Yellow Fever Vaccine Is Prepared From: From 1 Different Sources
chick embryos injected with the living, attenuated strain (17D) of pantropic virus. Only one injection is required, and immunity persists for many years. Re-inoculation, however, is desirable every ten years. (See YELLOW FEVER.)
Haemophilus vaccine (HiB) This vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1994 to deal with the annual incidence of about 1,500 cases and 100 deaths from haemophilus MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA and EPIGLOTTITIS, mostly in pre-school children. It has been remarkably successful when given as part of the primary vaccination programme at two, three and four months of age – reducing the incidence by over 95 per cent. A few cases still occur, either due to other subgroups of the organism for which the vaccine is not designed, or because of inadequate response by the child, possibly related to interference from the newer forms of pertussis vaccine (see above) given at the same time.
Meningococcal C vaccine Used in the UK from 1998, this has dramatically reduced the incidence of meningitis and septicaemia due to this organism. Used as part of the primary programme in early infancy, it does not protect against other types of meningococci.
Varicella vaccine This vaccine, used to protect against varicella (CHICKENPOX) is used in a number of countries including the United States and Japan. It has not been introduced into the UK, largely because of concerns that use in infancy would result in an upsurge in cases in adult life, when the disease may be more severe.
Pneumococcal vaccine The pneumococcus is responsible for severe and sometimes fatal childhood diseases including meningitis and septicaemia, as well as PNEUMONIA and other respiratory infections. Vaccines are available but do not protect against all strains and are reserved for special situations – such as for patients without a SPLEEN or those who are immunode?cient.
A serious viral haemorrhagic fever of humans harboured by small rodents such as the multimammate mouse of West and Central Africa.... lassa fever
Typhoid and Paratyphoid. Septicaemic diseases caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi.... enteric fever
See MONONUCLEOSIS.... glandular fever
Fever, or PYREXIA, is the abnormal rise in body TEMPERATURE that frequently accompanies disease in general.
Causes The cause of fever is the release of fever-producing proteins (pyrogens) by phagocytic cells called monocytes and macrophages, in response to a variety of infectious, immunological and neoplastic stimuli. The lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) play a part in fever production because they recognise the antigen and release substances called lymphokines which promote the production of endogenous pyrogen. The pyrogen then acts on the thermoregulatory centre in the HYPOTHALAMUS and this results in an increase in heat generation and a reduction in heat loss, resulting in a rise in body temperature.
The average temperature of the body in health ranges from 36·9 to 37·5 °C (98·4 to 99·5 °F). It is liable to slight variations from such causes as the ingestion of food, the amount of exercise, the menstrual cycle, and the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere. There are, moreover, certain appreciable daily variations, the lowest temperature being between the hours of 01.00 and 07.00 hours, and the highest between 16.00 and 21.00 hours, with tri?ing ?uctuations during these periods.
The development and maintenance of heat within the body depends upon the metabolic oxidation consequent on the changes continually taking place in the processes of nutrition. In health, this constant tissue disintegration is exactly counterbalanced by the consumption of food, whilst the uniform normal temperature is maintained by the adjustment of the heat developed, and of the processes of exhalation and cooling which take place, especially from the lungs and skin. During a fever this balance breaks down, the tissue waste being greatly in excess of the food supply. The body wastes rapidly, the loss to the system being chie?y in the form of nitrogen compounds (e.g. urea). In the early stage of fever a patient excretes about three times the amount of urea that he or she would excrete on the same diet when in health.
Fever is measured by how high the temperature rises above normal. At 41.1 °C (106 °F) the patient is in a dangerous state of hyperpyrexia (abnormally high temperature). If this persists for very long, the patient usually dies.
The body’s temperature will also rise if exposed for too long to a high ambient temperature. (See HEAT STROKE.)
Symptoms The onset of a fever is usually marked by a RIGOR, or shivering. The skin feels hot and dry, and the raised temperature will often be found to show daily variations – namely, an evening rise and a morning fall.
