
OTHER SPECIES: There are many different varieties within the Styrax family which produce benzoin, but these are generally classified under either Sumatra benzoin (S. paralleloneurus) or Siam benzoin (S. tonkinensis) – see also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: It has been used for thousands of years in the east as a medicine and incense; the fumigations were believed to drive away evil spirits. It was used by the Chinese herbalists for its heating and drying qualities, as a good urinary antiseptic and as an aid to digestion.
In the west, it is best known in the form of compound tincture of benzoin or Friars Balsam, used for respiratory complaints. Externally it is used for cuts and irritable skin conditions; internally it is used as a carminative for indigestion, etc. It also acts as a preservative of fats.
ACTIONS: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, cordial, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, styptic, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: The crude benzoin is collected from the trees directly. Benzoin resinoid, or ‘resin absolute’, is prepared from the crude using solvents, for example benzene and alcohol, which are then removed. Commercial benzoin is usually sold dissolved in ethyl glycol or a similar solvent. A ‘true’ absolute is also produced in small quantities.
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. Sumatra crude benzoin occurs as greyish-brown brittle lumps with reddish streaks, with a styrax-like odour. There are several different qualities available; the so-called ‘almond’ grade is considered superior. 2. Siam benzoin comes in pebble or tear-shaped orange-brown pieces, with a sweet-balsamic vanilla-like scent, this type having a more refined odour than the Sumatra type.
Benzoin resinoid is produced from both the Siam and Sumatra types, or a mix of the two. It is an orange-brown viscous mass with an intensely rich sweet-balsamic odour. It blends well with sandalwood, rose, jasmine, copaiba balsam, frankincense, myrrh, cypress, juniper, lemon, coriander and other spice oils.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: 1. Sumatra Benzoin: mainly coniferyl cinnamate and sumaresinolic acid, with benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and traces of styrene, vanillin and benzaldehyde. 2. Siam benzoin: mainly coniferyl benzoate (65–75 per cent), with benzoic acid, vanillin, siaresinolic acid and cinnamyl benzoate.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization. Compound benzoin tincture is ‘regarded as moderately toxic, due probably to occasional contact dermatitis developed in some individuals … which contains, in addition to benzoin, aloe, storax, Tolu balsam and others.’.
Skin Care: Cuts, chapped skin, inflamed and irritated conditions.
Circulation, Muscles And Joints: Arthritis, gout, poor circulation, rheumatism.
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, chills, colic, coughs, laryngitis.
Immune System: ’Flu.
Nervous System: Nervous tension and stress-related complaints. It warms and tones the heart and circulation, both physically and metaphorically: ‘This essence creates a kind of euphoria; it interposes a padded zone between us and events.’.
OTHER USES: Compound benzoin tincture is used in pharmaceuticals and in dentistry to treat gum inflammation. The resinoid and absolute are used extensively as fixatives and fragrance components in soaps, cosmetics, toiletries and perfumes, especially Siam benzoin. Both types are used in most food categories, including alcoholic and soft drinks.... benzoin
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
SYNONYMS: Narrow-leaved paperbark tea tree, ti-tree, ti-trol, melasol.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A small tree or shrub (smallest of the tea tree family), with needle-like leaves similar to cypress, with heads of sessile yellow or purplish flowers.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to Australia. Other varieties have been cultivated elsewhere, but M. alternifolia is not produced outside Australia, mainly in New South Wales.
OTHER SPECIES: Tea tree is a general name for members of the Melaleuca family which exists in many physiological forms including cajeput (M. cajeputi) and niaouli (M. viridiflora), and many others such as M. bracteata and M. linariifolia – see Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The name derives from its local usage as a type of herbal tea, prepared from the leaves. Our present knowledge of the properties and uses of tea tree is based on a very long history of use by the aboriginal people of Australia. It has been extensively researched recently by scientific methods with the following results: ‘1. This oil is unusual in that it is active against all three varieties of infectious organisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses. 2. It is a very powerful immuno-stimulant, so when the body is threatened by any of these organisms ti-tree increases its ability to respond.’ .
ACTIONS: Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, balsamic, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, immuno-stimulant, parasiticide, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam or water distillation from the leaves and twigs.
CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellowy-green or water-white mobile liquid with a warm, fresh, spicy-camphoraceous odour. It blends well with lavandin, lavender, clary sage, rosemary, oakmoss, pine, cananga, geranium, marjoram, and spice oils, especially clove and nutmeg.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Terpinene-4-ol (up to 30 per cent), cineol, pinene, terpinenes, cymene, sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene alcohols, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals.
