Yellow dock tea benefits Health Dictionary

Yellow Dock Tea Benefits: From 1 Different Sources

Yellow Dock Tea has been world-wide known as a great alternative remedy in cases of liver and blood affections. Yellow Dock is a perennial plant that can be found almost anywhere in the world, but which is original from Northern America. Although its name is Yellow Dock, the herb has a reddish-brown color with boiled and eaten leaves. The roots are the most important part of this plant since they are used for medical purposes mainly. The leaves can also be used as a treatment, but they are not very efficient, even if the pharmaceutical companies have been using them for a long while in order to produce face cleansers and anti-aging tonics. Yellow Dock Tea Properties The main property of Yellow Dock Tea is that it can be used as a treatment on its own as well as an adjuvant to other treatments, depending on the concentration and the doctor’s advice. The active ingredients of this tea are: emodin, magnesium, silicon, tannins and oxalic acid, which can only be found in the roots. Yellow Dock tea is a powerful stimulant and it has laxative properties, so it’s best not to use it in case you’re already suffering from diarrhea. Yellow Dock Tea Benefits Yellow Dock Tea is an important alternative medicine ingredient, thanks to its active substances, which are very versatile and can be used in treatments concerning many affected areas. Some say that Yellow Dock could easily be added as an adjuvant to absolutely any kind of medical treatment, in adequate quantities, of course. If you’ve already tried it, you probably know that Yellow Dock Tea is very useful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Digestive problems, such as deficient bowel movement, gastritis, enteritis. Yellow Dock tea can release the enzymes that your body needs in order to recover from these affections. - Poor body detoxification, by helping the urinary and digestive systems to release endorphins. - Heavy-metal poisoning or poor liver function, by increasing the liver cells and reconstruction the damaged tissue. How to make Yellow Dock Tea Infusion Preparing Yellow Dock Tea Infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of Yellow Dock roots for every 2 cups of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 10 minutes for the wonderful benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold, adding ginger, honey or lemon, if the taste seems a bit unpleasant to you. However, don’t drink more than a cup per day and only for a short while (1 to 3 weeks). Yellow Dock Tea Side Effects If you’re using freshly-picked leaves, use them with moderation. When taken properly, Yellow Dock Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause a number of problems, such as upset stomach, internal bleedings and nausea. If you’ve been taking it for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual episodes, talk to a doctor immediately! Yellow Dock Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yellow Dock Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from diarrhea and some serious diseases which imply the ingestion of blood thinners or anti-coagulants should avoid taking it at all costs! To gather more information, talk to a specialist. Once you are well-informed, give Yellow Dock Tea a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!
Health Source: Beneficial Teas
Author: Health Dictionary

Yellow Fever

An arboviral (flavivirus) disease, also a zoonosis, being essentially a disease of forest monkeys, which under certain conditions can be transmitted to humans. A vaccine is available.... yellow fever

Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots

1. Beta carotene: Carrots are a rich source of this powerful antioxidant, which, among other vital uses, can be converted into vitamin A in the body to help maintain healthy skin. 2. Digestion: Carrots increase saliva and supply essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that aid in digestion. Eating carrots regularly may help prevent gastric ulcers and other digestive disorders. 3. Alkaline elements: Carrots are rich in alkaline elements, which purify and revitalize the blood while balancing the acid/alkaline ratio of the body. 4. Potassium: Carrots are a good source of potassium, which can help maintain healthy sodium levels in the body, thereby helping to reduce elevated blood pressure levels. 5. Dental Health: Carrots kill harmful germs in the mouth and help prevent tooth decay. 6. Wounds: Raw or grated carrots can be used to help heal wounds, cuts and inflammation. 7. Phytonutrients: Among the many beneficial phytochemicals that carrots contain is a phytonutrient called falcarinol, which may reduce the risk of colon cancer and help promote overall colon health. 8. Carotenoids: Carrots are rich in carotenoids, which our bodies can use to help regulate blood sugar. 9. Fiber: Carrots are high in soluble fiber, which may reduce cholesterol by binding the LDL form (the kind we don’t want) and increasing the HDL form (the kind our body needs) to help reduce blood clots and prevent heart disease. 10. Eyes, hair, nails and more! The nutrients in carrots can improve the health of your eyes, skin, hair, nails and more through helping to detoxify your system and build new cells! 11. Improves vision There’s some truth in the old wisdom that carrots are good for your eyes. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. A study found that people who eat large amounts of beta-carotene had a 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little. 12. Helps prevent cancer Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3 lower cancer risk by carrot-eating rats. 13. Slows down aging The high level of beta-carotene in carrots acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells. 14. Promotes healthier skin Vitamin A and antioxidants protect the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone. 15. Helps prevent infection Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts—shredded raw or boiled and mashed. 16. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside) Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask. 17. Prevents heart disease Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein. The regular consumption of carrots also reduces cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in carrots bind with bile acids. 18. Cleanses the body Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fiber present in carrots helps clean out the colon and hasten waste movement. 19. Protects teeth and gums It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage. 20. Prevents stroke From all the above benefits it’s no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate five or more carrots a week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.... amazing health benefits of carrots


Healing, Fertility, Money ... dock

Social Security Benefits

Benefits that include income for eligible persons from social security, old age, disability, and survivors’ pension schemes.... social security benefits

Yellow Evening Primrose

Hunting... yellow evening primrose

Liver – Acute Yellow Atrophy

Necrosis. Fatal disease in which the substance of the liver is destroyed. Incidence is rare since the public has been alerted to the dangers of certain chemical toxins, fumes from synthetic glues, solvents, and poisonous fungi.

Symptoms: jaundice, delirium and convulsions.

As it is the work of the liver to neutralise incoming poisons it may suffer unfair wear and tear, alcohol and caffeine being common offenders.

Treatment for relief of symptoms only: same as for abscess of the liver.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute yellow atrophy

Yellow Spot

see macula.... yellow spot

Benefits Of Gentian Tea

Gentian tea is a Chinese tea that has been recognized since many years for its medicinal properties. Gentian plant, also known as gentiana lutea, wild gentian or yellow gentian, grows mainly in pastures of the Alps and the Himalayas. The constituents of gentian tea are amarogentin, gentiopicroside and gentiobiose that are known for being very helpful in digestion, encouraging the flow of bile and aiding the intestines  to absorb  fat. How To Make Gentian Tea Gentian tea is usually made from the dry roots of gentian plant. To make your own gentian tea, add one teaspoon of chopped gentian root into a kettle and let the mix boil for at least 20 minutes. When the time is up, let it cool until it reaches the room temperature. Gentian tea has a bitter taste, which is the reason why many tea drinkers combine it with other herbs for a more pleasant taste. It is recommended to drink gentian tea 15-30 minutes before eating. Gentian Tea Benefits
  • Calms stomach ache and aids in better disgestion.
  • Increases food appetite.
  • Remedy for liver problems.
  • Stimulates blood circulation.
  • Alleviates fever and helps treating common cold and flu.
Gentian Tea Side Effects You should always consult your doctor before taking gentian, especially if you have stomach disorder, stomach ulcer or high blood pressure. Also, stop drinking gentian tea if you start experiencing symptoms such as:
  • Allergic reactions that include difficulty in breathing; swelled lips, tongue or face; hives.
  • Stomach irritation.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Menstrual disorders.
Gentian tea makes a wonderful choice, having a lot of health benefits. Just make sure you read the possible side effects listed above in order not to experience any of them!... benefits of gentian tea

Benefits Of Lapsang Souchong Tea

Lapsang Souchong tea is a type of black tea originating from China. Out of all the types of black tea, this one is special thanks to its history, rich taste and health benefits. Find out more about the Lapsang Souchong tea in this article. About the Lapsang Souchong tea Lapsang Souchong tea is a type of black tea originating from China, from the Wuyi region of the Fujian province. It is the first type of black tea in history, having been discovered around the beginning of the 19th century. Later, people started to move the tea bushes even outside of China, for example to India or Sri Lanka. The flavor of this tea is smoky, rich and fruity. It goes well with salty and spicy dishes, as well as with cheese. Lapsang Souchong tea - a smoked tea It is said that the lapsang souchong tea was discovered by accident. During the Dao Guang era of the Qing Dynasty, an army unit passed through Xingcu village and decided to set camp at a tea factory filled with unprocessed tea leaves. The workers could only return at the company after the soldiers left. Discovering that they didn’t have enough time to let the leaves dry, the workers decided to speed up the process. What they did was to place the tea leaves into bamboo baskets and dry them over fires made from local pines. This is how the lapsang souchong tea was discovered. Because of this, it is also called “smoked tea”. Seeing as they are smoke-dried over fires made from pine wood, the lapsang souchong tea has a strong, smoky flavor. How to make lapsang souchong tea To make lapsang souchong tea, you need one teaspoon of leaves for a 6 ounce cup. Leave it to steep for 3-4 minutes before you remove the leaves. You can later use the leaves to resteep, but the flavor might differ after each steeping. The lapsang souchong tea is usually drunk without milk or sugar. People either love its taste, or completely hate it, so there’s no need to change it. Benefits of lapsang souchong tea The lapsang souchong tea, just like all other types of black teas, has many health benefits that should encourage you to drink more of it. First of all, drinking lapsang souchong tea can reduce your chances of getting cancer. It also helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as it lowers the cholesterol in your blood and helps the blood flow better in your veins. The lapsang souchong tea helps strengthen your immunity, protecting you from viruses that lead to colds, the flu or other diseases. It also helps you fight against various types of inflammations. During diets, it is recommended to drink black tea; this includes the lapsang souchong tea, as well. It helps burn fats faster and, therefore, helps you lose weight. Side effects of lapsang souchong tea The side effects of the lapsang souchong tea are those found at other types of black tea, as well. They are related to the caffeine found in the tea’s composition, and drinking too much tea. If you know caffeine isn’t good for you, be careful when drinking lapsang souchong tea. It may cause you to experience the following symptoms: insomnia, anxiety, headache, dizziness, irritability, blurred vision and skin rashes. You also have to be careful if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. In the case of pregnancy, the caffeine in the lapsang souchong tea (and caffeine in general) can cause miscarriages and birth defects. If you’re breastfeeding, lapsang souchong tea can affect the baby, who might get insomnia, heart palpitations and tremors. Also, if you’re suffering from ulcer, don’t drink too much lapsang souchong tea. The caffeine in its composition may increase the production of stomach acid and, therefore, aggravate the ulcer symptoms. It is recommended that you not drink more than six cups of tea per day. Otherwise, it might end up becoming harmful rather than helpful. The side effects that you might get are headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. If you encounter any of these symptoms, reduce the amount of tea you drink. This applies to all types of tea, including the lapsang souchong tea. If you want a special kind of black tea, try the lapsang souchong tea. The smoky, fruity flavor will definitely charm you. And don’t forget, it’s also good for your health!... benefits of lapsang souchong tea

Benefits Of Meadowsweet Tea

Meadowsweet tea is one of the many herbal teas with plenty of health benefits. It is made from the meadowsweet herb, which can be found in Europe and Western Asia. The plant, as well as the tea, helps you stay healthy. Find out more information about meadowsweet tea! About Meadowsweet Tea Meadowsweet tea’s main ingredient is meadowsweet, a perennial herb that grows in moist meadows. It is found in Europe and Western Asia; it has also been introduced and naturalized in North America. The stems are 1-2m tall, with dark-green leaves and delicate, white flowers called cymes, which grow in clusters. The flowers bloom from June to early September, and have a strong, sweet smell. The plant has a rich history. The flowers of the plant were found in a Bronze Age cairn in Carmarthenshire, along with the cremated remains of three people. They were also found inside a Beaker from Ashgrove, Fife, and a vessel from North Mains, Strathallan. In Chaucer’s “The Knight’s tale”, it is called Meadwort, representing one of the ingredients for a drink called “save”. Also, during the 16th century, it was Queen Elizabeth I’s favorite herb for strewing the floors in her chambers. The plant can be used as a strewing herb, thanks to its strong, pleasant aroma, as well as to flavor wine, beer, and other vinegars. The flowers are used with jams, to give them a subtle almond flavor. How to prepare Meadowsweet Tea It isn’t difficult to make a cup of meadowsweet tea. Just add one teaspoon of dried meadowsweet herbs (usually the leaves of the plant) to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Once the steeping time is done, strain to remove the herbs. You can add lemon and/or honey, based on your taste. Health Benefits of Meadowsweet Tea The meadowsweet tea comes with many health benefits, thanks to its main ingredient, the meadowsweet herb. The herb is known to include, among other substances, salicylic acid, essential oils, and tannins. The plant also contains the chemicals necessary to make aspirin, and from its roots you can obtain a natural black dye. The health benefits of the meadowsweet tea are just as important. First of all, it helps you with digestion. It protects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract by reducing excess acidity and easing nausea. It also helps with diarrhea. Meadowsweet teais often recommended when dealing with colds and the flu. It helps reduce the fever, as well as with headaches; it also treats coughs. Meadowsweet tea is used to treat heartburn, gastritis, peptic ulceration, and hyperacidity. It also helps relieve rheumatism-induced pain in muscles and joints. Side-effects of Meadowsweet Tea If you know that aspirin is not good for your health, be careful when drinking meadowsweet tea. As meadowsweet is one of the ingredients of aspirin, it might affect you to some extent. For example, in the case of about one out of five persons suffering from asthma, aspirin induced asthma symptoms. Those suffering from asthma need to keep in mind the fact that meadowsweet teamay induce asthma symptoms, as well. Meadowsweet tea might not be good for you if you’ve got internal bleeding problems. The herb might cancel the effects of prescribed blood thinners, therefore causing more harm than helping you. Also, don’t drink meadowsweet tea if you’re pregnant, as it might cause miscarriages. If you drink too much meadowsweet tea, you might get the following symptoms: blood in the stool, vomiting, or ringing in the ears; it might even lead to kidney problems. Plus, it is not recommended to drink more than six cups of tea a day, no matter the tea. If you drink too much, you’ll get headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Meadowsweet tea is definitely good for your body! Having all these health benefits, you won’t regret including it in your daily diet. If you’re sure you won’t get any side effects, then you’re free to enjoy a cup of aromatic tea!... benefits of meadowsweet tea