There is a relative increase in the pulse and breathing rates. The tongue is dry and furred; the thirst is intense, while the appetite is gone; the urine is scanty, of high speci?c gravity and containing a large quantity of solid matter, particularly urea. The patient will have a headache and sometimes nausea, and children may develop convulsions (see FEBRILE CONVULSION).
The fever falls by the occurrence of a CRISIS – that is, a sudden termination of the symptoms – or by a more gradual subsidence of the temperature, technically termed a lysis. If death ensues, this is due to failure of the vital centres in the brain or of the heart, as a result of either the infection or hyperpyrexia.
Treatment Fever is a symptom, and the correct treatment is therefore that of the underlying condition. Occasionally, however, it is also necessary to reduce the temperature by more direct methods: physical cooling by, for example, tepid sponging, and the use of antipyretic drugs such as aspirin or paracetamol.... fever
Query Fever. A zoonotic febrile illness caused by the rickettsial organism, Coxiella burnettii. Is a particular hazard to abattoir workers but also causes problems to farmers, veterinarians and other farm workers. A vaccine (QVAX) is no available.... q fever
A preparation of dead particulate or weakened bacteria or viruses prepared for injection into the body so that antibodies are formed to prevent disease (eg polio). Detoxi fied but genetically potent toxins (called toxoids) can also be used (e.g. tetanus and diphtheria)... vaccine
An arboviral (flavivirus) disease, also a zoonosis, being essentially a disease of forest monkeys, which under certain conditions can be transmitted to humans. A vaccine is available.... yellow fever
An infection in humans caused by a small gram-negative BACILLUS (Bartonella henselae). The domestic cat is a reservoir for the bacteria, and up to 50 per cent of the cat population may be affected. The disorder manifests itself as a skin lesion 3–10 days after a minor scratch; within two weeks the victim’s lymph glands enlarge and may produce pus. Fever, headache and malaise occur in some patients. Antibiotics do not seem to be e?ective. The skin lesion and lymph-gland enlargement subside spontaneously within 2–5 months.... cat-scratch fever
See BRUCELLOSIS.... malta fever
So-called because of the characteristic temperature chart showing recurring bouts of fever, this is an infectious disease caused by SPIROCHAETE. There are two main forms of the disease.
Louse-borne relapsing fever is an EPIDEMIC disease, usually associated with wars and famines, which has occurred in practically every country in the world. For long confused with TYPHUS FEVER and typhoid fever (see ENTERIC FEVER), it was not until the 1870s that the causal organism was described by Obermeier. It is now known as the Borrelia recurrentis, a motile spiral organism 10–20 micrometres in length. The organism is transmitted from person to person by the louse, Pediculus humanus.
Symptoms The incubation period is up to 12 days (but usually seven). The onset is sudden, with high temperature, generalised aches and pains, and nose-bleeding. In about half of cases, a rash appears at an early stage, beginning in the neck and spreading down over the trunk and arms. JAUNDICE may occur; and both the LIVER and the SPLEEN are enlarged. The temperature subsides after ?ve or six days, to rise again in about a week. There may be up to four such relapses (see the introductory paragraph above).
Treatment Preventive measures are the same as those for typhus. Rest in bed is essential, as are good nursing and a light, nourishing diet. There is usually a quick response to PENICILLIN; the TETRACYCLINES and CHLORAMPHENICOL are also e?ective. Following such treatment the incidence of relapse is about 15 per cent. The mortality rate is low, except in a starved population.
Tick-borne relapsing fever is an ENDEMIC disease which occurs in most tropical and sub-tropical countries. The causative organism is Borrelia duttoni, which is transmitted by a tick, Ornithodorus moubata. David Livingstone suggested that it was a tick-borne disease, but it was not until 1905 that Dutton and Todd produced the de?nitive evidence.
Symptoms The main di?erences from the louse-borne disease are: (a) the incubation period is usually shorter, 3–6 days (but may be as short as two days or as long as 12); (b) the febrile period is usually shorter, and the afebrile periods are more variable in duration, sometimes only lasting for a day or two; (c) relapses are much more numerous.
