Weights and measures Health Dictionary

Weights And Measures: From 1 Different Sources

It is more than a hundred years since the metric system was legalised in Britain, but it was not until 1969 that it became illegal to use any system of weights and measures other than the metric system for dispensing prescriptions.

A rationalisation of the metric system is now used, known as the International System of Units (SI – see APPENDIX 6: MEASUREMENTS IN MEDICINE).

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary



Qualitative Measures

Measures which describe in words or diagrams rather than using numbers.... qualitative measures

Quantitative Measures

Measures using numbers to attempt to measure what has occurred.... quantitative measures

Heroic Measures

a mainly US term for therapies instituted to save a patient’s life when all other options have failed. These may have serious or even fatal side-effects, but the risk is considered worth taking since the patient will surely otherwise die. Many people specify ‘no heroic measures’ in their *advance directive (‘living will’).... heroic measures

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