Benefits Of Privet Tea

Privet tea has been known for its health benefits, especially related to liver and kidney problems. As an herbal tea, it is a good everyday drink which also helps you stay healthy. Find out more about it in this article! About Privet Tea Privet tea is made from privet, an herbal plant which grows all around the world. The privet is a semi-evergreen shrub which includes species of plants used as hedges in gardens. Some species can grow up to 20 meters tall. The plant has glossy, oppositely-arranged, dark green leaves; they can grow as long as 10-12cm. The flowers are small, white, fragrant and blooming in pinnacles. The fruits are purple-black drupes born in clusters; the fruits of some species can be poisonous to humans. How to prepare Privet Tea The fruit of the plant is used to make privet tea. To enjoy this tea, you need to add some dried privet fruit to a cup of freshly-boiled water. Let it steep for 5-7 minutes before you remove the dried fruit. Sweeten it with honey, if you want to. If not, your tea’s ready! You can also use granulated or powdered forms of the fruit in order to make privet tea. Privet Tea Benefits Privet tea has plenty of health benefits thanks to the active constituents which are transferred from the fruit of the herbal plant. Some of them include ligustrum, oleanolic acid, betulinic acid, ursolic acid, saponins and tannins. Drinking privet tea will help strengthen your immune system. Thanks to this, it is often recommended in the treatment for HIV, AIDS, and cancer. It is also often used in treating liver and kidney problems, as well as hepatitis, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, and respiratory tract infections. Privet tea is also helpful when it comes to treating backaches, insomnia, palpitations, rheumatic pains, and tinnitus. You can use it if you’re feeling dizzy, tired or you’ve got blurred vision caused by stress. It also reduces the chances of getting grey hair, and helps you deal with premature menopause or general menopausal problems. Privet Tea Side Effects If you’re pregnant or breast feeding, you should stop drinking privet tea. Also, children with ages under 12 shouldn’t drink it either. Privet tea can worsen asthma symptoms to those already suffering from this disease. You should also avoid drinking it if you’ve got diarrhea. You should be careful with the amount of privet tea you drink: don’t drink more than 5-6 cups of tea a day. This counts for other types of tea, as well. If you drink too much, you might get some of these symptoms: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Privet tea has very few side effects, while it has plenty of important health benefits. It can be consumed every day with no worries.... benefits of privet tea

Benefits Of Mistletoe Tea

For a healthy beverage, try the mistletoe tea! You should already know the plant thanks to its association with the Christmas traditions. However, there’s more to mistletoe than just being a decorative plant. Find out about the health benefits ofmistletoe tea! About the Mistletoe Tea The main ingredient of the mistletoe tea is the hemi-parasitic plant, the mistletoe. It is an evergreen plant that usually grows on the branches of various trees, such as elms, pines or oak. The mistletoe can be found in Europe, Australia, North America, and some parts of North Asia. The woody stem has oval, evergreen leaves, and waxy, white berries. The berries are poisonous; the leaves are the ones used to produce themistletoe tea. Mistletoe is often used as a Christmas decoration. It is hung somewhere in the house, and remains so during next Christmas, when it gets replaced. It is said that it protects the house from lightning or fire. Also, legends say that a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of mistletoe are obliged to kiss. The origin of this custom may be Scandinavian, and the first documented case of a couple kissing under the mistletoe dates from 16th century England. There are two types of mistletoe that matter: the European mistletoe and the American mistletoe. Regarding their appearance, they look pretty similar. The difference is that the American mistletoe has shorter leaves, and longer clusters of 10 or more berries. Other differences between the two are related to health benefits. How to prepare Mistletoe Tea Properly preparing a cup of mistletoe tea takes some time. First, you add a teaspoon of the dried mistletoe herb to a cup of cold water. Let the cup stay overnight at room temperature. On the next day, heat the mix before drinking. To enjoy its rich flavor, don’t skip any of these steps! Benefits of Mistletoe Tea The mistletoe tea has many health benefits thanks to its main ingredient, the mistletoe. The herb includes various active constituents, such as amines, caffeic and myristic acids, mucilage, terpenoids, and tannins. Mistletoe is also an essential ingredient of the European anti-cancer extract called Iscador, which helps stimulate the immune system and kill cancer cells. Therefore, it’s said that mistletoe teahelps you fight against cancer. Another health benefit of the mistletoe tea is that it reduces symptoms associated with high blood pressure, such as irritability, dizziness, headaches, and loss of energy. This, however, applies to the mistletoe tea made leaves of European mistletoe. The leaves of the American mistletoe is said to raise blood pressure. Another health-related difference between the European and the American mistletoe is related to uterine and intestinal contractions. The European mistletoe acts as an antispasmodic and calming agent, while the American mistletoe increases uterine and intestinal contractions. Be careful with the type of mistletoe tealeavesyou use. Mistletoe tea can also help with relieving panic attacks, nervousness, and headaches. It is a useful treatment against hysteria, epilepsy, and tinnitus. It is also recommended in the treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, breast cancer, and to support HIV patients. Drinking mistletoe teahelps with diarrhea, as well. It is useful when it comes to menopause and pre-menstrual syndrome. It is also useful when dealing with respiratory ailments such as coughs and asthma. Side effects of Mistletoe Tea First of it, it is recommended not to have children drink mistletoe tea. Also, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, it is best that you stop drinking mistletoe tea. If you have hepatitis, you need to stay away from mistletoe tea. Consumption of mistletoe tea will only cause more damage to the liver. Also, despite being useful when treating diabetes, mistletoe tea mayinterfere with the action of anti-diabetic medications. It is best that you check with your doctor, to make sure it doesn’t cancel the effects of the medication. Cancer patients should also consult with their doctors first, before adding mistletoe tea to their daily diet. Other side effects that you might experience because of mistletoe tea are flu-like symptoms, including fever, nausea, abdominal pain, and various allergy-type symptoms. Lastly, don’t drink more than 6 cups of mistletoe tea a day. If you do, it might cause you more harm than good. You might get some of the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. If you get any of these symptoms, reduce the amount of mistletoe tea you drink. Also, this can apply to all types of tea, not only mistletoe tea.   Don’t just think of Christmas when you hear someone talking about mistletoe. Remember the many health benefits of mistletoe tea. Check for side effects and if it’s all safe, feel free to include mistletoe teain your daily diet. It will definitely help you stay healthy!... benefits of mistletoe tea

Benefits Of Muira Puama Tea

For a sweet tea, try the muira puama tea. As an herbal tea, it has many health benefits, especially for men. Read the article and find out more about the muira puama tea! About Muira Puama Tea The main ingredient of the muira puama tea is, of course, the muira puama herbal plant. It is a flowering plant with two species (Benth and Anselmino). Its origin can be found in the Amazonian rainforests, although at present it is grown in Europe, as well. The trees grow up to 4 meters, sometimes even taller. They have short-petioled leaves which are light green on upper surface and dark brown on lower surface. It has small, white flowers that have a similar scent to those of jasmine. How to prepare Muira Puama Tea In order to drink a cup of muira puama tea, pour boiling water in a cup that contains one teabag or a teaspoon of dried herbs. Cover the cup and let it steep for 2-4 minutes. Next, remove the teabag or tea herbs. If you want, you can add milk and honey to your cup of tea, to sweeten the taste. Muira Puama Iced Tea You can also enjoy muira puama tea during summertime, by preparing it as an iced tea. For 1 liter, you mainly need 5 teabags, 2 cups of boiling water, and a similar amount of cold water. Place the teabags into a teapot or a heat resistant pitcher, then pour the boiling water. Let it steep for about 5 minutes, while you fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Remove the tea bags and pour the tea into the serving pitcher. Add ice and more cold water to the serving pitcher. Sweeten it with honey, sugar or anything else that comes to your mind. Components of Muira Puama Tea Muira Puama tea’s components come from the herb with the same name. There are two medically active ones: long-chain fatty acids and alkaloid chemicals. Also, the bark and roots of the plant (which are used to make the tea) contain some of the following constituentsg: alpha-pinene, alpha-terpinene, beta-sitosterol, camphor, eugenol, imonene, linalool, stigmasterols, and various acids and essential oils. Muira Puama Tea Benefits The most important benefit of the muira puama tea is for men. After all, the muira puama herb is also known as the “Viagra of the Amazon”. That is because it helps with sexual impotence, by increasing the blood flow to the genital areas. It also helps in the treatment of male pattern baldness. Muira puama tea can be used as a tonic for nervous conditions and depressions. It is useful when it comes to improving one’s memory, especially among elders. The tea also increases your energy level, and improves mental focus and clarity. It is often used in the treatment for rheumatism and indigestion. It also helps women with treating the discomforts of menopause, as well as lessening the pain that comes with menstrual cramps. Muira Puama Tea side effects It is considered best to avoid drinking muira puama tea during pregnancy or when you are breast feeding. In both cases, it can affect the baby.The teaalsoincludes some enzymes which are harmful if you’re suffering from peptic ulcers. In this case, it is recommended that you not consume this type of tea. Consumption of muira puama tea can also lead to an increase in the blood pressure levels. For most people, it is only temporary, but it can be harmful for people with existing complications of blood pressure levels. If this is your case, it’s best that you consult your doctor first before you start drinking this tea. As muira puama acts as a stimulant, drinking too much muira puama tea may lead to anxiety and insomnia. It is generally advised that you not drink more than six cups of tea a day, no matter the type of tea. Other symptoms that you might get are headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats.   Muira puama tea is clearly full of health benefits, especially for men. It is good for women, as well, as long as it is not consumed during pregnancy or breast feeding periods. Be careful not to get any side effects and you can enjoy this type of tea with no worries.... benefits of muira puama tea

Benefits Of Red Tea

Red Tea has gained popularity around the world due to its anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Often made under the name of „red tea” are Rooibos tea and Honeybush tea, because of their fiery shades similar to the color red. The constituents of Red Tea are basically antioxidants such as aspalathin and nothofagin. But red tea is also rich in vitamins and minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, vitamin C and zinc. It does not contain caffeine and it can be safely taken by people with kidney problems. How To Make Red Tea Brewing Rooibos Tea To brew Rooibos Tea, you will have to heat the water until it just begins to boil. Take it off the heat and pour it over a teaspoon of rooibos leaves or tea bag. Cover it and let the tea steep for about 4-6 minutes. You can either enoy rooibos tea as it is, or you can add honey, sugar or milk. Brewing Honeybush Tea To make Honeybush Tea, start by infusing 2 tablespoons of dried honeybush herbs in a liter of boiled water for about 20 minutes. After that, strain the Honeybush Tea and enjoy! To really maximize its health benefits, try not to add any sweetener or milk. Red Tea Benefits
  • Due to its antioxidant content, Red Tea may lower the risk of developing tumors and cancer.
  • Helps treat allergies like eczema, fever or asthma.
  • Keeps your skin healthy.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Provides relaxation, calming the nervous system.
  • Helps control blood pressure.
Red Tea Side Effects
  • Red tea is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. The herb can harm both infant or fetus.
  • Young children should not drink red tea since the herb may have adverse reactions for young patients.
  • People who suffer from diabetes should not consume red tea. The herb can drastically lower blood sugar levels.
 Red Tea is an amazing tea with a lot of health benefits. Make sure you read the side effects listed above and experience only its benefits!... benefits of red tea

Benefits Of Pygeum Bark Tea

Try an herbal tea from Africa - pygeum bark tea. Despite its bitter, slightly unpleasant taste, this tea is becoming quite popular. It has plenty of health benefits which will surely help you stay healthy. Find out more about pygeum bark tea and give it a try! About Pygeum Bark Tea Pygeum bark tea is made from the bark of the pygeum tree, an evergreen tree which belongs to the rose family. It grows in central and southern Africa, although it has become endangered due to the large demands for the tree’s bark. A mature tree can be as tall as 25m. The bark is black-brown and scaly, with alternate, simple and long dark green leaves. The flowers bloom from October to May; they are androgynous and greenish-white. The fruit is red-brown, rather wide but not big (about 1cm) and has two lobs, with a seed in each one. The fruit can be used as food both for humans and animals. The wood can be used to make tools, or build homes. How to prepare Pygeum Bark Tea There are two ways in which you can make pygeum bark tea. One involves chopped bark; add it to a cup of freshly-boiled water and let it steep for 10-15 minutes. For the other, you can use the powdered form of the pygeum; you add it to a cup of boiled water, letting it steep for 3-5 minutes. Pygeum bark tea is known to be pretty bitter. If the taste is too much for you, sweeten it with milk, honey or fruit juice. Pygeum Bark Tea Benefits A few important active constituents that are transferred from the pygeum bark to the tea are: beta-sitosterol, ursolic acid, oleanic acid and ferulic acid. Pygeum bark tea can be drunk by men, as it has important health benefits for them. It is often added in the treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is also recommended in the case of male infertility, as it increases the quantity and quality of the sperm. It can even be used as an aphrodisiac, as it enhances the sexual performance. Pygeum bark tea is used to treat urinary tract infections (cystitis, prostatitis); it also increases the urinary function. You can drink pygeum bark tea if you’ve got symptoms of bronchitis, influenza, or various other respiratory infections. This tea will also help you if you’ve got a fever. An interesting benefit is related to hair: drinking pygeum bark tea is quite useful in the treatment for hair loss. The infusion can be applied on wet hair, after it’s been washed with shampoo. Try it if you’ve got these problems. Pygeum Bark Tea Side Effects If you’re pregnant or breast feeding, it is best not to drink pygeum bark tea; it can affect the baby in both cases. Also, it’s safer not to give it to children, either. It might neutralize the effects of various types of medication. Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you’re taking any kind of medication; he will tell you if it’s safe or not to drink pygeum bark tea. Also, drinking too much pygeum bark tea might not be good for you. It might lead to stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, dizziness, headaches, or visual disturbances. Don’t let its bitter taste scare you - pygeum bark tea is good for your health. It is especially recommended for men, but it can be useful for women, as well.... benefits of pygeum bark tea