Skin care: Abscess, acne, athlete’s foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff, herpes, insect bites, oily skin, rashes (nappy rash), spots, verrucae, warts, wounds (infected).
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough.
Genito-urinary system: Thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, pruritis.
Immune system: Colds, fever, ’flu, infectious illnesses such as chickenpox.
OTHER USES: Employed in soaps, toothpastes, deodorants, disinfectants, gargles, germicides and, increasingly, in aftershaves and spicy colognes.... tea tree
FAMILY: Rutaceae
SYNONYM: Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A small tree, about 4.5 metres high with smooth oval leaves, bearing small round fruit which ripen from green to yellow, much like a miniature orange in appearance.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia. Extensively cultivated in Calabria in southern Italy and also grown commercially on the Ivory Coast.
OTHER SPECIES: Not to be confused with the herb bergamot or bee balm (Monarda didyma).
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Named after the Italian city of Bergamo in Lombardy, where the oil was first sold. The oil has been used in Italian folk medicine for many years, primarily for fever (including malaria) and worms; it does not feature in the folk tradition of any other countries. However, due to recent research in Italy, bergamot oil is now known to have a wide spectrum of applications, being particularly useful for mouth, skin, respiratory and urinary tract infections.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, anthelmintic, antidepressant, antiseptic (pulmonary, genito-urinary), antispasmodic, antitoxic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, deodorant, febrifuge, laxative, parasiticide, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by cold expression of the peel of the nearly ripe fruit. (A rectified or terpeneless oil is produced by vacuum distillation or solvent extraction.)
CHARACTERISTICS: A light greenish-yellow liquid with a fresh sweet-fruity, slightly spicy-balsamic undertone. On ageing it turns a brownish-olive colour. It blends well with lavender, neroli, jasmine, cypress, geranium, lemon, chamomile, juniper, coriander and violet.
PRINCIPAL CONSTTTUENTS Known to have about 300 compounds present in the expressed oil: mainly linalyl acetate (30–60 per cent), linalol (11–22 per cent) and other alcohols, sesquiterpenes, terpenes, alkanes and furocoumarins (including bergapten, 0.30–0.39 per cent).
SAFETY DATA: Certain furocoumarins, notably bergapten, have been found to be phototoxic on human skin; that is, they cause sensitization and skin pigmentation when exposed to direct sunlight (in concentration and in dilution even after some time!). Extreme care must be taken when using the oil in dermal applications – otherwise a rectified or ‘bergapten-free’ oil should be substituted. Available information indicates it to be otherwise non-toxic and relatively non-irritant.
Skin Care: Acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, insect repellent and insect bites, oily complexion, psoriasis, scabies, spots, varicose ulcers, wounds.
Respiratory System: Halitosis, mouth infections, sore throat, tonsillitis.
Digestive System: Flatulence, loss of appetite.
Genito-URINARY SYSTEM: Cystitis, leucorrhoea, pruritis, thrush.
Immune System: Colds, fever, ’flu, infectious diseases.
Nervous System: Anxiety, depression and stress-related conditions, having a refreshing and uplifting quality.
OTHER USES: Extensively used as a fragrance and, to a degree, a fixative in cosmetics, toiletries, suntan lotions and perfumes – it is a classic ingredient of eau-de-cologne. Widely used in most major food categories and beverages, notably Earl Grey tea.... bergamot
FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)
SYNONYMS: M. chamomilla, camomile, blue chamomile, matricaria, Hungarian chamomile, sweet false chamomile, single chamomile, chamomile blue (oil).
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An annual, strongly aromatic herb, up to 60 cms tall with a hairless, erect, branching stem. It has delicate feathery leaves and simple daisy-like white flowers on single stems. In appearance it is very similar to the corn chamomile (Anthemis arvensis) but can be distinguished from it because the latter is scentless.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to Europe and north and west Asia; naturalized in North America and Australia. It is cultivated extensively, especially in Hungary and eastern Europe, where the oil is produced. It is no longer grown in Germany, despite the herbal name.
OTHER SPECIES: There are many varieties of chamomile, such as the pineapple weed (Chamaemelium suaveolens) and the Roman chamomile (C. nobile), both of which are used to produce an essential oil.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: This herb has a long-standing medicinal tradition, especially in Europe for ‘all states of tension and the visceral symptoms that can arise therefrom, such as nervous dyspepsia and nervous bowel, tension headaches, and sleeplessness; especially useful for all children’s conditions, calming without depressing …’.
