The meaning of the symbols of yellow, evening, primrose seen in a dream.

Yellow Evening Primrose: From 1 Different Sources

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Author: Health Dictionary

Yellow Fever

An arboviral (flavivirus) disease, also a zoonosis, being essentially a disease of forest monkeys, which under certain conditions can be transmitted to humans. A vaccine is available.... yellow fever


(Latin) The first rose; resembling the flower

Prymrose, Primula, Primulia, Primrosa, Prymrosa... primrose

Evening Primrose Oil

An oil that is extracted from the seeds of the plant

OENOTHERA BIENNIS, commonly known as the evening primrose. The oil contains an anti-inflammatory substance called gamolenic acid, and is believed by some to be of benefit in treating eczema and premenstrual syndrome.... evening primrose oil

Spatterdock Or Yellow Water Lily

Nuphar species

Description: This plant has leaves up to 60 centimeters long with a triangular notch at the base. The shape of the leaves is somewhat variable. The plant’s yellow flowers are 2.5 centimeter across and develop into bottle-shaped fruits. The fruits are green when ripe.

Habitat and Distribution: These plants grow throughout most of North America. They are found in quiet, fresh, shallow water (never deeper than 1.8 meters).

Edible Parts: All parts of the plant are edible. The fruits contain several dark brown seeds you can parch or roast and then grind into flour. The large rootstock contains starch. Dig it out of the mud, peel off the outside, and boil the flesh. Sometimes the rootstock contains large quantities of a very bitter compound. Boiling in several changes of water may remove the bitterness.... spatterdock or yellow water lily

Yellow Dock Tea Benefits

Yellow Dock Tea has been world-wide known as a great alternative remedy in cases of liver and blood affections. Yellow Dock is a perennial plant that can be found almost anywhere in the world, but which is original from Northern America. Although its name is Yellow Dock, the herb has a reddish-brown color with boiled and eaten leaves. The roots are the most important part of this plant since they are used for medical purposes mainly. The leaves can also be used as a treatment, but they are not very efficient, even if the pharmaceutical companies have been using them for a long while in order to produce face cleansers and anti-aging tonics. Yellow Dock Tea Properties The main property of Yellow Dock Tea is that it can be used as a treatment on its own as well as an adjuvant to other treatments, depending on the concentration and the doctor’s advice. The active ingredients of this tea are: emodin, magnesium, silicon, tannins and oxalic acid, which can only be found in the roots. Yellow Dock tea is a powerful stimulant and it has laxative properties, so it’s best not to use it in case you’re already suffering from diarrhea. Yellow Dock Tea Benefits Yellow Dock Tea is an important alternative medicine ingredient, thanks to its active substances, which are very versatile and can be used in treatments concerning many affected areas. Some say that Yellow Dock could easily be added as an adjuvant to absolutely any kind of medical treatment, in adequate quantities, of course. If you’ve already tried it, you probably know that Yellow Dock Tea is very useful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Digestive problems, such as deficient bowel movement, gastritis, enteritis. Yellow Dock tea can release the enzymes that your body needs in order to recover from these affections. - Poor body detoxification, by helping the urinary and digestive systems to release endorphins. - Heavy-metal poisoning or poor liver function, by increasing the liver cells and reconstruction the damaged tissue. How to make Yellow Dock Tea Infusion Preparing Yellow Dock Tea Infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of Yellow Dock roots for every 2 cups of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 10 minutes for the wonderful benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold, adding ginger, honey or lemon, if the taste seems a bit unpleasant to you. However, don’t drink more than a cup per day and only for a short while (1 to 3 weeks). Yellow Dock Tea Side Effects If you’re using freshly-picked leaves, use them with moderation. When taken properly, Yellow Dock Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause a number of problems, such as upset stomach, internal bleedings and nausea. If you’ve been taking it for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual episodes, talk to a doctor immediately! Yellow Dock Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yellow Dock Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from diarrhea and some serious diseases which imply the ingestion of blood thinners or anti-coagulants should avoid taking it at all costs! To gather more information, talk to a specialist. Once you are well-informed, give Yellow Dock Tea a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... yellow dock tea benefits

Liver – Acute Yellow Atrophy

Necrosis. Fatal disease in which the substance of the liver is destroyed. Incidence is rare since the public has been alerted to the dangers of certain chemical toxins, fumes from synthetic glues, solvents, and poisonous fungi.