Biota Tea Health Benefits

Biota tea is a Chinese beverage, used nowadays to heal hemorrhages and other types of ailments, such as headaches, but not only. Biota tea description Biota is a slow-growing shrub or tree from the cypress family, originating from China. It is considered as one of the 50 fundamental herbs in the annals of Chinese herbalism. Biota has a central stem, scale-like leaves and little inconspicuous flowers. The biota leaves are small, and triangular-shaped, with a grayish-green color and a fragrant odor. The seeds are the eatable parts of this plant. Both the leaves and the seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Biota trees and shrubs have ornamental uses as they make beautiful natural fences and hedges. Also, they are good as wind breakers and as a good ground cover for a variety of wildlife. Parts from these plants make useful additions as culinary ingredients and medicinal herbs. These vegetative substances became part of the cosmetic industry, being added to lotions, shampoos and conditioners. Biota tea is the beverage resulting from brewing the abovementioned plant. Biota tea brewing To prepare Biota tea, add the dried leaves in the boiling water and stir the mixture. Strain it and drink it slowly. Biota tea benefits Biota tea has been successfully used to:
  • fight headaches
  • fight asthma, cough and bronchitis
  • fight fever
  • fight bacteria and viruses
  • heal wounds, treat burns, as well as improve the growth of hair, when applied topically
  • help in the treatment of excessive menstruation
  • fight hemorrhages
  • ease arthritic pain
  • help in the treatment of premature baldness
  • soothe and calm the nerves
  • fight constipation among the elderly
Biota tea side effects Pregnant or nursing women should not intake Biota tea. Biota tea is a healthy beverage able to fight against bacteria, viruses or even prevent baldness, if applied topically. It also proved its efficiency in dealing with arthritic pains.... biota tea health benefits

Benefits Of The Pomegranate Tea

The pomegranate tea is a refreshing, fruity tea whose main ingredient is the pomegranate. The fruit itself is refreshing, sweet and a bit bitter. Not only doespomegranate tea taste lovely, but it is also good for your health! About the Pomegranate Tea The pomegranate tea is a delicious beverage, sweet and fruity-flavored. The main ingredient is, of course, the pomegranate. Pomegranate trees are cultivated all over Asia, as well as in California, Arizona, tropical Africa, and in the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are harvested from September to February, and in the Southern Hemisphere, from March to May. As a fruit, the pomegranate has vitamin C, vitamin B5, potassium, natural phenols, and polyphenols. Also, the edible seeds contain fiber. How to prepare Pomegranate Tea It isn’t difficult to prepare pomegranate tea. First, boil 6-8 ounce of water. Pour the hot water in the cups which contain either tea leaves or teabags. Let it steep for about 10 minutes before you remove the tea leaves or the teabag. For a calming effect, you can try to combine the pomegranate tea with chamomile tea. You can also mix it with black or green teas, based on your taste. Pomegranate Ice Tea If you miss the taste of pomegranate tea, but you don’t feel like drinking it during summer, you can try pomegranate ice tea. It shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to prepare it. For 5 serves, you need the following ingredients: 5 cups of boiling water, 5 teabags (of a non-fruity kind of tea), 2 cups of pomegranate juice, and sugar. First, boil the water. Pour it into a heat-resistant pitcher, add the teabags and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Next, remove the teabags and let the temperature cool. Add the pomegranate juice and the sugar, stir well and then put it in the refrigerator. Later, serve it with ice. For a richer flavor, you can add lemon, lime or mint leaves.  Or experiment a little and add anything else you like and think it might make it taste better. Benefits of Pomegranate Tea Pomegranate as a fruit, consumed in all its forms, contains lots of health benefits. The pomegranate tea is no exception. Pomegranate tea is rich in antioxidants. They are helpful when it comes to fighting against aging. They also strengthen the immune system, and lower the risk of getting cancer and diabetes. Pomegranate tea can also help reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. The chances of getting cardiovascular diseases become lower if you drink pomegranate tea. Pomegranates also have anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking pomegranate tea can slow down joint conditions (osteoarthritis), as well as reduce the pain caused by joint conditions and diseases. It will also help you protect your body’s cartilage. Also, pomegranate tea can help with strengthening your immunity, reducing LDL (bad cholesterol), and treating depression and preserving a good mental balance. Side effects of Pomegranate Tea There aren’t really any bad side effects related to pomegranate as a fruit, as well as pomegranate tea. Although rare, there are cases of allergies to pomegranate. Also, pomegranate juice and, based on how much you drink, possibly pomegranate tea as well, may neutralize the positive effects of some medications; it’s best to check with your doctor. Other side effects are related to drinking too much pomegranate tea; this applies to all types of tea, as well. It is advised that you not drink more than 6 cups of tea a day. Otherwise, you might get the following symptoms: headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. In this case, you need to try and drink less. Whether hot during winter, or cold during summer, pomegranate tea is a great choice for a fruity, refreshing beverage.  It also brings many health benefits with it. Give it a try and you’ll surely enjoy it!... benefits of the pomegranate tea

Cherry Tea - Ingredients And Health Benefits

Cherry Tea is a dark red beverage with an intense fruity flavour whose colour resembles ripe cherries and it can be enjoyed hot or cold. The delightful cherry scent is often blended with other aromas which results in savory and exotic mixtures. Cherry Tea Brewing Regarding cherry tea, the brewing time can vary, but the standard procedure entails a five-minute steeping process. Consequently, you will rejoice in the lovely cherry aroma of your amazingly enticing and enjoyable beverage. Health Benefits of Cherry Tea Cherry Tea is a beneficial fruity beverage with numerous health benefits. Cherry fruits are renowned for their delightfully refreshing flavour and delicious sweet taste, but they are also packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals that essentially contribute to our wellbeing. These fruits are rich in antioxidants which protect our body from free radicals and thus lower the risk of cancer and various neurological diseases, but they also delay the aging process. Cherries also contain melatonin, an antioxidant with calming effects on the brain, which helps releave irritability, insomnia and headaches, thus improving the quality of sleep. The countless health benefits of cherry tea also include anti-inflammatory properties and could potentially prove effective against pain caused by diseases or injuries. Cherry fruits are low in calories, but they contain vitamin C which unfortunately entices you to consume approximately 180 calories more a day. This could possibly result in the accumulation of some extra weight if consumed for large periods of time. Therefore, adjust your dietary plan accordingly. Side effects of Cherry Tea Cherry Tea contains extracts from the cherries which can induce an allergic reaction to people sensitive to these fruits, but it is generally side-effect-free. You can enjoy a savory cup of cherry tea at any given time of the day in order to boost your overall energy level and metabolism. The full flavour of succulent fresh cherries along with a delectable and lingering aftertaste will enchant you. Cherry tea is without doubt a delightful juicy drink with an exotic character.... cherry tea - ingredients and health benefits

Cramp Bark Tea Benefits

Cramp Bark is one of the wonder herbs, best suited for women’s needs. The Cramp Bark tea is one of the most effective methods for preventing and easing menstrual problems, as well as other female related issues. It has long been recognized for its antispasmodic, astringent and sedative properties. About Cramp Bark Tea Native to Europe and Africa, Cramp Bark has been introduced to North America and it grows in a wide range of zones. The plant takes its name from the ability to ease cramping. Also called Viburnum opulus or guilder rose, it is a very pretty shrub, blooming with white flowers. The ripe red berries are rich in vitamin C, but are poisonous if uncooked. The fruit is edible in small quantities and has a very acidic taste; it can be used to make jelly. It is however very mildly toxic, and may cause vomiting or diarrhea if eaten in large amounts. Barks represent the raw material for making herbal products. The flowers can be used as well in a decoction for external use. Cramp Bark tea is a uterine sedative, aiding in menstrual cramps, afterbirth and postpartum pains. It helps to prevent a miscarriage, as well as internal hemorrhagin. The following are some of the active constituents of cramp bark tea: hydroquinones, coumarins, tannins, scopoletin, and resins. Brew Cramp Bark Tea Cramp bark tea is a muscle and nerve relaxant. If you want to prevent cramps, drink 2 cups of cramp bark tea daily, starting a week before your period will begin. Prepare the tea by steeping a teaspoon of the herb or a teabag in a cup of boiled water for about 7 minutes. Strain, add a sweetener and enjoy it. Benefits of Cramp Bark Tea Apart from aiding in the female problems, many herb experts consider cramp bark tea as the best remedy for muscle pains and body aches associated with movement. Cramp bark tea may help relieve pain from cramps, especially in the leg or neck. It may also help uterine cramps or period pains. It may help in facilitating an easy labor to women giving birth by building up the uterine muscles. Cramp bark tea may help relax tense muscles especially if applied topically as a skin ointment or lotion. Cramp bark tea may lower blood pressure. This tea may be used in the treatment of asthma. This kind of tea is very helpful in relieving constipation, colic or irritable bowel syndrome. Cramp bark tea may help fight arthritis. Cramp bark tea may offer relief from tension headaches. Side effects of Cramp Bark Tea Apparently, there aren’t any known side effects or drug interactions for cramp bark tea, nor are there any documented reports of toxic reactions to the herb. However, not many studies on this plant have been conducted and, consequently, some precautions must be taken, especially because the fruits are potentially toxic. In spite of its many benefits for women, do not take this tea if you suspect you are pregnant. Cramp bark tea is very healthy and if your physician approves it, you can safely drink up to three cups a day.... cramp bark tea benefits

Huang Jin Gui Tea Health Benefits

Huang Jin Gui Tea, meaning “Golden Osmanthus”, is a type ofoolong tea, originating from the Fujian province of China. The drink earns its name through the golden liquor obtained after infusing the yellowish green leaves which offer the tea a distinct flowery honeysuckle aroma of Osmathus. The sweet flowery scent combines with a fruity flavour and complex refreshing taste. Huang Jin Gui Tea Brewing Huang Jin Gui Tea leaves allow multiple infusions, each of them providing a new character to the beverage. The brewing of Huang Jin Gui Tea should be made at a temperature of approximately 85 degrees Celsius. Allow two or three minutes for the steeping process in order to obtain a mild, smooth flavour. If brewed according to these instructions, Huang Jin Gui tea is low in caffeine. When to Drink Huang Jin Gui Tea A cup of Huang Jin Gui tea is suitable for drinking at any point during the day because it is only slightly oxidized and lacks the astringency of green tea. Its delightful light taste and floral aroma guarantee you will gladly enjoy several cups a day, discovering new layers of taste after every brew. You can serve it how or cold and benefit from the long lasting aftertaste and subtle hint of honey. Huang Jin Gui Tea Health Benefits Huang Jin Gui Tea brings a variety ofhealth benefits for the drinker, which include a valuable aid in the process of losing weight. Drinking Huang Jin Gui tea benefits your skin and strengthens your teeth. It is also a contributive factor in the prevention of cancer and heart disease and it helps improving the drinker’s metabolism and overall life quality. Huang Jin Gui tea helps reduce the blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for diabetic patients and last, but not least, it has a stress-relieving effect and it stimulates mental awareness. Huang Jin Gui Tea Side Effects As compared with the health benefits it brings, the side effects of Huang Jin Gui Tea are almost insignificant. The most common side effects are related to the large caffeine intake, which can lead to insomnia, dizziness, nausea, headaches or irregular heartbeat. Huang Jin Gui tea is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women and people who suffer from stomach ulcers, kidney or heart problems. Moreover, it is strongly advisable to consult with a specialist before includingHuang Jin Gui tea into your dietary plan, as the drink could interact with certain medications. Huang Jin Gui is a delicious variety of oolong tea with a rich, brisk taste that brings along an energy surplus. It is relatively easy to prepare and the leaves can be infused at least three times, surprising the drinker with each cup.... huang jin gui tea health benefits

Dill Tea And Its Amazing Benefits

Dill is one of the oldest culinary herbs. Most people use it for cooking but few are familiar with the benefits of dill tea. About dill tea Scientifically called Anethum graveolens, dill is an annual aromatic plant with a special therapeutic value. Its cultivation begun in ancient times and today it is popular throughout the globe. It is also used for manufacturing many herbal remedies and medicines. Dill tea can be made from seeds or fresh dill leaves, often called “dill weed” to differentiate it from the seeds. The seeds are viable for couple of years. Dill tea has a sweetly pungent, cooling feeling and it is sharp after taste and has a heavy and lasting flavor. Dill tea has a tender green color. The plant is a source of proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium. It also contains a small amount of riboflavin, niacin and zinc. Dill tea offers help in cough, cold and flu. Its seeds were believed to benefit various digestive problems. The seed essential oil may relieve intestinal spasms and griping. Dill seeds contain volatile oil, flavonoids, coumarins and triterpenes. Dill leaves (weed), on the other hand, are rich in carvone, limonene and monoterpenes, carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and copper. In traditional medicine, the seeds are recommended for feminine health in order to correct problems related to estrogen level. Dill seeds favors the growth of female secondary features (breast augmentation, pilosity hair growth rate, skin softness) extending the biological female health. How to brew dill tea To make dill tea from seeds, use 2 teaspoons of mashed dill seeds in 1 cup of boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Filter the seeds and your tea is ready to be served - fast and easy. For therapeutic purposes, you can drink 3 cups a day with 30 min before meals. To prepare dill weed tea, take 2 teaspoons of dill weed for 1 cup and let it boil in water for approximately 10 minutes. The longer you let the dill tea boil, the more medical benefits you will get. Benefits of dill tea Whether it is made from seeds or fresh leaves, dill tea has a long list of health benefits : Dill tea is popular for controlling flatulence especially when prepared from seeds This kind of tea is suitable for infants against colic or other ailments such as cough, flu, indigestion, gas, stomachache or insomnia. It also stimulates milk production in nursing mothers. Dill tea has many other benefits for women. It alleviates menstrual symptoms and pain, sterility or premature menopause. It is also diuretic and antispasmodic and can be used with success for treating hemorrhoids, jaundice, scurvy, diarrhea, dysentery or respiratory disorders. Dill tea enhances the bone and dental health being a good source of calcium. It also ensures oral freshness. Antioxidants in the dill’s tea essential oils contribute to fight against free radicals and cancer. Dill tea warnings Dill tea has only few warnings especially in hyperestrogenism, hypermenorea, ovarian cysts, breast lump, benign and malignant tumors or other allergies associated with dill. Dill tea is suitable for regular consumption, is relaxant and strength giving, but take into consideration the warnings before you drink it.... dill tea and its amazing benefits