An excellent skin care remedy, it has many of the same qualities as Roman chamomile, except that its anti-inflammatory properties are greater due to the higher percentage of azulene.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti inflammatory, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carlminative, cicatrisant, cholagogue, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, fungicidal, hepatic, nerve sedative, stimulant of leucocyte production, stomachic, sudorific, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the flower heads (up to 1.9 per cent yield). An absolute is also produced in small quantities, which is a deeper blue colour and has greater tenacity and fixative properties.
CHARACTERISTICS: An inky-blue viscous liquid with a strong, sweetish warm-herbaceous odour. It blends well with geranium, lavender, patchouli, rose, benzoin, neroli, bergamot, marjoram, lemon, ylang ylang, jasmine, clary sage and labdanum.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Chamazulene, farnesene, bisabolol oxide, en-yndicycloether, among others. (NB The chamazulene is not present in the fresh flower but is only produced during the process of distillation.)
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant; causes dermatitis in some individuals.
Skin Care: Acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, dermatitis, earache, eczema, hair care, inflammations, insect bites, rashes, sensitive skin, teething pain, toothache, wounds.
Circulation Muscles And Joints: Arthritis, inflamed joints, muscular pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains.
Digestive System: Dyspepsia, colic, indigestion, nausea.
Genito-Urinary System: Dysmenorrhoea, menopausal problems, menorrhagia.
Nervous System: Headache, insomnia, nervous tension, migraine and stress-related complaints.
OTHER USES: Used in pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments and in carminative, antispasmodic and tonic preparations. Extensively used in cosmetics, soaps, detergents, high-class perfumes and hair and bath products. Used as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories, including alcoholic and soft drinks.... chamomile, german
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
SYNONYMS: Gum tree, southern blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, fever tree, stringy bark.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A beautiful, tall, evergreen tree, up to 90 metres high. The young trees have bluish-green oval leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark often covered in a white powder.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to Tasmania and Australia. Mainly cultivated in Spain and Portugal, also Brazil, California, Russia and China. Very little of this oil now comes from its native countries.
OTHER SPECIES: There are over 700 different species of eucalyptus, of which at least 500 produce a type of essential oil. Many have been extracted simply for experimental purposes, and research is still being carried out with regard to the different constituents of each oil. In general, they can be divided into three categories. 1. The medicinal oils containing large amounts of cineol (or eucalyptol), such as the blue gum, but increasingly the blue malee (E. polybractea), the narrow-leaved peppermint (E. radiata var. australiana) and the gully gum (E. smithii). 2. The industrial oils containing mainly piperitone and phellandrene, such as the peppermint eucalyptus (E. piperita), grey peppermint (E. radiata var. phellandra) and increasingly the broad-leaved peppermint (E. dives var. Type). 3. The perfumery oils containing mainly citronellal, such as the lemon-scented eucalyptus (E. citriodora). See also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A traditional household remedy in Australia, the leaves and oil are especially used for respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and croup, and the dried leaves are smoked like tobacco for asthma. It is also used for feverish conditions (malaria, typhoid, cholera, etc.) and skin problems like burns, ulcers and wounds. Aqueous extracts are used for aching joints, bacterial dysentery, ringworms, tuberculosis, etc. and employed for similar reasons in western and eastern medicine. The wood is also used for timber production in Spain.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, parasiticide, prophylactic, rubefacient, stimulant, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs.
CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless mobile liquid (yellows on ageing), with a somewhat harsh camphoraceous odour and woody-sweet undertone. It blends well with thyme, rosemary, lavender, marjoram, pine, cedarwood and lemon. (The narrow-leaved eucalyptus (E. radiata var. australiana) is often used in preference to the blue gum in aromatherapy work, being rich in cineol but with a sweeter and less harsh odour.)
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Cineol (70–85 per cent), pinene, limonene, cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, aromadendrene, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Externally non-toxic, non-irritant (in dilution), non-sensitizing. ‘When taken internally eucalyptus oil is toxic and as little as 3.5ml has been reported as fatal’..
Skin Care: Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect bites, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, wounds.
Circulation Muscles And Joints: Muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, etc.
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, throat infections.
Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, leucorrhoea.
Immune System: Chickenpox, colds, epidemics, ’flu, measles.
Nervous System: Debility, headaches, neuralgia.
OTHER USES: The oil and cineol are largely employed in the preparation of liniments, inhalants, cough syrups, ointments, toothpaste and as pharmaceutical flavourings also used in veterinary practise and dentistry. Used as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents and toiletries – little used in perfumes. Used for the isolation of cineol and employed as a flavour ingredient in most major food categories.... eucalyptus, blue gum
FAMILY: Burseraceae
SYNONYMS: Olibanum, gum thus.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A handsome small tree or shrub with abundant pinnate leaves and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo gum resin which is collected by making incisions into the bark: at first, a milky-white liquid appears which then solidifies into tear-shaped amber to orange-brown lumps between the size of a pea and walnut.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Red Sea region; grows wild throughout north east Africa. The gum is mainly produced in Somalia, Ethiopia, China and south Arabia, then distilled in Europe and, to a lesser extent, India.