Treatment Preventive measures are more di?cult to carry out than in the case of the louse-borne infection. Protective clothing should always be worn in ‘tick country’, and old, heavily infected houses should be destroyed. Curative treatment is the same as for the louse-borne infection.... relapsing fever
An acute febrile illness, usually seen in children, which may include ARTHRALGIA, ARTHRITIS, CHOREA, carditis (see below) and rash (see ERUPTION). The illness has been shown to follow a beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection (see STREPTOCOCCUS).
Rheumatic fever is now extremely uncommon in developed countries, but remains common in developing areas. Diagnosis is based on the presence of two or more major manifestations – endocarditis (see under HEART, DISEASES OF), POLYARTHRITIS, chorea, ERYTHEMA marginatum, subcutaneous nodules – or one major and two or more minor ones – fever, arthralgia, previous attacks, raised ESR, raised white blood cell count, and ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) changes. Evidence of previous infection with streptococcus is also a criterion.
Clinical features Fever is high, with attacks of shivering or rigor. Joint pain and swelling (arthralgia) may affect the knee, ankle, wrist or shoulder and may migrate from one joint to another. TACHYCARDIA may indicate cardiac involvement. Subcutaneous nodules may occur, particularly over the back of the wrist or over the elbow or knee. Erythema marginatum is a red rash, looking like the outline of a map, characteristic of the condition.
Cardiac involvement includes PERICARDITIS, ENDOCARDITIS, and MYOCARDITIS. The main long-term complication is damage to the mitral and aortic valves (see HEART).
The chief neurological problem is chorea (St Vitus’s dance) which may develop after the acute symptoms have subsided.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease occurs subsequently in at least half of those who have had rheumatic fever with carditis. The heart valve usually involved is the mitral; less commonly the aortic, tricuspid and pulmonary. The lesions may take 10–20 years to develop in developed countries but sooner elsewhere. The heart valves progressively ?brose and ?brosis may also develop in the myocardium and pericardium. The outcome is either mitral stenosis or mitral regurgitation and the subsequent malfunction of this or other heart valves affected is chronic failure in the functioning of the heart. (see HEART, DISEASES OF).
Treatment Eradication of streptococcal infection is essential. Other features are treated symptomatically. PARACETAMOL may be preferred to ASPIRIN as an antipyretic in young children. One of the NON-STEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) may bene?t the joint symptoms. CORTICOSTEROIDS may be indicated for more serious complications.
Patients who have developed cardiac-valve abnormalities require antibiotic prophylaxis during dental treatment and other procedures where bacteria may enter the bloodstream. Secondary cardiac problems may occur several decades later and require replacement of affected heart valves.... rheumatic fever
A fever of the typhus group (see TYPHUS FEVER). It received its name from the fact that it was ?rst reported in the Rocky Mountain States of the United States; these are still the most heavily infected areas, but the fever is now found in all parts of the US. The causative organism is Rickettsia rickettsi, which is transmitted to humans by tics.... rocky mountain spotted fever
An infectious disease caused by Rickettsia quintana which is transmitted by the body louse. Large epidemics occurred among troops on active service during World War I. It recurred on a smaller scale in World War II, but is now rare.... trench fever
See ENTERIC FEVER.... typhoid fever
Often called the TRIPLE VACCINE, the injections produce immunity against DIPHTHERIA, whooping cough (PERTUSSIS) and TETANUS. The vaccine is given as a course of three injections to infants around the ages of two, three and four months, together with haemophilus in?uenza B and meningococcal C vaccine as well as oral polio vaccine. A booster injection is given at school entry (see schedule in IMMUNISATION).... dpt vaccine
A regularly recurring fever... intermittent fever
See ENTERIC FEVER.... paratyphoid fever
Description of intermittent fever with paroxysms developing every fourth day. Usually applied to MALARIA.... quartan fever