Oolong Tea Health Benefits, Side Effects And Brewing

Oolong tea, literally meaning “Black Dragon”, is a traditional Chinese beverage which undergoes a unique preparation process resulting in a reddish drink with a slightly sweet delicate flavour. Oolong tea is partially fermented, unlike black tea, which is fully fermented, or green tea, which is unfermented. Oolong Tea Brewing Oolong tea requires a higher brewingtemperature in order to extract the complex aromas of the tea leaves. It is recommended to use spring or filtered water heated at a temperature of approximately 90 degrees Celsius. The steeping process for most Oolong teas should last no longer than five minutes. If this period is extended for too long, it may ruin the delicate aromas and turn your cup of tea unpleasantly bitter. Oolong teas are best served plain, but you can add milk, sugar, honey or lemon according to your taste. Oolong Tea Health Benefits Oolong tea, a hybrid between black and green tea, has numerous health benefits, especially if consumed regularly. Drinking Oolong tea stimulates brain activity and relieves mental and physical stress. Oolong tea has the potential of reducing high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels and preventing serious afflictions like obesity, osteoporosis, tooth decay, cancer or heart disease. Oolong tea accelerates the metabolism and promotes weight loss. Another health benefit of Oolong tea is its effectiveness in treating skin problems such as eczema and rashes and combating skin aging. Oolong Tea Side Effects Although drinking Oolong tea is extremely beneficial for the body, it can also lead to unpleasant side effects when consumed in large quantities, therefore moderation is required. These side effects include sleeping difficulties, anxiety or irritability, most of them related to excessive caffeine intake. It is not recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from kidney disorders. Furthermore, oolong tea has been proven to interact with certain medications; therefore, people who undertake treatment are advised to consult a health care provider first. Oolong tea is extremely effective in keeping your energy levels up, due to its caffeine content, and it also increases brain function, helping you maintain active and aware throughout the day.... oolong tea health benefits, side effects and brewing

Gyokuro Tea Health Benefits

Gyokuro tea is said to be the finest type of green tea. It is largely consumed for its health properties, but also for its unique taste. Its ingredients balance the diet in a harmonious way. Gyokuro tea description Gyokuro tea, or in translation “Jewel Dew”, is a fine type of green tea. It has a deep green colour and a rich seaweed and mellow taste flavor. Itscomponentsare theanine, caffeine, tannin and vitamin C. Theanine provides the tea’s flavor, caffeine its bitterness, and tannin its astringency. Gyokuro tea’s high quality and price are related to the unusual growing techniques. The tea is made only with the earliest leaf buds of the April/May harvest. The aforementioned tea is grown under shade cover for 20 days before harvesting begins. It is considered the best of the Japanese teas and offers consumers a refreshing experience. How to prepare Gyokuro tea Gyokuro tea is advisable to be drunk alone, without mixing it with milk or sugar. Occasionally, one can only serve it with a piece of dark chocolate. It seems that its leaves can be eaten, being soft and healthy.
  • Use good quality water to prepare a good Gyokuro tea
  • The optimal brewing temperature is between 122 F and 140 F degrees.
  • First, preheat the cups or the teapot, because pouring the moderately warm tea into a cold cup changes its temperature.
  • Pour some of the boiled water into the tea kettle and wait one or two minutes.
  • Add the leaves and the remaining water.
  • Use 2 table spoons of tea to approx. 4-5 ounces of water.
  • Brewing time is between two and three minutes. While brewing, don’t mix, stir or shake the tea. Try to leave enough room for the leaves to expand.
Gyokuro tea benefits Due to its high content of antioxidants, Gyokuro tea reduces the risk of cancer. It can fight the free radicals responsible for the growth of tumors. This type of tea has a large contribution in making cells less likely to be affected by mutations. There have been instances in which it helped to cell recovery. Gyokuro tea can be successfully used to:
  • stimulate the metabolism
  • burn off  calories
  • lower cholesterol
  • protect against various cardiovascular diseases
  • soothe and relax the mind
  • enhance cognition and alertness
  • improve concentration
  • keep one energetic
  • prevent dental plaque, bacterial infections and dental decay
  • freshen your breathe
  • protect against bacteria
Gyokuro tea side effects In case of large intakes of Gyokuro tea, insomnia may appear, especially to consumers already suffering from a sleep pattern disorder. Agitation and anxiety are other side effects caused by the content of caffeine. Children, people with heart medical problems and pregnant women are normally told to avoid Gyokuro tea or to drink it in limited quantities. Gyokuro tea contains a great quantity of antioxidants and caffeine that better people’s daily activities by enhancing their state of mind and well-being.  ... gyokuro tea health benefits

Rooibos Tea Health Benefits

Rooibos tea is a largely consumed beverage, due to its medicinal properties dealing with weak bone structure, insomnia or even stomach ailments. Rooibos Tea description Rooibos is a plant belonging to the legume family which grows in South Africa. This plant is used to prepare Rooibos tea (also known as bush tea or redbush tea). The beverage is known for centuries in Southern Africa and nowadays, it is consumed in many countries. Fermentation by analogy (the process through which the leaves are oxidized) renders its reddish-brown color and enhances its flavor. Rooibos Tea brewing To prepare Rooibos tea:
  • use spring water or filtered water
  • brew Rooibos tea leaves in heartily boiling water: one heaping teaspoon of tea leaves per eight ounces (one cup) of water
  • steep it five to ten minutes
  • keep the water hot the entire time the leaves are steeping
Milk, sugar or honey can be added to the resulting beverage. Rooibos Tea benefits Rooibos tea has been successfully used to:
  • treat irritability,headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns, insomnia, nervous tension, mild depression or hypertension
  • relieve stomach cramps
  • relieve colic in infants
  • relieve stomach and indigestive problems like nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ulcers and constipation
  • supplement the daily amounts of calcium, manganese and especially fluoride for the development of strong teeth and bones
  • relieve itching and certain skin irritations like eczema, nappy rash and acne (when directly applied to the affected area)
Rooibos Tea side effects Rooibos tea is not recommended to pregnant and nursing women. Also, it is recommended to ask your doctor before consuming this type of tea. Rooibos tea is a healthy beverage used to treat a large array of diseases such as skin-related issues, indigestion, disturbed sleeping patterns, but not only.... rooibos tea health benefits

Motherwort Tea Benefits

If you’re a fan of herbal teas, you have to try motherwort tea. Although it has a pretty bitter taste, it helps you stay healthy thanks to its many health benefits. Find out more about motherwort tea and its main ingredient. About Motherwort Tea The main ingredient of the motherwort tea is the motherwort plant. The motherwort is an herbaceous perennial plant, belonging to the mint family, Lamiaceae. It has square stem and opposite leaves with serrated margins. During summer, small, pink to lilac flowers bloom in leaf axils on the upper part of the plant. It comes from Middle Asia, although now it grows in places all around the world. The plant’s binomial name is Leonurus cardiac. The word “leonurus” is a combination of the Latin “leo”, which means lion, and the Greek “oura”, meaning tail. Because of this, it is also known as Throw-wort, Lion’s Ear, and Lion’s Tail. The name of the species, “cardiaca”, comes from the Greek word “kardiaca”, which means heart. How to prepare Motherwort Tea It’s easy to prepare a cup of motherwort tea. To each cup, add one teaspoon of the dried herb. Let it steep for about 10 minutes before removing the leaves. If you’ve got a problem with the bitter taste, you can try to sweeten it. Add sugar, honey, and/or lemon to your cup of motherwort tea, and mix well. You can also improve its flavor by mixing it with other types of herbal beverages. Motherwort Tea Benefits A cup of this tea brings many health benefits thanks to its main ingredient. Among motherwort’s constituents, there are alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, tannins, and vitamin A. Because of this, the plant has been used for centuries as a herb in traditional medicine in Europe, Asia and North America. First of all, motherwort tea has two health benefits which are related to the plant’s name: one is for women after giving birth, while the other is related to heart problems. It isn’t recommended to drink motherwort tea during pregnancy, but it is good to drink it after you give birth. You can even drink it during labor, as it will ease the pain and help you relax; it is also thought that it reduces the risk of getting post partum depression. Drinking it regularly after you’ve given birth can help stimulate the uterus to contract; this way, it prevents uterine infections. This type of teais also good for your heart. It helps normalize the heart functions by lowering blood lipid levels and high blood pressure. As a cardiac tonic, it works as a hypotensive, sedative, and antispasmodic. It helps calm heart palpitations. Motherwort tea is helpful if you need to regulate your menstruation, and it is also used also used to ease insomnia, menopausal problems, stomach gas and cramping. It is useful when it comes to treating thyroid hyperfunction, and can work as a mild tranquilizer for anxiety. Motherwort tea Side Effects Although it has many health benefits, don’t forget that motherwort tea has also a few side effects. Despite its important role after child delivery, you should keep in mind that it’s not good to drink motherwort tea during pregnancy. As it is used to regulate menstruation, during pregnancy, it might cause bleeding and even miscarriages. You should avoid drinking motherwort tea if you’re taking anti-coagulants or are experiencing a heavy menstrual flow. It will only cause more bleeding. Also, if you drink this tea for a longer period of time, be careful when you’re out in the sun. You might become more prone to getting sunburn. In this case, make sure that you’re wearing sunscreen when going outside, especially if you’re at the seaside. Motherwort tea might cause drowsiness, as well. Avoid drinking it if you know you need to stay focused on something. Also, if you take any medicine that causes drowsiness as a side effect, drinking this type of tea will only make it worse. Lastly, don’t drink more than six cups of motherwort tea a day. This applies to other types of tea, as well. If you drink too much tea, you might get the following side effects: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Despite its bitter taste, don’t give up on motherwort tea. It is very good for your health, and it helps you a lot especially after giving birth. Just sweeten it and you’re free to enjoy a cup of tea full of many health benefits!... motherwort tea benefits

Shatavari Tea Benefits

Shatavari tea is the main remedy if you suffer from sexual problems. Some say that Shatavari is the most important herb in Ayurvedic medicine. For centuries, the Indians used its roots and rhizomes to treat and even cure some of the most important health problems. Shatavari is a plant with sharp and shiny leaves, white flowers and dark fruits that grows in the rocky areas of the high plains in India, but also in the Himalayan region. Shatavari tea properties Shatavari means “a woman who has a hundred husbands ” because it is well known that this plant is used to treat the female reproductive system and not only: it can also be used for men’s wellness (combined with ashwagandha, makes a great male reproductive treatment and a very good sexual endurance enhancer). Also, the sweet roots of Shatavari could very well replace any meal , turning this particular herb into a “superfood” for women. And let’s not forget the fact that it is also a good remedy for stress, a well-known antioxidant and a great help when it comes to anti-aging solutions.  Treatments- Shatavari tea benefits Shatavari tea is useful for chronic fever and dehydration, ulcers and gastritis, dysentery and diarrhea, infertility, it helps fighting heart problems and calming the nerves. The good news is that you can take it even if you’re pregnant. In fact, Shatavari is a very good galactologue, so it actually helps with lactation (but do not drink too much or it will quickly cause leaking). Also, Shatavari tea helps with menstrual and menopausal problems and strengthens the female reproductive system. How to make Shatavari Infusion First thing you need to do is make sure the roots and rhizomes you’re about to use are clean and very dry. Simmer them in hot water for 15 minutes. For better results, wait another 15 minutes for the wellness benefits of Shatavari tea to be infused and you’ve got your own medicine cabinet in a pot. Take the Shatavari tea once or twice a day. Shatavari tea side effects If you’re sensitive to asparagus, you’ll be sensitive to Shatavari tea as well so it is better to avoid it. The same advice goes for patients with edema due to kidney disorder or impaired heart function. Another aspect you should really keep an eye on is your weight: a well balanced diet will prevent you from gaining weight while taking the tea. Shatavari tea- Contraindications Do not take Shatavari tea in case you have massive fibrocystic breasts or estrogen induced problems. To make sure everything will be fine, talk to your doctor before starting the treatment. It’s not hard to imagine why the Indians named this plant the most important herb of the Ayurvedic medicine: great benefits, few side effects. So, if you are looking for something to boost your energy and health really fast, look for Shatavari tea next time you’re in a tea shop.... shatavari tea benefits

Mugwort Tea - An Herbal Tea With Many Benefits

Mugwort tea is one of the many herbal teas that have many health benefits. Despite its bitter, tangy taste, it’s worth a try to drink some mugwort tea, as it’s good for your body. Find out more about the tea’s health benefits in this article. About Mugwort Tea Mugwort tea is a type of herbal tea made from mugwort dried leaves. The mugwort is an herbaceous perennial plant with a woody root; it can grow up to 2 meters tall. The stem is reddish in color, with dark green, pinnate leaves that are 5-20 cm long, and radially symmetrical small flowers which have many yellow or dark red petals. It grows in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, Alaska and North America; it is often considered an invasive weed. It is sometimes referred to by the following names: felon herb, chrysanthemum weed, wild wormwood, old Uncle Henry, sailor’s tobacco, or St. John’s plant (be careful not to confuse it with St. John’s wort). The leaves and buds of the plant are best picked right before the flowers of the plant bloom, between July and September. They can be used with season fat, meat and fish, to give them a bitter flavor. Native American legends say that mugwort leaves were rubbed all over one’s body in order to keep ghosts away, as well as to prevent one from dreaming about the dead. Nowadays, it is mixed with other herbs (chamomile, peppermint) to make the so-called “dream tea”, which helps you improve dream recall, and increases the number of dreams you have per night. Components of Mugwort Tea Mugwort, which is the main ingredient of the mugwort tea, has plenty of components that are good for our health. Some of them are essential oils (such as cineole/wormwood oil, and thujone), flavonoids, triterpenes, coumarin derivatives, tannins, and linalool. Thujone consumed in large amounts can be toxic. In many countries, the amount of thujone which can be added in food or drink products is regulated. The amount of thujone oil found in the plant is considered safe. How to make Mugwort Tea In order to enjoy a cup of mugwort tea, add one teaspoon of the dried mugwort herb to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for about 10 minutes before removing the dried plants. It is recommended that you drink the mugwort tea in mouthful doses throughout the whole day. If the mugwort tea is too bitter for your taste, you can add honey or sugar to sweeten it. Mugwort Tea Benefits Thanks to the many components of mugwort, the mugwort tea is full of health benefits. Mugwort tea is useful when it comes to having a good digestion. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juices, relieves flatulence and bloating, and helps in the treatment for intestinal worms. It also improves your appetite, and helps with indigestion, colic, and travel sickness. This tea might help in the treatment of various brain diseases. It is also a useful remedy when it comes to nervousness, exhaustion, depression, and insomnia. Mugwort tea is also useful during child birth. It has a calming effect when you are during labor, and it also lessens contraction pains. It is also useful when you get menstrual cramps, and stimulates irregular or suppressed menstruation. Considering the diuretic properties of mugwort, it is believed that mugwort tea can help with liver, spleen, and kidney problems. It is also recommended that you drink this type of tea if you’ve got a cold, a fever, or if you’re suffering from asthma or bronchitis. Mugwort Tea side effects Although mugwort tea contains little amount of thujone oil, it is recommended that you don’t drink if you’re pregnant. It might cause miscarriages. Consumed in large quantities, the thujone oil found in the composition of this tea may lead to side effects such as anxiety and sleeplessness. When drinking mugwort tea, be careful not to have an allergic reaction. You might be allergic to mugwort if you know you’re allergic to plants from the Asteraceae or Compositae family. These include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, chamomile, and many other plants. Also, avoid drinking this tea if you know you’re allergic to birch, celery, wild carrot, honey, royal jelly, cabbage, hazelnut, olive pollen, kiwi, peach, mango, apple, mustard, and sunflower. Don’t drink more than six cups of mugwort tea - or any other type of tea - a day. If you drink too much, it’ll end up doing more harm. The symptoms you might experience are headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats.   Despite its bitter taste, mugwort tea is definitely good for your body. It has lots of health benefits, but first make sure you’re not affected by any of its side effects. Once you’re sure it’s safe, you can enjoy a cup of this  delicious tea.... mugwort tea - an herbal tea with many benefits