OTHER SPECIES: Other Boswellia species also yield olibanum gum, such as the Indian variety B. serrata. Constituents vary according to type and locality. See also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used since antiquity as an incense in India, China and in the west by the Catholic Church. In ancient Egypt it was used in rejuvenating face masks, cosmetics and perfumes. It has been used medicinally in the east and west for a wide range of conditions including syphilis, rheumatism, respiratory and urinary tract infections, skin diseases, as well as digestive and nervous complaints.
ACTIONS: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from selected oleo gum resin (approx. 3–10 per cent oil to 60–70 per cent resin). An absolute is also produced, for use mainly as a fixative.
CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow or greenish mobile liquid with a fresh, terpeney top note and a warm, rich, sweet-balsamic undertone. It blends well with sandalwood, pine, vetiver, geranium, lavender, mimosa, neroli, orange, bergamot, camphor, basil, pepper, cinnamon and other spices. It modifies the sweetness of citrus blends in an intriguing way.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly monoterpene hydrocarbons, notably pinene, dipentene, limonene, thujene, phellandrene, cymene, myrcene, terpinene; also octyl acetate, octanol, incensole, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.
Skin Care: Blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds, wrinkles.
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis.
Genito-Urinary System: Cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia.
Immune System: Colds, ’flu.
Nervous System: Anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions – ‘Frankincense has, among its physical properties, the ability to slow down and deepen the breath … which is very conducive to prayer and meditation.’.
OTHER USES: The gum and oil are used as fixatives and fragrance components in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially oriental, spice and men’s fragrances. Employed in some pharmaceuticals such as liniments and throat pastilles. Extensively used in the manufacture of incense. The oil is used in minute amounts in some foods (such as meat products), alcoholic and soft drinks.... frankincense
FAMILY: Geraniaceae
SYNONYMS: Rose geranium, pelargonium.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A perennial hairy shrub up to 1 metre high with pointed leaves, serrated at the edges and small pink flowers. The whole plant is aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to South Africa; widely cultivated in Russia, Egypt, Congo, Japan, Central America and Europe (Spain, Italy and France). With regard to essential oil production, there are three main regions: Reunion (Bourbon), Egypt and Russia (also China).
OTHER SPECIES: There are over 700 varieties of cultivated geranium and pelargonium, many of which are grown for ornamental purposes. There are several oil-producing species such as P. odorantissimum and P. radens, but P. graveolens is the main one commercially cultivated for its oil. Geranium Bourbon (P. Roseum) has a superior fragrance to other species, having a rich rosy-fruity scent due to the higher levels of linalook and iso-methone content. See also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The British plant herb robert (Geranium robertianum) and the American cranesbill (G. maculatum) are the most widely used types in herbal medicine today, having been used since antiquity. They have many properties in common with the rose geranium, being used for conditions such as dysentery, haemorrhoids, inflammations, metrorrhagia and menorrhagia (excessive blood loss during menstruation). The root and herb of cranesbill is specifically indicated in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for diarrhoea and peptic ulcer.
ACTIONS: Antidepressant, antihaemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrisant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicidal, haemostatic, stimulant (adrenal cortex), styptic, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the leaves, stalks and flowers. An absolute and concrete are also produced in Morocco.
CHARACTERISTICS: The Bourbon oil is a greenish-olive liquid with a green, rosy-sweet, minty scent. The Bourbon oil is generally preferred in perfumery work; it blends well with lavender, patchouli, clove, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper, neroli, bergamot and other citrus oils.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Citronellol, geraniol, linalol, isomenthone, menthane, phellandrene, sabinene, limonene, among others. Constituents vary according to type and source.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, generally non-sensitizing; possible contact dermatitis in hypersensitive individuals, especially with the Bourbon type.
Skin Care: Acne, bruises, broken capillaries, burns, congested skin, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, haemorrhoids, lice, oily complexion, mature skin, mosquito repellent, ringworm, ulcers, wounds.
Circulation Muscles And Joints: Cellulitis, engorgement of breasts, oedema, poor circulation.
Respiratory System: Sore throat, tonsillitis.
Genito-Urinary And Endocrine Systems: Adrenocortical glands and menopausal problems, PMT.
Nervous System: Nervous tension, neuralgia and stress-related conditions.