An infectious disease following the bite of a rat. There are two causative organisms – Spirillum minus and Actinobacillus muris – and the incubation period depends upon which is involved. In the case of the former it is 5–30 days; in the case of the latter it is 2–10 days. The disease is characterised by fever, a characteristic skin rash and often muscular or joint pains. It responds well to PENICILLIN.... rat-bite fever
The term applied to the form of fever in which, during remissions (see REMISSION), the temperature falls, but not to normal.... remittent fever
A virus disease, caused by a phlebovirus and transmitted by mosquitoes, at one time con?ned to sub-Saharan Africa and predominantly found in domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. The only humans affected were veterinary surgeons, butchers and others exposed to heavy infection by direct contact with infected animals; these usually recovered. In the 1970s the disease ?ared up in Egypt, probably owing to a more virulent virus. The illness in humans is characterised by fever, haemorrhages, ENCEPHALITIS and involvement of the EYE. An e?ective vaccine protects both animals and human beings against the disease (see IMMUNISATION).... rift valley fever
A vaccine obtained by treating the POLIOMYELITIS virus with formalin. This prevents the virus from causing the disease but allows it to stimulate the production of ANTIBODIES. Salk vaccine is given by injection and protects the recipient against the disease. (See also IMMUNISATION.)... salk vaccine
A combined VACCINE administered to produce IMMUNITY against typhoid and paratyphoid A and B (see ENTERIC FEVER). (See also IMMUNISATION.)... tab vaccine
The name applied to that type of MALARIA in which the fever reappears every other day.... tertian fever
Also known as DPT vaccine, this is an injection that provides IMMUNITY against DIPHTHERIA, pertussis (whooping-cough) and TETANUS. It is given as a course of three injections at around the ages of two, three and four months. A booster dose of diphtheria and tetanus is given at primary-school age. Certain infants – those with a family history of EPILEPSY, or who have neurological disorders or who have reacted severely to the ?rst dose – should not have the pertussis element of DPT. (See MMR VACCINE; IMMUNISATION.)... triple vaccine
Another name for BRUCELLOSIS.... undulant fever
Also called EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE. A usually fatal infection caused by a virus related to that of MARBURG DISEASE. Two large outbreaks of it were recorded in 1976 (one in the Sudan and one in Zaïre), with a mortality, respectively, of 50 and 80 per cent, and the disease reappeared in the Sudan in 1979. After an incubation period of 7–14 days, the onset is with headache of increasing severity, and fever. This is followed by diarrhoea, extensive internal bleeding and vomiting. Death usually occurs on the eighth to ninth day. Infection is by person-to-person contact. Serum from patients convalescent from the disease is a useful source of ANTIBODIES to the virus.... viral haemorrhagic fever
A tropical viral illness, also called dengue, that is spread by mosquitoes.... breakbone fever
An inherited condition causing recurrent bouts of fever. (See familial Mediterranean fever.)... periodic fever
Cerebral hyperemia. See Poe, Edgar Allen... brain fever
A tick-borne arboviral infection extending in distribution from Eastern Europe and Asia through to Southern Africa.... congo-crimean haemorrhagic fever
(Syn. “Breakbone fever”) A flavivirus, dengue virus types 1-4, transmitted by infected specific Aedes spp mosquitoes. Sudden abrupt onset of high fever, headache, retrobulbar pain and lumbosacral pain. Fever lasts 6-7 days and may be ‘saddleback’. Initial symptoms followed by generalised myalgia, bone pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and weakness. A transient mottled rash may appear on 1st/2nd day and a second rash appears with resolution of fever - at first on trunk, spreading outward. WCC and platelet count depressed. Mild haemorrhagic phenomena in a few.... dengue fever
Usually a second infection with a different serotype of the dengue virus (see dengue fever). A primary infection at a young age is common finding. Age of patient with DHF is often less than 5 years, but young adults may be affected. Severe illness with abnormal vascular permeability, hypovolaemia and abnormal clotting mechanisms. Bleeding into skin or internally. Dengue shock syndrome may also be a complication.... dengue haemorrhagic fever
A tick-borne disease found on Flinder’s Island, north of Tasmania. Zoonotic and caused by Rickettsia honei.... flinder’s island spotted fever
