Werthheim’s hysterectomy Health Dictionary

Werthheim’s Hysterectomy: From 1 Different Sources

A major operation done to remove cancer of the UTERUS or ovary (see OVARIES). The ovaries, FALLOPIAN TUBES, the uterus and its ligaments, the upper VAGINA, and the regional LYMPH NODES are all excised.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


Surgical removal of the UTERUS. Hysterooophorectomy is the term applied to removal of the uterus and OVARIES. (See also UTERUS, DISEASES OF.)... hysterectomy

Wertheim’s Hysterectomy

a radical operation performed for cervical cancer, in which the uterus, upper vagina, broad ligaments, and parametrium are removed in conjunction with regional lymph nodes. [E. Wertheim (1864–1920), Austrian gynaecologist]... wertheim’s hysterectomy

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