OTHER USES: Used as a fragrance component in all kinds of cosmetic products: soaps, creams, perfumes, etc. Extensively employed as a flavouring agent in most major food categories, alcoholic and soft drinks.... geranium
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An attractive perennial, almost evergreen subshrub up to 60 cms high with a woody stem, small, lance-shaped leaves and purplish-blue flowers.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Mediterranean region and temperate Asia; now grows wild throughout America, Russia and Europe. It is mainly cultivated in Hungary and France, and to a lesser degree in Albania and Yugoslavia.
OTHER SPECIES: There are four main subspecies of hyssop, but H. officinalis is the main oil producing variety. The species H. officinalis var. decumbens is less toxic than many other types, and well suited to aromatherapy use. To be distinguished from hedge hyssop (Gratiola officinalis) which is still used in herbal medicine but belongs to an entirely different family.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Although hyssop is mentioned in the Bible, it probably does not refer to this herb but to a form of wild marjoram or oregano, possibly Oreganum syriacum. Nevertheless H. officinalis has an ancient medical reputation and was used for purifying sacred places, and employed as a stewing herb. ‘The healing virtues of the plant are due to a particular volatile oil.’.
It is used principally for respiratory and digestive complaints, and externally for rheumatism, bruises, sores, earache and toothache. It is also used to regulate the blood pressure, as a general nerve tonic, and for states of anxiety or hysteria. It is current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a specific for bronchitis and the common cold.
ACTIONS: Astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericidal, carminative, cephalic, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hypertensive, nervine, sedative, sudorific, tonic (heart and circulation), vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops.
CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless to pale yellowy-green liquid with a sweet, camphoraceous top note and warm spicy herbaceous undertone. It blends well with lavender, rosemary, myrtle, bay leaf, sage, clary sage, geranium and citrus oils.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Pinocamphone, isopinocamphone, estragole, borneol, geraniol, limonene, thujone, myrcene, caryophyllene, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-irritant, non-sensitizing; the oil is moderately toxic due to the pinocamphone content. It should be used only in moderation and avoided in pregnancy and by epileptics.
Skin Care: Bruises, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, inflammation, wounds.
Circulation Muscles And Joints: Low or high blood pressure, rheumatism.
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, whooping cough.
Digestive System: Colic, indigestion.
Genito-Urinary System: Amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
Immune System: Colds, ’flu.
Nervous System: Anxiety, fatigue, nervous tension and stress-related conditions.
OTHER USES: Employed as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially eau-de-cologne and oriental bases. Used as a flavour ingredient in many food products, mainly sauces and seasonings; also in alcoholic drinks, especially liqueurs such as chartreuse.... hyssop
FAMILY: Cupressaceae
SYNONYM: Common juniper.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An evergreen shrub or tree up to 6 metres high, with bluish green narrow stiff needles. It has small flowers and little round berries, which are green in the first year, turning black in the second and third.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to the northern hemisphere: Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada, northern Europe and northern Asia. The oil is mainly produced in Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Germany and Canada.
OTHER SPECIES: In Yugoslavia an oil is produced from the fruit and twigs of J. smerka, less rich and sweet than that of common juniper. There are various other species of juniper such as J. oxycedrus which produces cade oil, J. virginiana which produces the so-called Virginian cedarwood oil, and J. sabina which produces savin oil. See also Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The needles and berries have a long traditional history of use. It is used medicinally for urinary infections such as cystitis and urethritis; for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colic and coughs; as well as gastro-intestinal infections and worms. It helps expel the build-up of uric acid in the joints, and is employed in gout, rheumatism and arthritis. Current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for rheumatic pain and cystitis.
ACTIONS: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, parasiticide, rubefacient, sedative, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from 1. the berries (sometimes fermented first as a by-product of juniper – brandy manufacture – the oil is considered an inferior product), and 2. the needles and wood. A resinoid, concrete and absolute are also produced on a small scale.
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. A water-white or pale yellow mobile liquid with a sweet, fresh, woody-balsamic odour. It blends well with vetiver, sandalwood, cedarwood, mastic, oakmoss, galbanum, elemi, cypress, clary sage, pine, lavender, lavandin, labdanum, fir needle, rosemary, benzoin, balsam tolu, geranium and citrus oils. 2. A water-white or pale yellow mobile liquid with a sweet-balsamic, fresh, turpentine-like odour.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly monoterpenes: pinene, myrcene, sabinene with limonene, cymene, terpinene, thujene and camphene, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-sensitizing, may be slightly irritating, generally non-toxic. However, it stimulates the uterine muscle (an abortifacient) and must not be used during pregnancy. Neither should it be used by those with kidney disease due to its nephrotoxic effect. The wood oil is usually adulterated with turpentine oil. It is best to use only juniper berry oil, in moderation.