See MALARIA.... marsh fever
An old name for typhus fever (see ENTERIC FEVER).... putrid fever
A tick-borne spotted fever endemic to mainland Australia. Caused by Rickettsia australis.... queensland spotted fever
ee Epidemic Polyarthritis, Ross River Virus.... ross river fever s
Introduced in 1962, the attenuated live oral vaccine (Sabin) against POLIOMYELITIS replaced the previous inactivated vaccine introduced in 1956 (see SALK VACCINE).... sabin vaccine
Nuphar speciesDescription: This plant has leaves up to 60 centimeters long with a triangular notch at the base. The shape of the leaves is somewhat variable. The plant’s yellow flowers are 2.5 centimeter across and develop into bottle-shaped fruits. The fruits are green when ripe.Habitat and Distribution: These plants grow throughout most of North America. They are found in quiet, fresh, shallow water (never deeper than 1.8 meters).Edible Parts: All parts of the plant are edible. The fruits contain several dark brown seeds you can parch or roast and then grind into flour. The large rootstock contains starch. Dig it out of the mud, peel off the outside, and boil the flesh. Sometimes the rootstock contains large quantities of a very bitter compound. Boiling in several changes of water may remove the bitterness.... spatterdock or yellow water lily
Fever is a medical condition characterized by the elevation of body temperature above the normal range of 36.5-37.5 °C (98-100 °F). It is normally caused by an increase in the temperature regulatory set-point, which leads to increased muscle tone and shivering.
Fever can be caused by several conditions: from benign to potentially serious issues. Treatment to reduce fever is not necessary, unless the temperature is very high. Antipyretic medications can lower the temperature.
Hydration is vital in dealing with fever.
How tea for fever works
Tea for fever is usually successful in lowering the body›s temperature.
Efficient teas for fever
Studies revealed that Echinacea tea and Anamu tea are both efficient teas for fever.
Echinacea is a herb found in the Unites States: from Texas to Alabama, and from Kansas to Nebraska.
The flowers of the Echinacea plant are whitish rose to pale purple. It has brown fruiting heads and a thick, blackish root.
Generally, it is known as an immunity enhancer.
Echinacea tea is used to treat the common cold, influenza outbreaks and mild to moderate infections of all kinds.
Echinacea beverage as a tea for fever contributes to lowering the fever, due to its anti-inflammatory action.
To prepare Echinacea tea, infuse the leaves, stems, flowers and roots of the Echinacea plant in hot water. Steep them for 15 minutes. Strain it and drink it warm.
Anamu tea is often chosen by consumers due to its anti-tumors and anti-cancer properties.
As a tea for fever, Anamu beverage helps the body to fight against infections, boosting its immune system. It enables it to reduce the high temperature.
To prepare Anamu tea, place 30 grams of the dried anamu plant in one liter of boiling water. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Take it out of the heat. Let the mix steep for a further 7 minutes. It can be taken three times a day.
Anamu can also be found in powder tablet and capsules.
Tea for fever: Side effects
In large doses, teas for fever may cause side effects: vomiting, nausea, dizziness, heartburn.
Teas for fever are good to be purchased instead of traditional drugs. They act as an immunity enhancer and may lower the fever, thus improving the general state of the patients.
... tea for fever
Tick-borne spotted fever.... tick bite fever
A septicaemic infection of humans caused by Salmonella typhi. A similar but generallymilder enteric fever, paratyphoid, is caused by Salmonella paratyphi A,B,C.... typhoid (enteric) fever
An infective disease of worldwide distribution, the manifestations of which vary in di?erent localities. The causative organisms of all forms of typhus fever belong to the genus RICKETTSIA. These are organisms which are intermediate between bacteria and viruses in their properties, and measure 0·5 micrometre or less in diameter.
Louse typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by the louse, is of worldwide distribution. More human deaths have been attributed to the louse via typhus, louse-borne RELAPSING FEVER and trench fever, than to any other insect with the exception of the MALARIA mosquito. Louse typhus includes epidemic typhus, Brill’s disease – which is a recrudescent form of epidemic typhus – and TRENCH FEVER.
