Habitat: Both the Peninsulas and the Andaman Islands.
English: Tallow-Wood, False Sandal-Wood.Siddha/Tamil: Chiru-illantai, Kadaranji, Siruyilandai.Action: Fruits—known as Wild Plum or Wild Olive, are used as a substitute for lemon. Fruits and seeds—laxative. Root and leaves— decoction given in jaundice, diarrhoea and during fevers. Root—used for venereal diseases. Bark—astringent, applied to sores. Wood—used as a substitute for sandalwood.
The root contains fat, rich in acety- lenic acids, including ximenynic acid. The bark contains 17% tannin. An extract of leaves gave positive test for presence of free triterpenoids.Alcoholic extract of the plant showed antiviral and hypotensive activity in primary tests on animals.A cyanogenic and antimicrobial constituent, sambunigrin, is present in the plant. Natural lignified products from the plant significantly stimulate iodination of human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells.The fruit contains 60.3 mg/100 g ascorbic acid.