Skin care: Acne, dermatitis, eczema, hair loss, haemorrhoids, oily complexions, as a skin toner, wounds.
Circulation muscles and joints: Accumulation of toxins, arteriosclerosis, cellulitis, gout, obesity, rheumatism.
Immune system: Colds, ’flu, infections.
Genito-urinary system: Amenorrhoea, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
Nervous system: Anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions.
OTHER USES: Berries and extracts are used in diuretic and laxative preparations; also veterinary preventatives of ticks and fleas. Employed as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes, especially spicy fragrances and aftershaves. Extensively used in many food products but especially alcoholic and soft drinks: the berries are used to flavour gin.... juniper
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
SYNONYMS: L. vera, L. officinalis, garden lavender, common lavender
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An evergreen woody shrub, up to 1 metre tall, with pale green, narrow, linear leaves and flowers on blunt spikes of a beautiful violet-blue colour. The whole plant is highly aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, now cultivated all over the world. The oil is produced mainly in France, also Spain, Italy, England, Australia, Tasmania, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.
OTHER SPECIES: There are many varieties of lavender; L. angustifolia is divided into two subspecies – L. delphinensis and L. fragrans. French lavender (L. stoechas) is a smaller shrub with dark violet flowers; see also entries on spike lavender, lavandin and the Botanical Classification section. The so-called cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparissus) and the sea lavender (Statice caroliniana) belong to different botanical families.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Lavender has a well-established tradition as a folk remedy, and its scent is still familiar to almost everyone. It was used to ‘comfort the stomach’ but above all as a cosmetic water, an insect repellent, to scent linen, and as a reviving yet soothing oil ‘The essential oil, or a spirit of lavender made from it, proves admirably restorative and tonic against faintness, palpitations of a nervous sort, weak giddiness, spasms and colic ... A few drops of lavender in a hot footbath has a marked influence in relieving fatigue. Outwardly applied, it relieves toothache, neuralgia, sprains and rheumatism. In hysteria, palsy and similar disorders of debility and lack of nerve power, lavender will act as a powerful stimulant.’.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, carminative, cholagogue, choleretic, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypotensive, insecticide, nervine, parasiticide, rubefacient, sedative, stimulant, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: 1. Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops. 2. An absolute and concrete are also produced by solvent extraction in smaller quantities.
CHARACTERISTICS: 1. The oil is a colourless to pale yellow liquid with a sweet, floral herbaceous scent and balsamic-woody undertone; it has a more fragrant floral scent compared to spike lavender. It blends well with most oils, especially citrus and florals; also cedarwood, clove, clary sage, pine, geranium, labdanum, oakmoss, vetiver, patchouli, etc. 2. The absolute is a dark green viscous liquid with a very sweet herbaceous, somewhat floral odour.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Over 100 constituents including linalyl acetate (up to 40 per cent), linalol, lavandulol, lavandulyl acetate, terpineol, cineol, limonene, ocimene, caryophyllene, among others. Constituents vary according to source: high altitudes generally produce more esters.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.
AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE Generally regarded as the most versatile essence therapeutically:
Skin care: Abscesses, acne, allergies, athlete’s foot, boils, bruises, burns, dandruff, dermatitis, earache, eczema, inflammations, insect bites and stings, insect repellent, lice, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, sores, spots, all skin types, sunburn, wounds.
Circulation muscles and joints: Lumbago, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sprains.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, halitosis, laryngitis, throat infections, whooping cough.
Digestive system: Abdominal cramps, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.
Genito-urinary system: Cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
Immune system: ’Flu.
Nervous system: Depression, headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related conditions, PMT, sciatica, shock, vertigo.
OTHER USES: Used in pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments and as a fragrance. Extensively employed in all types of soaps, lotions, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, etc, especially toilet waters and colognes. Employed as a flavouring agent in most categories of food as well as alcoholic and soft drinks.... lavender, true
FAMILY: Myrtaceae
SYNONYMS: New Zealand tea tree, kahikatoa, red manuka, manex.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Manuka plant is an elegant, bushy evergreen shrub with deep green small spiky leaves that bears small flowers of white to pink in colour. The blossom is produced from September to February and most profusely in the later months. Its size ranges from a creeping plant to a small tree – trees can reach heights of up to 8 metres, especially when found within dense woodland. The leaves and flowers are strongly aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Manuka is the only Leptospermum species native to New Zealand, where it is widely distributed in various climatic and altitudinal zones. The physical characteristics, such as flower and leaf colour, leaf size and shape, branching habit, and foliage density vary considerably among populations. The plant can now be found in Australia where it seems to acclimatize well to varied terrain from marshland to dry mountain slopes. The essential oil is generally harvested from wild plants, as little farming of Manuka is currently undertaken.