Skullcap Tea Health Benefits

Skullcap tea gets its name from the perennial herb shaped like a human skull, native to North America. Skullcap tea has been used for centuries as a natural and effective sedative and nerve tonic which relieves fear, anxiety and promotes relaxation. Skullcap Tea Brewing Skullcap teabrewing should be made with water that is not too hot, because otherwise it will spoil the tea and its benefits will not be fully enjoyed. The infusion will last three to five minutes. Skullcap tea has a pleasant taste which will make you perceive it less like a medicinal sleeping aid. Skullcap Tea Health Benefits Skullcap tea has a wide range ofbeneficial effects on the human body. It has been used as a sedative for centuries and nowadays been proven effective as a cure for insomnia, anxiety and headaches. Skullcap tea has a calming effect which soothes stress, muscle spasms, menstrual cramps and other problems that require the use of a remedy with sedative properties. Skullcap tea consumption may also be useful as a complimentary treatment method for more serious illnesses such as bladder and liver cancer, asthma, arthritis, gout or allergies. Research suggests that the tea could be beneficial for the prevention of heart diseases and strokes as well. Skullcap Tea Side Effects Excessive Skullcap tea intake may lead to unpleasantside effects such as irregular heartbeat, mental confusion, slow responsiveness to stimuli and even seizures. Skullcap tea should not be consumed with other with other medications that have the same relaxing effects because it may enhance their sedation properties and it is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Patients suffering from spleen, liver or stomach problems and diabetics should avoid Skullcap tea. It is advisable to consult a doctor prior to adding skullcap tea to your dietary plan. Sleep is essential for the well-being of our body. Drinking Skullcap tea nightly before bed when you feel the need of easing your mind or calming your nerves will work miracles. You will turn off your brain and enjoy a good night’s sleep!... skullcap tea health benefits

Slippery Elm Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Slippery Elm Tea is made from the inner bark of a tree that typically grows in the eastern part of North America and it has been used as medicine for centuries.Slippery Elm Tea contains mucilage, a gel-like substance that has the property of soothing pain, irritation and inflammation. Slippery Elm Tea Brewing The reddish sticky inner bark of Slippery Elm Tea si dried and powdered. In order tobrewthe tea, you must boil two cups of water in which you will stir four grams of powdered slippery elm and allow it to steep for about five minutes. Slippery Elm Tea Health Benefits Slippery Elm Tea has many beneficial effects. Due to its mucilage content, it can lessen the effects of gastrointestinal disorders like upset stomach and heartburn. It also protects the esophagus from acid damage caused by acid reflux. The antioxidant content ofSlippery Elm Teamakes it extremely beneficial in easing the inflammation caused by bowel disorders such as ulcerative colitis, which produces highly unpleasant symptoms, including diarrhea, cramping bloody stools and pain.   Slippery Elm Tea is also effective in treating coughs, respiratory irritations and sore throats. It can also be used externaly to smoothen and soften the skin or to treat certain skin conditions, wounds or burns. Slippery Elm Tea Side Effects Research shows that the components of Slippery Elm Tea display a low risk of side effects or toxicity, but it is not advisable to drink it along orally administered medications, as it may interfere with their absorption and weaken their efficiency. As a countermeasure, you can drink the tea two hours before or after administering the medications. Despite its numerous benefits, Slippery Elm Tea is not recommended as treatment for serious diseases such as bronchitis and cancer. Slippery Elm Tea can be safely consumed by pregnant or nursing women and by children. You can drink Slippery Elm Tea three times a day. It is a nutritious beverage that will considerably contribute to your well-being.... slippery elm tea benefits and side effects

Spatterdock Or Yellow Water Lily

Nuphar species

Description: This plant has leaves up to 60 centimeters long with a triangular notch at the base. The shape of the leaves is somewhat variable. The plant’s yellow flowers are 2.5 centimeter across and develop into bottle-shaped fruits. The fruits are green when ripe.

Habitat and Distribution: These plants grow throughout most of North America. They are found in quiet, fresh, shallow water (never deeper than 1.8 meters).

Edible Parts: All parts of the plant are edible. The fruits contain several dark brown seeds you can parch or roast and then grind into flour. The large rootstock contains starch. Dig it out of the mud, peel off the outside, and boil the flesh. Sometimes the rootstock contains large quantities of a very bitter compound. Boiling in several changes of water may remove the bitterness.... spatterdock or yellow water lily

Soapwort Tea Benefits

For many years, the uses of Soapwort tea only involved laundry cleaning. According to today’s herbalists, it’s not the case anymore. Soapwort is a plant that grows in Europe, North America and Asia. You can easily recognize it by its pink flowers and green leaves. This is a perennial plant, whose aerial parts are picked during the summer, while the roots can only be harvested in the fall. Ancient Greeks used this herb to clean their laundry, making it a very good natural detergent, but the benefits of Soapwort plant consist mainly of its medical use. Properties of Soapwort Tea You can use Soapwort tea for external use, but some say that a diet based on this plant can be a great treatment for your health. Soapwort is a strong purgative and vomit inducer (not to mention that it tastes like a soap), so it’s up to you if you’re going to drink it or not. Also, you need to decide if you’re using the aerial parts or the roots. If the first ones are excellent in case of severe diarrhea, the roots of Soapwort plant are a bit stronger and may have a negative effect on you and your health. Soapwort Tea Benefits You can use Soapwort Tea in case you have a mild skin condition, such as irritation or eczema, but you can also use the boiled solution as a natural shampoo. Herbalists say that Soapwort tea can clean your hair better than any cosmetic product, since it doesn’t have any chemical ingredients. All you have to do is poor it on your hair and leave it in for about 5-10 minutes, depending on how long your hair is. Soapwort tea is a great gout and rheumatism cure: drink a cup of tea every day and you’ll feel a lot better because of the anti-inflammatory properties that this plant has. If you suffer from arthritis, add Soapwort plant to your shopping list for the same reason. How to make Soapwort Infusion Soapwort tea infusion is more of a boiled solution that you can keep in a jar for a very long time (in your refrigerator), since it has the same benefits both cold and hot. What you need to do is make sure the parts you are about to use are clean (you don’t want any bacteria to interfere with your treatment). Then, you boil the ingredients for 15-30 minutes: 15 minutes if you’re using Soapwort powder and 30 minutes if you’re using the dry roots. Soapwort Tea side effects If you are using Soapwort tea internally, make sure you are supervised by a qualified herbalist, because it can cause stomach pain and other digestive track problems, such as ulcers and gastritis. It’s best to think of Soapwort plant as of any other detergent, so if drinking a detergent solution sounds bad, you should probably think again about drinking Soapwort tea. Although the benefits of this plant are great, make sure you are well-informed before starting an internal treatment and ask for help from advised personnel only. Soapwort Tea Contraindications Do not take Soapwort tea if you are already suffering from gastric problems, laryngitis and other throat conditions. Soapwort tea is basically used topically because of its corrosive property. However, if you are in a good shape and you’ve got the green light from your doctor concerning an internal treatment, go for it: the benefits are great! So, if you want your hair to be healthy and shiny in a natural way, don’t forget to give Soapwort tea a try next time you are looking for a good shampoo!... soapwort tea benefits

Stone Root Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Stone Root Tea comes from a strong herb mainly used to treat kidney issues, but it is also renowned for its improvement in the heart function. Drink a pleasant Stone Root Tea cup to strengthen your heart and feel your body lighter and healthier. Description of Stone Root Tea Stone root is a perennially growing herb, which belongs to mint family; it bears a potent lemon aroma and it is native to North America. Benefits of Stone Root Tea Stone Root Tea is used as a diuretic in removing excess fluids from the body. It can treat urinary tract problems including bladder pain and swelling stones in the kidney. Therefore it is great in increasing urine flow that results in relieving water retention. It is also known that people use Stone Root Tea to treat stomach ache and intestinal problems like indigestion. Sometimes, Stone Root Tea is effective in the treatment of headaches, hemorrhoids, laryngitis, pharyngitis or even dysentery. Moreover, Stone Root Tea has a tonic action making it effective in atonic conditions of the heart muscles, on the walls of the veins and capillaries. Its fresh leaves can be used to heal cuts, bruises and sores. Side effects of Stone Root Tea Although Stone Root Tea is a perfect remedy for gastrointestinal and circulatory problems, it can bring some unpleasant side effects with it. Drank in large quantities can cause diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, painful urination, or stomach pain. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid taking this tea without the consult of their doctor. You should also use with caution if you have high blood pressure. Stone Root Tea is effective all the way, making your heart stronger and bringing relief in the whole body. No more pains and discomfort in your life, but more and more vitality. Stone Root Tea is making a change for you. ... stone root tea benefits and side effects

Solomon`s Seal Tea Health Benefits

Solomon’s Seal Tea is a very good remedy when it comes to heart problems and not only. Solomon’s Seal plant is a medicinal herb well known for its healing properties that can easily be recognized by its long green leaves and pale yellow flowers. You are probably more familiar to its cultivated cousin, Lily of the Valley. Solomon’s Seal plant has a large variety of types and it can be found in North America, Northern Europe and Siberia and it can be grown by division or by seeds. Solomon’s Seal was named after King Solomon the Hebrew, who was granted a lot of wisdom from God. According to herbal lore, Solomon put his royal seal on this plant’s leaves after recognizing its great benefits. Solomon’s Seal Tea Properties Solomon’s Seal tea is best known for its therapeutic use. You can make a tonic out of it, a hot tea or a tincture. All you need to do is find the use that bits you best and go for it! But make sure you do not eat or even touch the fruits, the leaves or the stems: they are poisonous ! The main substances of Solomon’s Seal tea are vitamins, saponins (similar to diosgenin), flavonoids. A solution made of roost or rhizomes is used in alternative medicine as an astringent, demulcent, and tonic. The dried roots are a great laxative and restorative, and is does wonders when it comes to inflammations of the stomach, indigestion, profuse menstruation, piles, general debility, bowels and chronic dysentery. You can also apply Solomon’s Seal roots on open cuts or eczema. Solomon’s Seal Tea Benefits Solomon’s Seal tea is useful for a lot of things and it has proven its medical and culinary utility in time. Ladies will find this plant very interesting and nevertheless important: a decoction made of Solomon’s Seal can be used as an excellent face rinse (think of it as a natural makeup remover or an organic face treatment). Solomon’s Seal tea is also a good remedy when it comes to kidney problems, heart conditions and nevertheless sexual problems. A solution of Solomon’s Seal can be used in case of internal bleeding, indigestion and other stomach and digestive system complaints. Let’s not forget that oil infused with Solomon’s Seal tea should always be kept in the medical cabinet: is great for broken bones or strains, torn ligaments and joint problems. How to make Solomon’s Seal Tea Infusion Solomon’s Seal tea can only be made from this herb’s rhizomes. What you need to do is take the roots and boil them for 15-20 minutes (depending on how dry they are). If they are freshly harvested, 10 minutes should do the trick. Put the solution in a bottle and drink it whenever you feel like it, but not more that 2 cups per day. Drinking too much Solomon’s Seal tea can cause diarrhea and other stomach problems. Solomon’s Seal Tea Side Effects Solomon’s Seal tea has few side effects. However, a high dosage may cause aching finger joints or heart burn. If any of that happened to you, see a doctor as soon as possible! Solomon’s Seal Tea- Contraindications Do not take Solomon’s Seal tea if you are suffering from diarrhea or other digestive track conditions, such as ulcer. It may cause serious damage to you and your body. Before starting any type of diet or treatment that involves Solomon’s Seal tea, see a doctor first. The benefits of Solomon’s Seal tea are many. Next time you’re looking for a natural treatment, add Solomon’s Seal Tea to your shopping list and just give it a try!... solomon`s seal tea health benefits