Epidemic typhus fever, also known as exanthematic typhus, classical typhus, and louse-borne typhus, is an acute infection of abrupt onset which, in the absence of treatment, persists for 14 days. It is of worldwide distribution, but is largely con?ned today to parts of Africa. The causative organism is the Rickettsia prowazeki, so-called after Ricketts and Prowazek, two brilliant investigators of typhus, both of whom died of the disease. It is transmitted by the human louse, Pediculus humanus. The rickettsiae can survive in the dried faeces of lice for 60 days, and these infected faeces are probably the main source of human infection.
Symptoms The incubation period is usually 10–14 days. The onset is preceded by headache, pain in the back and limbs and rigors. On the third day the temperature rises, the headache worsens, and the patient is drowsy or delirious. Subsequently a characteristic rash appears on the abdomen and inner aspect of the arms, to spread over the chest, back and trunk. Death may occur from SEPTICAEMIA, heart or kidney failure, or PNEUMONIA about the 14th day. In those who recover, the temperature falls by CRISIS at about this time. The death rate is variable, ranging from nearly 100 per cent in epidemics among debilitated refugees to about 10 per cent.
Murine typhus fever, also known as ?ea typhus, is worldwide in its distribution and is found wherever individuals are crowded together in insanitary, rat-infested areas (hence the old names of jail-fever and ship typhus). The causative organism, Rickettsia mooseri, which is closely related to R. prowazeki, is transmitted to humans by the rat-?ea, Xenopsyalla cheopis. The rat is the main reservoir of infection; once humans are infected, the human louse may act as a transmitter of the rickettsia from person to person. This explains how the disease may become epidemic under insanitary, crowded conditions. As a rule, however, the disease is only acquired when humans come into close contact with infected rats.
Symptoms These are similar to those of louse-borne typhus, but the disease is usually milder, and the mortality rate is very low (about 1·5 per cent).
Tick typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by ticks, occurs in various parts of the world. The three best-known conditions in this group are ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER, ?èvre boutonneuse and tick-bite fever.
Mite typhus, in which the infecting rickettsia is transmitted by mites, includes scrub typhus, or tsutsugamushi disease, and rickettsialpox.
Rickettsialpox is a mild disease caused by Rickettsia akari, which is transmitted to humans from infected mice by the common mouse mite, Allodermanyssus sanguineus. It occurs in the United States, West and South Africa and the former Soviet Union.
Treatment The general principles of treatment are the same in all forms of typhus. PROPHYLAXIS consists of either avoidance or destruction of the vector. In the case of louse typhus and ?ea typhus, the outlook has been revolutionised by the introduction of e?cient insecticides such as DICHLORODIPHENYL TRICHLOROETHANE (DDT) and GAMMEXANE.
The value of the former was well shown by its use after World War II: this resulted in almost complete freedom from the epidemics of typhus which ravaged Eastern Europe after World War I, being responsible for 30 million cases with a mortality of 10 per cent. Now only 10,000–20,000 cases occur a year, with around a few hundred deaths. E?cient rat control is another measure which reduces the risk of typhus very considerably. In areas such as Malaysia, where the mites are infected from a wide variety of rodents scattered over large areas, the wearing of protective clothing is the most practical method of prophylaxis. CURATIVE TREATMENT was revolutionised by the introduction of CHLORAMPHENICOL and the TETRACYCLINES. These antibiotics altered the prognosis in typhus fever very considerably.... typhus fever
Yellow Dock Tea has been world-wide known as a great alternative remedy in cases of liver and blood affections. Yellow Dock is a perennial plant that can be found almost anywhere in the world, but which is original from Northern America.
Although its name is Yellow Dock, the herb has a reddish-brown color with boiled and eaten leaves. The roots are the most important part of this plant since they are used for medical purposes mainly.
The leaves can also be used as a treatment, but they are not very efficient, even if the pharmaceutical companies have been using them for a long while in order to produce face cleansers and anti-aging tonics.
Yellow Dock Tea Properties
The main property of Yellow Dock Tea is that it can be used as a treatment on its own as well as an adjuvant to other treatments, depending on the concentration and the doctor’s advice. The active ingredients of this tea are: emodin, magnesium, silicon, tannins and oxalic acid, which can only be found in the roots.