OTHER SPECIES: The family Myrtaceae yields many valuable essential oils including eucalyptus, myrtle and tea tree. Another native tree of New Zealand called kanuka (Kunzea ericoides), sometimes called white or tree manuka, although superficially similar to L. scoparium in that both are collectively known as ‘tea trees’, is actually genetically a very distinct species. Kanuka in its typical form can grow into a tree up to 30 metres tall. It is also used to produce an essential oil.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: For centuries, New Zealand Maori have used manuka to treat a wide range of complaints. Early New Zealand records indicate that the plant’s bark, leaves, sap and seed capsules were used in beverages and medicinal preparations. A decoction of the leaves was drunk for urinary complaints and as a febrifuge. The steam from leaves boiled in water was inhaled for head colds. A decoction was prepared from the leaves and bark and the warm liquid was rubbed on stiff muscles and aching joints. The emollient white gum, called ‘pai manuka’, was given to nursing babies and also used to treat scalds and burns. Chewing the bark is said to have a relaxing effect and enhance sleep. It is said that Captain James Cook used the leaves of the plant as a tea to combat scurvy during long explorations of the southern hemisphere; later, early European settlers of New Zealand adopted Captain Cook’s use of the plant as a tea.
Recently, scientists have confirmed that manuka oil is up to 33 times stronger than tea tree essential oil for protecting against specific strains of bacteria; it is also effective against the MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staph. Aureus) bacteria, which is resistant to normal antibiotics.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, digestive, expectorant, immune stimulant, insecticide, sedative, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Steam distilled from the leaves, twigs and branches.
CHARACTERISTICS: A mobile liquid with a distinctive fresh, spicy, herbaceous aroma with a honey-like sweetness. It blends well with bay leaf, bergamot, black pepper, cajuput, cedarwood atlas, cinnamon, clove bud, elemi, ginger, juniper, lavender, nutmeg, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, vetiver and ylang ylang.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: The main active constituents of manuka oil are isoleptospermone, ?-pinene, ?-pinene, myrcene, ?-cymene, 1,8-cineole, linalol, methylcinnamate, ?-farnesine, isoleptospermone, leptospermone, sesquiterpenes such as cadina-3, 5-diene and ?-amorphene, and triketones. However, within the species of manuka there are at least nine different chemotypes: oil which contains high levels of triketones, found in the East Cape area of North Island in New Zealand appears to possess the greatest antimicrobial potential. Other chemotypes however are thought to reveal greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic tendencies. It is important to be aware of these various chemotypes when selecting an oil for therapeutic purposes.
SAFETY DATA: Generally it is thought to be non-sensitizing, non-toxic, and non-irritant. It can in some individuals, produce mild irritation but has a low irritancy compared to Australian tea tree oil. Avoid use during pregnancy because of spasmolytic activity.
Skin care: Acne, abscesses, athlete’s foot skin, bed sores, blisters, boils, burns, carbuncles, cold sores, cracked skin, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, insect bites and stings, lice, nail infections, oily skin, pimples, ringworm, sores, sunburn, tinea and ulcers.
Circulation, muscles and joints: Aches and pains, muscular tension, sprains and stiffness in joints, rheumatism.
Respiratory system: Coughs, cold, ’flu congestion, as well as asthma and hayfever.
Immune system: Tonic
Nervous system: Nervous debility.
OTHER USES: The essential oil is much used in phyto-cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations mainly for its potent antimicrobial properties. Commercial development of the essential oil has led to a range of products for the topical treatment of various conditions including joint pain, eczema and psoriasis. The oil is also used in perfumes and soaps. The scented flowers of the shrub attract bees, which are used for making the popular manuka honey.... manuka
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
SYNONYMS: Marjorana hortensis, knotted marjoram.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tender bushy perennial plant (cultivated as an annual in colder climates), up to 60 cms high with a hairy stem, dark green oval leaves and small greyish white flowers in clusters or ‘knots’. The whole plant is strongly aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Mediterranean region, Egypt and North Africa. Major oil-producing countries include France, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Bulgaria, Hungary and Germany.
ACTIONS: Analgesic, anaphrodisiac, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericidal, carminative, cephalic, cordial, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, hypotensive, laxative, nervine, sedative, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation of the dried flowering herb. An oleoresin is also produced in smaller quantities.
CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow or amber coloured mobile liquid with a warm, woody, spicy camphoraceous odour. It blends well with lavender, rosemary, bergamot, chamomile, cypress, cedarwood, tea tree and eucalyptus.