Strawberry Tea Benefits And Brewing

Strawberry tea is a refreshing summertime fruity beverage. The fruit is nutritious, tasty and low in calories, having an uplifting effect. Some of the most important strawberry ingredients include antioxidants, vitamins C, K, B5 and B6, magnesium and potassium, all of which bring numerousbenefits for the organism and strengthen our metabolism. Strawberry Tea Brewing Use fresh water heated at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius and steep it for at least too or three minutes in order to extract the beneficial compounds and to attain the full flavour of delicious juicy strawberries. Strawberry tea is a tasty drink that can be consumed plain, but you may also add sugar or honey according to personal preferences. Strawberry Tea Health Benefits Strawberry tea consumption can bring many health benefits for the human body. Strawberries have an important nutritional value, containing vitamin C and folic acid, which enhances the production of healthy red blood cells. Another strawberry tea compound is calcium, which enhances the production of milk; therefore the drink is highly beneficial for nursing or pregnant women. Strawberry tea is effective in relieving the symptoms of certain skin conditions such as eczema. The tea made from strawberry leaves has been traditionally used in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea. There is evidence that shows some strawberry tea compounds might aid in the lowering of cardiovascular disease and cancer risk. Strawberry Tea Side Effects Strawberry tea is not known to have any seriousadverse effects, but it may cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to the fruit. It is also advisable to consult a specialist if you are taking any blood-thinning medications, as their effectiveness may be increased by some strawberry compounds which can lead to more unpleasant side effects such as bleeding. You can enjoy a delightful cup of strawberry tea at any point throughout your day, but this enticing, fresh and aromatic drink goes well on your breakfast tray or along a delicious dessert.... strawberry tea benefits and brewing

Spearmint Tea Wonderful Benefits

Spearmint Tea is best known for treating excessive body hair or hirsutism, but its benefits involve other areas too. Spearmint looks a lot like peppermint: it has dark green leaves and pale purple flowers. It grows almost everywhere around the worlds and it’s used not only as a medicinal plant, but also as an important ingredient of the international cuisine. Its leaves, flowers and roots are not poisonous, so feel free to use any parts you like. Spearmint tea is probably the most popular tea in the world, not only for its health benefits, but also for its wonderful taste and strong fragrance. Properties of Spearmint Tea Spearmint Tea is not just some randomly boiled water: it contains vitamins and minerals, it’s rich in potassium, niacin, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and manganese. And the good news is that it’s caffeine free and low in calories, which makes Spearmint Tea a great help in any type of diet. Spearmint Tea Benefits Spearmint Tea is a great remedy for gastrointestinal problems, hirsutism, asthma, digestion, cold and flu. If you suffer from irritable bowel, the soothing properties of this tea may come in hand. Also, the oil made from Spearmint could help with other stomach problems or digestive system conditions. Thanks to its strong fragrance, Spearmint tea can calm your throat pain and clear your stuffy nose at the same time. Also, the rosmarinic acid found in spearmint is used in asthma treatments, giving patients relief by blocking the production of proinflammatory substances (leukotrienes). Spearmint Tea also cures nausea, helps with digestion and treats acne, stomach ache and morning sickness during pregnancy. How to prepare Spearmint Tea First, you need Spearmint leaves or flowers. It doesn’t matter which or if you’re combining them when you’re making Spearmint Tea. Few people like to use the roots, even if the benefits are the same, except for the fact that these have a milder fragrance. You can either boil them for 10-15 minutes depending on the amount of water or make an infusion. Drink as much Spearmint tea as you want, but not more than 6 cups per day. Spearmint Tea Side Effects Spearmint Tea side effects are almost nonexistent; many people who give up coffee use it as a very convenient substitute. However, drinking too much Spearmint Tea may cause diarrhea. Other than that, feel free to try it anytime you want. If you’re thinking about giving up on drinking coffee or you just have a cold, Spearmint Tea is your answer! Spearmint Tea in Cosmetic Treatment Spearmint Tea has been used since ancient times as a face cleanser and its volatile substances have always been at the pick of the cosmetic industry. Even if you are buying the spearmint from the market or pick the leaves from your garden, a Spearmint Tea infusion will open your pores and make your face look healthy and shiny. You don’t need to choose between this or that product when it comes to beauty: give Spearmint Tea a chance and embrace the organic benefits of this wonderful herb! So, if you’re thinking about giving up on drinking coffee or you just have a cold, Spearmint Tea and its wonderful benefits should not be ignored. Give it a try next time you are looking for natural health remedies!... spearmint tea wonderful benefits

Suma Tea Benefits

Suma Tea increases the body resistance to stress, boost your body’s functions, renews your reproductive system, therefore your own life gains more strength and energy. Discover all these beautiful changes by drinking Suma Tea. Description of Suma Tea Summa Tea comes from a plant, botanically known as pfaffia paniculata .The plants is a shrubby vine found in the Amazon rainforest and other tropical regions of Latin America. South American natives would use Suma as a food that provided physical stamina and endurance. They would also use the plant to heal wounds, skin rashes, to increase physical energy and to enhance sexual appetite. Suma Tea Benefits Suma Tea is the perfect adaptogen, helping your body cope more easily with emotional and physical stress. It can strengthen your body’s immune system, support hormonal imbalance and even increase your libido. For hundreds of years, Suma was cultivated for treating diabetes, skin problems and a variety of tumors. Suma Tea contains a significant amount of Germanium, a trace mineral which stimulates the immune system and helps promote oxygen flow to cells. People say that drinking Suma Tea they felt a total body improvement by giving them more and more energy and helping them get over different usual discomforts. It can also be an option for menopausal and post-menopausal women. Suma Tea Side Effects Little research has been taken on Suma Tea, so the advice is to drink its tea by consulting your doctor, although no serious side effects have been reported so far. Suma Tea is a health tonic, greatly appreciated in traditional medicine by being used for all type of diseases.  Suma Tea might just be the today’s answer for decreasing stress and fatigue in everybody’s life.... suma tea benefits

Speedwell Tea Organic Health Benefits

Speedwell Tea is and it has been for centuries used mainly for its soothing effects. Speedwell is a perennial herb that grows mostly in Europe. The French people used it in the 19th century as a very good replacement for ordinary tea, because of its bitter and astringent flavor. Nowadays, Speedwell Tea is used to calm any skin irritation, throat ache or cough. Speedwell Tea Properties Speedwell Tea is a great remedy for almost any health condition that involves inflammation or localized pain. You can use it as a supplementary aid or as a main treatment as well. There are many types of Speedwell Tea solutions, such as infusions, tonics or tinctures. Also, pressing the smashed plant on a open cut will calm your pain and bring relief if you are suffering from irritated skin. You can benefit from this plant’s wonders at home, preparing the tea by yourself or buy it from the tea shop. However, if you are thinking about making it at home, pay attention to our advice on How to prepare Speedwell Tea. Speedwell Tea Benefits Speedwell Tea has been used for many years as a panacea for almost any health problems. Its main use was in treating gall stones and colds. In our times, alternative medicine found new and excited benefits of Speedwell Tea in treating light-headedness, damaged hearing, sinusitis and ear infections. Also, if you are suffering from nephritic problems, skin ailments, hemorrhages or have a small opened wound, Speedwell Tea may come in hand. The leaves and roots of speedwell are astringent, gently diuretic, stomachic, slightly expectorant and stimulant. Lately, herbalists around the world announced the benefits that Speedwell Tea offers when treating ulcers or blockages of the respiratory system. How to make Speedwell Tea Infusion When making Speedwell Tea infusion, you need to pay attention to a couple of things. First of all, you need to decide if you are using Speedwell powder, freshly picked Speedwell plants or dry roots. Put the ingredients in a pot of boiled water and wait for the benefits of Speedwell Tea to be released. If you are using powder, wait only 10 minutes. For dry roots or fresh plants, 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the amount of water used. For better results and a more concentrated solution, wait another 15 minutes. You can drink it or use it on your affected area. Also, you can use the powder directly on an open cut or wound. Speedwell Tea Side Effects Speedwell Tea has almost no side effects at all. Just make sure you don’t drink more than 3 cups a day or you’ll get diarrhea and also experience vomiting sensations. Other than that, go for it! Speedwell Tea Contraindications Don’t take Speedwell Tea if you are already suffering from diarrhea or have vomiting episodes. Also, if you have a dry throat, this tea may not be the best idea for you. However, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned before and are still thinking about taking Speedwell Tea, talk to a specialist before boiling the water. Judging by this tea’s popularity and the great reviews that people around the world gave, it’s fair to say that Speedwell tea should have its own place in your list of herbal remedies. If you have on open cut and are tired of your medicine cabinet, add Speedwell Tea to your shopping cart next time you’re shopping for natural treatments!... speedwell tea organic health benefits

Sweet Woodruff Tea Benefits

Sweet  Woodruff Tea it’s a perfect treatment for digestive and liver problems. It strengthens your heart and gives you an overall feeling of calmness and relief. Description of Woodruff Tea Sweet Woodruff Tea comes from a perennial plant known in botanical terms as Galium odorata asperula. The plant grows in shady areas and is spread all over Europe and Middle East. It is related to coffee and henna, bears small white funnel shaped flowers and has a vanilla-like aroma. If crushed or wilted, it releases a very sweet scent similar to fresh hay. The plant contains coumarins, flavonoids, vitamins A, C and K, acids and asperulin. Sweet Woodruff Tea Benefits Sweet Woodruff Tea provides lots of benefits since Middle Ages. Then it was used as a calmative, diuretic and antispasmodic treatment and people believed it can fight jaundice and regulate heart activity. When Benedictine monks created their own wine they used woodruff to flavor it. Its fresh leaves were applied on wounds and tea was a common use to ease stomach cramps. It is also used today to sooth any intestinal discomfort. Moreover, Sweet Woodruff Tea is drank to combat headaches or migraines. It is recognized as a good treatment in liver diseases and kidney stone. It can be mixed with wine or other alcoholic beverage to relax the body and prepare it for a goodnight sleep. Because of  ( Aici as schimba cu “Thanks to”, pentru vorbesti de ceva pozitiv) its wonderful scent, the plant can be used to refresh your room, perfume your clothes or linen. Sweet Woodruff Tea Side Effects Although Sweet Woodruff Tea usually does lots of good, it can also bring some side effects if drank in large quantities. It can produce dizziness, vomiting, and symptoms of poisoning. Pregnant women should not drink this tea or be used in conventional medicine for circulatory issues. Preparation of Sweet Woodruff Tea Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 bag of Woodruff Tea. Steep for 5 minutes and strain. Preferably, drink 2 to 3 cups a day and it’s no need to sweeten it, because of (thanks to) its great aroma. Sweet Woodruff Tea valued for centuries for its tonic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects can bring a positive change in your life. Drink this extraordinary tea and put a smile of your face.... sweet woodruff tea benefits

Spikenard Tea Great Benefits

Spikenard Tea is the best solution if you are suffering from asthma, coughs or headaches. Spikenard is a perennial bush with large, green leaves, red berries and greenish white flowers. It grows mainly on the American continent and it’s been used for medical purposes since the 15th century, when the Native Americans used it to treat childbirth pains or coughs. Spikenard Tea can also be turned into a very consistent balm to treat bone fractures, wounds and cuts. Spikenard Tea Properties Spikenard Tea has anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s an excellent remedy for topical pains, such as localized irritations or earache. It’s versatility towards any type of health condition makes Spikenard one of the most important herbs in the Native American alternative medicine. Spikenard Tea is rich in tannis, volatile oil and diterpene acids, which help your system restore its health and vitality. Spikenard Tea Benefits Spikenard Tea contains depurative and anti-septic substances, often being used to clean and sanitize the blood. However, its action areas are many: headaches, asthma, cough, gas, pains, deafness, gout, syphilis. Also, Spikenard Tea is a great tonic that can really work miracles in case you need to induce sweating. A decoction made of Spikenard can bring relief to menstrual pains, burn injuries and backaches. If you suffer from tuberculosis, a cup of Spikenard Tea every day can really make a difference. It’s also good for detoxifying your body, and a compress of Spikenard Tea, applied on an eczema, will calm down the pain and make the irritation disappear. In North America, Spikenard Tea has also a culinary use: people make jelly out of it, which, if you think about it, it’s not a bad idea at all! Who wouldn’t want a jar of jelly that can bring joy both to your tongue and your general health? How to make Spikenard Tea Infusion Preparing Spikenard Tea is very easy. Take a handful of spikenard roots and add it to the boiling water in the teapot and let it infuse for about 5 minutes. For more energy and better results, wait for another 5 minutes and drink it sugar free. You can drink it hot or keep it in your refrigerator for not more than a week. In time, the tea loses its curative properties and health benefits. It is better to prepare a new bottle of tea every 3 or 4 days. Spikenard Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Spikenard Tea has no side effects. However, make sure you are not allergic to any of its ingredients and don’t drink more than 4 cups a day. Spikenard Tea is a medicinal treatment and it can’t replace coffee, unlike other teas, such as spearmint tea. Spikenard Tea Contraindications Don’t take Spikenard Tea if you are pregnant and it’s best to avoid it if you are breast-feeding. If you are pregnant and still thinking about taking it, talk to your doctor first. Other than that, there’s no reason not to add Spikenard tea to your herbal treatments cabinet. Follow the instructions and enjoy the great benefits of this tea!... spikenard tea great benefits

The Amazing Benefits Of Kudzu Tea

Kudzu Tea has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine for treating various health conditions. Kudzu herb grows in different regions of Japan, China, parts of Asia and southeastern parts of the United States. These regions are typically mountains, roadsides, fields or thin forests. The constituents of kudzu are responsible for improving blood circulation along the coronary arteries. These are mainly isoflavones such as daidzin, daidzein, glycosides and puerarin. How To Make Kudzu Tea You can make Kudzu Tea either from the leaves or roots of kudzu. To make Kudzu Tea from leaves you will need to boil Kudzu Tea leaves in water for about 15 minutes. Then let the mix steep for about 5 minutes and, using a strainer to catch the kudzu leaves, pour the tea into your cup. If you want you can sweeten it with sugar or honey. However, in traditional Chinese medicine it is used more often Kudzu Tea made with kudzu roots. To make it, you will need to brew black or oolong tea and after that, add a handful of kudzu roots. Let the whole mix steep for about 10 minutes and then enjoy! Kudzu Tea Benefits The most common and popular benefit of Kudzu Tea is suppressing the craving for alcohol. For people who find themselves consuming alcohol and drink also Kudzu Tea, they may not suffer from hangovers as bad as they normally do. But Kudzu Tea has many other health benefits:
  • Kudzu Tea helps enhancing the blood flow to the brain for those who suffer from atherosclerosis.
  • Alleviates muscle pain especially in the neck and back areas.
  • Alleviates some menopausal symptoms.
  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Helps treating headaches and dizziness.
Kudzu Tea Side Effects
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not drink Kudzu Tea or any other herbal tea without consulting their doctor first.
  • Kudzu might slow blood clotting and may interfere with cardiovascular treatments.
  • Kudzu Tea may affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
In conclusion, you can say that Kudzu Tea has more heath benefits than side effects. Just remember not to drink too much kudzu tea since overconsumption can lead to the side effects listed above!... the amazing benefits of kudzu tea

