Weight and height Health Dictionary

Weight And Height: From 1 Different Sources

Charts relating height to age have been devised, and give an indication of the normal rate of growth. (See APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE for more details.) The wide variation in normal children is immediately apparent on studying such charts. Deviations from the mean of this wide range are called percentiles. Centile or percentile charts describe the distribution of a characteristic in a population. They are obtained by measuring a speci?c characteristic in a large population of at least 1,000 of each sex at each age. For each age there will be a height, above and below which 50 per cent of the population lies: this is called the 50th centile. The 50th centile thus indicates the mean height at a particular age. Such tables are less reliable around the age of PUBERTY, because of variation in age of onset.

Minor variations from the mean do not warrant investigation, but if the height of an individual falls below the third centile (3 per cent of normal children have a height that falls below the third centile) or above the 97th centile, investigation is required. Changes in the rate of growth are also important, and skeletal proportions may provide useful information. There are many children who are normal but who are small in relation to their parents; the problem is merely growth delay. These children take longer to reach maturity and there is also a proportional delay in their skeletal maturation – so that the actual height must always be assessed in relation to maturity. The change in skeletal proportions is one manifestation of maturity, but other features include the maturing of facial features with the growth of nose and jaw, and dental development. Maturity of bone can readily be measured by the radiological bone age.

Failure to gain weight is of more signi?cance. Whilst this may be due to some underlying disease, the most common cause is a diet containing inadequate calories (see CALORIE). Over the last six decades or so there has been quite a striking increase in the heights and weights of European children, with manufacturers of children’s clothing, shoes and furniture having to increase the size of their products. Growth is now completed at 20–21 years, compared with 25 at the turn of the century. It has been suggested that this increase, and earlier maturation, have been due to a combination of genetic mixing as a result of population movements, with the whole range of improvement in environmental hygiene – and not merely to better nutrition.

In the case of adults, views have changed in recent years concerning ‘ideal’ weight. Life-insurance statistics have shown that maximal life expectancy is obtained if the average weight at 25–30 years is maintained throughout the rest of life. These insurance statistics also suggest that it is of advantage to be slightly over the average weight before the age of 30 years; to be of average weight after the age of 40; and to be underweight from ages 30–40. In the past it has been usual, in assessing the signi?cance of an adult’s weight, to allow a 10 per cent range on either side of normal for variations in body-build. A closer correlation has been found between thoracic and abdominal measurements and weight.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Drink Tea For Weight Loss

If you’ve decided to go on a diet in order to lose weight, you have to be careful with what you drink and eat. Sodas and some juices are a definite no, and while you can drink water all the time, it might get a bit dull. If you want to try something different, and especially pleasant to the taste, tea’s the best choice. Find out more about the perfect teas for weight loss. Benefits of tea for weight loss If you drink your tea simple, without sugar, then you’ll enjoy a hot beverage with 0 calories. This at least prevents you from gaining weight. However, based on the effect one type of tea may have on the digestive system, drinking tea can even help you lose weight. From green tea to oolong tea, each has its own health benefits which help you when you’re on a diet. Types of tea for weight loss First of all, green tea is perfect when you’re on a diet. Among its active constituents, green tea has catechin polyphenols, which is quite useful when you want to lose weight. Thanks to this, drinking green tea will increase thermogenesis (the amount of calories which are burned) and fat oxidation. You can drink 4-5 cups of tea a day. Oolong tea is also helpful if you’re on a diet. It even has a stronger effect than green tea, by speeding up the body’s metabolism and promoting fat burning. If you include it in your diet, don’t drink more than two cups a day. Peppermint tea is included on the list of teas you can drink while on a diet. Besides the fact that it promotes a good digestion, it helps you burn calories as it speeds up the digestive process. Other teas that help you lose weight include star anise tea, rose petal tea, as well as various types of herbal teas. Tea Steeping Time Steeping time varies from one type of tea to another. If you use teabags, follow the instructions written on the box. If you use dried leaves to make your tea for weight loss, then here are a few steeping instructions. If you’re drinking green tea, it’s best that you let it steep for about 3 minutes. Steeping time for oolong tea can vary from one minute to 5, based on how strong you want the tea’s flavor to be. And as for peppermint tea, you should let it steep for about 4-5 minutes. Tips to sweeten your diet tea If you want to sweeten your tea even when on a diet, you mustn’t use sugar or milk, even if you like those the best. While they won’t add weight, they also won’t help you lose it. The best solution, in this case, is for you to use honey. Other things you can use to sweeten it are fruit juices (especially lemon juice) and stevia leaves. Based on your preferences and the taste of the tea you choose, you can even combine them. Caffeine in tea and weight loss The caffeine found in various types of tea also helps you lose weight. Caffeine acts as a stimulant; therefore it gives you more energy. The more energetic you feel, the more you’re bound to exercise in order to burn more fats. Also, as it acts as a stimulant, it can help reduce your appetite. Caffeine might not be the only stimulant you’ll find in teas. Other stimulants include ginseng, taurine, and guarnine. Side effects related to weight loss tea People who know coffee doesn’t do them good should be careful with teas that contain caffeine. It can cause unpleasant side effects, such as insomnia, anxiety, headache, dizziness, irritability, blurred vision and skin rashes. When you combine your diet tea with a different alimentation and exercising, the side effects might become more unpleasant. Also, make sure you check the amount of tea that’s recommended for drinking. You can have 4-5 cups of green tea per day, while in the case of oolong tea, it is advised that you drink two cups. The amount varies from one tea to another. Now, drinking tea for weight loss sounds like a tempting idea. Considering how helpful tea can be when you’re trying to lose weight, make sure you pick one when you go on a diet.... drink tea for weight loss