Symptoms: jaundice, delirium and convulsions.

As it is the work of the liver to neutralise incoming poisons it may suffer unfair wear and tear, alcohol and caffeine being common offenders.

Treatment for relief of symptoms only: same as for abscess of the liver.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute yellow atrophy

Yellow Spot

see macula.... yellow spot

Yellow Fever Vaccine Is Prepared From

chick embryos injected with the living, attenuated strain (17D) of pantropic virus. Only one injection is required, and immunity persists for many years. Re-inoculation, however, is desirable every ten years. (See YELLOW FEVER.)

Haemophilus vaccine (HiB) This vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1994 to deal with the annual incidence of about 1,500 cases and 100 deaths from haemophilus MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA and EPIGLOTTITIS, mostly in pre-school children. It has been remarkably successful when given as part of the primary vaccination programme at two, three and four months of age – reducing the incidence by over 95 per cent. A few cases still occur, either due to other subgroups of the organism for which the vaccine is not designed, or because of inadequate response by the child, possibly related to interference from the newer forms of pertussis vaccine (see above) given at the same time.

Meningococcal C vaccine Used in the UK from 1998, this has dramatically reduced the incidence of meningitis and septicaemia due to this organism. Used as part of the primary programme in early infancy, it does not protect against other types of meningococci.

Varicella vaccine This vaccine, used to protect against varicella (CHICKENPOX) is used in a number of countries including the United States and Japan. It has not been introduced into the UK, largely because of concerns that use in infancy would result in an upsurge in cases in adult life, when the disease may be more severe.

Pneumococcal vaccine The pneumococcus is responsible for severe and sometimes fatal childhood diseases including meningitis and septicaemia, as well as PNEUMONIA and other respiratory infections. Vaccines are available but do not protect against all strains and are reserved for special situations – such as for patients without a SPLEEN or those who are immunode?cient.... yellow fever vaccine is prepared from

Evening Primrose

Oenothera biennis L. German: Echte Nachtkerze. French: Onagre. Italian: Stella di sera. Keynote: Prostaglandin precursor. Unrefined oil is expressed from the seeds that yield gamma linolenic acid and an essential fatty acid. Whole plant is edible.

Action. Anticoagulant, nutritive, demulcent, anti-eczema. Reduces blood clotting time, which is of value for thrombosis. A precursor of Prostaglandin E1 which inhibits abnormal cell proliferation and reduces blood pressure. Reduces serum cholesterol levels. Externally: to protect moisture balance of the skin.

Use s. Stops platelet-clumping. Dilates coronary arteries and removes obstructions. Intermittent claudication. Raynaud’s disease. Said to slow down the progress of multiple sclerosis. Pre-menstrual tension and breast pain. Said to arrest rheumatoid arthritis in moderate cases. Prevention of liver damage. Dry scaly skin disorders; eczema, acne (with zinc). Soft brittle finger nails. Abnormal tear production. Hyperactive children. Mental depression. Diabetic retinitis. To allay the ageing process. Alleviates hangovers. Alcohol habit. Pruritus. Combined with Vitamin E which acts as a protective antioxidant. Trials have shown that the oil has significantly improved sensory function: muscle weakness, arm tendon reflex and numbness – which signs may be reversed in diabetes.

Preparations: “Efamol” 500: comprising 500mg Evening Primrose oil; 10mg natural Vitamin E. 4-6 capsules daily depending on requirement, for 6-8 weeks.

To maintain EFA and GLA levels. “Efamol” 250: comprising 250mg Evening Primrose oil; 200mg Safflower oil; 50mg Linseed oil; 10mg Vitamin E. 3-4 capsules daily, regularly.

Vitamins B6 and C; and minerals Magnesium and Zinc assist its action. Features in a wide range of cosmetic products as a moisturiser.

Poultice: leaves and flowers for abscesses, boils, etc.

Not given in epilepsy. ... evening primrose

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