Yellow Dock tea is a powerful stimulant and it has laxative properties, so it’s best not to use it in case you’re already suffering from diarrhea.
Yellow Dock Tea Benefits
Yellow Dock Tea is an important alternative medicine ingredient, thanks to its active substances, which are very versatile and can be used in treatments concerning many affected areas. Some say that Yellow Dock could easily be added as an adjuvant to absolutely any kind of medical treatment, in adequate quantities, of course.
If you’ve already tried it, you probably know that Yellow Dock Tea is very useful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions:
- Digestive problems, such as deficient bowel movement, gastritis, enteritis. Yellow Dock tea can release the enzymes that your body needs in order to recover from these affections.
- Poor body detoxification, by helping the urinary and digestive systems to release endorphins.
- Heavy-metal poisoning or poor liver function, by increasing the liver cells and reconstruction the damaged tissue.
How to make Yellow Dock Tea Infusion
Preparing Yellow Dock Tea Infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of Yellow Dock roots for every 2 cups of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 10 minutes for the wonderful benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold, adding ginger, honey or lemon, if the taste seems a bit unpleasant to you. However, don’t drink more than a cup per day and only for a short while (1 to 3 weeks).
Yellow Dock Tea Side Effects
If you’re using freshly-picked leaves, use them with moderation. When taken properly, Yellow Dock Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause a number of problems, such as upset stomach, internal bleedings and nausea. If you’ve been taking it for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual episodes, talk to a doctor immediately!
Yellow Dock Tea Contraindications
Don’t take Yellow Dock Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from diarrhea and some serious diseases which imply the ingestion of blood thinners or anti-coagulants should avoid taking it at all costs!
To gather more information, talk to a specialist. Once you are well-informed, give Yellow Dock Tea a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... yellow dock tea benefits
Hunting... yellow evening primrose
The flow of milk does not naturally commence until the third day after delivery when a slight feverishness with chill may be experienced. With filling of the breast and suckling by the child relief is felt. The condition is not usually in need of medication but where difficult, as it can be to anorexics and those in feeble health, a cup of Chamomile tea suffices. Combine with Skullcap for those of nervous disposition. ... milk fever
See puerperal fever.... childbed fever
A dangerous and highly contagious viral infection that causes severe haemorrhaging from the skin and mucous membranes. Ebola fever occurs predominantly in Africa. There is no specific treatment for the disease, which is fatal in many cases.... ebola fever
An inherited condition that affects certain Sephardic Jewish, Armenian, and Arab families. Its cause is unknown. Symptoms usually begin between the ages of 5 and 15 years, and include recurrent episodes of fever, abdominal and chestpain, and arthritis. Red skin swellings sometimes occur, and affected people may also suffer psychiatric problems. Attacks usually last from 24–48 hours but may be longer. Between attacks there are usually no symptoms. Although there is no specific treatment for familial Mediterranean fever, known sufferers can reduce the incidence of attacks by taking colchicine. Death may eventually occur from amyloidosis, which is a complication of the condition.... familial mediterranean fever
The common name for psittacosis.... parrot fever
Another name for leptospirosis. The term is also sometimes applied to malaria.... swamp fever
(spotted fever) see meningitis.... cerebrospinal fever
a disease caused by an *arbovirus and transmitted to humans by mosquitoes of the genus Aëdes. The disease is similar to *dengue and symptoms include fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, and an irritating rash. The patient is given drugs to relieve the pain and reduce the fever; the joint pain, which may progress to arthritis, can persist for up to three years after the infection. Chikungunya was first reported in Tanzania in 1952 and has since occurred in over sixty countries worldwide.... chikungunya fever
a disease caused by bunyaviruses that has occurred in the former USSR, the Middle East, and Africa. It causes bleeding into the intestines, kidneys, genitals, and mouth with up to 50% mortality. The virus is spread by various types of tick from wild animals and birds to domestic animals (especially goats and cattle) and thus to humans.... crimean congo haemorrhagic fever
see kala-azar.... dumdum fever