Turkey Rhubarb Tea Benefits

Turkey Rhubarb Tea is used to prevent constipation and stop diarrhea, giving you a feeling of relief and ease. Chinese people thought of it as a very important medicine and today it can be the answer for fighting off cancer. Description of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb, on its botanical name Rheum palmatum, is a plant similar to common garden rhubarb. The root of the plant is thick, prolonged and oval shaped having an almost dark-yellow or brown color. It is a 2,000 years old medicine native from China, but bearing its name because of the trade route that went through Turkey. The uses of this ancient medicine are recorded in a medical book called “Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica”. Benefits of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb Tea is a concoction of vitamins and minerals: A, B complex, C, calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur and zinc, making it an anti-diarrhea and anti-inflammatory agent, being also a cellular regeneration agent. Drinking this tea will improve the functions of liver, spleen and colon and even prevent hair loss and increase appetite. It is more and more believed that Turkey Rhubarb Tea can fight cancer and scientific research is heavily taken on this matter. It can also be used externally like an infusion to treat acne, blisters, boils, furuncles and many more types of skin infection. It has astringent properties, antibacterial benefits and accelerates the whole healing process. Moreover Turkey Rhubarb Tea is perfect in winter to relieve the symptoms of cold or respiratory problems, strengthening your stomach. Side effects of Turkey Rhubarb Tea Turkey Rhubarb Tea can have some gastrointestinal side effects related to the dose taken. These can include: nausea, vomiting, burning in the mouth and throat, problems with gastric motility and colic. Some persons with kidney or liver problems should avoid drinking Turkey Rhubarb Tea without consulting their personal doctor.   Turkish Rhubarb Tea helps detoxify the bowel, cleanse the liver, and decrease blood glucose levels. It is a thorough treatment in cleansing your whole body, in reinforcing your disposition and stimulating your life.... turkey rhubarb tea benefits

Water Dock

Rumex aquaticus. N.O. Polygonaceae.

Synonym: Bloodwort, Red Dock.

Habitat: In, or very near, waterways, lakes, ponds, ditches, and in marshes and swampy places.

Features ? The largest of all the Docks, reaching up to six or seven feet. Stem erect, thick, striated, hollow, branched. Leaves very large, some two feet in length, pale green turning to reddish-brown, broad and sharp-pointed, point turning over towards the water. Flowers (July and August) small, greenish-yellow, with white threads which become brown. Root large, reddish brown, porous bark, large pith with honeycomb-like cells.

Part used ? Root.

Action: Alterative, detergent.

Of value in skin diseases and sluggish liver, in which latter case it should be given in combination with a mild laxative. The dose is 3-4 tablespoonfuls of the decoction of 1 ounce to 1 pint after simmering from

1 1/2 pints. This may be used as a mouthwash for ulcers, etc., and the powder makes a first-rate medicinal cleanser for the teeth.

Hool highly esteems Water Dock, and says ? "It operates kindly and without excitement, being slow but sure in promoting a healthy action of the depurative functions of the system." He also claims diuretic and tonic qualities for the root.... water dock

White Sage Tea Benefits

White Sage Tea has been known for centuries as a great remedy for fever or to induce perspiration. White Sage is originally from Northern America. Native Americans used this plant for religious ceremonies thanks to its purifying properties. Since the place where all divine rituals needed to be done had to be a clean one, White Sage was a good choice. This herb has a strong fragrance, silver and green leaves and white or purple flowers. White Sage Tea Properties The most important property of White Sage Tea is that this decoction can sanitize your entire body with just a small amount of liquid. The active substances of this tea are: diterpines and triterpenes, including carnosic acid, oleaolic acid and ursolic acid which you can only find in the leaves. Thanks to these two acids, you can use white sage leaves to sanitize localized infections, such as open wounds or cuts. White Sage Tea Benefits Aside from its cultural and ritual uses, White Sage Tea is also an important piece when it comes to alternative medicine. Some say that White Sage Tea can bring relief if you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Sinus infections, by clearing all respiratory tracks and sanitizing the lungs. - General organism malfunctions, by inducing sweat and eliminating the toxins. - Nervous system problems, by nourishing your nerves and enhancing your neuronal connections. - Arthritis and other problems of the coronary system, by preventing clotting. - Stomach pains and parasites, such as hemorrhoids. - Premenstrual syndrome pains, by purifying the uterus and increasing the blood flow. How to make White Sage Tea Infusion Making White Sage Tea infusion doesn’t take a lot of time and the steps you need to follow are very few. First, you need White Sage flowers. It doesn’t matter if you’re using them dried or freshly picked. Just use a teaspoon of herbs for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the flowers in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for about 10 or 15 minutes and drink it hot or cold. Never take more than a cup of White Sage Tea per day! White Sage Tea Side Effects When taken properly, White Sage Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause convulsions and irritated stomach. If you’ve been taking White Sage Tea for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual health episodes, talk to a doctor as soon as possible! White Sage Tea Contraindications Do not take White Sage Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. However, if you are in one of these conditions and still determined to go through with a treatment based on White Sage Tea, ask a specialist before making any move. Once you have your doctor’s approval, add White Sage Tea to your shopping list and enjoy the wonderful benefits of this great purifier!... white sage tea benefits

Vervain Tea Benefits

Vervain Tea is one of the best organic remedies in cases of kidney stones or diarrhea. Also, the Romans thought Vervain was a sacred plant and used it as a ceremonial plant whose main purpose was to purify the place and help prayers rise up to sky. Vervain is a perennial plant related to mint. It has deep green leaves and purplish flowers and it can be found almost anywhere in the world. Aside from its medicinal purpose, Vervain is also used as a decorative plant in some countries. Vervain Tea Properties Vervain Tea is a great purifier and a wonderful natural facial cleanser thanks to its active ingredients that fight against bacteria and microbes. The most important substances contained by Vervain Tea are: mucilages, bitters, iridoid glycosides (hastatoside, verbenalin), caffeic acid and essential oil. The last two are also used in the cosmetic industry as a great adjuvant in facial tonics and anti-acne treatments. Rinsing your face with Vervain Tea may turn out to be the evening habit: it will make your skin glow, by getting rid of black heads and impurities. Vervain Tea Benefits Aside from its purifying and cosmetic use, Vervain Tea has a lot of benefits that have been exploited by practitioners around the world. Many prescribe Varvain Tea as a diuretic and stimulant. However, if you suffer from one of the following problems, Vervain Tea can also be a great help: - Liver problems, caused by alcohol abuse or a long usage of other medical treatments. - Urinary tract infections, by disinfecting the digestive system and calming the affected areas. - Fever, by fighting bacteria and all forms of parasites. - Arthritis, by increasing the blood flow and decreasing the cholesterol responsible for coronary clotting. - Nervous disorders, burns, wounds, sores and digestive problems. How to make Vervain Tea Infusion When preparing Vervain Tea Infusion, you need to make sure the herbs you are using are properly washed. Use a teaspoon of Vervain plant for every cup of tea you want to make, finely chop it and add boiling water. Wait for 5 or 10 minutes (depending on the amount of water you’re using), strain and drink hot or cold. Don’t drink more than 4 cups of Vervain Tea per day. Vervain Tea Side Effects There are no reported cases of Vervain Tea side effects. However, high dosages may cause diarrhea and other problems of the digestive track. If you’ve been taking Vervain tea for quite a while and you’re experiencing some unusual episodes, talk to a specialist as soon as possible and don’t try to treat it yourself at home. You don’t want to turn a small health problem into a chronic disease. Vervain Tea Contraindications Do not take Vervain Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding since it may cause uterine contractions and internal bleedings. Vervain Tea is actually used as a labor inducer. Also, if you are on blood thinners, you may want to avoid taking a treatment based on Vervain Tea. If you have any doubts about this tea, talk to a specialist in order to gather more information. If you get the green light, add Vervain Tea to your shopping list and enjoy the wonderful benefits of this tea!... vervain tea benefits

White Tea - Health Benefits, Information

White tea is a fruity low-caffeine beverage with a delicate aroma and a sweet or bittersweet taste. Despite its name, it has a pale yellow colour. White tea originated in the Fujian province of China sometime in the 18th century. Green tea and black tea are made from the leaves of the tea plant, whereas white tea is prepared from its white fuzzy buds. White tea is minimally processed, withered in natural sunlight and only slightly oxidized. White Tea Brewing White tea brewing is a quite easy procedure. When preparing white tea, preferably use water heated at a below boiling temperature of approximately 80 degrees Celsius and steep it for three to five minutes. White tea should be enjoyed plain because milk might neutralize its beneficial properties. White Tea Health Benefits White tea consumption offers your body numerous health benefits by boosting the immune system and strengthening its power to fight against viruses and bacteria. The beverage is also effective in the prevention of dental plaque, one of the main causes of tooth decay, and it may also have a beneficial effect for people afflicted with osteoporosis or arthritis. Research shows that some white tea compounds protect against cancer, reduce the cholesterol level and improve artery function, thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. The antioxidants in white tea protect the skin and make it appear healthy and radiant. Regular consumption of white tea may also prevent obesity and aid in the weight-loss process. White tea increases metabolism, encouraging the burning of fat. White Tea Side Effects Although white tea has low caffeine content, some people may still experience unpleasant side effects which include anxiety, sleeping difficulties, nausea, faster heart rate, tremors or gastrointestinal problems. Enjoy the pleasant aroma ofwhite tea and its health benefits at any time of the day. You have a wide range of white teas you can choose from and you can drink as many as four cups a day. White tea is definitely one of nature’s great gifts!... white tea - health benefits, information

Wheatgrass Tea And Its Great Benefits

The Wheatgrass Tea has gained its popularity recently. Until now, its benefits were not acknowledged by the herbalists or by any other health researchers. However, recent studies have shown that Wheatgrass Tea is the king of alkaline teas, containing many substances that could easily be considered super ingredients. The wheatgrass is the young wheat plant, also known as triticum aestivum. The main use of this plant consists of turning it into a paste that can be added as a nutrient or as a spice in various recipes. However, the Wheatgrass Tea has also been used as a beverage to many menus. Wheatgrass is usually grown by soaking the seeds in water until they sprout and reach the height of 2 inches. Wheatgrass has a deep green color and it’s known for its antioxidant properties. Wheatgrass Tea Properties Wheatgrass Tea fans believe that a cup of tea per day can reduce stress, improve your general health and maintain a good liver function. The active ingredients in Wheatgrass Tea are: chlorophyll, enzymes, fiber, and alkaline. Wheatgrass also contains amino acids, vitamins minerals that are able to detoxify your body, by behaving like any other energy booster you can find at the drug store. Wheatgrass Tea Benefits Aside from its general health benefits, Wheatgrass Tea also helps you improve other areas of your body, by increasing your alkaline level. Wheatgrass Tea is a great help when it comes to: - Improving your digestive system and eliminate constipation - Preventing diabetes and heart problems - Enhancing your blood flow and your circulation - Protecting and preventing your body against colon cancer and detoxifying your organism - Fighting other diseases, such as anemia and heavy metal poisoning. How to make Wheatgrass Tea Preparing Wheatgrass Tea is really easy: gently wash the Wheatgrass plants (freshly picked only) and crush them in order to obtain a green liquid. Add cold water and drink it. Don’t boil the water or the plants. You can only enjoy the benefits of this tea if the wheatgrass keeps its entire flavor. For every cup of tea you want to make, you’ll need about 2 teaspoons of wheatgrass juice. Drink the decoction when cold and immediately after preparation. Wheatgrass Tea Side Effects Wheatgrass Tea is likely safe when taken in normal dosages. However, don’t make a hobby out of drinking Wheatgrass Tea and don’t turn it into a daily habit. This herb is used for medicinal purposes only. Recent studies have shown that this tea is safe for adults, but none of them involved children’s response yet, so it’s best to avoid giving Wheatgrass Tea to your child. Wheatgrass Tea Contraindications Do not take Wheatgrass Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The possible reactions that your body could have at this treatment remain unknown. However, if you’re in one of these situations and are still determined to start a Wheatgrass Tea cure, talk to your doctor before making any move. Also, if you suffer from a serious disease and you need to take blood thinners, try to postpone taking this tea. Other than that, there’s no reason not to try Wheatgrass Tea. Some say it works, some say it doesn’t. Just add it to your list next time you’re in a teashop and you be the judge of that!... wheatgrass tea and its great benefits

Wild Dock And Wild Sorrel

Rumex crispus and Rumex acetosella

Description: Wild dock is a stout plant with most of its leaves at the base of its stem that is commonly 15 to 30 centimeters brig. The plants usually develop from a strong, fleshy, carrotlike taproot. Its flowers are usually very small, growing in green to purplish plumelike clusters. Wild sorrel similar to the wild dock but smaller. Many of the basal leaves are arrow-shaped but smaller than those of the dock and contain a sour juice.

Habitat and Distribution: These plants can be found in almost all climatic zones of the world, in areas of high as well as low rainfall. Many kinds are found as weeds in fields, along roadsides, and in waste places.

Edible Parts: Because of tender nature of the foliage, the sorrel and the dock are useful plants, especially in desert areas. You can eat their succulent leaves fresh or slightly cooked. To take away the strong taste, change the water once or twice during cooking. This latter tip is a useful hint in preparing many kinds of wild greens.... wild dock and wild sorrel

Yellow Fever Vaccine Is Prepared From

chick embryos injected with the living, attenuated strain (17D) of pantropic virus. Only one injection is required, and immunity persists for many years. Re-inoculation, however, is desirable every ten years. (See YELLOW FEVER.)

Haemophilus vaccine (HiB) This vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1994 to deal with the annual incidence of about 1,500 cases and 100 deaths from haemophilus MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA and EPIGLOTTITIS, mostly in pre-school children. It has been remarkably successful when given as part of the primary vaccination programme at two, three and four months of age – reducing the incidence by over 95 per cent. A few cases still occur, either due to other subgroups of the organism for which the vaccine is not designed, or because of inadequate response by the child, possibly related to interference from the newer forms of pertussis vaccine (see above) given at the same time.

