Wormwood Health Dictionary

Wormwood: From 3 Different Sources

Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
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Author: Health Dictionary
Artemisia absinthium. N.O. Compositae. Synonym: Ajenjo, Old Woman.

Habitat: Waste ground. Features ? Stem two feet high, whitish, silky hairs. Leaves downy, three inches long by one and a half inches broad, pinnatifid, stalked, lobes linear, obtuse. Flowers (August) pale yellow with greenish tint, small, globular, clustered in erect, leafy panicle. Part used ? Herb.

Action: Tonic, stomachic, anthelmintic. Infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water, taken in wineglass doses for poor digestion and debility. A reliable remedy for worms.

Health Source: Herbal Manual
Author: Health Dictionary
Artemisia absinthium

FAMILY: Asteraceae (Compositae)

SYNONYMS: Common wormwood, green ginger, armoise, absinthium (oil).

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A perennial herb up to 1.5 metres high with a whitish stem, silvery-green, divided leaves covered in silky fine hairs, and pale yellow flowers.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia; naturalized in North America. It is extensively cultivated in central and southern Europe, the USSR, North Africa and the USA, where the oil is mainly produced.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many other Artemisia species such as davana and the Roman wormwood. See also entry on mugwort (A. vulgaris) also commonly called ‘armoise’; remedy for epilepsy and as an aromatic stewing herb to banish fleas.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Used as an aromatic-bitter for anorexia, as a digestive tonic and as a choleretic for liver and gall bladder disorders, usually in the form of a dilute extract. It is also used to promote menstruation, reduce fever and expel worms. It was once used as a remedy for epilepsy and as an aromatic stewing herb to banish fleas.

ACTIONS: Anthelmintic, choleretic, deodorant, emmenagogue, febrifuge, insect repellent, narcotic, stimulant (digestive), tonic, vermifuge.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops. (An absolute is occasionally produced by solvent extraction.)

CHARACTERISTICS: A dark green or bluish oil with a spicy, warm, bitter-green odour and a sharp, fresh topnote. The ‘de-thujonized’ oil blends well with oakmoss, jasmine, neroli, lavender and hyacinth.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Thujone (up to 71 per cent), azulenes, terpenes.

SAFETY DATA: Toxic. Abortifacient. Habitual use can cause restlessness, nightmares, convulsions, vomiting and, in extreme cases, brain damage. In 1915 the French banned the production of the drink Absinthe with this plant, due to its narcotic and habit-forming properties.

AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE None. ‘Should not be used in therapy either internally or externally.’.

OTHER USES: Occasionally used in rubefacient pharmaceutical preparations and as a fragrance component in toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes. Widely employed (at minute levels) as a flavouring agent in alcoholic bitters and vermouths; also to a lesser extent in soft drinks and some foods, especially confectionery and desserts.

Health Source: The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils
Author: Julia Lawless

Wormwood Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Wormwood Tea has been known for centuries as a great herbal treatment. Greeks used it as a treatment for many diseases, mostly concerning the digestive system problems or nervous system affections. Wormwood is a perennial herb that grows mainly in areas like Europe, Asia and Africa. It has speared-like green leaves, bright yellow flowers and its roots resemble to a rhizome. Also known as artemisia absinthus, wormwood has hallucinogenic and psychoactive properties. Wormwood is widely known as absinthe and it is said that great artists like Van Gogh and Hemingway owe a lot of their creation to wormwood consumption. Wormwood Tea Properties Aside from its hallucinogenic properties, Wormwood Tea turns out to be quite a help when it comes to treating certain health problems. Wormwood Tea is one of the bitterest teas on Earth so only take it combined with honey, ginger or lemon. Wormwood is the main ingredient of absinthe liquor and it’s also used as an important additive for wines, vinegar and vermouth. The active substances of this tea are thujone (absinthol or tenacetone), thujyl alcohol, acids, absinthin, tannins, resin, potash, and starch. Wormwood Tea Benefits Wormwood Tea has been used since ancient times as a hallucinogen in many rituals around the world. Africans believed that Wormwood Tea contained the secret to an absolute freedom of mind and that by taking it you could have reached the peak of human creativity. As crazy as these theories may sound, there are still many cults today that base their entire philosophy on Wormwood Tea consumption. Back to the real world, alternative medicine, by its practitioners, found the real medical benefits of this treatment. Wormwood Tea may come in hand if you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Indigestion, by inhibiting gastric bacterial and by lowering the microbial risk to infections. - Gastric pains, by decreasing the gastric acidity level. - Loss of appetite, by stimulating intestinal actions and stomach functions. - Worms and other parasites of the digestive system, by flushing them away thanks to an active substance called absinthin. - Immune system deficiencies, by increasing the number of antibodies and by redirecting them to the affected areas. How to make Wormwood Tea Infusion When preparing Wormwood Tea infusion, first you need to make sure that the plants you are about to use are exactly what the label says they are. Only buy Wormwood Tea from trusted providers! Second of all, only use a teaspoon of herbs for every two cups of tea you want to make: the wormwood is a very concentrated herb and you need to be careful when dosing the ingredients. Put the dried herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 15 or 20 minutes and drink it hot or cold. However, don’t drink more than a cup of tea per day or you’ll poison your entire nervous system! Wormwood Tea Side Effects When taken according to instructions and under supervised care, Wormwood Tea is safe. However, high dosages may lead to hallucinations, paranoia and other severe conditions of the nervous system. If you’ve been taking Wormwood Tea for a more than three weeks and you’ve noticed some unusual changes in your body reaction, talk to a specialist as soon as possible and don’t try to treat it at home! Wormwood Tea Contraindications Wormwood Tea is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, patients suffering from mental deviations or other serious conditions that imply the use of blood thinners and anti-coagulants. The best thing you can do when it comes to Wormwood Tea consumption is to talk to a herbalist or to your doctor in order to find out more about the ups and downs of this very controversial tea. If you get a specialized approval and you feel very confident about this treatment, give it a try and enjoy the benefits of Wormwood Tea responsibly!... wormwood tea benefits and side effects

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