OTHER SPECIES: There is a great deal of confusion regarding the various species of marjoram or oregano. The most common types are the pot or French marjoram (Origanum onites or Marjorana onites), which is a hardier plant than the sweet marjoram and of a spreading nature; the Spanish marjoram or oregano (Thymus mastichina) and the wild or common marjoram or oregano (Origanum vulgare) which is used to produce the so-called ‘oregano oil’. See entries on common oregano, Spanish oregano and also the Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A traditional culinary herb and folk remedy. It was used by the ancient Greeks in their fragrances, cosmetics and medicines; the name oregano derives from a Greek word meaning ‘joy of the mountains’. lt is a versatile herb which has a soothing, fortifying and warming effect; it aids digestive and menstrual problems, as well as nervous and respiratory complaints.
It is ‘comforting in cold diseases of the head, stomach, sinews and other parts, taken inwardly or outwardly applied ... helps diseases of the chest, obstructions of the liver and spleen.’. It is also very helpful for muscular and rheumatic pain, sprains, strains, stiff joints, bruises, etc.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Terpinenes, terpineol, sabinenes, linalol, carvacrol, linalyl acetate, ocimene, cadinene, geranyl acetate, citral, eugenol, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Not to be used during pregnancy.
Skin care: Chilblains, bruises, ticks.
Circulation muscles and joints: Arthritis, lumbago, muscular aches and stiffness, rheumatism, sprains, strains.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, coughs.
Digestive system: Colic, constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence.
Genito-urinary system: Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, PMT.
Immune system: Colds.
Nervous system: Headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension and stress-related conditions.
OTHER USES: The oil and oleoresin are used as fragrance components in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes. Employed in most major food categories, especially meats, seasonings and sauces, as well as soft drinks and alcoholic beverages such as vermouths and bitters.... marjoram, sweet
FAMILY: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
SYNONYMS: R. coronarium, compass plant, incensier.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A shrubby evergreen bush up to 2 metres high with silvery green, needle-shaped leaves and pale blue flowers. The whole plant is strongly aromatic.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Mediterranean region, now cultivated worldwide in California, Russia, Middle East, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Morocco, China, etc. The main oil-producing countries are France, Spain and Tunisia.
OTHER SPECIES: R. officinalis is the type used for oil production but it is generally not specified, although there are many different cultivars, for example pine-scented rosemary (R. officinalis var. angustifolius). See also Botanical Classification.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: One of the earliest plants to be used for food, medicine and magic, being regarded as sacred in many civilizations. Sprigs of rosemary were burnt at shrines in ancient Greece, fumigations were used in the Middle Ages to drive away evil spirits, and to protect against plague and infectious illness.
It has been used for a wide range of complaints including respiratory and circulatory disorders, liver congestion, digestive and nervous complaints, muscular and rheumatic pain, skin and hair problems. It is current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a specific for ‘depressive states with general debility and indications of cardiovascular weakness’..
ACTIONS: Analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, choleretic, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, fungicidal, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, parasiticide, restorative, rubefacient, stimulant (circulatory, adrenal cortex, hepatobiliary), stomachic, sudorific, tonic (nervous, general), vulnerary.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops or (in Spain) the whole plant (poorer quality).
CHARACTERISTICS: A colourless or pale yellow mobile liquid with a strong, fresh, minty herbaceous scent and a woody-balsamic undertone. Poor quality oils have a strong camphoraceous note. It blends well with olibanum, lavender, lavandin, citronella, oregano, thyme, pine, basil, peppermint, labdanum, elemi, cedarwood, petitgrain, cinnamon and other spice oils.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly pinenes, camphene, limonene, cineol, borneol with camphor, linalol, terpineol, octanone, bornyl acetate, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant (in dilution only), non-sensitizing. Avoid during pregnancy. Not to be used by epileptics.
Skin care: Acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellent, promotes hair growth, regulates seborrhoea, scabies, stimulates scalp, lice, varicose veins.
Circulation muscles and joints: Arteriosclerosis, fluid retention, gout, muscular pain, palpitations, poor circulation, rheumatism.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough.
Digestive system: Colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders, hypercholesterolaemia, jaundice.
Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea.
Immune system: Colds, ’flu, infections.
Nervous system: Debility, headaches, hypotension, neuralgia, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress-related disorders.
OTHER USES: Extensively used in soaps, detergents, cosmetics, household sprays and perfumes, especially colognes. Also used as a masking agent. Extensively employed in most major food categories, especially meat products, as well as alcoholic and soft drinks. Serves as a source of natural anti-oxidants.... rosemary