Meningococcal C vaccine Used in the UK from 1998, this has dramatically reduced the incidence of meningitis and septicaemia due to this organism. Used as part of the primary programme in early infancy, it does not protect against other types of meningococci.

Varicella vaccine This vaccine, used to protect against varicella (CHICKENPOX) is used in a number of countries including the United States and Japan. It has not been introduced into the UK, largely because of concerns that use in infancy would result in an upsurge in cases in adult life, when the disease may be more severe.

Pneumococcal vaccine The pneumococcus is responsible for severe and sometimes fatal childhood diseases including meningitis and septicaemia, as well as PNEUMONIA and other respiratory infections. Vaccines are available but do not protect against all strains and are reserved for special situations – such as for patients without a SPLEEN or those who are immunode?cient.... yellow fever vaccine is prepared from

White Peony Root Tea Benefits

White Peony Root Tea is one of the most important herbs in Asian medicine, being used since ancient times to treat liver problems and to improve women’s general health. White Peony Root Tea can be made from a plant called Chinese peony or common garden peony, a perennial herb that grows in Eastern China, southern Tibet and Siberia. You can recognize it after its big white flowers and yellow stamens. The leaves are deep green and medium sized. White Peony Root Properties The best thing about White Peony Root Tea is that its properties contribute to a better general health of the human body, thanks to a high concentration of acids and amino-acids and also to a great alkaline conductivity. The main ingredient in White Peony Root Tea is paeoniflorin, a substance that has a high anti-spastic action in many areas of your system. The other active substances that can be found in this tea and enhance the paeonflorin’s effect are flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides. White Peony Root Benefits White Peony Root Tea has anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic and diuretic properties. This tea is a great help if you suffer from one of the following conditions: - Liver malfunction, by energizing it thanks to its alkaline property and helping it flush away all the toxins. - Bad blood circulation or poor blood nourishment. Also, White Peony Tea can lower your blood pressure. - Menstrual problems that consist of heavy bleedings and aggravated abdominal pain, by calming the affected area and by bringing relief. - Abdominal and chest pains, dizziness, headaches. - Epilepsy, by stopping seizures and convulsions and by nourishing your nervous system, so that the negative reaction can be eliminated. How to make White Peony Root Tea Infusion Preparing White Peony Root Tea infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of White Peony Root for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 10 or 15 minutes (depending on the amount of water you’re using) and drink it hot or cold. Don’t take more than 3 cups per day. White Peony Root Tea Side Effects White Peony Root Tea is safe as long as you take it for a short amount of time. Taken in high dosages, it may cause rashes and problems of the nervous system. White Peony Root Tea is not to be taken unsupervised and it’s a medical treatment. Do not drink it as often as you drink your coffee! Also, a higher dosage will not make your general health improve any faster. Follow our recommendations and talk to a doctor before making any move. White Peony Root Tea Contraindications If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take White Peony Root Tea, because it may cause uterine contractions and blood clotting. But if you have the green light from your doctor, there’s no reason not to try White Peony Root Tea. Add it to your medicine cabinet, follow our instructions and enjoy the wonderful benefits of White Peony Root Tea responsibly!... white peony root tea benefits

Wormwood Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Wormwood Tea has been known for centuries as a great herbal treatment. Greeks used it as a treatment for many diseases, mostly concerning the digestive system problems or nervous system affections. Wormwood is a perennial herb that grows mainly in areas like Europe, Asia and Africa. It has speared-like green leaves, bright yellow flowers and its roots resemble to a rhizome. Also known as artemisia absinthus, wormwood has hallucinogenic and psychoactive properties. Wormwood is widely known as absinthe and it is said that great artists like Van Gogh and Hemingway owe a lot of their creation to wormwood consumption. Wormwood Tea Properties Aside from its hallucinogenic properties, Wormwood Tea turns out to be quite a help when it comes to treating certain health problems. Wormwood Tea is one of the bitterest teas on Earth so only take it combined with honey, ginger or lemon. Wormwood is the main ingredient of absinthe liquor and it’s also used as an important additive for wines, vinegar and vermouth. The active substances of this tea are thujone (absinthol or tenacetone), thujyl alcohol, acids, absinthin, tannins, resin, potash, and starch. Wormwood Tea Benefits Wormwood Tea has been used since ancient times as a hallucinogen in many rituals around the world. Africans believed that Wormwood Tea contained the secret to an absolute freedom of mind and that by taking it you could have reached the peak of human creativity. As crazy as these theories may sound, there are still many cults today that base their entire philosophy on Wormwood Tea consumption. Back to the real world, alternative medicine, by its practitioners, found the real medical benefits of this treatment. Wormwood Tea may come in hand if you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Indigestion, by inhibiting gastric bacterial and by lowering the microbial risk to infections. - Gastric pains, by decreasing the gastric acidity level. - Loss of appetite, by stimulating intestinal actions and stomach functions. - Worms and other parasites of the digestive system, by flushing them away thanks to an active substance called absinthin. - Immune system deficiencies, by increasing the number of antibodies and by redirecting them to the affected areas. How to make Wormwood Tea Infusion When preparing Wormwood Tea infusion, first you need to make sure that the plants you are about to use are exactly what the label says they are. Only buy Wormwood Tea from trusted providers! Second of all, only use a teaspoon of herbs for every two cups of tea you want to make: the wormwood is a very concentrated herb and you need to be careful when dosing the ingredients. Put the dried herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 15 or 20 minutes and drink it hot or cold. However, don’t drink more than a cup of tea per day or you’ll poison your entire nervous system! Wormwood Tea Side Effects When taken according to instructions and under supervised care, Wormwood Tea is safe. However, high dosages may lead to hallucinations, paranoia and other severe conditions of the nervous system. If you’ve been taking Wormwood Tea for a more than three weeks and you’ve noticed some unusual changes in your body reaction, talk to a specialist as soon as possible and don’t try to treat it at home! Wormwood Tea Contraindications Wormwood Tea is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, patients suffering from mental deviations or other serious conditions that imply the use of blood thinners and anti-coagulants. The best thing you can do when it comes to Wormwood Tea consumption is to talk to a herbalist or to your doctor in order to find out more about the ups and downs of this very controversial tea. If you get a specialized approval and you feel very confident about this treatment, give it a try and enjoy the benefits of Wormwood Tea responsibly!... wormwood tea benefits and side effects

Yarrow Tea Benefits

Yarrow Tea has been known for a long time thanks to its curative properties which include sweat inducing enzymes and fever inhibitors. Yarrow is an herb that grows mainly in the wilderness of the Northern Hemisphere. You may know it by one of its other names: Western Yarrow, yarrow, milfoil, soldier’s woundwort, staunchwee and woundwort or by its Latin denomination, Achillea millefolium. Yarrow has segmented greed leaves and lavender or daisy-white flowers. The Latin name comes from the Greek mythology: according to some legends, the legendary Achilles used a tincture of Yarrow all over his body to make himself invulnerable to arrows and cure the wounds of the other fighters. Yarrow Tea Properties Aside from the mythology that surrounds it, Yarrow Tea is actually a very respectable medical treatment, with noticeable effects on the human health system. The main ingredients of this tea are: bitters, chamazulene, proazulene, saponins, tannins and fatty acids. Due to its high level of saponis, Yarrow Tea is known as a very strong diaphoretic, being able to widen the coronary arteries’ walls and normalize a poor blood circulation. It is also used to treat childbirth pains and aggravated cholesterol damages. Yarrow Tea Benefits Recent studies showed that Yarrow Tea, when taken according to instructions, has a real effect on your general health, being able to treat a series of affections. You may find that Yarrow Tea is very useful in case you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Fevers and colds, by inducing sweat and inhibiting infection. - Loss of appetite, stomach cramps, flatulence, enteritis and gastritis. - Gallbladder problems, overall liver malfunctions, internal hemorrhages (especially of the lungs). - Inflammation and menstrual pains. How to make Yarrow Tea Infusion When preparing Yarrow Tea Infusion, you need to make sure that you’re using the appropriate ingredients. Use a teaspoon of dried or freshly picked herbs for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 5 minutes for the tea benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold. However, don’t take more than two cups of tea per day in order to avoid complications. Yarrow Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yarrow Tea has no side effects at all. However, high dosages showed that patients developed skin sensitivity to light. If you’ve been taking Yarrow Tea for a long time and you feel that your health is not improving, but rather deteriorating, talk to a specialist as soon as possible! Yarrow Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yarrow Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from digestive tract severe problems should avoid taking it at all costs. If you are preparing for a surgery or if you’re on blood thinners and anti-coagulants, you may want to postpone a treatment based on Yarrow Tea as much as possible. In order to gather more information, talk to a specialist. One you have the green light to start taking this tea, give it a try and enjoy the wonderful benefits of Yarrow Tea responsibly!... yarrow tea benefits

Yerba Santa Tea Benefits

Yerba Santa Tea has been known for centuries for its astringent, stimulant and antibacterial action. Although it remains unknown to European public, Yerba Santa Tea has gain an impressive popularity among South and North Americans during the last 30 years. Yerba Santa is an ever-green shrub that grows in extended areas of the United Stated and which can be easily recognized by its light purple flowers, needle-like green leaves and elongated roots. The main use of Yerba Santa leaves consisted of an improvised bandage that was made by smashing a small amount of leaves in a cloth and press it against open wounds. However, this temporary bandage could only be used until a more appropriate one was found. Some say that Yerba Santa leaves are very efficient, but their effect doesn’t last too long. Yerba Santa Tea Properties Aside from its wonderful benefits as a great wound cleanser, Yerba Santa Tea has important properties that place this herb among the most important elements of the alternative medicine. The active ingredients of this tea are: bitter resins, eriodictyol, eriodictyonic acid, essential oils and tannins, which can be found mostly in the leaves. The bitter resins have antiseptic and cleansing properties which make this exotic tea a real cure in cases of internal damage. Yerba Santa Tea Benefits For many centuries, Native Americans believed that Yerba Santa Tea was truly saint thanks to its ability to treat open wounds by stopping infections from developing. Luckily, recent studies showed that Yerba Santa Tea benefits consist of much more than just open cuts cleansing.You may find this tea helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, cough, by clearing the respiratory ways and restoring the well-being of your organism. - Bruises and pains, by de-clotting the affected areas and increasing the localized blood flow. - Joint pain and rheumatism, by inhibiting pain triggers and enhancing the metabolisms functions. - Fever, fatigue, counter stress, by inducing healing endorphins and nourishing the nervous system. - Yerba Santa Tea also combats allergies, insect bites and other minor injuries. How to make Yerba Santa Tea Infusion When preparing Yerba Santa Tea, you first need to make sure that the herbs you’re using are perfectly clean: you don’t want any bacteria to interfere with your treatment. Use a teaspoon of dried of freshly picked leaves for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait for 30 minutes for the health benefits to be released, strain and drink it hot or cold. You can add honey or lemon if the taste feels a bit unpleasant. Don’t drink more than 4 cups of Yerba Santa Tea per day in order to avoid other complications. Yerba Santa Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yerba Santa Tea is perfectly safe. However, high dosages may lead to ailments of the digestive tract, such as diarrhea or constipation. If you’re yet unsure about this medical treatment, talk to your doctor or to a specialist to gather more information. Yerba Santa Tea Contraindications Do not take Yerba Santa Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, suffering from a serious health conditions that implies blood thinners or anticoagulant ingestion or if you’re preparing for a surgery that would require anesthesia. Also, children should be kept away from this treatment. However, if you’ve been already taking this tea for a while and your health is deteriorating, talk to a doctor as soon as possible! But if your general health is good and there is nothing that could interfere with a treatment based on Yerba Santa Tea, give it a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits!... yerba santa tea benefits

Yucca Tea Benefits

Yucca Tea has been known for a long time thanks to its ability to treat a wide range of aliments, such as skin sores, dandruff and hair loss. Native Americans used a decoction of Yucca Tea applied topically oh the scalp in order to make the hair grow faster and look shinier. Yucca is a perennial shrub with ever green, stiffed leaves and white flowers. The yuccas are widely known and cultivated as decorative plants, being used in many types of Native American wedding ceremonies. Yucca grows mainly in the North American regions and also in the West Indies, where it is used only for its medical purpose. Yucca Tea Properties Aside from decorating weddings in a delightful way, Yucca can be made into a decoction very useful in alternative medicine. Although it remains yet unknown to Asian and European public, Yucca Tea continues to be a great medical treatment in Indian and American regions thanks to its active ingredients. The main chemical ingredient of Yucca Tea are saponins (mostly is soluble in hot and cold water and can be found in almost any Indian drug store as a chemical ingredient), a precursor of cortisone, which is a natural substance known for its ability to prevent intestine toxins from being released. Yucca Tea Benefits Aside from its use as a natural cosmetic treatment that can prevent affections of the scalp, Yucca Tea is also very useful in other medical areas. You may find Yucca Tea Helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Arthritis and osteoarthritis, by increasing bone cell and coronary walls action. - Inflammations, by stopping bacteria and microbes eruption. - Asthma, by clearing the respiratory ways and enhancing the system’s power to recover from asthma crisis. - Headaches and blood clots, by nourishing both the nervous and the circulatory systems. - Dandruff, when applied topically at room’s temperature. How to make Yucca Tea Infusion Preparing Yucca Tea Infusion couldn’t be any easier. Just use a teaspoon of dried leaves for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 15 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain and drink the tea hot or cold. However, you need to pay attention to your bowel movement. If you notice anything unusual, lower the amount of herbs you’re using. Yucca Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yucca Tea is safe, just make sure you don’t take more than 3 cups per day. High dosages may lead to a number of complications, such as stomach upset, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting. If you’ve been taking this tea for a while and you’ve noticed some unusual changes in your general health, talk to a specialist as soon as possible. Yucca Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yucca Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, if you’re on blood thinners, anticoagulants or preparing for a major surgery, avoid taking a treatment based on Yucca Tea at all costs. If your general health is good, but you’re still unsure about this tea, talk to a herbalist in order to gather more information about the risks and benefits of Yucca Tea.... yucca tea benefits

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