a group of rare inherited disorders characterized by recurrent attacks of fever and inflammation in the absence of infection. They include familial Mediterranean fever (see polyserositis), tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), and the cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS). Causative gene mutations have been identified.... hereditary periodic fever syndromes
a vaccine that provides protection against four different strains (A, C, W, and Y) of the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus) that causes *meningitis and septicaemia. It also prevents the carriage of the bacteria in the nose and back of the throat. In Britain it is offered to children aged 14 years and students going to college and university for the first time.... menacwy vaccine
(MenB) a vaccine that provides protection against the B strain of the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus), which accounts for more than 90% of meningococcal infections in young children. The MenB vaccine is offered to all babies with their primary *immunizations at 2 and 4 months of age and as a booster at 12 months. See meningitis.... meningitis b vaccine
(MenC) a vaccine that provides protection against the C strain of the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis (the meningococcus), which accounts for approximately 50% of all cases of meningococcal meningitis and tends to occur in clusters. Owing to the success of the MenC vaccination programme begun in 1999 there have been almost no recent cases of meningitis C disease in babies and young children in the UK. The vaccine was previously offered to all babies at 12 weeks of age but is now given at 12 months as part of Hib/MenC vaccine and at 14 years as the MenACWY vaccine.... meningitis c vaccine
(in Britain), a vaccine currently offered to all 2- and 3-year-olds in the form of a spray into each nostril. It contains live forms of the influenza virus that have been attenuated (weakened). The vaccine stimulates the immune system but does not cause disease in healthy people.... nasal flu vaccine
(joint-breaker fever) a disease of Africa and Malaysia, caused by an *arbovirus and transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus *Anopheles. It is similar to *dengue and symptoms include rigor, severe headache, an irritating rash, fever, and pains in the joints. The patient is given drugs to relieve the pain and fever.... o’nyong nyong fever
see bartonellosis.... oroya fever
see sandfly fever.... pappataci fever
a vaccine that protects against infection by the bacterium *Streptococcus pneumoniae, which can cause serious diseases, including pneumonia, septicaemia, and *meningitis. Children under 2 years of age and adults over 65 years are at particular risk. Since September 2006, the pneumococcal vaccine has become part of the childhood *immunization programme. It is also offered to people over the age of 65 as a single vaccination that will protect for life.... pneumococcal vaccine
n. (in psychology) a quality of some stimuli that makes them much more likely to trigger a pathological fear. For example, animals or high places are much more likely to become the subject of a *phobia than are plants or clothes. One theory is that individuals are genetically predisposed to *conditioning of fear to objects that have been a biological threat during human evolution.... preparedness
see malaria.... quotidian fever
see tularaemia.... rabbit fever
a viral disease caused by an *alphavirus transmitted by mosquitoes. Various vertebrates can be infected, and wild rodents may be reservoirs of the infection. The virus can cause epidemics of *polyarthritis and skin rashes (macules and papules). It occurs in Australia and the western Pacific region.... ross river fever
an oral vaccine against *rotavirus infection. In Britain it is offered to babies at 2 and 3 months of age, alongside their other childhood vaccinations.... rotavirus vaccine
an oral vaccine against (E954) poliomyelitis, prepared by culture of the virus under special conditions so that it loses its virulence (i.e. it becomes attenuated) but retains its ability to stimulate antibody production. [A. B. Sabin (1906–93), US bacteriologist]... sabin vaccine
a form of *malaria resulting from repeated infection by Plasmodium falciparum and characterized by continuous fever.... subtertian fever
any infectious disease transmitted by ticks, especially *Rocky Mountain spotted fever.... tick fever
a fever resulting from a serious injury.... traumatic fever
a viral disease caused by the West Nile virus (a *flavivirus), which is spread by the Culex pipiens mosquito. It causes encephalitis, with influenza-like symptoms, enlarged lymph nodes, and a bright red rash on the chest and abdomen. In patients with a weakened immune system (such as the elderly) it can progress to convulsions, coma, and paralysis.... west nile fever
see macula.... yellow spot