Xyris commplanata Health Dictionary

Xyris Commplanata: From 1 Different Sources

R. Br.

Synonym: X. anceps HK. f.

Family: Xyridaceae.

Habitat: South India.

Folk: Kochelachi-pullu (Kerala).

Action: Herb—antiseptic. Bruised leaves and their juice, dried into powder and mixed with brandy, are used for ringworm, itches, leprosy and other skin diseases.

Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Xyris Indica


Synonym: X. robusta Mart.

Family: Xyridaceae.

Habitat: West Bengal, Assam and Western Peninsula, generally on sandy soils and salt marshes.

Ayurvedic: Daadmaari, Dhobi Deeb.

Folk: Haabiduuba (Bengal), Kochelachi-pullu (Malayalam).

Action: Plant—used for ringworm, itches and leprosy.

Xyris pauciflora Willd. (marshy areas in Bihar, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu) is prescribed as a sedative for... xyris indica

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