See WEIGHT AND HEIGHT.... height


The heaviness of a person or object. In children, weight is routinely used as an index of growth. In healthy adults, weight remains more or less stable as dietary energy intake matches energy expenditure (see metabolism).

Weight loss or weight gain occurs if the net balance is disturbed.

Weight can be compared with standardized charts for height, age, and sex. At all ages, divergence from the normal weight for height may have medical implications. For example, if weight is below 80 per cent of the standard weight for height, the individual’s nutrition is probably inadequate as a result of poor diet or disease, and if 20 per cent above the standard, he or she is considered to be suffering from obesity. An alternative method of assessment is use of the body mass index (, or Quetelet’s index), obtained by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in metres. A healthy weight is 20–25 ; a of greater than 25 indicates that a person is overweight. weight loss This occurs any time there is a decrease in energy intake compared with energy expenditure. The decrease may be due to deliberate weight reduction or a change in diet or activity level. It may also be a symptom of a disorder. Unexplained weight loss should always be investigated by a doctor.

Many diseases disrupt the appetite, which may lead to weight loss. Depression reduces the motivation to eat, peptic ulcer causes pain and possible food avoidance, and some kidney disorders cause loss of appetite due to the effect of uraemia. In anorexia nervosa and bulimia, complex psychological factors affect an individual’s eating pattern.

Digestive disorders, such as gastroenteritis, lead to weight loss through vomiting. Cancer of the oesophagus (see oesophagus, cancer of) and stomach cancer cause loss of weight, as does malabsorption of nutrients in certain disorders of the intestine or pancreas.

Some disorders cause weight loss by increasing the rate of metabolic activity in cells. Examples are any type of cancer, chronic infection such as tuberculosis, and hyperthyroidism. Untreated diabetes mellitus also causes weight loss due to a number of factors.... weight

Fundal Height

(symphysis–fundal height) the distance, measured in centimetres, from the top of the symphysis pubis to the highest point in the midline at the top of the uterus (fundus). It is measured at each antenatal visit to assess fetal growth and development during pregnancy. See fetal growth chart.... fundal height

Low-molecular-weight Heparin

a type of *heparin that is more readily absorbed and requires less frequent administration than standard heparin preparations used as *parenteral anticoagulant therapy to prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis following surgery or during kidney dialysis. Preparations in use include, dalteparin sodium, enoxaparin sodium, and tinzaparin sodium.... low-molecular-weight heparin

Weight Reduction

The process of losing excess body fat. A person who is severely overweight (see obesity) is more at risk of various illnesses, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease.

The most efficient way to lose weight is to eat 500–1,000 kcal (2,100–4,200 kJ) a day less than the body’s total energy requirements. Exercise also forms an extremely important part of a reducing regime, burning excess energy and improving muscle tone.

In most circumstances, drugs play little part in a weight loss programme.

However, sibutramine and orlistat may be useful adjuncts to a reducing diet and may be appropriate for some people with a high (see body mass index). Appetite suppressants related to amfetamines are not recommended.... weight reduction

Symphysis–fundal Height

(SFH) see fundal height.... symphysis–fundal height

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